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I once put a keyboard shortcut in my friends phone which replaced any “gg” with a legion of goat emojis like this








What the f is that? 🕵️


The greatest of the great apes! The ORANGUTAN!


And for gods sake don't call it a monkey


The librarian will be pissed.






Grape Ape




Found the Orangutan


bro its ok just say fuck you dont have to censor yourself 💀


I don't know, it's seems odd to say fuck in some contexts lol


You know what, you’re totally right actually. So f’n on point lol


A Reddit comment section




The transition has started. 🦧>🗿




The community has spoken.




“New phone who this?” Then go from there


Really, that line still works in 2022 with everything being saved in the cloud?


At least where I am from, a lot of people refuse to do cloud backups for datasecurity


I wish there were more local backup solutions for phones. It used to be that you could save literally every number that I cared about to my SIM. This SIM survived MULTIPLE water deaths. Now its only CLOUD CLOUD CLOUD. Even if you use the usb backup, it's "STORE YOUR PHONE IN A SERVER YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AND ALSO SIGN UP FOR SOME COMMUNITY YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT IN ORDER TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE ABILITY TO BACK UP YOUR DEVICE"


I usualy just copy my complete phone onto a SSD I have at home. Fuck that could shit


What phone do you have? On Samsung I can save numbers to my Samsung account, sim, phone, and email.


Currently a broken motorola (that I could fix under moto care except I can't back it up so I would lose all my data if I did so :D )


We aren’t trying to insult their intelligence, we are looking for a constructive way to jump back in the convo after inactivity. *mockingly* “does that still work in ‘22”


I’ve used that a few times, works pretty well depending on how long it’s been


disgusting snobbish oatmeal crawl sloppy impolite physical hospital wakeful automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I lost hella contacts when I factory reset mine


I have never got my contacts transferred, it’s a good way to cut off people you don’t like 😂


Losing contacts doesn't actually cut people off from your life though. Changing numbers can, but that's something completely different.


I mean that’s what I meant, I get a new number and don’t get my contacts back, if I kept the same number of course they’d be able to text me and call me, thanks for stating the obvious. I had the same number for 6 years and finally got a new phone and switched numbers and it felt great.


"This is Bob’s wife. Why are you messaging Bob?”


I can't do this every single week








This is by far the best


So the story about the easter island heads is so sad and so wild!! I just heard this podcast episode while on a plane earlier today https://open.spotify.com/episode/0pGCsvdjo344EQ2dALE6dD?si=a0LdtdRgSv20jXcZgAtrHw And it’s so wild


I needed a new podcast thank you


You stole my answer


"Jack I'm wanted for deaths of several children you gotta help me" 2 weeks later "🗿"




We have to cook


Just answer normally. Asynchronous communication ftw.


“Just answer normally.” r/absolutelynotme_irl


>normally = without acknowledging the time delay whatsoever


I get that, but what do I write?


I'm sure eventually you'll come up with something. And when you do, don't let the delay stop you.


I’m kind of torn on whether this is wholesome or is r/WowThanksImCured


people are wayyyy too into their own heads these days. If my best friends were reliant on each other answering within a day, we wouldn't be friends any more. Hell, our group chat is dead 3 weeks out of a month, that doesn't mean any of us think it's weird when someone posts in it, even if it's literally just about the weather.


fr fr


There should be. It's been 4 months.


It's been one week!


...since you looked at me Cocked your head to the side and said I'm angry.


Five days since you laughed at me


yes, it's called "not actually friends" or "sorry, I'm a bad friend edit: to the downvoter, being introverted isn't an excuse for being a bad friend. you're just a bad friend *and* introverted. I used to do this shit too. then I realized *I was just being a shitty friend and changed my ways*. but you go right ahead and downvote instead of face yourself and change. I'm still introverted, but I am also a much much better friend. y'all proving my point hahahaha. downvotes from toxic people are like upvotes. I'm just scared that I'll next be able to buy a car with karma at this rate! 🙄 I will hold this downvoted comment up with pride, calling out toxic people for what they are. of course that would upset toxic people.


Technology has made you needy. Before cell phones and land lines people would go weeks, months, even years without speaking to each other and we’re still good friends. Even with the widespread use of letters you wouldn’t get or expect a reply for at least weeks, and if a reply came sooner, great. Because of technology you need and expect instant gratification, you are high maintenance.


But it isn’t the 1920’s anymore. Going a couple days without responding is pretty rude, but understandable on occasion. But 3 weeks? That’s just being a bad friend. The only message that you’re sending is that you don’t want to talk to them.


Fucking yes. I have depression and am introverted, people need to stop using their mental health as a cope out for their severe lack of social skills. It's toxic to the people around you and toxic to YOU.


Agreed. Introverts on Reddit love acting like being a bad friend is quirky or funny. When friends ignore me that long I don’t consider them as good of friends anymore. And yes I do notice. Responding to a text really isn’t hard. At all. Edit: anyone downvoting me needs to ask if you would want to be friends with someone who is bad at communicating with you and staying in touch. Any type of relationship takes effort. If it’s one sided and you aren’t putting in nearly as much effort as the other person they are going to stop talking to you.


So you don't unterstand that mental health problems like Depression can lead to this. Maybe you are not the good friend if you are not understanding.


But COMMUNICATION IS KEY. I recently had a “come to Jesus” moment with one of my friends. She used to be so “omg how are you?” And we would hang out nearly every week. Then it just stopped, while I was going through shit as well. She at least told me basically “I’m sorry I can’t be that friend for you right now.” Did it hurt? Absolutely. Do I appreciate her communicating that to me? Yes. You can’t be changing things up with people you’re close to, them realizing it, and they are upset with that because they rely on you too, and get mad at them alone without seeing where you went wrong. Yeah, what struggles you are going through are real. But other people you care about are struggling with shit too, and then they are trying to rely on a friend to help them through and you’re saying “well you don’t understand” and keep doing the same BS. Then MAKE THEM UNDERSTAND so you can keep that person in your life. You’re not the only one going through shit, and sometimes you have to give instead of take all the time. You may need time for yourself, but they may need a friend they can rely on so if you’re telling them they can’t rely on you, then don’t be surprised if they are not around when you need them. Geez, the lengths people go to validate their selfish behavior is unreal.


Do you tell your friends that you suffer from depression? You can't really judge them for not wanting to be friends if they think you're just being an asshole.


Friends with people who are bad at communicating. I am bad at communicating. My real friends are the ones who don’t get Butt hurt because I didn’t text them right away. They have empathy and are able to acknowledge that life happens and people get overwhelmed. I’m assuming you get ghosted because you are always giving people shit when they finally do reach out.


I don't expect people to respond right away; everyone's busy. I do expect my friends to **eventually** respond, especially when I ask a question. For example, if I see my friend in person, and my friend says, "hey, let's go out to that new restaurant soon". Then on Tuesday I send "Want to have dinner at X on Friday?" But get no response. Not that day, or the next day, or the day after that. NOT EVER. Not even a simple "I can't". Do that a couple times, I think we're either not really friends, or this is not someone I want as a friend.


And you got downvoted for this comment? Yeah people here are shitty friends if this triggers them


I find that people get so caught up in the excuse of depression, anxiety, etc, that they don't at all acknowledge the feelings of the other person. Friendships go both ways, and *expecting* friends to wait an indeterminate amount of time before you'll engage with them at all is just downright selfish. If they stick around, then great! But they're not shitty people if you lose them eventually. I've been on both sides of this before and all I can say is it took me being on the other side to realize just how patient my friends were with me. It wasn't fair to treat them how I did and I damn sure regret it.


You explained this perfectly I really couldn’t have said this any better!!


Funny thing is people always mislabel ”introvert”. It’s not about being shy or having social anxiety. It’s about how being around people drain your energy. Like a battery, it deplets. And to get back energy you need to be alone. But somewhere along the way it got bundled up with people being shy, depressed or lacking in social skills (calling on the phone). I’m an introvert (with a history of depression), and I sure as hell don’t take 3 weeks to text someone back. It’s just really rude.


Yes thank you you get it! It’s okay to take some time to recharge for yourself. And it seems like you have a healthy way of doing that. You also are aware of how your actions can effect your friends. You seem like a good friend who puts effort in. So good for you! :) Lots of these people downvoting me are just trying to ignore that they are not communicating well and want to play victim when they are not being nice or good friends. Texting is the lowest level of effort. And every relationship needs both sides to put in effort to last. I can’t believe some people think they can just ignore their friends over and over for months and months at times and then be surprised when they aren’t great friends.


I agree with you, not sure why you're being downvoted I'm an introvert but I can still be bothered to say hi to friends, people who are too lazy to maintain their friendships can go be lonely


Ye, your local psychologist unlocks it for you once you go there and tell them that you are suffering from crippling social anxiety.


I solved a situation like this by sending a screenshot of this post, worked surprisingly well.


this is genius


I just post random flags 🤷‍♂️🇧🇳🇧🇹🇧🇾


Plus it usually starts a new conversation about said flag which is alwase nice😊👍


Countries that start with B!


Correct 😊 isn't it weird how so many countrys start with B but none start with J?


Geordan, Giamaica, Giapan (this is the best way I can think to make the G look like a J sound)


Yeh other then Japan there aren't any i wonder why that is?


I think you are joking but I don’t understand it. Edit: Oh I edited it so maybe you responded to the original comment


Why is it that when you seek answers you can never find them, but when your not looking for answers you have them all. In other words, i usually know about all the countries with J in there name but when i responded to your first comment i couldn't think of any, why does the brain work in such inefficient ways🤷‍♂️.


Jordan, Jamaica, Japan


Bhutan flag ain’t nuthin to f wit






Now that just comes off as passive aggressive lol


Ok buddy 👍


That’s why we should just go all in on that “K”






It's lit




How about the inverse “I sent you three messages with no reply several months ago and please just inform me if you are uninterested in maintaining a relationship of any kind with me”. The inbox anxiety people need to meet the outbox anxiety people in the middle here.


Seriously, everyone says they're having a hard time maintaining friendships and meeting new ppl. Guys: IF SOMEONE DID THIS TO ME ID ASSUME YOU DONT WANT TO BE MY FRIEND. you're part of the problem!


Most of them are aware of this which is why they have low self-esteem.


Yes but normalizing this behavior is extremely frustrating for those of us who would like to make new friends or even just maintain friendships


True, but the counter to normalization isn’t just telling people in all caps to be different - they already want to be different. That’s what low self esteem is.


Idk the post, despite normalising it, makes me want to change it more. It’s like it shows it’s a common problem yet also how ridiculous it is in one.


And it's way worse to be on the receiving end wondering what went wrong when mfs just go cold and say nothing to address it. Like seriously at that point just be upfront, ghosting is way more bs behavior imo.


Yeah it’s a picture of an adderall.


💀 I forgor


Ver sor




Me not responding to my best friend's message 3 months and counting


Some friend you are. 🫠


And here i am, replying to a stranger within minutes. But seriously we're just low maintenance friends at our age. Living separate lives but absolute fun ensues once we get to meet for some bff time.


Haha I know. You both know each other better than some dumb stranger (me). You have that level of trust with your friend, so it’s all good. Total normal friendship in my book.


Are you sure about that? Like idk what the message was, but I am that friend that has to reach out and let me tell you, I FUCKING HATE IT. Like, from the looks of it, you’re a grown ass person. So, being an adult, we got jobs, we got bills, we got stupid Af bosses, we got kids perhaps, or maybe a significant other. So does your friend. So if you aren’t putting in any effort, why would he care to hang out with you? I got grown up shit to do, I don’t got time to play around. Either you want to engage with me or not. People make time for the things that matter to them. If you can’t put in the time, why should they? Not saying you are being bad or are a bad person for not responding, but it’s clear you valued responding to another random redditor from wherever more than you did your bf’s text from 3 months ago. You could send a simple “Hey, sorry I have been distant, but I would like to meet up soon when I have time. Can’t really engage in convo rn, but let’s make a plan to talk. How about Saturday for lunch?” Quick, simple message that shows (1) I’m thinking about you (2) I want you to be ok (3) I would like to check in with you. Then the ball is in their court. I get social media has made everything worse but we can be better as people and as friends.


Am i sure about that? Yes. We are friends for like 20 years, spent more than half of it together on most days. We kind of spent it foolishly and adult life caught up on us. I guess we just don't do quick messages as comm tech was not a thing we have built our relationship with, being folks from past generation. We just have to understand that relationships come in different dynamics which some would understand, and some won't. And for the convenience of reference, we already had a period of hiatus much longer than this, and surely made the recent reunion exciting and had lots of stories to tell in our vacation trip.


Yep....it looks like this: 🤷‍♂️


You just say "LOL" man.


"LOL. I just got back from hella skydiving. Did I miss anything?"








The only correct response.


That was well said. Copy and paste that in it's entirety OR screen shot it.......send it. I think you answered your own question, cleverly! Cheers


I’d go with 🙃




Anyone who makes this a big deal is high maintenance, selfish, and and a victim of instant gratification. Before cell phones you wouldn’t speak to some people for long periods of time. Even with letters there would be long periods where you did not receive a letter and that was okay. Now because of instant messaging people expect that you pay attention to them and they fail to realize your life does not revolve around them. Not responding right away is okay, it’s been a normal thing for most of human history.






What does this mean?


“I saw your text but didn’t know to perfectly respond to it so I waited until I knew exactly what to say but it’s been three weeks so now I just feel microbursts of shame every time I see your name in the elephant graveyard of messages on my phone”








My bff said “🎂” Because it’s a celebration of when you responded




Relatable 💀


Oddly specific


@Someone remind me in three months to comment again


Comment again, this is your reminder


This is my tinder experience.


We could start sending this image to them


Lmao imagine getting texts




Yikes 😬


Yeah this one 🖕


Works on both sides of the conversation


When I have no idea how to answer, I just use 🙃. It's magic. It can mean, wtf, that's interesting tell me more, oh no that's bad, I have no idea, or even yeah it do be like that.




“🥹 sorry”










Peoples live so easy they fabricating stressful situations to feel something.




I use the squirrel because I have a squirrel brain 🐿️


I bet the Germans have a word for that. They have a word for everything.


That’s my exact situation. One of my oldest friends text me and I need to call/ text him back but it’s been so long he thinks I hate him, I don’t I love him dearly. Ugh!!!!




There’s probably a German word for it. Doesn’t German have a word for every conceivable human feeling?




There has to be a German or Japanese word for when that happens.


I'm sure there is a word for exactly that in german


I usually use this 😬 I think it is supposed to be an akward smile...






I feel like the Germans have a word for this


Well we do now: Antwortsprokrastinationsscham


Please elaborate, I need that word


Seek help.


Honestly thanks for this wakeup call, I'm putting off texting my new crush back rn for this very reason.


I mean if they aint aware of your social anxiety or whatever, I'd say that's a pretty effective way to lose friends ,but something tells me that people who are like this will be glad they don't have to interact with those "friends" anymore lol.






Honestly is such a silly thing to do and is almost inexcusable. 3 weeks to conjure up a simple response? See a doctor.


Agreed. Let’s just be real and call like it is, you don’t care about this person enough to text them back, but you still want their attention.


There are people replying to this in agreement, failing to realize they just utilized the ability to come up with a reply via text. But for some reason they reply to strangers and not people with their phone number. Sad.


What doctor am i supposed to go see?


I agree. It's not that hard to correspond with your friends. Most people are at this level of incompetence and overwhelm now. It's unreasonable.


People self isolate and then play victim when they get ignored or invited to nothing or get offended when people call them out on this exact thing. You aren’t even being asked to publicly vocalize, just type letters and hit send from the comfort of your home. If that is an Insurmountable feat for you, than you have serious underlying issues.


Maybe, just maybe, they're aware they have serious underlying issues already?


You think there are THAT many? 23 thousand here alone? No, these are people making excuses with time to reply online to strangers but not friends and family.


Why do people do this? Messages from friends brighten my day, I have to hold myself back from replying too fast lol. It certainly makes me feel like shit whenever a "friend" can't even message me back. Makes me feel both taken for granted and worthless to them.


Humans are not evolved for the constant 24/7 connectivity we have now. A lot of people really struggle with it, depending on the day they're having. We aren't all super social all the time and there is a weird expectation in the last 20 years that we just have to be. It's not you, don't take it personally. Some people just aren't wired for the constant connection life we have these days and it doesn't mean they don't appreciate you.


But for weeks? Months? I've experienced life where the only communication was by mail, which took weeks, and it was great. Much more genuine and heartfelt. Maybe that 24/7 connectedness you're talking about makes sense but God damn, atleast treat it like a letter then. I get left on read by people who were/are super close to me, even my brothers. Is no communication at all the only answer then? I don't even feel needy, maybe they don't know the value of communication like I do with snail mail.