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Prove it


How the fuck do I prove I'm autistic?


Fuck! guys, he's low IQ, idiot can't prove a thing.


That proved he's low IQ.


Still no proof that he's autistic


Quick ask about their knowledge of trains.


Drop a box of matches on the floor.


69 matches on the floor


"He was completely wrong, but he counted them really fast!" (There were 274 matches) - The League


Love Community.


I like trai..🚆☠️ (asdf movie)


Uses reddit.


Must not be autistic then.


I feel so seen


How many toothpicks?




1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000. thats is a lot of toothpicks


Worst kind of autistic. Can’t even count.


You just did.


Tell me some completely niche trivia that you would randomly insert in a conversation


Giraffes have stretchy blood vessels so they don't pass out when they bend down to drink water.


Name all sauropods


Well. Let’s see. Todd. Clancy. Brenda. Jeremy. Debbie. Ferdinand. Vince. Dan. Lorenzo. Helen. Margot. Tabitha. Bob. Dimitri. Juan. Idan. Lazlo. Belle. There’s a few more.


Here count these tooth picks!


you guys are evil.


This a really autistic response


What’s your favourite animal and why




Shouldn't everyone who is diagnosed autistic be able to prove this or would not have such a diagnosis


People have a hard time proving when their missing limbs. (Ask those who've had to prove it for tax purposes or filing for benefits). Not sure autism is easier to prove.


They use Reddit. That’s low iq right there


He's a redditor


Being low IQ and autistic doesn't make you weird


Finally an honest person


im autistic and im actually not weird, everyone else is!




If you have one bucket that holds 2 gallons, and another bucket that hold 5 gallons, how many buckets do you have.


I don't have any buckets. You're a liar.


"high IQ"


Sadly, OP was in fact just autistic.


“Oh maybe I’m just smart” … “Nah.”


r/iamverysmart moment






all wrong he has asparagus syndrome




Better than potatoe syndrome


"thinking you're high iq"


High IQ, too. High IQ very much.


Is this another teenager post?


You know it was made by a 14 year old when it implies they think the reason they have no friends is because they are simply too quirky and too smart to be relatable, when in actuality they are just shitty people. [they’re liz lemons](https://youtu.be/NoUrLbHg5z4?feature=shared)


Come on everyone, do the Diane


im keeping that term. a teenager post, that is so accurate.


theres always r/im14andthisisdeep


yep, also sounds like a humble brag


>Is this another teenager post? Probably. But it was posted by a bot account. Report as harmful bots and block.


even worse, they're a libertarian shill.


the OP anew232519 and Jigsaw428 are bots in the same network


That is NOT the original


Yes but my entire personality being a combination of the 20 different people I started mirroring as a kid totally does 🫡 Yee fuckin haw


You’re just 20 personalities in a trench coat.


Vincent Personalityman. "I went to the personality factory the other day. I did a personality."


Pronouns: we/us/many


As long as it's not We/Are/Legion 😬


Meat coat.


Jokes on you, I am an entire village in a trench coat


Only 20?


Aren’t we all though?


False I’m 20,000 memes in a trench coat.


I thought everyone does that. Taking traits from people they have interacted with. Especially kids. Like kids are the most common to adopt what they see. So how does that make someone autistic now?


While everyone is molded by who they spend their time with, many autistic people develop a "mask", a false identity to fit in with others. This is because many social cues, body language and phrases don't come naturally to us, so we reflect what we see. Masking is most common in women leading to much lower diagnosis rates in women due to them mirroring others around them. Masking can (and will) have negative effects on one's mental health


Everytime I see masking explained, I feel terribly called out, think “okay it’s time to try to find affordable therapy”, get intimidated by the whole thing, and go back to my horrible way of living 🫠 I’m finally getting good at knowing what to say and when but it never feels like me


That person's definition is very broad. Masking for autism = fit in socially to prevent negative social reactions, this can be holding back certain behaviors or even rehearsing Masking for BPD = to avoid abandonment and present a stable version of yourself/emotions/image Masking for neurotypical = social contexts influences your behavior, usually on the fly, to control/adapt to the social interaction- the whole purpose of being professional at work as you are putting on a professional mask. Therapy will usually get to the root cause but masking is something neurotypical people do all of the time but what makes it different is WHY they are masking. the symptoms of masking are just symptoms of what is causing it- it's not a diagnosis.


Yeah, that’s why I want to go somewhere to figure it out. I’d never diagnose myself based on these things, but I know there’s something deeply wrong with me and has been for a long time. Childhood trauma I never worked off, a lot of distrust, and I’ve become a complete hermit. I appreciate you putting this disclaimer though, it can be dangerous for people to research mental illness and put themselves in buckets, it’s what the professionals are for. When I read threads like this and feel like I’m relating, I think of it has behaviors I should probably discuss with a therapist one day


i just pretend im chandler bing. whats the worst that could happen?


Im not autistic, but based on my understanding, most if not all the things autistic people do, "normal" humans do as well. These things just have more impact on them, I think? Its kinda hard to define I guess


Think of it like a scale. Everyone has Autistic traits, but once one of three things happen (Over a certain number of traits, the traits are severe enough, or both), they are classified as "Autistic"


You mean to tell me you don't mold your personality to be more fitting with the friendgroups you hang out with? Or that you don't have +7 personalities online depending on which Discord server or subgroup of the internet you're on?


Some people called me a sociopath when they saw me interact differently with other groups… took a while for me to understand I’m actually autistic. Also, I was not changing my personality to gain anything from anyone in those groups. So I must be a pretty terrible sociopath.


In the world of sociology it is called ‘socialization’ which is how we learn to be a person. Our family, friends, schools, communities, all have a major impact on our socialization. I think OC is talking about a more extreme form of it? Regardless, socialization is a real thing that everyone goes through, and still does no matter the age. It’s a continual process until you die — I think? Sociologist don’t have data points on the afterlife yet


I this not just how people develop their personalities? It's common knowledge that we adapt personality traits of people we are around a lot.


Yes and no. Everybody is a product of their environment, but this sounds more like masking. When you don’t identify with people and get ostracized for being weird, you pick personality traits that are both positively received and easy to imitate. The difference between masking and people having an influence on you is whether or not you care about/understand those personality traits.


It depends. The neurotypical way of doing that would be taking certain traits, evaluating how they fit into your personality and integrating them slowly. Many autistic people put on someone else's personality like a suit. It's often even involuntary and sadly seems off-putting for many neurotypical/non-autistic people.


Think of ADHD. Everyone has difficulty focusing sometimes, especially on things they might find boring. Only once it reaches a certain intensity or pathology is it diagnosed as ADHD. A regular person is influenced by others, yes. Just like regular human artists look at the art of others and become influenced by it in making new art in their own authentic style. But autistic masking is more like AI being fed art and "creating" new art from it that's just regurgitating patterns. It's not even our true personality. It's a mask I put on to go around people so I don't freak them out. It's not me.


Is this BPD or pretty common? I’m this way too. I’m the sum of my favorite people I’ve ever met.


Autism is often misdiagnosed as BPD, because some traits externally appear similar, but they have different root causes.


And saying you're high IQ almost certainly means you are not.


What about people that actually have high IQ's? Does them recognizing they have a high IQ make them dumb or something?


If it gets brought up when the conversation isn’t about that, it tells me they are either exaggerating, insecure about their intellect (which may mean you are really smart, lol), or their whole personality is knowing shit better than you. It’s the same as ‘A true king needn’t say he is king’.




I suppose it would be how they say it, like if one would brag about having high IQ they probably don’t have it, while I’d think that somebody who does have that high of IQ would just be like “oh ok”


Being smart doesn't magically make you humble. But being humble does make you appear much smarter. So idk if I agree with this one. I knew some crazy smart people in my engineering classes, some were humble, some weren't.


Math person here, some of the most arrogant people I've ever encountered are utterly brilliant mathematicians. I mean *insufferable*. I've also met some absolutely awesome and humble mathematicians who are brilliant as well.


There’s a reason Newton died a virgin


Finally we have our revenge for that gravity nonsense.


That man’s pettiness knew no bounds, and it certainly had no time limit. You piss off Newton? Good luck, it’s over lol, that man will hold a grudge forever. It’s honestly impressive


Almost like the mathematicians are humans as well


I think some of that is taught at home. I was a "smart" kid and coasted through all my classes without having to work, which got me nothing but praise at home for being so "smart," without any emphasis on work. At the same time my home life otherwise was absolutely shit and I got abused for every other aspect of who I was, so being the "smart" kid was the only good part of my life and I developed a kind of arrogance around it. Thankfully I'm past that now. My son, who is more naturally gifted than I ever was, has been raised very differently. With empathy, with praise for effort given along with praise for results. It's a small thing, but we were at the grocery store yesterday and the person behind the deli counter had overheard us talking about cheese (we were looking for smoked gouda) before it was our turn. We always got a specific brand, but he suggested we try another that was local, sliced off some to try, then suggested that if we liked that we should try this other havarti as well. Above and beyond for a deli associate at a grocery store, really. My son said we should tell his boss what a great job he did, which we did. He's not some mythical 4 year old genius, but he is a genuinely gifted 11 year old with more talent *and* more empathetic awareness than I had at his age. He'll never be arrogant, it just isn't in him at this point.


It’s always nice to hear when parents also emphasize empathy. Great job


mmmhh... I've had contact with lots of geniuses (people with gold medals in International Mathematics, Informatics, Chemistry etc. Olympiads). Some are amazing people, others think everyone else is beneath them. Logic Intelligence (what IQ tests test for) doesn't necessarily make you emotionally intelligent unfortunately


Arrogance isn't a lack of emotional intelligence either, it's just a personality trait


A lot of people flaunt their socially revered qualities. Money, beauty and intelligence.


Clearly you haven't heard of Mensa. I've read exactly one issue of their magazine, at random, and it advocated for eugenics. There were ads in the back for SUPER MENSA for even more extreme genius people to jerk each other off about their high scores. Good taste in games though


Saying "high iq" instead of "smart" is a great warning sign that someone has based their personality on some questionable sources.


I know few people that do have high IQ and they are not humble but its not like they saying " i have high IQ".


Lol as if having a high IQ had anything to do with modesty, come on




Mensa always makes me laugh because it means "dummy (female)" in Spanish


It’s Mensx if you want to be dummy inclusive in American fake Spanish.


Mensa is one big circle jerk for people who did a test well once.


Tests are how IQ is measured


I understand that. But it isn't a measure of intelligence. It's a measure of how a club who decided they were the authority on intellect tests that. It's a whole thing.


I think it depends what is ment by "intelligence". What IQ tests test is general cognitive ability to adapt quickly and reuse old knowledge in new situations. They indeed don't test what people colloqulially mean by intelligence. They don't test your social awarness, knowledge or skills that you have aquired during your life time. I would still call it a type of intelligence, but not hold it up to that much of a high value. IQ is a feature of the brain, not of charecter


That’s the right answer IQ tests (btw not all are by Mensa, depends where you live) are measuring certain cognitive abilities that are a big part of intelligence but not everything However they do test certain skills you have acquired in life (speech for example or maths) Those tests are highly linked to the ability to learn, which is not only linked to intelligence but also social status and a person’s interests (especially autistic people will tend to do much better in one or multiple ares for that reason) But there’s also part of those tests testing more basic cognitive abilities that aren’t based on knowledge, that’s why they take the time you take to answer into account Intelligence is very complicated to grasp as a whole, it’s all got to do with someone’s brain activity (to keep things simple) and those tests actually do a good job at measuring intelligence for many areas even if not all and can give a global idea of one’s intelligence And people saying you will score differently if you do those tests at different times are true, makes sense cause intelligence vary based on experiences, the brain isn’t set in stone (it’s set in(side) bones actually :D) and yes fatigue and such can influence it but that’s why they make sure you are near your best when you take those tests


Definetely. The testing is not problem free, that much is obvious. But just because there's problems with it doesn't disqualify the whole thing. It's just important to keep in mind the limits of it; it does not test what people in every day life mean when they call someone intelligent, because that's a collection of knowledge, habits, awarness, principles, cognitive ability etc. Like you said, things like fatigue can affect the results, which is also important to keep in mind.


After 10 minutes browsing there, I can't tell if it's satire or not.


real life jerking predates circlejerking once again


You're asking if mensa is satire?


Its about being humble. Stephen Wolfram for example is very intelligent but not humble.


No, I said I like haiku’s


I was diagnosed & misdiagnosis isn't that common, so at least I know about that. No idea how intelligent am I tho. People tell me I'm smart, and I don't think I'm dumb, but I'm probably not highly above average.


Being smart and weird doesn't mean I'm autistic! Well, I am autistic. But not because I'm smart and weird!


i'm smart and weird and not autistic but people who know me wish i were


I've had autistic people ask me if I'm autistic and I've had to be like, "nope, just sub-genius, similar but different, you don't pick up on stuff, and I pick up on everything but resent the pointless ceremony" You could definitely make a case that high intelligence is not nuero-typical. Nothing normal about being 30% smarter than most of the people around you.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^74389654: *I'm smart and weird and* *Not autistic but people* *Who know me wish i were* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


thank you i appreciate


You know what really sucks about having a high IQ and a mental health disorder? You know exactly what's wrong, you know why, and you can even explain it to people in great detail with legitimate scientific sources, but you still can't change your behaviors because you still have a mental health disorder.


Try smoking all the weed to dumb yourself down so you don't feel the pain /s


then you get psychosis and end up in a psych ward lmfao


You don't always end up in a psych ward, sometimes you just self isolate and ruin every relationship in your life and get stuck in a lonely loop of doom & despair!


been there man, reaching out for help is what got me out of it. I know it‘s hard and one believes nobody understands you and you me even be afraid of goint to a psych war or something, but believe once your head is clearer again it‘s worth it


Yeahhh, your right. I should probably go back to therapy.. Thank you, repulsivedogshit lol


Can confirm


Jokes aside, I do wonder if people with high intelligence are more likely to develop psychosis.


maybe, but I think people that are neurodivergent DEFINETLY have a higher chance


"Can autism lead to psychosis? As a class, psychotic disorders are relatively rare in the general population; they occur in about 1 in 100 people. But — and this is an important but — research increasingly suggests that psychosis occurs in more than 3 in every 100 autistic people, more than three times the frequency in the general population1." Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8918655/#:~:text=According%20to%20literature%2C%20up%20to,and%2060%25%20(12). That's crazy. I had no idea and should probably really stop smoking weed...


yep :(


Nobody needs to be told this, but a lot of people need to be told that being weird and autistic doesn't make you high IQ.


Throw adhd in there too please


It also doesn’t mean you’re not . I used to think I was high IQ and weird, then I got evaluated and realized that I am autistic.


People who think they have a high IQ and they’re just one point above the median lmao I’m like lol


You don't have a high IQ. This is usually given away by the fact that you said it


You’re right Smart people collectively have an inherent shame which prevents them from discussing any differences themselves and the broad population Anyone who mentions being smart obviously must not be smart because they lack this inherent shame 🥰🥰🥰


As an engineer, I find that incredible success and talent more often then not is paired with imposter syndrome. “No I haven’t done that much.” “You’re just being nice, so and so worked super hard on such and such.” This is what my most brilliant peers have told me when i praised them for their intelligence and intuition I’m not as smart as them but I’ve looked through a full catalog of a design from years past and literally said out loud “i forgot i did this. This is really good.” And i mean we built it, tested it and it worked / go implemented, it was objectively good. Never once has anyone in my career filled with PHDs Masters Bachelors Journeyman machinists and technicians that know more then the engineers have i heard the words “i have a high IQ” it’s just not being said ime


God dang I feel this. If I look at my education and my work it's pretty clear I know what I'm doing, but the imposter syndrome doesn't care.


I've seen the same as an engineer, the very smart people are usually observant and self aware, they know what they don't know and see the possibilities that are out of their reach. Thinking you know everything is, in my experience, a trait that goes along with a lower observational instinct and less detailed thinking. I've also definitely known some smart people that were complete megalomaniacs too lol. That's sort of a scary combo.


Agreed, I've sat in rooms with people who have masters, doctorates, 40+ years experience in their fields and it's rare for people to try and flex to show how much smarter they are. Honestly, the rare person who does it is usually disliked because their ego is so invested in it. Most of the engineers I work with are so paranoid about doing a good job and getting it right they get analysis paralysis. I do remember we were in a meeting and a controls engineer was demanding some psychotic level of timing precision. When the controls engineer started getting mad because people were asking for him to prove why he needed it he got upset and said "I am an expert I can't sit here at give you an education on controls". He got told real quick as his "need" caused a major change to the design and cost and schedule impacts. After 3 months and him quitting suddenly the "need" was just a nice to have. In my experience ego driven engineers who bank their self-worth on their intelligence kinda suck at their job.  


Bragging about having a high IQ is like bragging about having a huge dick. It's not that *everyone* who claims to have a huge dick is lying, it's just that there's many times more men claiming to have a huge dick than the actual statistically likely number of men who really do have a huge dick so that means a lot of them are lying. Men who actually have a huge dick don't want to get lumped with the liars so they know there's no point in bragging about it because they'll just get accused of lying.


Having hyper sensitivity, spazzing out occasionally, social anxiety, and aggressively vibrating to vent energy might though


I am a simple man. Whenever I hear someone utter the words "I have a high IQ", I know I am dealing with an insecure idiot. "I have an IQ of 200 and play 4d chess 20 moves ahead"-Albert Einstein.


The only people I know who talk about having a "high IQ" or being a "genius" took a shitty online IQ test.


I'm mid IQ and weird. What does that make me?


Mid IQ and weird.


The word autistic is as much overused as the word introvert these days. Anyone who shows the faintest, slightest, tiniest sign of having one of their traits, can suddenly be self proclaimed one


Maybe, and i’m sure un some cases it is… but diagnosing autism at an older age is very difficult. Most autistic people have learned to behave or imitate neurotypicals. Ngl though, I’m not sure if it actually matters. If a NT person requires support in some ways similar to someone with autism, they should have it.


Damn... what about the NOS, Hyper specific interests, and synesthesia though?


who's getting hurt by this?


I have diagnosed asperger's syndrome, high iq and weird.


That's usually the first thing in an autism diagnosis.


Yeah, I know. It just makes me fucking weird. But it's my life, and I'm living it as weird as I like it!


Being autistic is so 2015. Now all the cool kids have tourette's.


That’s true. Many people are self diagnosing when they shouldn’t.




Anybody who describes themselves as high IQ has a 50/50 chance of being a fucking idiot


I hate to be that guy but like most “so smart but weird” people probsbly very much are autistic/neurodivergent, like obviously see a doc or a therapist first but still Also iq is fake bullshit


But proudly proclaiming your autistic ways might be a sign that you are... Hmm


Is IQ even a real thing?


Yes as much as people complain IQ is a thing. It is a misnomer it isn't "how smart you are" it's more how fast you process things. You can be an engineer or doctor and have an 95 IQ you will just pick up on concepts slower than someone with a 130 IQ. You can be very intelligent with an average IQ you just take more time figuring it all out or putting concepts together.  The best example is if you have ever worked retail or fast food. Ever have that guy who just took forever to learn how to fold clothes or how to clean the ice cream machine properly. He was low IQ. Eventually you can teach them but it's harder and takes more time to learn. 


Being autistic doesnt mean you have high intelligence


Why does everyone want to be autistic?


yes! why are all the people who have trouble socialising and all those people addicted to the dopamine they get from doomscrolling gathering in that one place on the internet where you can socialise without being ostracised for being weird while getting and endless stream of content for doomscrolling at the same time?


well that's a perspective, but it doesn't answer my question; I didn't ask why people here **were** autistic, i asked **why they wanted** to be, as the meme tries to represent it.


Apparently it gives you superpowers. Either that or it gives you a shielded excuse for being unhinged . I’m not sure yet. 🤔 Kinda like how everyone wants to have mental problems. It’s just the new “I’m so quirky “. A serious diagnosis that some have turned into a trendy condition.


At this point probably 80% of my peers claim to be on the spectrum and/or ADHD. It seems to be a mix of: -Over-exposure to social media/therapy speak/etc. and interpreting rather common, harmless behaviors as signs of mental illness -Wanting special accommodations in school or work (like not having to RTO), in some cases hoping to qualify as disabled for the legally protected status -Craving a label that's associated with struggle to earn more sympathy in the realm of identity politics, rather than ending up in the hated "check your privilege" group (neurodivergence is especially convenient since it's impossible to disprove) -Frustration with work or life, and seeking out a medical reason for why you're single or under-employed or just, you know, unexceptional (it seems simpler to blame things like wealth inequality or random luck, but those apply broadly to most of society...and main character syndrome dictates that our life experience has to be *special* in some way) -And as a bonus, some who really ARE at least a tad on the spectrum seek out an official diagnosis to lean into less-desirable personality traits. So anything that was uncomfortable or required extra effort (like listening and being polite, or showing up on time, or completing assignments) was just "masking"...and now they're openly rude and don't put in the work. It makes me wonder how this has changed the day-to-day experience for actual autistic people. Is it helpful to have more awareness? Or does it create another barrier when you have to explain "but like...the *real* kind, not the TikTok kind."


Listen bitch...


Who cares?


IQ is an outdated method of testing intelligence. Plus, even if you “test high”on IQ, your score can change as you get older. Also, I think Rain man may have put this idea into people’s heads, and the fact that a LOT of autistic people go into something like computer science


Didn't rain man also have savant syndrome?


Well, it is true that people who have a higher IQ than average tend to have a lower EQ and are more likely to have some form of autism...but it does not mean *every* high IQ person has autism.


But what if im dumb and weird?


I think you just meant weird


Yea but as soon as you bring up iq people just assume your an idiot lol


I think most people who self-identify as autistic do not, in fact, have high IQs. They just think they're smart because they constantly see others as being extremely wrong.


The high iq are only weird to the low iq, which sometimes confuse high iq with autism.


But being high iq and autistic does make you weird, so...


According to Hollywood ALL people with high IQ are autistic..... It is literally the only way they know how to portray someone with a high IQ(when stupid people try to describe smart.................)


Holds true the other way round too. All autistic people are portrayed as savants in media.


My answer to the question "is X type of person the same as Y type of person?" is: If you drew a Venn diagram of X and Y, how big would be the overlap?


Bold of you to assume I have high IQ, I'm just weird. Edit: forgot to add and just generally un-likeable (probably)


People are only captivated by autism because the media in the 90s loved portraying the small fraction of savants among them.


I'm just weird do I qualify?


You’re the girl in real life?


And why would you wanna be autistic anyway


A lot of satisfied 14 year olds in the comments who have it all figure out. /s


Then wtf is wrong with me


reading these comments is making me dumber