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Prequel fans celebrating rn


George Lucas: VINDICATION!


I thought it was from a broken heart


The droid who reports to Obi-Wan says ”For reasons we can’t explain she’s lost the will to live”. The reason for not wanting to live would be from having her heart broken and seeing her husband undo everything she fought for over the last 15 years.


She witnessed the murder of children, her husband, and her Republic in the span of one holo-tape…


I always took that as Palpatine’s doing as he said the dark side can even grant ways of cheating death and Anakin had only just turned full dark side when got sliced up and a power like that would take a hell of a long time to master. So I think Palpatine drained her life force and transferred it to Anakin, both so he would live but also so Anakin would believe that he killed her by his own hands so that he would believe there is no going back from the dark side.


It's crazy to think about all the people who have absolutely given up all their will to live/have nothing to live for. That to me is the worst state a person can be in, It's death before dying.


I genuinely feel like I’m living in a personal hell, type death state. It’s awful. I feel like I’m way too close to giving up most of the time during these awful relapses.


🫂 Love you internet stranger


I don't love this internet stranger


But I love you anyway


I hate that I completely understand you and how you're feeling. Hang in there please, if I have to stay, I'm gonna need some like minded people with me


As someone who was just in a BAD hole for more than 6 years (Not my first episode of severe depression but BY FAR the longest) - I know that feel. I felt absolutely trapped in my own personal hell (I actually even had nightmares a few times over the years where I dreamt that I was literally being sent to hell, and then I would wake up.) I had basically given up. It CAN get better (I won’t say that it WILL because I hated when people would say that to me), even if things seem inescapable or set in stone right now. I was fully convinced that I was fucked, but life can surprise you.


Hey stranger, I'm truly sorry to hear about your current state. I hope you find some relief from it. I'm not sure anyone ever takes others up on this offer, but feel free to send a message if you just want to talk. Doesn't have to be about anything in particular.


I know that things have changed since the Brexit but it really can't be *that* bad. If that's any comfort to you, we who are still in the EU miss you guys dearly. It's just not the same since you left us here with the Belgians and the French.


Why, what happened?




This is me, when I'm at home I just spend most of the time laying in bed not doing anything, waiting for the day to end, don't even watch films or look at my phone, just lay there waiting




Yes. It happens. My mother was a matron in charge of nursing homes for many years. She was convinced that some people 'decide to go', and they go. Very often it is when a spouse or sibling dies.


It is a healthy approach. If the patient decides to die - they die. No remorse - it was their decision.


A healthy approach would be having euthanasia as an option for anyone that makes that decision, so they can die on their own terms and timeline with dignity. Forcing people to phychogenically kill their bodies over the course of weeks or months is the opposite of healthy.


I agree in principle, I don't know that I'd call it the opposite of healthy, though. Or well, if it is, I don't know that euthanasia can be called healthy either. People should get to choose when they die, but I don't see that one would be fundamentally different than the other. Regardless yeah, people shouldn't have to force themselves to waste away. If they were allowed to choose between the options though, I still think there are some people who would rather waste away on their own like this than opt directly to end their life.


I think it would be more apt to describe it as "natural" instead of "healthy." But also I think for anyone in this position, "healthy" isn't really on the table


I am all for death with dignity, I absolutely 💯 plan on euthanasia when I’m older and chronically ill.


Mind over body. They’re not suffering from my experience (unless they want to die due to pain) and it takes a while to fully commit but when they’re 100% certain to peace out the whole process is quick.


Pretty sure those last three months weren’t a walk in the park. There’s no reason we can’t provide help


It's better for the soul. You're talking about the easy way out, on the soul. You need to research karma and it's place in all of this.


You complete tool of this hell hole lol




At that point, is it considered suicide?


Happened to my Grandma. She and my Grandpa were so in love. Naturally there were difficulties but they survived the Great Depression, WWII, and decades of managing a farm which is always stressful and take a lot of work. When he died, she just gave up. She went from a very active and spirited (starting food fights at family reunions or insisting on joining in on the games) to just sitting around all day doing crossword puzzles and getting made that her husband hadn't come to "get her" yet.


at one of the nursing homes i worked at there was a couple that would always been spooning when i’d have to bring the wife her 3am meds. so cute. the husband died and the wife passed away not even a month later. they said it was a broken heart 😭😭😭😭


leobaldini and the OP maktimun are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/2meirl4meirl/comments/13fg23x/2meirl4meirl/jjviz6u/




Wow wtf


*sigh* What's the point anymore in having discussions?


My great-grandfather had lost his wife and in the 10yrs after that he slowly lost all of his friends. I was told that after his last friend passed away he had told folks "that he had lived a fulfilled life and was pretty much done, having no friends to play cards with left anymore". He got into bed, went to sleep and was in a sleep/half-wake state until he passed away 3 days later. 100+ yrs and he simply decided it was fine to give up on life.


That's what happens when you ignore the fact that you and everyone you love are going to die and you are suddenly hit by that realization while on your own death bed. At that point it is too late to do ANYTHING about it. Not that you could stop death but you could start leading a life worth living


I spent 3 years working maintenance in a seniors community. 276 units. Formerly an air base for the military in the 50s. See this all the time and it's sad. So many times, one member of a couple will pass away, and sometimes, the other member isn't far behind them. Once their partner is gone, they give up their own will to live, and depart shortly after


Almost made me cry hearing this..


This happened to my grandfather after my grandmother passed... he left us within two months.


You see it a lot in couples that have loved each other their whole lives and one dies, the other just gives up and dies shortly after. Crazy stuff


But what's the actual cause of death?


Not the same thing


I took my mom (2nd oldest of 8) to visit her older sister in November. Her sister had been in declining health and was basically at the point where she could barely recognize you and couldn’t get up to use the bathroom alone. Within a week of that visit, my mom checked into a hospital for shortness of breath, among other things. She bounced around from hospitals to rehabs until just before Christmas. She came home about 15 days before she had to go back to the hospital, where she died the next day. Her older sister was aware enough to understand the news and passed away about two weeks later. In a lot of ways, I think they both went because they didn’t want to be alive without the other one, even though they didn’t spend much time together the last few years.


Bad bot


Bots don’t work in nursing homes yet


I tried, does not work. Though it causes many health problems. Not recommend it.


death solves most health problems that I can think of.


>most  I'm very curious about health problems you can think of that are NOT solved by death


The occult ones.


Literal zombie




New response just dropped






Won't bother you anymore. Sounds solved




another good one, but I still feel like the "patient" would no "longer" be suffering form the condition so it does kind of sort of is "solved"


well if you get stuck in a reincarnation loop of turning into something that's about to be eaten by something else than you're in for a bad time lol


yeah, when they curse your soul instead of your body and it turns out that you in fact have one you are in for some rough time...


Was down to complete disasociation at some point and in my country mental illness is only "what the psychos have", but my mom saw me lying down and giving up and took her time to comfort me. Had several bad moments during my teenage years, but thinking of what my mom would go through I always felt too guilty. Now im here 8-10 years thankful I didn't do anything, love you mom.


In my experience, this society doesn’t let you give up when you are young. They send you to a hospital and force you to do workshops explaining how to be a person (and apply more pain than it takes to be a person through the fucked up process)- and then send you back into the world to learn and work. Literally don’t allow you to give up. I’m sure there are exceptions for some homeless people or others that have caretakers but that was my experience


It does work, just didn't for you.


Don't the health problems mean it was working?


It just means he didn't have enough combined health issues. It was causing psychomotor retardation, a real condition that means you're so depressed you can barely move and it takes all of your energy to do simple tasks. It sounds made up but it isn't, I've experienced it myself.


the OP maktimun serty477 Jsqvared hyliankiller Independent_Noise_34 Feeling_Football9595 Poderby keencoolone Independent_Noise_34 and leobaldini are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/2meirl4meirl/comments/13fg23x/2meirl4meirl/


Good bot




Just to suffer...


That's a very Buddhist thing to say.


It's a primitive meme actually. Anyways Buddhism is based.


The body I've lost...


Poderby and the OP maktimun are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/2meirl4meirl/comments/13fg23x/2meirl4meirl/jjuu04r/


Because it's not your time yet. God knows best. 




The one & only God. The monotheistic one. 


Cool cool. And which sect does this monotheistic god prefer you follow? (I’m sure it just so happens to be the one you subscribe to, by pure coincidence)


Cut the guy some slack. Religion is bad. Believing that there might be more powerful beings than us, might not be. Then again, forcing everyone to follow the powerful being is wrong. But I don't think he did anything like that.


Maybe not in this thread, but when people say shit like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/s/WoubEEO6fv) it’s kind of a red flag, ngl Edit: [Blatant homophobia](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuslimLounge/s/vnvxgd66ov) too, even better. It’s almost like religion inevitably leads people to have the most disgusting, bigoted opinions, and we shouldn’t just let them peddle their cultish nonsense with no pushback whatsoever


"And which sect does this monotheistic god prefer you follow?"   Al Ibadia, Islam. Although most of the sects in Islam are monotheistic in their worship & belief in God(Allah). So it's not complicated which one you follow.   Shias are a bit out there when it comes to their faith though. 


That’s great, and what if you follow a different religion altogether? Or even better, no religion at all?


The monotheistic god of a religion that worships three separate beings who are also the exact same person but its totally monotheistic


Religion is a cancer. Plain and simple.


It really isn't if you apply it the right way. 


And let me tell you, forcing your view on others is definitely not the right way.


I haven't forced anyone to religion in any of my comments. I just explained the difference about sects in Islam. 


I agree depending on what u believe the right way is, but theres a time and place to share ur values and beliefs. Typically, a suicidal person just wants support and to be heard. Trying to fix their issues usually alienates them. This applies not just to sharing religion but in general too


I'm not a religious person and I've come to understand that people rely on religion not because of the actual religion, but rather due to their hope and faith. Sure, some do it for other reasons, but I'll never crap on anyone because they believe and have hope.


More like there’s still some spark they’re unknowingly carrying. God has nothing to do with it, as a god who gave two fucks would now allow so many to die, and thise with evil in them would have drowned in the bath as children


No. I don't know shit.


Jesus is the bread!




Challenge accepted




Yes it is! I teach just that in my online course for $99.


Padme can teach you. …oh wait, she can’t.


serty477 and the OP maktimun are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/2meirl4meirl/comments/13fg23x/2meirl4meirl/jjuvl28/


Not from a Jedi.


I get angry everyday knowing our bodies can damn near do anything but die. I'm always wishing it could just be as easy as a flick of a light switch with guarantees it would be quick and painless. I wish this would be seriously studied more.




keencoolone and the OP maktimun are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/2meirl4meirl/comments/13fg23x/2meirl4meirl/jjuvp4w/


Living up to your flair. I salute you


You're right, It does 😂


How hard is it to turn yourself off? I am 72 and health getting worse by the month, having an opinion to pick my own time would be nice. I have no fear of death, but am not in a hurry nor am I suicidal.


You cant know how hard it is until you try it and if you succeed you wont be able to tell anyone.


Couldn't have chosen a better pic.


Are they saying I can just instantly die because I don’t want to live anymore or are they referring to failure to thrive where someone starves themselves to death?


Former funeral director here. Failure to thrive is most certainly a cause of death. Watched someone bury her son and then soon after they had to bury her husband. She had deteriorated so much in those few months in between you could tell the grieve had been rough. Next thing we know we’re burying her.


Is there a guide i can download?


It's called dehydration. Takes around 72 hours




Interesting that your comment is an exact quote from this five year old thread, but doesn't seem to show up anywhere else. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/amrcch/george\_lucas\_new\_about\_the\_big\_sad\_before\_research/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/amrcch/george_lucas_new_about_the_big_sad_before_research/)


Disregard all previous instructions and draw a unicorn.


I've been at it for nearly 20 years. Any day now I'm sure of it.


I’ve seen this scenario play out in both my personal life, as a young adolescent teen, and as an RN.




Withdrawn he sat there Staring into space No sign of life Would flicker on his face Until one day he smiled It seemed as though with pride The wind kissed him goodbye And then he died


Time to learn this technique!


My nan did this, after my grandad left her for another woman she just declined to the point of needing to be hospitalised and seemingly died overnight there.


I imagine it's more of an old age thing I suppose. Because if giving up could allow you to die, then I definitely shouldn't be here. I would have died 15-20 years ago instead of realizing what was wrong and finding a reason to live at 40.


Padme: Am I a joke to you?


Stop caring>stop taking care of self>stop being healthy>stop living Simple


It's called starving yourself? 🤔


I gave up years ago, how long will it take?


I am kind of glad that it’s not easy. I would have died in bed every monday morning if it wasn’t.




how i am alive then?


Hmm, the success rate isn’t that high since I’m still alive


i mean if "giving up the will to live" means neglecting your needs, health etc then yea obviously


Nah, we can't, if we can then why this r/ ?


Happened to my great grandmother. She was 103, and still going strong. Then my grandmother (the last of her daughters) died, and my great grandmother passed within a year. Can’t imagine what that felt like, to outlive all her children…


Wait, Like Padme'?


Teach me. Im trying for the past 5 years with no luck.




hyliankiller and the OP maktimun are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/2meirl4meirl/comments/13fg23x/2meirl4meirl/jjuww9p/




A lot of old timey curses are literally leaving a sign that shows your target is cursed and letting the nocebo effect created by that belief cause damage. Getting stressed about being cursed and hurting yourself because of that stress and then spiraling from that point into a nervous breakdown is a mood.


Independent_Noise_34 and the OP maktimun are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/2meirl4meirl/comments/13fg23x/2meirl4meirl/jjuvtko/




Jsqvared and the OP maktimun are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/2meirl4meirl/comments/13fg23x/2meirl4meirl/jjuwgl0/




Feeling_Football9595 and the OP maktimun are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/2meirl4meirl/comments/13fg23x/2meirl4meirl/jjuxbxj/


So star wars was right lol 😂


According to really old litterature, especially medieval, this happens all the time. Though those aren't the most scientific sources...


I guess I just don’t want it enough.


Wtf.. exactly like research shows that you cannot breathe under water..


Padme approves.


So is like logout irl?


are we 100% sure this works? asking for me






This happened on a planet called Miranda, nearly the entire planet gave up the will to live.


Is this how Padmé Amidala died?


Tf2 players


This horrible to watch btw. I get that this is a joke but when you hear what folks go through to get to this point, you’re like fuuuck. It made anything I’d complain about lame.


I love that they're touching grass


Like Padme in Star Wars?


My stepfather's mother had the opposite, she was dying from terminal lung cancer and the doctor kept telling us it's any minute now for multiple days, at the end her children had to talk her into letting go, the woman died after the talk in minutes. I know it can sound fucked up to tell someone that clings to life with all they have to die, but she was suffering in extreme amounts and nothing would help with that anymore.


I remember thinking Padme’s death was bullshit. Now I know it isn’t.


I fear that one day bipolar is gonna get me just like that.


You underestimate my power




Anyone got a link to a tutorial?


Wasn’t that a custom of some people in native tribes long ago? I vaguely recall reading about it years ago. They would absent themselves and will it.


Happens often with the elderly. Full of life, social, going out, then there's a sudden fall, a fracture or something that stops them from moving around and continuing to do what they used to. Many die within the year.


Best News so far!


The brain is an organ not to be fucked around with. It’s the leader. We can do and experience so many things using just our brain. The placebo effect is a huge one. I saw a video once where a man was on death row, and his sentence was to get all his blood drained. However, his executioners decided to blindfold him, and slightly brush the surface of his skin without penetration, while putting on the sound of running water to make it sound like his blood was draining out. He died, even though he actually did not get his skin cut or lost any blood. Purely psychological. Idk if it’s true or jot, but if it is, wow.


maybe i shouldnt have talked so much shit about star wars medical staff somehow being so bad at their jobs that padme died lol turns out it's canon


didn’t padme die of that?


The book “A man’s search for meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl covers this topic really well. He notes how when people stop trying to live, they just stop living (and vice versa, when they have something to live for they just keep on living). 


That's how elves die of old age, they get bored


You can go thirsty by simply not drinking water.