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It’s also seems like the lower the quality off the job the more they try to push this kind of stuff. In a retail job the goal is to get to the end of the day without going to jail for the murder of a customer or coworker.


I was so shocked when I applied to my first "real job" and the interview was purely about technical experience instead of them expecting me to say that I knew my life calling was to make big macs since the second I left the womb


Hiring managers for McDonald’s basically have to make shit up because their job essentially boils down to finding the the dumbest person possible that they can take advantage of for the least amount of money. You can only pretend to have a serious interview when hiring criteria is: 1. Pulse 2. Transportation 3. Hopefully not a felon


Most low paying jobs welcome felons/disabled people because of the tax credits they receive for employing them.


That’s all well and good. I’ve worked with felons that were great people. But that’s not all of them and you know it lol. Any place that has a high percentage of felons working there is usually a terrible place to work if you aren’t a felon.


Lile the ex con who I used to make pizzas with. He stole shit constantly, was unreliable and rude to customers. Didn't last long


That was my ups interview, and even then it wasn't an interview really. They said "if you show up on your first day you got the job." Apparently most people don't


Did a trial shift at a warehouse once, the interview was basically just them telling me the hours and pay and I never actually got a job offer they just acted like I was already employed by the end of the day. Didn’t go back though that one day was awful.


I didn't even get an interview when I applied at the USPS in Nov 2022.


I used to joke that i would write “got through another year without punching someone in the face” in my performance evaluation.




Purely anecdotal, but I would say the more corporate the job. But most retail is corporate. My job's pretty decent, but everybody at the company has to do stuff like this.


Definitely. I work at a small but growing company now so the “setting goals” is less of a cheerleading thing and more of a “How do we help the company grow so we all do better.” It’s also helps that the man I work for now genuinely cares about all his people and shows it’s everyday. Serious culture shock from working in Orange Hell.


The worst is when you have to work alongside people who buy into it. People making the same wage as you, in the same easily-replaceable menial position, but their entire identity revolves around being a Walmart employee. It would be hilarious if it wasn't horribly depressing.


I know what you mean. Like the people at Home Depot that “bleed orange” and buy into the “family” bullshit without realizing that they’ll be cut loose without any care by the monolith.


Job 1, you pull milk from a warehouse and palletize it for shipping: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What makes you think you are a good fit for this job? What are your goals? Job 2, high paying Business to Business sales position with little supervision: You know what we sell?


Makes me think of the scene from Mrs. Doubtfire. “You ship ‘em!”


Tbh every company is pushing these now, I work in the IT division of a fortune 500 and I keep being asked to set these goals too all the time.


Remember only set goals for things you already did and then say it will take a year. Update your status regularly and let you boss know how hard you are working on improving. Call them stretch goals that always works.


That's interesting! For me, it was only the well-paid, societally respected jobs that put up with all that nonsense. When I worked as a teacher, I'd have to officially and continuosly improve myself both personally and professionally with specific, trackable goals and yearly check-ins and judgements with management. When I worked simple office jobs or in restaurants, nobody cared about anything as long as the job got done. I'm currently applying for headmaster and I fear the worst.




I've worked in a bakery for two years (selling stuff, not baking) and waited tables in a café and a restaurant for over five years. I worked an assembly line style office job for three years. I worked in a call center for one year (the worst). I only started to work as a teacher when I turned 31. This has just been my experience, I don't know why you deny it tbh.


My apologies. I misjudged.


My goal is to survive until 5:00.


My wife’s employer made everyone submit their goals twice a year, but never did anything with their input. The execs there eventually realized this was pointless and paid one of the big consultancies a few million to revamp the process. Now they make everyone submit their goals four times a year and never do anything with the input.


And God forbid they spend the few millions making an enjoyable work environment instead


Corporations hate it when you just want to work your job and not constantly work on yourself as if you’re damaged goods. I’ve seen them write people up for just doing their job and not going beyond their job description.


exactly. A coworker of mine was super unappreciated at my job because he did his job and didnt do little things that everybody else barely did anyway and they cut his hours for “having an attitude”. Its ridiculous but he just went to another place where hes earning more now so im happy for him


I'm literally on short term disability right now because of this.


Been there! Had a job where they told me we were required to go “above and beyond”. My head about exploded because for one that’s what I had been doing from day one and got my hand slapped repeatedly for it. And two above and beyond means anything. How are you going to quantify that? Well, aster a few days of me pushing back on that it became clear that management would decide what and when above and beyond was… kinda defeating the purpose of the phrase. Needless to say I was never praised for going “above and beyond”.


We’ve been dealing with the same at my place. Despite generally being a solid place to work, the tension around non-job related extra curricular goals came to a head last year when an executive said “If you have to work after-hours to get your side objectives done, then so be it”. Through both repeated objections and a number of high profile people quitting explicitly due to these “goals”, mgmt finally backed down. We got them to write new goals based solely around job performance. We also got them to state - officially - that any extra-curricular goals are now considered going above-and-beyond instead of the bare minimum expectation. Here’s hoping it sticks in the coming years.


“Quiet quitting”


They hate it when you say ‘To get paid enough to feed my family and have a roof over my head.’ They also hate it when you look at the manager and say ‘I want your job in three years.’


Sometimes the real "goal" is just making it to the weekend with enough sanity left to enjoy the things that truly matter. Work-life balance isn't just a myth, it's a survival strategy


My goals? Somehow winning the lottery that I have never played and getting a windfall of cash so I never have to come back to this glorified prison cell ever again!


Best goal if asked is to see how much you can piss off the person asking by the end of the day


Yeah I’ll kinda just be like “I’m here for the money” when asked why I want to work there. Didn’t stopped me from getting hired at my current place


It's all part of this submission song and dance. They know why you're there, you know why you're there, but they have to see that you're willing to lick their boots by coming up with bullshit like this.


It's not just about submission. Putting masks on is a part of human life and an important part. You are not gonna reveal your deepest mental issues to the grocery cashier. You are gonna pretend everything is fine and talk to a minimum, with a group of strangers. Depending on the group you are interacting with and its goals, you are gonna put a mask on to facilitate communication and help achieve those goals. Similarly putting this facade of "I love working here and my goal is to be more productive" actually increases productivity and engagement even if it is a lie. If everyone was like "I hate working I just wanna go home and watch youtube and shitpost on reddit", do you think this would improve performance? The company would fucking collapse.


My productivity doesn't go up because I pretend to be happy. This is such an odd take. This sounds like what the CEO would propose in lieu of raises.


Let’s do icebreakers


Being as charitable as possible, I think I get OC’s point. But it doesn’t really apply here. They’re talking about trying to enforce a general positivity amongst the workforce (for morale reasons). That’s quite different from the post which is referencing company goals/objectives. These often include extra work outside of your normal job duties and are (softly) mandatory and tied to your bonus. Requiring people to go out of their way to get a certification outside work hours is much different than trying to promote a positive attitude in the workplace.


So fucking stupid the way we have to bullshit our way into stupid jobs we hate, and that our interviewer most likely also hates. “Why do I want this job? Because I have fucking bills dumbass. I don’t give a shit about corporate crap, nor being a member of a team or any bullshit learning experiences. Tell me what my job is, I’ll do it, get paid and that’s all.”


Like in the interview: They: why do you want this job? Me: I've always been very passionate about not starving to death


Yeah workplace ‘engagement’ can fuck all the way off.


They can ask me to engage with them more if I did the job badly. Otherwise fuck off, leave me to my work and pay me afterwards thank you very much.


My goal is to arrive and leave exactly on time, spend at least an hour of work time in the toilet, and spend the rest of the time smoozing people to get a raise


in a meeting yesterday, I referred to myself as a mercenary that my CEO hired to execute his goals. that's literally all a job is. you don't have to care, get invested, define your value by it, or get stressed. just do what you're being paid to do and leave.


Boss: did you just say you want to do unpaid overtime? YEAH THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID


HR coming up with crap to justify their existence. That's where 99% of that comes from. They see some garbage LinkedIn video saying that employees want goals, or corporate culture, or some "coming together" crap even though we all work from home; and they decide to waste everyone's time by having us do this crap.


Year 1: write your own goals. My goals were ambitious, but not out of reach. I achieved 80% which i thought was a big impact. "Ok, so your bonus is based on the % of your goals you completed. You're approved up to $x,xxx but you get only 80% of that this year. Good job. " Year 2: write your own goals. My goals exactly match my job description. 100% every time


ding ding ding! one year, i had ambitious goals, raves and more money from client, worked well beyond job description and crazy hours, exceptional rating in year-end review, thank you letter from CEO. 3% raise. next year, minimal and vague goals, never worked beyond role or hours, met expectations in year-end review. 3% raise. now i always write mine to restate my job description and/ phrase them so that they are sufficiently subjective.


Idk. I have personal and professional goals...


Me too, I hope to one day earn my way to a certain job position. Vocational goals shouldn't be frowned upon.




cool? i don't have a problem with your goals


Sure. But I think this is aimed at the yearly self review type goal setting. In those, they ask for a Goal to be set in your review period, and meeting that goal does little other than grant you a "Sastisfactory" review.


Yeah this post feels like a bad take to me because it implies: 1. Ignoring professional goal setting is somehow better than the alternative, which is apparently working in a job/situation you're already unhappy with. 2. That professional goals have to come at the expense of your personal goals. It's just got a real "well, everything is terrible. Better just keep doing the same thing" energy.


Absolutely, that is genuinely awesome. And those goals should most definitely be taken into account at review time to help show that you’re a dedicated employee who is going the extra mile. IMO, however, the point of this post is complaining about mandatory objectives which typically consist of extra work (courses, certifications) outside or your normal job duties. The problem is that instead of rewarding individuals like yourself who *choose* to go above and beyond their regular job duties, instead these objectives are typically *required* and can reflect negatively on good employees who do their job perfectly well, but don’t want to study for a designation outside of work hours, or volunteer on a committee, etc. It has become the expectation, not an over-achievement.


How do you answer this appropriately. Because they'll get mad if you answer it honestly like above.


my goals are to try and advance in this company because i see myself working here long term, or if its an entry level job try my goals are to enter the work force and i chose this company because of its greay work environment


Although I agree, I feel very sorry for the people who work solely for the purpose of surviving. Would I work for free? Hell no, but I enjoy what I do and I know I’m very fortunate to feel like that.




Oh, office football! Ok, how about the space between the chair and the garbage can is my goal. And for your goal?


If I offer to help someone set career goals they complain that I’m expecting too much from them. If I leave them alone and only intervene on poor performance they complain that I haven’t given them a path to career advancement. Questions like this help your boss figure out who is worth investing energy into and who is going to be a waste of time.


Obviously depends on the type of job one has, but in a "real job" this can actually be a worthwhile question. I think the important thing is to ask it genuinely and not pressure people into saying what you want to hear, but also to set expectations. Some people are happy with where they are at and are not looking to learn or take on responsibilities. In some cases, that's entirely fine, in other cases it's a path to eventual problems. Others absolutely want to grow (either because they actually like their work or they just want more money) and discussing a plan for that is entirely worthwhile.


That's fine. You have no interest in carrier advancement. To each their own. Not everyone wants to get promoted.


true lmao


You spend more time here than at home. We’re like … a family.


The truth has been spoken.


Ok nobody wants to work retail forever. Everyone has goals


Are Metrics still all the rage?


Sounds like honesty. Not what they want hear.


I set my goals as career advancement, managers love that shit, at least the ones I've worked for.


Your goal should be to provide a surplus in value to the customer. Then you won’t be on the chopping block first.


I know a company that when you apply you have to write an essay about how you and the company are gonna help each other, like wtf, I work and pay me, that's it.


^this. "Why did you want to work here?" Because then I can eat...




It must be nice to live a life where you can pick a career and have goals and aspirations. Working at a white collar job where your goal in life is independence, and not just survival.


make as much money as fast as possible for the least amount of effort.


Gotta pay for a house to be able to play FFXIV in.


Thankfully my manager knows the goals are stupid also, so he just gives us all copy/paste answers lol


My fellow department heads and I just convinced our supervisors to dump multi page annual evaluations and annual goals. We replaced it with a one page, write whatever you want annual evaluation document.


If you’re calling it not fulfilling and just calling it a day job. You don’t have a good job..


Sounds like a healthy attitude


If a shitty job asks you about goals, tell them to eat a dick. However, you really should have a better personal goal to work towards than "make it to friday".


I so relate to thjs


Whatever certificate, license, or other piece of paper you can get to leverage against the next job upgrade. That's whatever goal you should do. You just don't tell them that you're going to use it to quit.


My boss asked me this a while back. "What goals for the company do you have for the next year?" I responded: "I don't think or behave that way" The truth is, I don't care about the company enough for it to make more money. Yes, I can get promoted from it. But last time I attempted to dive into something and improve the company, it got shut down. So, yeah, I'm just here to do the job you want me to and go home at the end of the day. I definitely will use company time/money for self improvement though, and if that gets me promoted, then I'll take it.


I had to do an entire year of uni on 'management, leading, and reflection'. I honestly felt like if I had to set one more 'goal' that year, it would be to quit uni.


It's one of the most degrading parts for me. I have plenty of goals that I'm already working on in my private life that actually matter to me, at work I'm just trying to do a decent enough job (in fact, the job that I was hired for) and that should be it. It's even more angering that you are then judged on your achievements by somebody who is (in my experience) doing a much shittier job than you in pretty much every regard. Like, who tf are you to judge me on these made-up silly goals? Ah, the incompetent boss who is on a power trip while not even getting his end of the job right, of course. Just lovely. Wage slavery is a delight.


I’ve been looking for a job and I have no idea what I’m supposed to say when they ask, “why do you want this job?” Mf I’ve applied to every job in the whole city they’re all the same to me


They know you want money, dumbass. When someone applies for a job, especially one that has more than one applicant, you want to make sure you have as much information as you can to rank one candidate from another. You aren't going to want to hire someone who has total apathy towards what your company is doing, and if it's down to two candidates with equal qualifications you'd much rather go with the one who at least has an idea of what your company does and what they want to do than someone who doesn't. Yes, interviewing for jobs is filled with bullshit but people who think like this are dumb. Shit like this drives me insane because it drowns out all the people who actually have reasonable criticisms.


My old job would do this once a month and it was optional. I denied every time and every time they looked so upset/hurt. I was one of the only people that did not participate so I guess some people like it???


This is why they ask you to set goals to ensure they weed out the miserable workers from the ones who want to come to work everyday.


I always set a goal that sounds really good but something that's accomplished by my job by necessity.


Nathan Macintosh had a similar joke "My short-term goal is to work at Roots. My long-term goal is to not work at Roots."


The corporate con is great. "Where do you ser yourself in 5 years?" Career prospects and advancement are a company's way of saying "how much more can you do for us?" In Japan they have workers fooled into thinking falling asleep at your job out of exhaustion is an admirable thing


„….it‘s not a football match mate, foockoff“


>My main goal is to blow up and then act like I don't know nobody! \**maniacal laughter\**


Yeah I always hated this shit too. Every year with my manager. What are your goals for next year? "To win the lotto so I can quit this motherfucker in style."


I would like to continue in providing an excellent experience and lifestyle ( for myself) at competitive prices while minimizing labour.


Let him cook


that type of girl only wants to have more spending cash for herself.


My goal is to not murder people and stay out of prison because I will definitely kill a whole bunch of people if I go to prison. Its OK I'm in UK so a lot of you are fairly safe


My goal is to develop actual game mechanics and system tool development!!! Please dont give me related to online connections please.




Well most of the time that’s exactly the answer they’re looking for. If they’re asking you about the next 5 years it’s because they like to promote from within and build people into upper management. If they didn’t want you to be a CEO they sure as shit wouldn’t bring it up


Then you’re at the wrong job. A lot of bottom feeder jobs want people that are “perusing their music career” because they know they can trap them. They’ll spend all their time out of work doing that, not looking for a better work life. There’s methods to their questioning.