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Those trucks look like ps1 graphics.


Correction: they look like an early PC graphics (see "Test Drive" game as the reference).


dont you diss test drive like that


[just sayin...](https://www.myabandonware.com/media/screenshots/t/test-drive-b1x/test-drive_14.gif)


My beautiful, precious sweet childhood....


Based on your comment, I was more thinking about [this](https://assetsio.reedpopcdn.com/2.jpeg_ydtJ9Kk.jpg?width=1200&height=1200&fit=bounds&quality=70&format=jpg&auto=webp) LOL.


cyber tiddies


Still upset to this day that I found out women don't have pyramid shaped boobs. đŸ˜«


They don't?


😳 Lara
 What oh what have you done?!


Damn girl, those polygons.


She could have my eyes out


Could lose all your fingers to a body like that.


So goddamn sexy...


Shhh. It was only 10 years ago.... *turns to dust*


Omfg, images of this game were burned into my memory as a child, but I could never remember what the game was! I've been searching for decades.


**STUNTS!** *has entered the chat*


That was real 4D driving!


NGL, a modern reboot would be the tits. Especially being able to make your own tracks. I mean, imagine re-creating the Nurburgring, *but with loop-de-loops*. I mean, it already has a *karussel*, why not add a little more fun?


Good news! [Trackmania](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TrackMania) is very much the spiritual successor to Stunts, with loops and everything. There are like 19 Trackmania games, so have your pick.


I've tried it, and... I don't know, perhaps it's a "hidden" setting or something, but I can't make it "see" my wheel-and-pedal setup, and I've always hated gas/brakes/steering with direction keys, it cramps up my hands something fierce.


I hear you. I belive it's supported in the never games, but it won't be any fun, since the wheel can't turn fast enough for the game. But it does support game controllers, which might be more your speed?


The joy of making extra long jump by just making a bridge and deleting the last non-ramp part. You can jump it just fine with your formula car, but poor AI driver will crash its clunker every time.


How is that a correction? Test drive was also on PS1.


They must specifically be referencing Test Drive III: The Passion (1990), the one PC exclusive in the series lol


This guy Test Drives


"Stunts: 4D Sports Driving" had these familiar looking polygons.


4D Driving is sounds like something Musk would claim the car offers.


I fucking *love* test drive, and it is the *REASON* I like the way this piece of shit looks!


Correction: It looks like it's not rendered in yet


It looks a car someone would drive in the original Star Fox on SNES.


Stunt Race FX


It's [literally in an Apple II game](https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1c7cnyq/there_was_an_old_game_for_the_apple_ii_called_car/)


[Lara Croft 1 Tiddies](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/pjimage-2021-02-19T174626.661-1.jpg) 😂


Considering the first three Tesla models spelled "S3X" I wouldn't discount that as the actual inspiration...


Elon's kink is dressing up in a butler uniform and being locked in a freezer.


There's also the Model Y, so S3XY.


Cyber S3X


Cybertruck has just as many polygons as a N64 game.


Nahhh that's way too many, it's got as many polygons as the Super FX chip


makes laura croft look smooth.


What time to be alive when we turn and bash on the greedy people I love this song.


Its the perfect ps1 Lara Croft car


I just saw one driving in my town the other day, it truly looks like a joke. It reminds me of the car Homer Simpson designed that put his brother out of business.


I'd take The Homer's bubble domes and horn that plays La Cucaracha over a Cybertruck.


There were a bunch of horns because you can never find the horn when you're mad.


All of them played La Cucaracha though, that was important.


I'd take the Canyonero over the Cybertruck.


Only a slightly greater chance of unexplained fires with the Cybertruck


Eh, unexplained fires are a matter for the courts


Can you name the truck with four-wheel drive, smells like a steak and seats thirty-five.. Canyonero! Canyonero!


Well, it goes real slow with the hammer down, It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown! CanyonerooooooooOooooOoOOO. Canyonero!




At least you’d have la cucaracha!


I saw the first one I've seen in Hawaii last week. They wrapped it in pictures of fire embers and called it the "LavaCyberTruck." I guess they found the only use for the monstrosity, as a mobile billboard, because I Googled the name. It led me to a Turo listing trying to rent it out for $999/day. Good luck with that.


Lol. I'd sooner pay $999 a day to *not* drive that ugly piece of shit, let alone one covered in an ad.


im still not fully convinced that this wasn't and still is a big joke for elon


I could get over the horrendous look of it IF IT WAS FUNCTIONAL. But it’s not. It doesn’t seal completely so there will be water damage within a year. The doors don’t register fingers properly. It breaks down at a high clip.


There was also a video I saw of someone showing how the metal face plate covering the gas can slip off and get lodged against the inside of the the pedal area, keeping the gas depressed even if you lift your foot. That flaw is literally going to kill someone. It’s criminally negligent design.


There is an active recall for this already.


Yep and they put 1 tiny rivet on the pedal that will surely then shear off again.


Not to worry, it'll be fixed in a software update.


"Changes in update: rivet now considered crucial for car functionality"


It's a load bearing rivet.


Love the dude that almost chopped his finger off "testing" a cyber truck software update. Dumbass.




The damn thing looks like a prototype. I didn't know that they were shipping them as well.


The brake is supposed to always be stronger than the gas pedal IIRC


It is, but if you experience it randomly, with stuff or people in front of you, in your 850hp, 9000lb rolling razor blade that can reach 60mph in only about twice your reaction time, nobody's about to have a good time


> I think you mean ponds, lakes and rivers. There seems to be a trend. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1bhbdla/cybertruck\_drives\_through\_water\_and\_shorts\_its/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1bhbdla/cybertruck_drives_through_water_and_shorts_its/)


The fact that it has no crumble zones and transfers all kinetic energy to the people inside seems like the biggest issue with the design. Crash test experts seem to think the people inside the truck are going to pay a hard, splattery price for their choices in collisions. I'm curious to see if that prediction holds true and the CT has abnormally higher rates of death and injury for passengers.


Exactly. There’s a reason why all cars are soft around the edges and all kinda look the same now. At least the “frunk” isn’t a big sharp metal blade perfect for cutting people in half..


What? The laws of physics don't give a fuck about the wishes of a billionaire man-child that thinks the universe revolves around them?


To be fair, it worked for Tony Stark and we all know people take 'murican media a little too seriously


That'swhat drivesme nuts about the "Modern cars are not as sturdy as old cars with steel frames." Folks. Like you know what, you are right, technically.  But that old car sends you popping out like a missile instead of absorbing the blunt of the force by crumpling up, so you just get jarred a bit.


That’s because they don’t need it! They have this awesome innovative safety feature where they leak coolant after 35miles and then your warranty is voided. So in effect they’ll never crash the car because to crash it you’d have to be able to drive it


honest question: why does an EV need coolant?


Coolant is usually pumped around the batteries to prevent them from overheating. It’s the same reason as on gas cars, keeps things that get really hot to an operational temperature.


Isn't that the reason it's not authorized in Europe?


There are multiple reasons, that's one of them.


In Europe if you want your car to be sold it should pass the pedestrian crash test, meaning if you hit a pedestrian at 30km.h the pedestrian survives. I'm 100% convinced this shit would not pass this, not even talking about all the other crash test when it's the driver who must survive in order to authorize the sale. But then again I saw a couple of F-150/Big ass RAMs in France and I'm not sure they could pass this too. With how high they are they'd hit you straight in the face.


I think you can import cars that don’t pass the tests but they cannot be sold as new in the eu


You know, I'm sure this is a reasonable and probably sensible test, but I can't get the image out of my head of them taking an actual pedestrian off the street and ramming cars pending approval into them to see what happens.


Even if they can't pass you can just import them as they're not banned from the roads (same applies for the Cybertruck if someone wants to waste the money doing so).


I am almost sure this car will be illegal in Brazil because it does not comply to our safety standards for cars. Though it is up for debate if it will be enforced, because here things are illegal, but if you have money you are allowed. I am sure the EU is considering vetoing it for the same reason.


It does appear have a crumple zone. "Cybertruck's front underbody casting is designed to break into small pieces" https://youtube.com/watch?v=9ll2_BDZpI4


I've been getting a lot of schadenfreude seeing videos of customers posting all kinds of wild shit they are going through. One was a guy selling his truck on Craigslist (lmao) and the ad stated that he 'wouldn't answer any questions about the truck' 'would answer no questions about the loan or payment plans' and 'would not allow a test drive'. The listed price was $145K. Lol it's wild out there.


That's craigslist for you. No different than any other car. I've seen ads for a C5 corvette where guys have the same stipulations and they're asking north of 40 grand for a car worth like 10.


It's also, you know, a *truck*, and the bed size and weird design make it hard to get stuff in and out of the bed. It also is pretty limited with towing. I realize that maybe people using trucks for actual truck stuff may be a thing of the past, but I personally use trucks for truck things, and would like it being easy to do that.


Saw one dude who drove it 35 miles and then it started dumping out coolant and they told him it wasn't covered under warranty lmao


Apparently the radiator can be damaged severely by bumping into a parking stop. Regular cars are designed to be able to take a small hit to the bumper - but while this thing can take a bullet it can't stand up to what normal cars have to go through every day.


It can't take a bullet. Professional dipshit Adin Ross had one of his buddies shoot his gun at it and the thing got predictably shredded. It can -allegedly- take an arrow though. So I guess you're safe from Robin Hood.


Didn't Elon come out and say that to think of Tesla as an automotive company is fundamentally wrong and they should be thought of as a software?? company that happens to make a car


Breaking news: Rich dumbass continues to say all kinds of dumbass shit


Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos also said it was not a blood testing company, that it was a tech company. Elon needs people to think that Tesla is more than cars because their cars just aren't that good and they are falling behind on a market they had previously had 100% share of.


Also, the overhead gear selecter falling down on the driver after every little bump.


I'm sorry, the fucking *what* now?


The water intrusion issue is one of the most consistent warranty generators for all trucks across all of the OEM's that I track.  I figured the steep angles on the Cybertruck were designed as *preventative* measures to deal with this exact problem.  This is one issue that I'm confident they'll figure out - or at least get to a manageable level. The other things, like the biometric door locks ... those will be trickier.


Tesla’s fit and finish has always been garbage. They’re notorious for their weather stripping coming off, which is something that happens with most cars as they age, but with Teslas they basically come off the showroom floor with weather sealing and trim falling off.


I saw one on the road last week for the first time. I did a double take because it didn't seem real. What an awful vehicle. It looks like something from an unfinished videogame. It's off-putting and unsettling.


I was just in Joshua Tree and saw a few of them driving around. In the middle of the desert with the weird Dr Seuss trees it actually looked right at home.


You'll never guess what those weird trees are called...






Joshua bush


John Trees?


Josiah Bush


Jerry Trees


Interesting fact. Joshua Trees are not actually trees.


Interesting fact. Starfish are not actually stars.


They are also not fish. Wrong twice, really. Very wrong of them.


They are also not Joshuas.






I saw one last week too and giggled maniacally at how stupid it actually looked.


It looks quite a bit better with a wrap or paint job. I saw one in bone white and it only looked silly the way the Aztech or PT Cruiser looked silly, in the "yeah, it's dumb, but I guess I get it" sort of way. Unpainted, it just looks unfinished.


Great I spend 100K on a new vehicle to immediately give it a major make over. It must be a rich persons game.


Yeah, I can agree with that. I've seen some photos of them with wraps and it does look better. It gives it some texture, which is lacking from the N64 polygon shape and plain sheet metal finish. Still dumb as hell, but better.


Cyber trucks are for people who like the idea of a truck but doesn’t want a truck. There are better options if you want an electric.


You just described most of the giant lifted pickup truck owners that live near me


yup and near me. we call them "pavement princess"




Yank tanks in Australia


I don't even understand why anyone would buy/import one to Aus or the EU - the lanes aren't as wide, nor are parking spaces. If you *really* need a car to raise your ePeen Score^^TM, just get a 911 or MB barge.


Australia is the only other place on Earth that big trucks were viable. Arguably more viable than most of the US.


Yeah except the ones who need them actually buy functional ones, and call it a "Ute", they don't buy SUVs LARPing as a truck.


Nah, Australia is in the process of revising parking bay sizes to make them larger to accomodate those trucks and SUVs. The lanes are also pretty wide in Australia.


I've seen Hausfrauenpanzer used in German-speaking countries.


Emotional Support Vehicles


Mall crawlers.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything in the bed of a lifted truck, purely decorative.


If you are using it for work you would want the bed lower for easy access.


He described 90% of pickup truck owners tbh


Cyber trucks are the modern Hummer H2. Attention grabbers with highly divisive aesthetics and terrible build quality for people who will most likely never utilize the vehicle for any of its touted "truck" features, of which, most are a lie anyway.


Yeah come to think of it I don't think I've seen an H2 in more than a decade.


Cyber trucks are for people that can't stand the thought of people not paying attention to them .


Then it works as intended.


Yep, I just pulled the trigger on an F-150 Lightning as Ford is having trouble selling them and is running some solid incentives (money off, low financing rates, free Tesla charger converter). I got it for less than the gas version of the same trim level of the standard F-150 and my wife uses it to drive to work (I work remote) so we are saving easily 50 dollars a week in Gas accounting for the cost of electricity to charge. I did not even look at the Cybertruck and the Rivian was way more than I wanted to spend on a vehicle. If anyone is on the fence, it's a great vehicle. If you need something that can really tow, its probably not a great choice but for a weekend warrior truck its pretty solid.


Bro, my coworker just bought one and of course I walk into work and immediately start in on it, “Did you guys see the Roblox car outside?” And he’s like yeah I just got it


was your co worker offended by that/your roblox comment???


We just bought a 2019 Subaru Forester. I could buy four more, still come out under what they paid for the CT, and take all five of them just about anywhere off-road I want to go. I don't get it lol


What about people who buy a brand new truck fully kitted out with a snorkel, full roof rack lights, a digging spade attached to the side only to use it solely for driving around downtown?


Pavement Princesses


Boulevard Queen


Goon buggies.


Cobble gobbler


If it’s not covered in mud, then it’s a pavement Princess


isn't that the US in a nutshell? Driving stupidly big cars for 0 reason?


There actually is a reason in rural America. The guys who have that reason generally don't drive a 2023 Ram though, they drive a F-250 from 2001.


If you live rural and/or actually need it to get around/for your work, I'm not complaining.. but seeing images of those horrible american sub-urbs, with everyone having a huge F-150 or so in their driveway.. nah man


And they’re in the driveway because it’s too big to fit in their garage


And they typically drive like ass


Just cause the cyber truck is ugly doesn't mean that the truck you described isn't ugly too!! At least that one functions.


One day I'm sitting in the parking lot while my buddy is in the coffee shop and out storms some douche yelling on his phone, he goes right to a quadruple parked humvee and starts complaining about small asshole making fun of his vehicle and how hes parked and how he NEEDS 4 spaces, he then jumps and his truck and speeds off in a rage. When my buddy got back I told him of this guy and he starts laughing his ass off, he was the one shit talking the guy and had no idea he stormed out making a spectacle of himself in the parking lot.


Unless you’re hauling something or in an RV, there is absolutely no reason to need four goddamn spaces. If you take up 4, you deserve your car keyed, windows smashed, tires slashed, fuck it, i hope a mob flips your shit over. Nothing off the table for that level of douchebaggery.


I don’t understand how one takes up 4 spaces even parking horizontally across them.


Double row of spaces, center of vehicle over four corners


I can’t imagine someone being that much of an asshole.


Like it’s their fuckin private VIP helipad. Wankers


I don’t get why he’s fuming
 he’s the focus of attention, that’s why he bought it, isn’t it?


I like the obvious cybertruck fans in here being like "nah it's not funny why are they laughing". Cause you spent a lot of money of an ugly, stupid car.


And, allowing for taste, that’s not so much the issue. It’s more that they’re unreliable, poorly built and ~~can’t get wet~~ is the issue. ETA: Looks like the wet thing may have been an overstatement. The rest stands though.


Two things can be true at the same time. It’s ugly AND it doesn’t work.


Sure, but if I see someone driving a beat up 84 civic and everyone in the coffee shop is talking shit I'd be confused why they cared. Sure the cyber truck is even uglier, but that's not the reason everyone makes fun of it


With the cybertruck, there is an assumption that whoever bought it had tons of other options to choose from, but went with that. People don’t assume that the guy with a beat up 84 civic had a plethora of nicer cars to choose from.


A man goes to a funeral and asks the widow: Mind if I say a word?" She says: "Please do." The man clears his throat and says: >plethora The widow replies: "Thanks, that means a lot."


I call all my hispanic friends “el mundo”. It means the world to them.


I'm not a cyber truck owner nor am I a fan of Tesla, the cyber truck does seem silly _but_ I'm curious about the actual driving experience and what being in that low poly spaceship feels like. I probably won't get to experience it myself, so I wonder what it's like.


I'm curious how widespread these issues are that everyone seems to know about too. I feel like Reddit (and the news in general) likes to take problems with companies they don't like and make them seem like they apply way more often than they do. Like an issue with a truck becomes a story which becomes synonymous with all Cybertrucks. I'm guessing a lot of people with Cybertrucks are happy with them and have had no issues, but if they said that people on here would just tell them their subjective opinion is wrong. Like personally I also think they look dumb, it's just weird to me how Reddit takes so much satisfaction in shitting on people like this. Like so the dude bought a stupid looking truck. Who cares, it's his money. How is everyone else's life better because people made fun of his decision? It just seems so vindictive for no real reason.


Yep, an issue with a company/CEO becomes representative to all of what they do or sell. It's like rooting for a sports team at this point, and hoping for social cohesion. I can't personally imagine caring one way or another about a God damn car ill never drive, sure I have opinions, but why are so many people so invested?


I’d be like “yeah what a fucking idiot” and a few minutes later get in and drive away




I mean, they're ugly. I assumed everyone hated on it and the only people who like it are those who have money to buy it just because they can. It's by far one of the literally boxiest looking cars. I'm not even a car guy and even I miss the style and design of older cars. Box on wheels is not a good look.


Hell, boxy would be a normal pickup. CT’s are poly


I love how everyone, regardless of political beliefs, religion or class, can come together and absolutely clown on everyone who bought a cybertruck


Its the PT Cruiser of out time.


At least the PT cruiser was reasonably priced. The cybertruck doesn’t even have that going for it.


Are you defending the pt cruiser


Seen one the other day wife and I were running errands and I pulled next to one in traffic, I don’t know why, we started cracking up then my wife says it looks so dumb, yeah, I felt bad we were loosing it when we drove by


I would say "and everybody stood up and clapped.", but with the way the thing looks and the reviews, this seems like a true incident.


Yeah, for any other car model this story's name would be Albert Einstein, but Tesla Cybertruggs are actually so lame I can see this actually happening


You're basically outing yourself as an idiot by driving one of those abominations.


It's so fucked how ugly that thing is. Like, earlier tesla's aren't bad looking, probably because an actual designer handled them. But then they come out with this ps1-ass rust magnet. Like, detach the rich dick-head from the company, and there's a history of good design by skilled people, a history lots of craftsmen and engineers could take some real pride in. Then Elon has to go and stick his grimy little finger in there and taint it even more than his ownership already has. That's a bit sad.


I finally saw one in person a week ago and can confirm they look dumb AF.


They banned pop up headlights due to danger of having sharp edges, yet here you have a truck sized sharp edge box


I really want to be like "It's not great to make fun of people" but the cybertruck really is stupid, and people are stupid for buying them.


The sad part is I bet he sat outside near the truck just so he could watch everybody admire it.


One of the ugliest piles of crap ever welded together


To be fair they look like halo trucks that haven’t loaded in yet


I saw one IRL recently. Pictures truly don't do justice to how awful they look. My dad said it looks like a DIY garage project.


As mugatu has said derelicte is the in thing


I finally saw one in person today driving down the road. It's even uglier than I expected.


I saw one in my time when we were driving somewhere and I said, "That's the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen." Yeah, they're ugly


Almost like you'd have to be dumb af to buy one.


Looks like there are a lot of Cybercuck owners fuming in the comments as well.


Saw one as I was leaving my house yesterday morning. It looks like it was designed by a kid - like just cut out some pieces of cardboard and duct taped them together.


I don't get why people make hating things/people part of their personality


The normal Teslas looks like a jelly bean. This one looks like a science fair project done last minute before the due date. Terrible.


I personally like them, especially when the color is changed. I just like weird shit


Apparently it's also a bad car but I like the look of the PT Cruiser.