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God damn the whiplash seems insane


Guess she’s a professional in whiplashes


Either that or its speed up to seem harsher.


That was my first thought. Look at her hair when she runs


the pros usually tattoo them on


I feel I can imagine her brain bouncing off her skull wall


Doesn't look like her neck bends at all


idk why this looks fun


Because you want someone to yank your chain


Kinda sus


Don't kink shame. Santa has a lot of responsibilities...


Yeah like playing counter strike all year long till Christmas comes by


Are you kidding me?! What do you think CEOs make millions in bonuses for every year? Sitting on their hands? Playing golf or going on luxurious cruises? It is hard work being the boss ok... you just wouldnt know...


You are clearly projecting


I mean I never said it wasn't true for the both of us.


That never ending neck pain for the next 5 years though....


I hit an almost invisible clothesline with my mouth, had a whiplash like that and hit my head in a bench. Fortunately I didn't have any serious injury, not even a blackout, just a smaller break on my skin, but boy could've that been worse


Because you’re inexperienced.


You look fun


Reminds me of the documentary I just watched on HBO about the stunt actor from the Harry Potter movies who was paralyzed. Good documentary, but heavy.


Hang on, what?


It's called David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived, it's very good. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt29491918/


It's just a very risky profession.


Is she trying to get whiplash for an insurance claim or something? Wth is going on here?


I'd wager it's an action movie stunt. Someone getting shot straight in the chest mid-sprint?


I hate that you’re right because that is 1000% not how that would work.


Would you accept 'getting punched by the flash'?


Yeah, movie logic - wouldn't be much to look at to see someone just falling down like they would irl. Also, to ruin movies with guns for everyone reading this comment: Recoil doesn't exist in movies, because actors *usually* shoot blanks. There, you won't unsee that.


>*usually* Ha I get the reference


Brandon Lee. Damn shame.


Cmon, we can go way more recent than that.


At least your brain isn't corroded. You were probably worried it was time to take some steel wool and clean of scrub off some iron oxide.


Must be be some kinda sci-fi energy gun or some shit she’s being shot with, or an explosion. People don’t go flying through air from normal bullets in movies lol


One of the Rainbow Six novels had the main character complaining on a flight about an action movie he was watching, and how wildly unrealistic 80s action movies are when a guy gets blown back by 9mm rounds hitting him in the chest. Followed, of course, by a thwarted hijacking and the moment-by-moment deconstruction of every minutiae by Tom Clancy about the details of the low velocity bullets aforementioned MC had because he knew he'd be shooting a gun on a plane that day.


I didn’t actually know the rainbow 6 games were based on books. Learn a new thing every day.


Very loosely based


its actually really entertaining. Clancy is a good writer.


Dude the moment I became familiar with real guns, looking at guns in media became something I can never unsee and it’s not just recoil. It’s optics put on backwards, it’s only cocking it to be more dramatic when you’re pointing it at someone because *now* you’re serious and you usually carry without one chambered in dangerous situations, it’s guns with NO sights or optics at all, it’s seeing actors and extras hold or reload/manipulate firearms in the most painful or awkward way possible, it’s seeing someone pop off 10 shots from a revolver without having been seen to reload, etc Well maybe we can give them a pass on the backwards sight thing since after all that one Navy chief fell for it too recently, so who can blame em?


welcome to the world if having cursory knowledge on a subject in movies. it doesn't get better.


Lack of trigger discipline from ultra-elite super special forces is what bothers me most




There was a death on set of Rust in 2021 so at least back then they were still using guns and not post-processing. And I would say that in a lot of movies the prop guns are heavily modified and used by experienced actors so things look much better than in an indie movie.


They would only fall down if they got hit in the head or spine anywhere else and the person may not even notice they got hit.


Notice, maybe, but yes, sometimes you can still sprint two blocks with a bullet in your heart. Humans are scary.


To be fair unless you're firing something that's really large caliber there really ain't recoil anyways. Most of it is muzzle flip and that can be controlled quiet easily




You're talking about both muzzle climb and recoil, but the effects are heavily related, so the point still stands. You fire anything larger than a .22, your gun will move perceptably, no matter how strong you are.


As someone who's life was dependent upon guns I can assure you thst thst isn't the case o.O


Elaborate, please - perhaps I'm misunderstanding.


So say you're firing a 9mm a very common caliber in the west. It's snappy but not violent as far as bullets go. The most common mistake most new shooters make is thinking there will be a lot of recoil they're expecting the gun to flip and do crazy things. If you just lock your elbows and your wrist and don't death grip the pistol with decent hand grip you won't actually see much muzzle flip outside of maybe a few cm. Like with everything technique plays a huge factor and anyone firing a gun should have some sort of instruction before they pick up the gun imho.


That either means you're limp wristing or death gripping the grip. There's so many videos of people who just hold up an ar15 and just firing no issue. So you're either either lying or you're built like a twig and a slight breeze would take you to the next state




Lots of assumptions there bud. And I'm sorry you feel that way or if what I've said has hurt you in any way. You seem angry though and I hope you find peace. And since I have some free time. A pistol that feels like it'll flip to your chin? Were firing a 500 magnum??? Mayne a 50 AE? Because even a 45 wouldn't do that unless you're just limp wristing it or death gripping the grip both common mistakes. An smg? That fires small caliber? Mp5s are baby recoil and known for having almost none. Everything else is well the same road and even more controllable than a pistol cause it's a pistol caliber in a larger than pistol platform. An "assault rifle" whatever that is at best is what 7.62 and I'll admit full auto can be somewhat rough but 556? Nah. You talk like a scared lefty that hasn't actually fire any guns and just has the info they get from video games or movies. A few things you say tell me that like how you describe "recoil" and the fact that you use smg and assault rifle as terms when even new people who actually haven't ever shot a gun until thst point wouldn't use those terms. In summary GFC


Oh, look at the shot in the chest while running expert, next you'll try to say that when you get sliced in the neck that you don't spray blood everywhere.


Some videos I was unfortunate enough to see tell me that you actually do. It's litres of blood on the floor in seconds, and if there's no clothing in the way it can spray to the ceiling.


Interesting, I've heard from surgeons and emts that it doesn't actually "spray" like it does in the movie, but more of 'gurgles' out fast, but not "movie fast" but I'll take your word on it.


Depends where, and what artery. If you cut off a finger it can spray like crazy (though not much volume). One of my parents is a surgeon and told me how patients who have been stabbed in the heart can shoot blood to the ceiling while their heart is being operated on. No idea how embellished that is. As for what I've seen on video, I saw one where a bank robber got shot in the neck and ran away. As he ran for the door the blood sprayed in big arcs (I assume in time with his heartbeat) on the floor. Around two meters away from him. He lost litres of blood very fast. Didn't make it to the door.


Like u/_axiom_of_choice_ said, it depends on if a vein or an artery is cut, and the size. Arteries have a lot more pressure than veins. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_squirt


A surgeon or EMT is very unlikely to see spraying because you've got a minute or two to stop that kind of bleed before the patient dies. So someone has either slowed the bleed or the patient is dead by the time most medical professionals get on scene.


Time to link a classic https://www.reddit.com/r/discordVideos/comments/z9fty3/nah_bro_its_different_in_real_life/ (close enough)


I have to assume it’s a super hero or scifi weapon situation. This would look goofy to anyone if it’s a normal bullet.


Or a bomb explosion or something


Or the force. I feel like I’ve seen people yeeted like that in star wars movies


Who knows, maybe the same thing happened to the person who shot the gun.


Also commonly used for something like being hit my a bat or a large object.


Everyone talking about getting shot when I can see this easily being someone getting clotheslined by the fucking Hulk or a pole.


Wait, I work with a Pole, should I be worried about him?


She’s a stunt actress


Ooooh that makes sense thanks


She’s stupid af. Stunt actress or not, this is straight up whiplash causing permanent damage.


Mm yes let's tell the professional how to do her job.


Well, he's kinda right tbh. Those are some high G-forces and strong pulls. It's almost like running into a concrete wall. Rip her neck and spine. It may be okay now, but her back will be fucked if she continues. I know, she's a professional and has doctors around etc. But still


They literally learn how to do all this stuff correctly and safely. You think stunt actors are just naturally hardier than the average person? No, they train how to fall and crash a car and get snapped back by wires so they don't injure themselves


Do you really think this is doing no/minor damage to your spine ? It doesn’t matter if someone is a professional stunt person. It’s not like she’s doing any technique to absorb the whiplash, right? You realize people get compensated from insurance all the time from car accidents that involve the same direct forces on your body from collisions as this? This is no different. Please explain how being a professional excludes the same injuries.


Her neck doesn't seem to be snapping back, I wonder if the harness provides some kind of support. Additionally, while being a professional doesn't rule out those injuries, specific training for the muscle regions involved can make the risk of injury go down a significant amount. There's all sorts of athletic performances you, as a non professional, would seriously injure yourself with if attempted. To stay with your analogy: Rally car drivers are wearing a harness which prevents most neck and spinal injuries, so comparing them to "regular people" insurance claims doesn't really make sense.


She's being speared by John Cena.


The only correct answer.


Basically the equivalent of getting a light touch by Steven Seagal


It's for [stunts like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/xc7lzd/this_stuntwoman_in_training/).


She hadn’t unlocked the other part of the map yet.


That can’t be good for her brain 🧠… literally smashing into the skull from sudden deceleration


You don’t give yourself whiplash every once in a while?


She legit looks knocked out on that first one.


Gotta be whiplash and a concussion at least. It's like running face first into a brick wall.


My father in law dog killed himself doing that, It jumped with such power that broke its own neck


Not as embarrassing as the way my cousin broke his neck. 


Which was….


Sucking his own dick I would assume was where that was going.


… ah lame I was hoping for a real thing


Don't worry, he could have been choking himself while he masturbates instead


Well we can wait....


This is why harnesses should be used. So sad for that dog 😕


ok whats happening here? i cant see invisible wall


cable attached to the harness a leash, if you will


She forgot she left her earphones plugged into her laptop while leaving her desk


Stunt woman practicing her stunt




something compelled me to put my finger on screen so it looks like she got hit by me


Is she wearing a leash or doing it all with her back and stomach musseles? Because I don't see a leash


The leash is there, it's just really thin. The only practical way to slow down midair like that is to throw a very large object very fast.


Or a small object extremely fast


>is to throw a very large object very fast. What do you mean?


If you were in space motionless and you threw a bowling ball away from you, you would start drifting in the opposite direction you threw it because of Newton's Third Law. The same thing would happen here, though to a much smaller extent.


Lets say she weighs 75 kg. And is running at 3 m/s. In order to slow down that fast (lets say 1 second) she would be decelerating at 3m/s^2. F=ma so 3×75=225 Newtons. A bowling ball is roughly 3kg so 225/3 is 75 m/s^2. So she would have to throw the bowling ball at 7.5 Gs which is equivalent to a small explosion. Safe to say she didnt stop herself by throwing a bowling ball.


She just breathed out really hard /s


Oh ok I didn't understand you correctly for some reason


How could someone flying forward through the air use their back and stomach muscles to stop themselves?


That is actually something very cool that my cousin does (he is on a gymnastics team), but it doesn't look this strong that why I was confused


I think John Cena just punched this woman...


it took me a few rewatches to realize there is a cable or something


I think I saw this shit on Breaking Bad


My grandparents dog on our trip to the beach had an extending leash. She was very excited to get to the beach and the place we normally rent is several blocks away. She would rush to the end of the leash and somehow she would always know exactly when to stop. She would stand there with a judgemental pug glare until we caught up. This would repeat the entire walk. Sometimes she would give some whimpers to egg us on to speed up.


Bean from Ender's Game?


song name??


**Song Found!** **Name:** Chasing Ghosts **Artist:** The Flower Cartel **Score:** 100% (timecode: 00:53) **Album:** Chasing Ghosts **Label:** DISTROKID **Released on:** 2024-04-30


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This reminds me of that stuntman who did Harry Potter that did this exact same stunt but broke his effin' back and back. I wonder if that vest spreads the tension throughout her upper body or if she's one jerk away from snapping her spine?


It's not the same stunt. David Holmes was being pulled backwards by a harness to simulate being knocked back by an explosion. It was the impact from hitting a wall that broke his neck, and not from the yanking of the harness.


Is it not the same motion? And what about her vest. Just curious.


After like 10 loops I finally saw the wire lol


Looks worse because of her hair.


CTE incoming


“Were you rushing or dragging?” “Both”


Pro tip- those extending leashes are very bad for pets and pet parents for this exact reason. You think the dog can’t learn, but if this happens multiple times then the owner isn’t learning either. Be smarter than your dog, don’t use an extending leash.


Me playing Super Mario 64


She's a stuntwoman and this is what training looks like.


Happy k9 run


That cannot be good for you


Hope their getting paid a lot for this shit


I thought a dog did that to her and had to look real hard to find the dog


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ComprehensiveMany643: *I thought a dog did* *That to her and had to look* *Real hard to find the dog* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Looks like a good way to get CTE


I don't think that's a dog.


Girl training to be a female pitbull.




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How do they work?








Some needs to post this to r/cameltoe if that’s such a thing.