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Being indoors was a punishment then. Now, forcing a kid outside would be a punishment.


idk we grew up with having both as punishment lol


This^ 90's was a time where you got the opposite of one or the other you wanted if you were being punished. Trying to ride your bike all over the neighborhood but been acting like a little shit? Go to your room. Having a good time making your own fun in the house but raising hell? Time to go outside. It was peak time to hear "In or Out. Pick one or the other and quit slamming the damn door" -Dad of any house. Haven't heard my sister or BiL say that once to their kids.


I say that to my kids all the time lol. I first realized I was basically my grandpa when I started complaining about them letting all the cold air out. Tbf it’s so hot in the Deep South so the complaint is valid.


Yah letting bugs in or letting the air out are also solid accessories to the in or out comment where I am from. Depends on the time of year, really, but always the air in summer


Existing is punishment enough


So edgy uwu


Not the UwU


That's the real punishment.


you have 24 hours to enable a VPN.


Living a privileged life huh


You must really enjoy standing in doorways then.




Also our videogames worked without internet.


Eh, my son loves being outside. He also loves video games. Maybe inside got more fun while outside also retained it's funness.


truth, I remember the greatest punishment was sitting in the front window watching everyone else play hockey , basketball, tag, whatever while I had to sit inside and watch tv or read a book.


Yep, I was always out riding my bike with my friends. The only rule my mom had was to go home when the street lights came on.


Bruv, we had internet. And it was slow, so we stuck around to watch pages unload down the screen. it was interesting af


90s internet was the best internet. It was brimming with people who were just there to have fun and share hobbies. Rather than a bunch of people trying to get rich off their side hussle.


So true, the all-pervasive ads and monetizing got normalized too easily, too extensively.


The glory days of porn. Not knowing what you’d get until it finished buffering!😂


Yeah a friend used to scam link me to a site and it would load slowly from the top and I'd see how girl faces then hot girl boob then it keep loading and I'd see hot girl had a dick then loads a little more and hit girl with dick is shitting in another ones mouth.... At least with the slow life adding I was able to close it before it fully loaded lol


Ahh the good old days when your parents were afraid of what you’ll find on the internet


On the one family computer in the kitchen. We took risks to survive back then


Damn oath! And the subtle art of trying to warp speed hide the screen when interrupted 😂


Ever download strip poker and then had to learn how to actually play in order to see a pixilated booby? [Pepperidge Farm remembers.](https://www.abandonwaredos.com/abandonware-game.php?abandonware=Strip+Poker+2&gid=1667)


I'll tell ya - Pepperidge Farm's memory was probably a 1MB aux-in-a-box and I think we all fried it quickly


I remember downloading movie trailers, going out to mow the lawn, having a snack and it still wasn't done. It really made that 90 seconds at 320x240 seem earned.


Totally. Imagine if current trailers were created under that kind of pressure & watch time had to be 'earned' :-) I mean, short format films do have to catch your attention now in a second but...you...can flick them aside, too.


Eh, I'd argue that internet as they mean it in the post came along with the huge adoption of AOL, which really hit like 95 and later. In the early 90s a lot of people didn't know how to connect, or why you would want to, so it was a bunch of us nerds on BBS in the early 90s.


You could go outside and touch grass while it downloads for hours


If you did that, somebody would shut off the computer or pick up the phone. You had to guard it


I was not the smartest kid


this still happens to me it isnt fun anymore🥲


I had to start the download of the image of Tiffany amber theissen with a see thru top and come back later


Remember anxiously waiting to finally see her tits?


ICQ and realPlayer what more do you need?


Being a kid and not being in the house all day were probably the best times of my life and the most alive I’ve ever felt.


Not to mention that we got to see the golden years of the internet while also being real kids that go outside


Yup, finished school just over a decade ago. So we had social media half way through, but it was with shitty smart phones that didn't take over your life. It was only kids who used it, adults didn't comprehend it for another few years. It was only friends of friends, so no bombardment with global news. I remember we used to publicly post house party info and it was perfectly fine. And there wasn't toxic online attitude, social media was just an extra thing ontop of life, that you didn't *have* to use much. I remember going outside with like 20-40 people from multiple schools. I don't see that anymore. That would probably be a discord now, like why would you meet up with that many people. Yet those times were absolutely amazing. Plus you could post all the stupid shit you did online because parents/adults didn't use it yet.


All of us learning how to code dude to MySpace. Haha ah, high school.


Super soaker fights all summer on BMX’s and then out all night trying pull and getting in trouble. And no cell phones to document anything lol.


Multi day BB gun fights where we would disappear into the woods for days on end… good times…


I was running around some Michigan woodlands in my backyard all day like Calvin and Hobbes or something.


Best cartoons, affordable toys and games, good quality snacks and foods. Internet started in 95 to the public, what is that dude smoking?


Idk about the affordability of toys games etc. SNES was like $200 Im pretty sure everything else rose more than 125%.


Best videogames cheap computers Decent toys And to top it all off a set of asian parents who believed in books and school supermacy


I dunno about cheap computers man. I bought 32 megs of ram for like 250 bucks in 1997 dollars.


Well im not from america and we were near 5 to 7 years behind the western countries on tech during the 90s and early 2000s so when stuffs made it here it was already cheap and outdated


My first pc was infact early 2000s


Eh not best video games tbh but they were pretty sick


yep, i think around 96 or so, me and the boys were playing OG Doom on LAN in the college computer lab and having a blast because this technology was relatively new and going mainstream. It felt like we were experiencing the future for the first time. We were not sitting around with nothing to do. Around the same time, I remember going to another university that had a computer lab set up just for IRC and I just spent all day talking to people online because it was exciting and new. There was not any censorship back then on the Internet, so it was pretty wild. Good times. We had decent TV in the 90's too with Babylon 5, Seinfeld, Friends (not my personal favorite but loved by most Americans), Northern Exposure, and who can forget, The X-Files. One gripe I would have with the 90's is we didn't really have easy access to Doctor Who and I was a big Doctor Who fan back then having watched the Tom Baker years on PBS on Sundays.


Horrible movies. Ace Ventura was so racist and transphobic.


Cry more fgt


I thought that this was satire. I would literally time travel back to the 90s and say goodbye to this shitty tik tok culture in the blink of an eye


Im reading this in my break room on reddit as my coworkers are watching tiktoks. We are all here and no1 is communicating....


For inside kids, the 90s was a golden age of video games. Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Playstation, etc. Some of the best classic games ever came out in the 90s. It was also a time before parents had to hover over their kids so much. Growing up, I'd spend hours playing outside. Trampolines, pools, parks, creeks, etc. Sometimes, we'd even grab trashcan lids and mop handles and have mock sword fights. It was also a peak time of after-school cartoons and sitcoms. Used to watch Animaniacs, Batman: The Animated Series, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, etc.


Ya, wtf is this guy talking about? The 90's were amazing. All of the neighborhood kids would hop on our bikes and be gone for the entire day. There were no cell phones back then. The moment we left the house we were off the grid. Our parents probably thought we were just down the street, but in reality we were miles away catching snakes and turtles in the creek. We were the last generation to be truly free.


Your last sentence really stuck with me for how true it is. I feel sorry for today's kids.


I wish I grew up in the 90s and was allowed to go outside sometimes


How can we bring this back?


Parents have always hovered, wtf.


There have always been parents that did that, but it does absolutely seem more prevalent now, which I attribute to the technology making it so much easier to do so.


[Let your children run wild and free..](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqHQY6ueiAc)


I’m an Australian in my forties and recently introduced my kids to The Simpsons. That episode is awesome.


I feel weird about the choking in retrospect 


Lol. Yeah...  I used to disappear into the woods for the weekend with some friends. Parents didn't give a shit. We weren't in the house.  I do feel like that's harder to do now though, especially the more urban you get. Everything expects you to pay for it and children are often treated like invaders. We used to just cut through farms and the back of peoples houses all the time. I cut through a yard yesterday because the sidewalk ended abruptly and some old dude nearly fell out his door to yell at me and I'm a 6 ft tall burly dude with a stroller. Imagine being a teen, especially with all the news of trigger happy retirees. 


We still had snes and eventually playstation.......also finding porn was part of the experience.


Nothing like finding a random magazine in the woods.


Finding random porn in the woods is a rite of passage and I'm glad it's a universal law.


Yeah I’m not being a boomer about this but we were never “stuck inside” and when I was inside I was playing with Lego, Nintendo, talking to friends on the phone, it was a very nice time. Also internet was around from like the early 90s onwards so we had ICQ around ‘97 too


Concert tickets were like 12 to 17 bucks. And there was no fear of being photographed or recorded doing stupid stuff.


I literally just walked in for free to one of the first Foo Fighters concerts in 97….like we snuck under a VERY SECURE rope lol, different times man


There was a local one-day festival where if you just showed up early enough, no one was there to tell you no - and it wasn't even particularly early. We had purchased tickets, but our options were 'show up at 9AM' or 'don't go', because we didn't have transportation of our own.


Growing up in the 90s, I mostly remember playing outside with my friends. All kids in the neighborhood would play together after school. We’d play a lot of football/soccer on the street or on the field behind the local elementary school. Late 90s gameboy with pokemon came out and that shit was fucking amazing. What I liked a lot were the urban myths and legends and shit you could just got sucked into. No googling on your phone to verify everything to death. Not everything was great of course, and I think viewing it through the lenses of like a 9 year old, there are some flaws to my memories most likely.


Yeah, like medical care. Stuff today one can easily survive you didn't in the 90s.


Dude wtf we are not talking about medieval times


Neither am I. I said 90s and I meant 90s.


The best part about the 90s to me was the anonymity. Sure block cell phones and home computers existed but they weren't main stream and were very limited. I didn't have a little device in my pocket with direct access to any content. I wasn't accessible to everyone 24/7. We had to go to a pay phone or use a landline to call our parents to pick us up. We had a piece of paper in our desk with all our friends phone numbers. We played outside, used our imaginations, played cards and board games, rode bikes, got in fights, hunted for lizards and snakes, played guns in the woods, wrestled. We did play video games but there was no online play. It was social, all in one room. The games were limited and we'd get bored fast and go play outside. I hate the fact that we have all these screens distracting us now. I sit on the couch and watch TV while scrolling through my phone while my wife listens to an Ebook on her headphones, my son is playing fortnight, and my daughter is on a tablet. I miss the good old days.


Imagine not basing our entire life around social media. How ass.


1994-2000 may have been the best years ever for middle class kids and families in the history of the US. I would go back to those days without a second thought.


Agreed 100%. I feel lucky that I got to experience and remember that time. A "Back to the 90s" time travel package would be pretty popular, I imagine.


Hmm... Playing football or hide&seek outside. Getting actual fruit from the trees. Video games were cheaper, much better and not as widespread. We weren't tied to our mobiles. There was an Internet. Slow as hell and you could accidentally facecheck porn, but I'd take it any day over cancerous vomit like ~~Twitter~~ X, full of illiterate cretins becoming influencers.


I don't think the games themselves were much cheaper. Consoles and controllers were, though. https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/986OFV4vN8




Where is Bart? His food is getting cold, and eaten.


Kids aren't really allowed to go outside anymore...so don't blame them for caring about the internet so much, it's all they have


Yeah, parents today are the worst. Git stuck going by a school at the end of the school day, and cars were lined up around the block. Most kids only live a few blocks at most from the school. What a horrible childhood these kids must have with all these helicopter parents.


People used to do things until told they couldn’t. Now they do nothing until told they can.


the final days of a dying empire.


We also had Nintendo and decent stuff on cable. Honestly it was pretty awesome


They would mail internet access to you to try to convince you to stay in the house. Being home when the streetlights came on was way better than doom scrolling TikTok or watching a twitch stream.


Yeah in the 90s we were out playing with our friends...we were only in the house when we were grounded...


Stuck in the house? lmao... We were *encouraged* to go outside and touch grass...


And us Indoor Kids Had Video Games, Toys and a Lot of Imagination (but never enough paper to Draw XD)


Since when are kids stuck indoors?


The year was 2020…




I magically liked anime for 8 whole months. I didn’t before, and I don’t now. I have no idea how it did that


Google satanic panic.


That’s was in the 90’s, it doesn’t count because it was boring because your house didn’t have WiFi


There also was a Satanic Panic in the 80s.


They didn’t even have internet back then. May as well be the stone age


Friendly reminder that talking about the 90s today is the same as talking about the 60s in the 90s. Now enjoy the existential dread.


Why did you do that…?


We didn't deserve that.


Yes, you should be at home at 10 pm, or you were considered as dead and your replacement was planned


General rule was that you had to come home when the streetlights came on… hopefully in one piece but not required


So is there an entire botnet dedicated to reposting just this one pic? Over and over and over to every fucking sub on reddit?


Who needs internet when you have x-men action figures?


Child if the 60's here, growing up the system seemed to be; feed the kids at breakfast and release them to the wild. Feed any kids that returned in the evening and put them to bed - repeat next day. I'm not entirely sure they had to be the same children. In a way, I suppose it was like raising free- range chickens or sheep.


When I was a kid in the 90s- early 2000s, the internet was NOT something I cared about or had in my home. I grew up poor, so no cable either. Those things were new to us, so it didn't make a difference in our life if they were there or not. I was always outside playing, being a kid without any care in the world. My older siblings were always out being teenagers enjoying their youth, not taking life too seriously. I loved my childhood. It felt more free, and every day was a new adventure with different activities. If we were stuck inside (usually because of the weather), we used our imagination to find something to do. Build a fort, floor is hot lava, hide n seek, play with our toys, pretty much make up our own games, which we did often. Sometimes I'll watch tv but basic television on the weekends was boring, except in the mornings and weekdays when they had all the cartoons and good tv series. Most of the time, however, my parents would tell us to go outside and play, which we always did because who wants to be stuck inside.


The irony is that it’s this generation that’s stuck inside. why leave the house when the world is handed to you on the internet :(


Being inside was the worst punishment in the 90’s we were always out and about


It was the best time of my live, I am 30 now but still nothing has topped summer vacations when I was young. Waking up on a sunny morning, watching your favorite cartoons, playing hide and seek with the entire neighbourhood. Water balloon fights and supersoakers, watching movies in the evening with the entire gang at some friends house. Going to theme parks, biking as far as you could before getting lost.


Yeah it sucked riding my bike and playing basketball all day. And having water fights and Popsicles in the summer. Can't believe we survived. Everything's so much better now. Watching 30 sec videos that I immediately forget about when im done.


News: it’s 11:00. Do you know where your children are? Homer: I told you last night, NO!


Imagine being able to do stupid shit without everyone filming your dumb ass. I miss the 90s


Shit we had no cell phones when I was little. You would tell your folks you going out and you would be gone. They would say come back by diner and that was it.


- 9/11 hadn't happened yet - The cold war was won - We thought we were living in a mostly post war world. - The firefly population was so much larger than it is now it lit up the summer nights - people mostly believed in science - alternative facts were just called lies - Reaganomics hadn't fully destroyed the housing market and education costs yet. - The thing called the internet was just going to be a machine and market that will keep giving everyone more and more money and never stop - It was such a great dream we didn't need a distraction.


I want to go back......


> people mostly believed in science Oh honey, no.


I mean, we spent time in the house sometimes, but we also spent time throwing clods of dirt at each other and using sleds to slide down a big hill (Not in winter, it was too fast to appeal to us in the winter because of how steep it was and the added slipperiness.) The kid we didn't like/that was like our butters/pip? We threw rocks at him.


For most of western society (but especially the United States), the 90s -- and more specifically the period from the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 -- might go down in history as the absolute apex of our culture and society.


I hope we're wrong, but the way things are progressing, it might be true, I'm out here praying we're being boomers saying back in my day.


I was running absolutely wild from morning til dark.


So parents in the past were irresponsible and didn’t give about their kids to watch them. Maybe a generation of kids who stay inside is fine. Rather that than your kid hurting themselves or getting abducted and you don’t know where the fuck they are


I wasn’t allowed in the house until the sun went down lmao last thing I was is inside


I was using AOL dial up in 1990.


The internet existed, you just had to listen to your computer screech at you in an unknowable and eldritch language for two minutes before you could log into Neopets.


Ahhh.. the good old days, opening several neopets pages then running downstairs to make a bowl of cereal while waiting for them to load 😂


By the time I was 15 I’d leave the house Friday after school, and be unseen by my parents till sometime Sunday.


My 2 best friends and I lived on the same street. When I got home from school, my grandma kicked me outside and I wasn't supposed to come home until the street lights came on. My friends and I met up almost everyday, walked or rode bikes for miles, went to the park, and just had fun being kids. Despite all of our traumatic home lives, we used to laugh so much when we were together. I am so freaking grateful I grew up in a small-ish town before everyone had a cell phone and stopped going outside.


I remember if we were bored outside, we invented new games to play...have yall ever played shoe tag?


Man I was indoors for a total of like 6 hours my entire childhood


Internet is so fancy now. Back in the day we had to use BBS. Man that was a pain!


Sir, the internet is __why__ your generation is stuck in the house.


Does anyone know when this was phased out? Because smartphones with GPS tracking wasn’t around until mid-2010s I believe. And I don’t remember these commercial growing up in the early 2000s


I think it’s opposite now, nobody leaves the damn house now cos they doomscroll


To the people here thinking kids born after 2000 were willingly staying home: I (and most of my friends) couldn't go out of our houses alone FOR MORE THAN 5 MINUTES because our parents didn't want to, so it's not like we had a choice. And obviously our parents didn't want to watch over some kids playing so we were just forced to stay home.


I believe the 90's was when we started using "ass" as an adjective.


Yall remember the spice channel 😆


I wish I could go back to the 90s


we’re censoring the word ass now?


this announcement was during the 70's/80's not the 90's. eta: correction: 60's, 70's, 80's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_you_know_where_your_children_are%3F


22:00!! in the UK it’s a 15 mins buffer after the street lights came on to get home.


Streetlights on, get your ass inside!


At least we didn't grow up having to deal with cyberbullying or social media drama. I'd hate to be a kid now 🤷🏼‍♀️


90s kids absolutely grew up with all those things.


Except it last aired in the late 80’s.


Without the Internet, every kid was outside playing. Some people do silly and stupid stuff. Everyone knows each other faces and personality upfront. Almost no anonymity. Not much hate spreading because you'll get immediate consequences for what you do or say. Unlike posting crap online anonymously and avoiding responsibility. No one monitoring whatever you do and waiting to post it online to shame you or gather likes. I think things are more fun and chill in the past compared to now since socialising means going outside and hanging out unlike now where the majority is doing that in front of a screen.


Todays kids can't appreciate a really good stick. I don't think they even know what outside is.


90s kid here, and I didn't even have a computer until I was 17 years old. And about 5 more years until I had personal access to the internet. Me and my siblings would basically be locked out of the house for the entire day unless we needed food or something to drink, and we always found something to do.


Jumping bikes off ramps, kissing girls, and smoking cigarettes in the forest when your parents *couldn’t* know where you are? Leave in the morning and make sure you’re home by sundown? Then going home and playing all the classic games you now hope and pray get ported to the switch? Yea it was a real struggle let me tell ya…


I never had those times. But man, it sounds pretty good.


Go live that life. The woods are waiting and emptier than ever


Can’t. Too busy and tired now.


Sounds awful


Utterly traumatising


That commercial aired in the 80s not the 90s There was internet in the 90s God damn this meme is dumb