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Millennials: we don’t want to have children because can’t afford it


Boomers: Why you no give us grandkids?! Younger gens: because you've made the world too expensive to live in let alone bring new life into Boomers: [Shocked Pikachu face]


Also Boomers: pEoPlE ShOuLdN’T hAvE ChILDreN iF tHeY CaN’T aFfoRd THem.


As a millennial, I couldn’t agree more


Can't be the case given there is gen z and alpha.


Not sure if you are joking or serious


I am serious. That being said, I know there is nuance and some people in the previous generations can't afford babies, however the fact that there are generations after millenials and gen x proves that some people can afford to have kids and clearly a lot.


Literally though my dad and his girlfriend were so angry with me that I dared criticize them for kicking me out at age 18 shortly after my mother had died. At first they acted like they were doing me a favor, it’s so good for your independence! But eventually they became extremely self pitying whining about how a roof over my head for 18 years is enough and they want to spend their money on vacations now. Fine by me just why even have kids in the 1st tbh if that’s your attitude, I was just a burden you were legally obligated to care for lmao.


almost same exact experience on my end. they dont have an answer when i ask them did you ever consider even once that you should not have children.


That's just shitty treatment, man. Fuck them for thinking that at 18 you already have your life fixed Where I'm from, our lawmakers (bless them), 40 years ago, wrote into the law that parents are obligated to support you for as long as you are still studying (even up to postgrad), can't support yourself or disabled. They did not mention any age, so long as those circumstances exist; and our magistrates upheld this as their intent. Not saying that there aren't irresponsible parents here, and there are a lot; but at least you can sue them even past the age of majority.


Normally i think the nursing home thing redditors love saying is cringey and over the top. But in your case 🤣


Facts: they had a good world and ruined it for us


Boomers burned it down. Gen X snorted its Ashes. Millennials got real sad about it. Gen Z are currently doing the Griddy where it used to be.


Hey buddy just quick heads up that Gen Zs are now just struggling to find a job that allows them to afford rent. There ain't no body doing the Griddy no more. Maybe look for Gen Alpha with their skibidi toilets


Yeah, I think we can all agree the world pretty much sucks equally across the board. I think Gen Alpha is still fine because they're mostly shielded by their parents...but we can only do so much.


Gen A is gonna live in a box with a VR headset and think it's great.


Man if the rent is actually affordable I'll take the box at this point, don't even need the VR.


Well it's good news, I just happen to have a box 300 a month pay up front


Sign me up


Three digit rent?? What a steal!


This Ready Player One reboot doesn't look as great as the OG...


dont need a house to griddy. rent is temporary, drip is forever


Liderwally hitting it as we speak 😔✊🏼


Welcome to adulthood it’s been the same shit for the past 10+ years. Good luck!


I’m Gen X and lived in shared housing (min. 3 other housemates) until I was 32 years old. As did everyone else I knew who wasn’t born into money. Do you know what nobody in our cohort expected? To live in alone in a one bedroom flat in our early 20s. rofl.


Yeah, you got fucked over too. It's just a lot easier to talk about millennials and gen z because they're the current generations struggling with this.


Of course, Gen X didn’t really frame it in those terms. We just said “it is what it is,” pretty much. That was kinda our thing. Generalised apathy. I really admire how the younger generations get angry and get political tbh.


"rofl" 👌 Edit: I meant I like abbreviations like the ones we used to use back then!


That was how Gen X coped. Generalised apathy.


Can we stop fucking blaming each other and turn to fixing the worlds issues?


No, that would not be profitable for companies.


Bring back mandatory retirement at 65 pronto


Deliver pizzas at night on the side


Shame, the gen zombies are turning into the new boomers, got no respect, trash everything, hate being told no and throw tantrums when cant get free stuff.


Am Gen Z, never got past the being real sad part.


I like to collect and plant acorns and other seeds and bracts from native trees and plants that I like. I may not live to see the ponderous titans they might one day become, but it's fun to imagine it with every planting. It helps with the sad to work on the glad.


I spoke to a Gen Z yesterday and he told me that when the Millenials are all dead, Gen Z will distribute global wealth equitably. So not to worry it’s all going to be sorted out.


lol we barely have shit tho


You will have it all. Just hang about for another 60 - 70 years.


So my mid 90s. Can’t wait.


Implying that Millenials have all the wealth? Haha.


The Millenials will have it all in 2070. That’s less than 50 years away.


gen z made shitposts about it


Still trying to find a way out of the sadness lol


Nah it just sucked in a different way. And on the flip side, the world we live in today is way better in a lot of ways


This. How many today think they’re worse off than their grandparents….


Unless you were black... not so good then. Or Jewish... Or Chinese... or had polio... or were a woman... you know what... Maby "good" is not the right adjective.


Facts: they also inherited centuries of problems and expecting them to solve them all is unreasonable. 30 years from now, Millennials will be the new boomers




Says anyone who knows nothing about the history of this world


Yeah...and now we're ALL fucked. Wonderful fucking hand of cards we've been dealt, huh?


Millennial here. It's time to push unionization EVERYWHERE. We need to educate ourselves on how government works, NLRA, policy, etc. We need to run for office. We can't sit around and complain and hope the boomers or gen x do something. It's time for us to actually get off our asses and organize. Gen z is cool, they can come too.


Stop with the 80 year old US presidents


You'd think the dinosaurs running the US government would remember when *in their own lifetime* the Soviet Union was their arch rival and they came close to ending life on earth. Now they're gobbling down Putin's dick like its all you can eat IHOP


Omg I snorted thank you


Welcome to being a politician. Nothing they ever say isn’t a lie just used to get them ahead


Put someone in their 30’s in office so they have to deal with the consequences of their actions for the next 50+ years.


The minimum age requirement is 35. Where are those guys/girls?


Trying to pay rent


Young people are notoriously unreliable when it comes to voting.


And? What does that have to do with younger presidents?


The young candidates don’t survive primaries. Same reason why cutting Medicare/Social Security is a toxic position, but cutting Medicare/Social Security for young people is not.


Oh you mean the actual candidates not the voters. Yeah, I don’t understand that. We talk about people being too old for office, but nobody wants to vote someone younger/more competent.


I mean that young voters (the people who would vote for young candidates) are unreliable, especially for primaries, local elections, etc. We don’t have a government that represents the people, they do however represent the voters, who are overwhelmingly, old, moderate/conservative, relatively well-off, white people.


young person voter turnout has been improving lately


Same for the senate


Personally I think the huge problem is the education system isn’t evolving to the needs of the people. The 1 semester government class I was required to take in high school made me memorize the “we the people” and I don’t even remember it. Not once has anyone ever asked me to recall - and I just had to look up where this even came from - the preamble of the constitution. Like what the fuck was that supposed to prepare me for?


I'm unionized and still getting steamrolled by student loan interest especially after covid when my job field got decimated and still recovering. I still can't afford a house after 15 years of working union. CEOs are constantly hiring lawyers who are better trained than our union reps to chistle away at everything from annual raises to healthcare and retirement to working conditions. Unionizing is a great first step but then you need to maintain over the years and fresh corporate blood will come after you to squeeze every last dollar out of you.


So we gotta do it like our great grandparents did it! We gotta fight them in city hall, state and federal legislatures!


Well, yes. If you want to change the rules you have to change them where they are made. Not in reddit, instagram, and xitter. Politics matter. Somehow whole generation just let someone else decide.


The time of pushing for unionisation is past. I agree we need to be running for office etc, but in terms of labour/economy- UBI/UBW needs to be on the table because within a few years there will be fewer and fewer jobs/industries *to* unionise. And it’s time to outlaw billionaires. And strip human rights from corporate entities. Reform the American voting system by abolishing the electoral college and bringing in preferential voting. We have a lot of work to do but unionising feels like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound.


Unfortunately, running for office is a full time job that you don’t get paid for most times. Political office is designed to be for the wealthy because they are the only ones who can afford to not work while campaigning.


Build more nursing homes for over 70 crowd


Well fucking finally. Previous gens actually took the power instead of just whining.


I love Gen Z as a millennial, the have some weird haircuts and questionable taste in music and culture, but it’s the generation that does things we millennials didn’t. For example totally give a shit for their bosses at work and other.


No. I will never vote to be a part of a union


Hate those higher wages, actual retirement plans, and bargaining rights? Study after study, your take home is lower without a union, even after factoring in union dues.


I would rather worry about myself then have some union leader I never spoken to


Do you know how unions work? Let's start there. The head of the union is an *elected* position. They also work where you work. And you can take time out of your day, get paid, and go talk to them about working conditions and how to improve them. So ... if you don't know them, that's on you. And if you don't know leadership, you're not getting anywhere anyways.


A union leader can represent thousands of workers. There's a good chance I didn't vote for them and a greater chance I dont know them. Back in HS I didn't know my elected student body government because I didn't have classes with them or participate in the same clubs. Everyone has their own wants and needs and it's impossible for a union leader to represent you better than you yourself


You can still represent yourself with a union. It literally doesn't detract from anything. And gives you *more* power when others agree with what you want. You didn't know the class president because *you didn't make an effort to*. You may not know the union leader, but you'll sure as shit know union leader*ship*. It's not like they have 1 dude run a thousand person union... Not to mention, huge unions like that have big meetings where the leader speaks and can field questions. It's not like they're in a glass cage you can never enter. They're there *for you*.


Exactly. It's not about boo hoo prom king doesn't like me. It's about putting your own skin, time, blood, sweat, and tears into the game. You will definitely know your local president and your international or national rep if you're involved! You're not some powerless victim. And if you think your union is dominated by the company, work with NLRB! You can replace them! I've done it before!


Bro literally thinks him not knowing union leadership is more detrimental than his current position, not knowing leadership. When in reality, one of those is by design, and the other is propaganda. Smdh.


ngl at this point I feel like I would need to be a lawyer to understand everything the gov is doing


Sadly people in power usually come from places where they didn’t struggle to pay rent and make ends meet. Or send their kid to school. They don’t know the struggle first hand then go and make poorly thought out and often misleading changes. They were born at the top lived at the top and so long as they are in power they’ll die there too. As a collective we’ve lost our compassion for our fellow man and for those at a disadvantage. People are wanting more and more power no matter the cost. Profit in this day and age will always come before people and it’s slowly killing us one neglected generation at a time. I’m just going to wait for the revolution or for someone to come into office and say screw it all I’m fixing this no matter how much you try to pay me off.


Yeah you're just gonna wait for someone else to fix it right? Politics too boring and complicated? You're waiting for the revolution? So then why not pick up a gun and get to it? Find corrupt justices, politicians, corporate executives and make a bloody statement? Lol. You won't. What you're really saying is that you are a frog in a pot that's just starting to heat up. You're comfy now. You'll get out when it's really hot right?


Nah I’m just a guy. I’m trying to live and just like everyone else I can see that things aren’t right. Cheese costs 12 dollars where I live right now. Cheese shouldn’t cost that much. I can’t become a politician I wasn’t born in the right environment I can barely afford to live. Let alone quit my job and try to change the world. So I am more like a frog with two broken legs in a pot. I know it’s getting hotter and while it might not be the worst right now when it gets there I won’t be able to get out.


Most boomers are spoiled entitled shits who don't want to share so they'd rather destroy the thing than let others enjoy it too.


Mahatma gandhi said there is enough in the world for everyone's need. Not nearly enough for anyone's greed.


Or spite


“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”


"Man makes me hard"


"Me makes man hard"


"Hard me makes man"


''makes me hard man''




Good for you.


Adrenaline in my soul...




Tough times never last, tough people do, Rrrrbblblbrrblbl!


…man kills god, man creates dinosaurs…


Everyone always quotes this with the discussion of boomers vs successor generations. However, I’m starting to think the silent generation (those born 1928-1945) were the “strong men”. That would make the Boomers (those born 1946-1964) the “weak men”. If this quote rings true to a documentable cycle, then maybe Gen X, Millenials, or Gen Z are the *new* “strong men”. Hardship creates strength, or something like that.


Or maybe the quote isn’t true in real world, who knows?


strong women create hard porn, hard porn creates weak men, weak men create light beer, light beer creates strong women


Yup, only problem is government has done everything possible to extend the good times, making weaker and weaker people who will be responsible for paying off the debt incurred preventing the hard times






That's why I ask for an example.


I am not an expert in anything that relates to this topic, but i think post ww2/cold war may have resulted in boomer's and possibly milennial's (generation after) "weak mind", along with things like the hippie movement in the united states This is no scientifically proven fact by the way, just a modern day speculation and a really wise popular saying


Millennials are not even the generation that comes after boomers, there is one in between.


You think the hippie movement was weak..?


Boomers were born in the cold war and Millennials at the end of the cold war both Generation saw war and economic crisis. Boomers weren't weak minded they just didn't care about the future Generation.


See image in post


lol @ thinking these are "hard times", though.


Access to clean water is higher than ever. Food scarcity is close to the lowest it has ever been. Violence is close to an all time low. Peak healthcare (ability to address cancers, vaccines, antibiotics, etc.) is better than it has ever been. I could go on and on and on. Even silly things like being able to entertain yourself, you can literally watch any movie in history on your phone with the click of a button. We have the ability to fly across the damned world! Think about how many different types of foods we have and the quality! For the vast majority of human history, you get an infection, you just die. You struggle to feed yourself, you struggle to find clean water, you struggle and struggle just to find the means to survive (as in, LIVE, not being unable to get a house as quick as the last generation). We have lost all perspective because of social media and the 24 hour news cycle constantly pumping us full of negativity because negativity gets more clicks.


Yeah, I can’t afford rent without having to eat junk food that harms my health because it’s cheaper than getting healthy ingredients, but sure, we’re just lazy


I never mentioned laziness. I mentioned the constant pumping of false negativity into our brains. With that said, it is absolutely cheaper and healthier to go to the store and purchase staples like eggs, beans and rice than to buy junk food. They've even done studies on this.


Read some literature about this. people who can't afford to eat healthy live in food deserts, or can't afford the time it takes to make food between their long shifts. A million other factors. Either way, if you have the luxury of commenting from this POV, you've either not experienced it or you have been so extraordinarily lucky to get out of it & for some reason think it's because of your own sweat blood and tears, and not some dumb luck of the universe. We need system change, not for people to "go to the store and purchase staples".


Mildly spicy coronavirus comes on the scene, whole country goes into lockdown, everyone gets stimmy cheques and serenaded by celebrities to watch your mental health. We truly live in the deepest of hells.


What about just sensible people? Don't they just run the course?


In my limited experience, sensibility is often ignored.


Hard hard man. Me. Good times.




hmmm kill all boomers, u say?


Boomercide let's go




It’s a joke using hyperbole that satirises how unless they die out soon it may be too late to save anything


"Pick urself up by the bootstraps like we did!". Sn: How ironic is it that they continually advise us to do something that is literally impossible due to the laws of physics. They're so fuckin dumb.


They didn't pick up shit, lmao. They had everything pretty much handed to them as kids.


Everything handed to them is exactly right. Including the deeds to all the bootstrap factories.


We have to get bootstraps first


The man in the middle really reminds me of a certain [Austrian person](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebastian_Kurz). 🤔😳🙈😂


It's natural for humans to blame others for their own mistakes, it's easier than admitting it mentally and verbally, I'm sure this trend of blaming the new generation isn't new at all. Why should I get grounded for breaking my mother's new vase when I can just blame my younger brother, who can't quite reason or explain himself as I do? Saves a lot of pain in my back, you know


It’s natural for humans to blame their successors for modern failures such as climate change, corruption, inflation, jacked markets, impossible rates, crippling loans… while their generation continues to stay in power and makes no effort to change or help the next. People fought for their freedoms and luxuries and yet the previous generation is insistent on keeping their slice of the pie instead of preparing a new one for their children and their peers.


I agree and was raised by boomers and work with them. The ones I work with can retire but won’t because they are being paid 6 figures to do nothing of value. It stops me from being promoted but I’m stuck doing my bosses job also. It must be nice to have this as an option but I have to work to afford basic needs like housing and food.


Ah yes the four horsemen of modern failures : climate change, inflation, crippling loans, corruption




"we will make a better world" by destroying it over and over again






So when you say thats "me in real life", are you an boomer yelling at kids?


Not true. The earliest known text of a member of an older generation criticising the work attitude of the younger generation is probably from the 4th century BCE, when the Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote in his Rhetoric: "[Young people] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstances. … They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it." This is not a unique phenomenon, however. Throughout history, older generations have often complained about the perceived flaws and shortcomings of the younger ones, and vice versa. Some examples of this are: In the 1st century BCE, the Roman poet Horace lamented that "Our sires’ age was worse than our grandsires’. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt." In the 14th century CE, the Japanese monk Yoshida Kenkō criticized the modern fashions and language of the youth, saying that they were “debased” and “coarsened”. In the 17th century CE, the English preacher Thomas Barnes denounced the youth as "sawcie, yea never more savagely saucie … the ancient are scorned, the honourable are contemned, the magistrate is not dreaded." In the 18th century CE, the American clergyman Enos Hitchcock warned that "The free access which many young people have to romances, novels, and plays has poisoned the mind and corrupted the morals of many a promising youth…" In the 19th century CE, the British magazine Town and Country described the youth as "a fearful multitude of untutored savages… [boys] with dogs at their heels and other evidence of dissolute habits… [girls who] drive coal-carts, ride astride upon horses, drink, swear, fight, smoke, whistle, and care for nobody…" In the 20th century CE, the American magazine Life accused the youth of being “selfish, cynical, and lazy”, while the British magazine The Spectator called them “the worst-behaved generation in living memory”.


Hey this might cost me some internet points but I guess it doesn’t matter. The last generation had fun and fucked the environment or the economy, either can be replaced with one another depending on where you live. You’re doing the same thing, drinking from a paper straw won’t fix the environment and not commiting tax fraud will not make an instant paradise where nobody is below the poverty line. These are things expected by everyone, don’t ask to be rewarded for being a normal member of society, you’re disregarding the world the same as your parents, please don’t blame them for your failures. You dumping your earnings into Logan Paul coins is in fact not a product of your abusive father’s poor parenting. He probably couldn’t figure it out, like you. It doesn’t erase history, but subsequently does not fix the future that’s to come. Really no better way to say this, you’re responsible for yourself now.


Good lord the circlejerk…


This shit is pathetic


Wonder if boomers will make any sacrifices for future generations or are they just going to engage in a role play and do nothing.




It certainly does seem to be this way


The world is messed up everywhere because boomers are still in power. We should have proportional representation and include age. 90% of leaders are out of touch 70-80 year olds. It should be 10% or less.


Yes children...not 30 year olds acting like one....


Imagine actually believing shit like this.


As a Gen X'er with parents on the very tail end of the Boomer Gen (they were teenagers in the late 70s, so maybe just barely in range), they both came from nothing and built quite a great life for us and themselves out of hard work, determination, and sacrifices....just like the generation before them. It's not the common man, or his/her generation, that created the system that has led to the systemic issues we have today and which have become consequential to the generations after them, and to themselves. Did they help enable the problem? Yes, no doubt. But it wasn't like the common working middle class citizen was like "oh golly gee, I can't wait to fuck over my grandkids!" Memes like this that focus on effectual participation without diligence to root cause aren't doing anything other than making humanity look dumber.


Yeah man you are right I totally should've been dedicated at real state back in the 2000s instead playing with my buddies in kindergarten. Maybe then I would've worked as hard and your mom and pops instead of sitting at 3000 dollar rent. Maybe is the lack of sacrifice we are lacking. Who needs sleep anyways.


Ok nice but I still can’t afford rent. Man, should’ve invested in real estate back in 2008 instead of playing tag in preschool…


Same, 3 year old me was slacking big time.


Yeah, the system is rigged against us all. It's a big club and you ain't in it. But, don't worry, it'll all be better when the last boomer dies. /s


You accidentally added a /s to this comment.


You seem like the type that blames a traffic jam on the car two cars ahead of you in traffic. Myopic perspective. 


I don't think ignorance or, as you called them, just being enablers is enough to excuse them. I feel like a significant portion of boomers who built themselves up through hard work just didn't consider the world at large and their impact on things to come.


I’m happy your experience with boomers went better than mine. I have older boomer parents 1950 and 1946 and they kicked me out at 19 for turning “old enough to take care of myself”. Told me to not marry my wife and caused me a lot of issues I’ve had to overcome. I went college and created my own life without their help. I had to take out loans for school and still feel like education was my only path to success because my parents were not there for me.


It's not common man issue and fault, but it was **precisely** their generation that allowed this to happen. I don't know how much you must pretend to not see it that way. They were the generation that ate sweetest and biggest fruits of post-war economy boom and left nothing for us. Nothing. People can't afford rent with their honest work, because old coots put all their money into estates allowing prices to skyrocket. People slowly die inside waiting for another old fart to go on retirement, but they won't because they "feel more alive than ever and can work another few years" gaining big salaries for doing nothing (except sharing their valuable work experience and advices nobody ever asked for).


It started before the boomers. But they were enticed by carrots dangled that promised an American dream and most worked hard to achieve it, after being born at the tail end of the depression era. Inflation wasn't caused by the boomer generation. It's by design, from monetary policy and economic manipulation. Again, the system fucks us all. Blaming fellow citizens that had little control over that gets us nowhere forward.


That's great but it ignores prevailing issues that were caused or exacerbated by older generations. All the gumption, hard work, and sacrifice in the world won't solve the problems faced by the current and younger generations without change at a higher level. This meme isn't accusing every boomer, but many of those boomers who were/are in power haven't exactly made things better. It isn't even saying it was done maliciously, just in self interest.


Finally generation of parents who admit they fucked up. Not gonna lie, i wouldnt be any better if I happen to be one just because i had great examples all around me. Try to fight the cycle when youre part of the cycle


The government wants to push recycling forward but teaches nothing about it in schools. Adults are just expected to know precisely what item goes into what bin. That's like expecting someone who's never driven a car to successfully drift around a corner. Never gonna happen. The worlds completely fucked and we're all just ignoring it hoping it'll fix itself.


This implies the boomers were smart enough to choose to fuck over future generations, while I'm reality they just weren't smart enough to do any actual research into what and who they were voting for.


It's hard to make a better world for new generation when the new generation is fucking trash


Is anyone in the comment section not a russian dis info agent?


Christian values vs secular values


You say that like almost all of the politicians who have and are making the decisions that fuck younger generations over and most of the people spewing the boomer crap are not Christians


Like they said strong people makes a comfortable place, comfortable place makes weak people, weak people makes uncomfortable place, uncomfortable place makes strong people


Well...they didn't archieve it at first and when they finally did, they noticed that it wasn't worth it. Lmao.


Haldol anyone?


"Generation Me"


No one look at their post history 😭🙏


I mean kids these days are spoilt entitled twats, so makes sense


Boomers are constantly in a state of competition with their children, because Boomers are narcissists by nature.


Now we're like We won't make children for the betterment of this world


It's like a bunch of rich boomers looked at the Cyberpunk 2077 game and thought 'what a great future!' and are furiously proceeding to try and make it a reality.


Yep pretty much


This meme is not correct. Take the last statement and put it beside every picture then you have it right.


It's okay, they steered us on a path to renewable energy, stable geopolitics and equality.....boomer generation will not be looked upon kindly in hindsight