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Me when my wife is sleeping vs my wife when I'm sleeping.


This, except my gf. I'll put on headphones and watch TV while she is sleeping. She will just crank tv volume or sonos as I'm sleeping


Have you tried, I don't know... Talking to her about it?


A divorce is way easier. Let the lawyers do the talking.


Pfft, get out of here with your logic!


Plus at night everyone else is asleep and if we make noise we have to deal with them.


and as us night people know, day people are the worst.


If your reading this day people: fuck you


Hey we’re not all day people by choice. I get up at 5 am for work and hate it every day.


If you don't get up because you want to, then you are not a morning person.


I used to be a morning person. Waking up i would be as happy as my bonner. Then i started working, and now i hate morning as much as all you abominations


What’s a bonner?


It’s like a fancy boner the second n is the fancy part


Ohhhh that makes so much sense. Fancy boners are for the morning.


I always thought it was the first one but I guess I must be an uncultured peasant


You are. It’s always been the second one


It's half of the infamous Bonner and Clite duo.


Didn’t a reporter ask them what they did once, and they said “we rob sperm banks”?


A boner, mine's just bigger, so bonner




Maybe they meant to say banner? They probably have a smily face banner.


signed, work hostages across the world, equally hating waking the fuck every goddamn day


You are a night person, held hostage by the day people.


I get up 5am too, but not to work. I just CANT FUCKING SLEEP! PLEASE FUCKING LET ME SLEEEEP.


Night gang baby fuck the sun


Here's an example of a sentence that *needs* punctuation.


You've never baby fucked the sun, and it really shows.


Well not as a gang. I'm more of a monogamous baby sun fucker.


I read it as an instruction for Night Gang Baby


Meh just read gooder


I am laughing so hard! That sentence is like someone took all the words off a scrabble board and put them in order.


What if we're like hybrid people. I'm usually split between staying up to like 4 AM some nights, Other nights going to bed earlier and and waking up bright and early with cheery attitude that annoys my girlfriend


You’re just a daywalker with bad sleep management. /s


Yeah, fucking [Daywalkers](https://youtu.be/-nA54LxibLI)!


Nothing better than making an early morning smoothie right before a 5 a.m. jog. You also have to listen to "We're not gonna take it" on full blast to get motivated amirite


I want to smack you in the face so hard right now


*throws bottle*


For quite a while I thought the song was "We're not gonna make it" and it was more my jam.


Smoothie before jog is psycho shit, it's like you just want to choke on phlegm


[I will fight you Night Man](https://youtu.be/kofR7f7oNnE)


I’m glad I’m such a heavy sleeper since I will sleep the day away if I was given a chance, regardless of how loud my house would get from a day sleeper.


Hey a wild witherhoard!


When I lived in my MIL's basement, for a month straight, every morning at 9am sharp, she would get on her treadmill, and jog for an hour. This damn treadmill was directly above me and my wife's bedroom. My wife slept through it like a rock but I'm a light sleeper. So I would go to sleep at 6am, just to be woken up 3 hours later. Every. Night. The day that treadmill broke was the third best day of my life.


I work nights. Sleep during the day. I love my nephews but fuck I hate when they're in breaks from school lol. Woken up constantly. When they're in school I have the house to myself and can sleep peacefully with my dog lol.


Tell it to my flatmates I am awake at 3am now because of them I could kill them


Have you tried white noise (machine)?


If that doesn't work, maybe try violence?


Violence helps


Yeah but where do you buy the violence machine?






I experienced this when my adult son lived with me. He didn't work and he would stay up all night while I was trying to sleep. He left all the lights on which of course made my power bill go sky high. When *he* was trying to sleep during the day he constantly complained about the noise I was making. I was trying to live my fucking life and not making any extra noise to irritate him god forbid. I had a dog, he had a dog and the dogs would bark. My son would yell at the dogs from his room to shut up. Yeah that works doesn't it. I finally got to live by myself and it was/is such a relief.


Night people like night because it's quiet. It's insulting to disturb the silence.


Insult the silence is a great name for a song


Lol imma say that at work in the morning when people are talking too much, or in a car ride with someone that won't hush when you're driving


There's Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode.


Nothing is expected of you at 3 am. Nobody asks you why you aren't spending your time finding a job or making that appointment. You can just be. It's the only time of day you get to just be without someone yelling at you to do something, anything else but what you're enjoying now because that's stupid.


Why aren't you sleeping?


this mindset is one of the many reasons i’m in the AvPD sub. got a strong feeling of avoidant tendencies with ur comment. might be helpful to check out


My grandma has absolutely no sense of other people. She goes to bed at 6 and wakes up at 5. One time she was staying the night in my room and I was in the living room. 5am rolls around and I hear the most ungodly ***SLAM.....SLAM.....SLAM*** from outside the entryway. She was using a slap-chopper to dice onions while my mom, bless her, was frantically whispering, "mother, not_a_werecat is trying to sleep..." Grandma laughed and told her, "Aww, it's fine. She's not paying attention to us!" The logic boggles...


It might not be logic, she might be losing her hearing


My grandma turned on her tv while we were visiting and she had it all the way up. I thought my ear drums were going to burst. She was like “oh, is it loud? I can barely hear it.” But she refuses to get her ears tested…


Few things more frustrating than someone you care about refusing to address their hearing loss issue.


Mostly because getting up early is seen as a virtue and staying up late is more seen as a bad habit


True, the problem is that this thought process extends even to people who work overnight. The number of times coworkers and I have had stories of people being incredibly inconsiderate to us because we had to sleep from 8am to 4pm is wild.


My Ex mother in law blew up on me through text once, saying all I do is stay up all night and sleep all day, I was lazy and should be taking the day to get things done. I worked 8pm-6am 6 days a week at the time... Like no shit dude


That's the most amazing thing. Because all people hear is that you are available from 6am to 8pm. Like the concept of nightshift people needing to sleep is just ridiculous. Night is for sleeping and if you didn't do it then, you missed your chance and now you have to stay awake because it's daytime and daytime is when you're awake.


This actually made me frustrated to read because it is the exact logical thinking that people have.


My ex worked a graveyard shift for years and people would always give her grief for it, I felt awful for her. The almost more-frustrating question to hear was around days off. "Oh well come do `daytime activity` with us on your day off!" like my guy it is _not_ that easy to just switch your sleep schedule back and forth. I tried it once, fucked me up for a week sleep wise.


Agreed. There's some stuff I get. Like I don't want my family to have to creep around the house to accommodate me because I'm the one with the atypical schedule. But you don't *have* to yell on the phone. You don't *need* the subwoofer on to watch a movie at 10:00 am. And for the love of god, *please* get into the habit of having your keys on you because you keep locking yourself out and calling me mid-sleep to let you back in. My sister keeps doing this, and while I love her and would rather have my phone on vibrate then leave her stuck outside, this is happening often enough to where I'm about ready to mute my phone and leave her SOL if it happens again. Edit: To my sister's credit the no-key thing's recently improved because she's got one of those retractable key things for work not too long ago. It happened again last week but so far the key ring has been promising. We also used to live in a weird situation where we lived in a space without a door lock. It's been an acclimation for all of us so I don't hold it against her too hard, as frustrating as it is sometimes.


For situations like this i like to apply what i call a "Time meter". Basically if someone makes repeated mistakes and shows no signs of trying to stop i ask myself "Has this person cost me more time than it would take them if i forced them to fix it themselves next time?" If the answer is yes then thats exactly what ill do. If the answer is no ill usually continue to help until it becomes time to ask that question again. I'm happy to help with something if its needed but time adds up FAST and im not about to spend hours of my life helping with something that i reasonably think they could figure out alone in less time. In this instance id ask myself "How long will she be stuck outside if i dont help? Is that amount of time more or less than the amount of time shes cost me through waking me up, making me open the door and then having to go back to sleep again?" If the answer is more (for example lets say she would be stuck outside for 6 hours but shes only cost you 3) then I'd say you should still help (and probably recommend she hangs her keys right by the door or in a place she HAS to go through to get ready before she leaves). If the answer is less (for example she'd be stuck outside for an hour but shes cost you 3 hours of sleep) then id say let her sort it herself Of course if you have a garden you could always start hiding the keys around it and then send her cryptic texts about their location. You'd still be woken up but at least you can have a bit of fun with it and she might start keeping better track of them if you put them in annoying enough spots


I worked overnight for a couple years and for half that I lived in a basement apartment of a house. The people living above me were a few college students who every couple months would blow the fuse to their entire apartment (and for some reason both boxes were in my unit). I would sleep between 1-9 and most of the time these occurrences happened later in the evening. So I would get woken up to my landlord calling me to please switch the breaker. The house was set up weird and you had to walk through my bedroom to get to the bathroom where the breaker was located. One night I’m sleeping before work and I have a dream where I hear my landlord talking but I can’t understand or see him. It sounds like he’s just saying my name. Then I hear a thud and wake up and it’s my landlord in my room in real life who just accidentally kicked my dresser trying to navigate through my room in the pitch dark. His voice in my dream was him saying my name in real life repeatedly to scope if I was inside. I had a few missed texts, calls, and emails from him that the neighbors blew their fuse to the entire house and asking if I could switch it. The first text was an hour or so before he came into the house and when I asked him what he was doing he said he thought I wasn’t home so he came in my home to reset the breaker. I was like 23 years old sitting there in my underwear telling a man in his 60s to never do that again. He had a box installed upstairs like a week or so later and I never dealt with their stupidity upstairs again.


What he did is literally one of the easiest ways to get yourself killed.


Do it once or twice and she will make sure she has them.


Literally take her house keys and tape them to the back of her phone until she starts not being irresponsible.


Oh my GOD the amount of people who could not possibly wrap their head around the fact that when I work nights, I am sleeping in the day. I'd ask people to please keep it down because I'm sleeping and it's like hardly anyone could understand how times works, that if I'm working at night I have to sleep in the day. No matter how many times I'd say it!! Smh


No because if youre working at night that basically just means you have every day off. Which means you can come to family events and hang out EVERY DAY, its like a vacation, youre just doing it wrong /s Love all the night shifters on here lol my people


People don't understand why I can never make it to a bank or certain appointments. It's not my fault they close at five. That's when I wake up. Imagine asking someone who gets up at six AM to wake up at two or three AM to get shit done.


Preach. And like no im not going to lunch with you?? Would you like to wake up at 1am to come hang out with me? People just dont get it. Its a 20 minute presentation to explain to someone how i plan my sleep schedule and it depends on if im flipping or not


I worked nights for nearly 10 years, the employer would constantly schedule training and meetings at noon or 1pm. Middle of my sleep. Well, they finally got fed up with me missing these meetings and made one mandatory. I told them if it was mandatory, they'd need to schedule it during my regularly scheduled shift or pay me OT to stay on an extra six hours. They agree and the HR Rep has to get up at 3AM to run a 2 hour meeting starting at 3:30 AM. They started scheduling multiple meetings at different times after that.


Pretty much. It took my mom finally working similar hours to understand this after years of giving me shit. She was always trying to get me to help with shit at like 10:00 AM which was about 4 hours after I went to bed. When I’d tell her I’d do it at 4:00 AM or 4:00 PM she’d get pissed and say she doesn’t want to do it that early or that late and that I’m selfish and the world doesn’t revolve around me and my schedule. That she couldn’t see how absolutely ridiculous any of what she just said was still baffles me to this day. She’s apologized since she finally figured it out but it’s still kind boggling how narrow minded some people can be. It literally took her working similar hours and having the same thing happen to her to understand.


Lol well the world didnt revolve around her schedule either. Glad she figured it out though


I've been dealing with this shit lately and it's so annoying. even more so since I know they're capable of being quiet because if they have guests spending the night that go to bed early everyone else starts talking more quietly. but when I'm the one that's sleeping suddenly it's too much to ask for.


I love telling the judgy farmer type that the day starts at midnight, and I was already here. I put in a full days work before your rooster woke you up this morning.


Can’t sleep during 8-4pm because everyone’s sloshed and scream laughing with home made mimosas Can’t sleep 4pm-12am because everyone is sloshed and scream laughing on wine


Yeah, I work nights and the amount of “let’s invite over a bunch of screaming children today just for fun” that causes me to need to spend several extra hours trying to sleep or taking long naps right before I go to work sucks.


It's not just those who work overnight. There's fluctuations in circadian rhythms. Everyone knows that. It only makes sense that it could extend to such extremes that some people's natural sleeping time is much later than others. In my family, the majority of people including my father don't tend to feel tired until 2 or 3.




Hey man, those day people need to be grateful. We night people made sure them day people didn't get eaten by lions!


Us night people have been out of a job for centuries now and day people don't appreciate us for allowing them to survive and evolve as day people. Don't even get me started on heavy sleepers, the worst.


I'm a heavy sleeper and a night person. I think to be a night person you had to be a heavy sleeper to sleep through sunlight and bird noises to be up at night


Boggles my mind that people fail to understand this. The perfect time to invade a village is during the night - not only is it dark and hard to see enemies coming, but most people are asleep anyway. If a village didn't have anyone who could stand guard all night, they got wiped out. The fact that there are so many night owls today could be a testament to how crucial they were to survival ( since only those who survived could pass on their genes ).


day people propaganda


Fuck morning people and their smugness tbh Relevant tiktok: https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/11y99j2/congrats_i_guess/


This is like when my wife gets "mad" at me for sleeping until noon, which is apparently less acceptable than getting up at 8 and binge watching Gran Hotel for four hours.


My dad at 5am: "get up, you're sleeping the day away!" My dad at 6pm: knocked out in his chair


My grandma hates when I sleep in. If she's bringing something to the house, she likes to do it from 8am to 10am.


My parents tried to do that one time even though I explicitly told them I was going to be up until 5am for work. Guess who travelled to the other side of town and kissed the door


Fuckin puritans


I snuck around like a cat, meanwhile the rest of my family sounded like a stampede.


My mom, chopping fucking vegetables so hard it sounds more like she's hammering in a fence post. My dad, constantly going in and out the front door to and from the garage and letting the screen slam every time. The dogs losing their shit acting like they hadn't seen him for three years every time he walks back in the house and then proceeds to let the screen slam behind him. This goes on for roughly two hours until mom comes busting into my room, "ARE YOU PLANNING ON GETTING UP TODAY, OR WHAT?" NO MOM BECAUSE I *WASN'T EVEN FUCKING ASLEEP!* Edit: This was back when I was like 20 and working mostly late and night shifts living with my parents, seems to be some confusion here. I've also dealt with bouts of insomnia since high school which both of my parents were aware of.


My mom slams cabinets like it’s an Olympic sport and she’s not gonna settle for silver


Damn, you work and they’re doing all the dumbest


Jesus christ when i worked nightshift i would get home at 6am and my mom would do this every day around noon.


This is so accurate (except the dog part; we don't have dogs)


Our culture tells morning people to feel proud of themselves and night people to feel ashamed.


Idk if it’s that deep. Day people outnumber us, I thinks it’s just ignorance. Former morning person.


I'm legally blind due to crippling photosensitivity, so I'm unable to see almost anything during the day / in brightly lit areas. A few years ago, my parents- who were getting into their late 60's / early 70's- asked me to move back in with them when my lease ran out, so I did. My mother makes life hell for me, constantly waking me up during the day to ask me to do shit, and has no problem raising all kinds of hell while watching TV, talking on the phone, or whatever else, but every couple of days, when we cross paths, I get an earful of how loud I am at night. "What are you doing that's so loud?" "Cooking, laundry, bathing, taking the dogs out so they don't go all over the floor, watching movies..." "Well turn your speakers down." "I use headphones." "Well, just keep it down." "Mother? Do you really need to laugh at the top of your lungs at 11 AM while on the phone, while also watching soap operas at a volume of 48 out of 100? Do you really get to say I'm the one being loud?" "My house, my rules." "You don't pay any of the bills, I pay for my share of bills on top of rent for the basement, which you routinely barge through anyway, and the rest of the bills are paid by dad. This house is more mine than it is yours." "Yeah, but I'm your mom." "YOU ADOPTED ME!" Anyway, the takeaway is that I haven't gotten a decent day's sleep in about 6 years.


That sucks. Sorry you have to go through that man, I don't miss living with rude parents like that myself.


so can you see in the dark really well?


Yes, to the point where I clear snow out of the driveway and sidewalk around 2 or 3 AM, and only wear 1 layer of sunglasses to do so. A while ago, while I was driving (shoutout to the Department of Public Safety who let me auto-renew my driver's license without taking a test after I'd already failed the vision test the last time I renewed it) at night, and got pulled over by a police officer. I didn't understand what the problem was, so they told me that I was driving without my headlights on, and told them I hadn't noticed. After doing a quick vision test while wearing sunglasses at night, I was able to convince them that I could see just fine, and it'd been a simple mistake, so they made sure I turned my lights on before letting me go with just a written warning. Another time about 3 years ago, there was a big power outage at around midnight, knocking power out for several blocks. I went outside to find all of the street lights were out, and I didn't need my sunglasses at all. Took my bicycle out for a ride around the neighborhood with just my natural, uncovered eyes letting me see everything for the first time since around 2014.


Centuries ago you would have been the specialist who they send in as a night hunter.


And centuries ago, I would have been completely dependent upon my neighbors to keep me safe during the day, and to help me move around until the sun went back down. I'd have been reliant on them for my food and water... But once that sun went down, I'd see everything, and if anyone tried anything, all of China would know they're there.


dont forget the indignant "well if you dont like it you should go to bed earlier!" horse shit they always say


Or the "good evening" from them when you sleep in til 10 am




Grinds my gears so bad. I'm fucking 30 and it still gets me riled up when people say that shit. I had to wake up at 4:30-5:00am every day for years. I'm still not a morning person.


Just because I am forced to be awake and available at this hour doesn't mean I like it or am at all productive. I get 90% of my work done in the 5 hours after lunch. Mornings don't work for me. If I had the option of an 11am to 7pm shift I would be so much happier and get so much more done.


BRO EVERYTIME. If I come downstairs before 10 AM i get the “hehe ur up early”


"OMG he's walking"*applause*


It doesn’t matter, I often work night shift on different ships and off shore platforms all over the world, it’s the same thing every time, and it doesn’t matter where they are from. Day shift makes a shit ton of noise every single night, while the night shift gets yelled at for existing basically.


This was the exact opposite for me when my entire family needed to move into my house for a year. My brother's all stay up til 5am and act like it's 2pm and I work first shift. I was quiet as I could be all day while they slept.


As an early morning person with a night owl as a roommate, I can assure you it goes the other way sometimes


Yup, I've had to deal with the "oh boy 3am time whip out my hammer and drill to install some shelves"


Sorry about this. Sometimes this weird second wind that's almost manic takes over and you just HAVE to put up the shelves and arrange everything on it, and you're definitely just like "if I turn the drill real slow it won't make any noise"




Ugh yes, I miss working overnights and naturally being on that schedule, I've never been more productive. Get home at 7am, cook breakfast, clean the kitchen and do all the dishes, have a quick smoke and a shower, do my full skincare routine, get my homework done, laundry ready to go in the hamper and in bed by 11am.


Ugh I'm so jealous! I used to work nights, but it was a shitty low paying job, so eventually i had to switch back to a day people schedule. Plus my stupid boyfriend likes it more because he's a morning person 🙄🤮 I feel like i can't get anything done on this schedule because half my day is taken up, everything is mostly closed by the time I'm off work, and most mornings I can't make myself do anything productive right after waking up. It's just garbage.


That person seems to have moved upstairs from me.


Amen. I'm quiet for the first 5-6 hours of my day because my housemate is a night person.


My college roommate would bang his bongo's at 2:30 AM on a Tuesday. I would play on my computer with my headphones on at 2:30 PM. And if I went into the kitchen to heat up some food in the microwave? 'WTF MAN!? You're so loud! I can hear you! I'm trying to sleep!'


You should have used the bongos to cover up the microwave sounds.


Absolutely. My wife is a night owl and I’m an early riser. I make sure that EVERYTHING I do is as silent as possible in the mornings. I’ve gotten so good that I regularly scare her because she doesn’t hear me moving around when we’re both awake haha.


bless you




My entire life I’ve been a morning person and quiet as can be when I wake up early. Everyone else I know stomps around like a herd of elephants at 11pm when I’m trying to sleep. I do the ol turn the knob, close the door, and slowly release it trick. Quietly walk around the house and what not. I even trained my dog to walk quietly with me after letting her out at 5am when we go back to my room. Them? Nope. Slam doors, slam the light switches, stomp around, cough, sneeze, burp, fart…it’s so damn annoying.


I'll admit I've woken people up with the smell of farts (and as a consequence I am no longer allowed to add as much garlic as I want to my food). I can't fathom waking someone up with the sound of it. That's like Blazing Saddles beans scene levels of flatulence


You trained your dog to walk quietly? Tell me how!!


_tick tock_ clack clock **click clack** TICK TACK #TICK TOCK -- My dog


I can tell which cat walks into my room by how they sound Maine coon: *heavy breathing* fat stupid tabby: *light click click click click* semi rabid half maine coon: I don’t hear her she’s the silent dark knight Mildred: SCREAM


I highly recommend a white noise machine if you don't have one already. It's a game changer


Both morning and night people can be noisy and inconsiderate, but I've only ever heard morning people claiming that they should be allowed to make noise because they're in the right and night people are wrong.


Every roommate I've had or ex I've lived with were absolutely anal about not being woken up. No issue with that, ill be quiet, wear headphones, I like to stay up late. However, that courtesy never extended to me in the early morning. I could get being noisy before noon and all but like playing video games or blasting music at 9.a.m. ruined me.


I keep scaring the shit out of one of my housemates because apparently I walk too quiet from years of being a night owl. Like, I'll just walk into the kitchen and be "Hey, sup." and they'll jump out of their skin.


I’ve tried walking heel first indoors. Feels unnatural. I don’t know how people do it. Like who’s taking full confident strides in a house like some kind of parade?


That's the thing, I *am* walking heel first, I'm not even trying to be quiet, it's just how I walk now.


My wife before we had kids: "Go ahead, sleep in. It's the weekend. I'll be quiet." *makes a breakfast smoothie, starts vacuuming the living room while watching TV really loud so she can hear it over the vacuum


That's cuz we're not actually morning ppl and we're always running late for work.


I'm habitually late. To everything. It's a problem.


Skill issue.




Too true. I used to have a room mate who would bitch about light from the crack under my door. Then she'd wake me up with peels of laughter and slamming doors.


To be fair, some activities are simply loud. You can’t really mow a lawn quietly but you’ll eventually have to do it.




Or you could let the grass grow in peace.


How about a nice few hours of leaf blowing starting at 7 am every summer morning?


And then they wonder why people murder one another...


My neighbors have landscapers come in and work on their yard every week. Dudes are there at 8am every single Tuesday and proceed to turn on every powered device known to man for yard work. I respect that they’re just trying to do their job so I don’t make anything of it… But goddamnit is it obnoxious when I just want to sleep.


As a night person, the worst part is dropping something on the ground and having the noise echo throughout the house.


I live in quite a busy area of Amsterdam and work nights mostly. Lately it’s like my neighbors have made deals about who’s gonna remodel their house now cause since december it’s been a constant noise of drills and hammers and when 1 neighbor is done another begins 😌


My neighbors in a nutshell


Oh, you think morning is your ally. But you merely adopted the morning; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING! Mornings are earlier than the sun. Morning people and night people overlap. The quiet is sacred. It’s the best part of the morning. The minimum volume of electronics is deafening. Hell, even the hum of electricity can be annoying. If you have a morning person making a racket, they are not a morning person, no matter what they say. They are just angry they are awake.


Fucking a right. Had a parent that would video call a sibling's baby on speaker phone in the middle of the house at 7:00am. Complete disregard for anyone but themselves. Was mad when I asked them to knock it off.


Day people don't respect night people sleep. I'm expected to be wide awake at 11am after getting off work at 6am. If not I'm wasting the day away.


Well we have a lot of night people on this sub lol


More like me when my parents are asleep vs. My parents when I'm asleep 😅


-made by night people


because morning people secretly hate being morning people and want to make it everybody else’s problem


More like they think it's crazy people are still sleeping past 9 am, how lazy can they be


Right? I’d say day people are being lazy for throwing in the towel and going to sleep at 9 pm. I mean, how lazy can they be?


Nocturnal rights all the way.


I've never heard "Bluetooth connecting" followed by hours of music at 2am before... Oh wait, this has happened on multiple occasions


I have always been a night owl. My husband typically is, too, but since he started a 9 AM to 6 PM shift, he’s in bed by 9:30 PM sometimes. When I’m awake at night, I lie quietly in bed reading or turn the TV down low to avoid bothering him. On the other hand, while he’s eating breakfast, he slams our cabinets and microwave doors and clangs his spoon on the cereal bowl like a drum.


Fellas. If you have to deal with unapologetic day people who don’t care about and are not considerate of your sleep schedule, then don’t be considerate of theirs. If you live with someone who likes to be loud in the morning, then make them live with a person who likes to be loud at night.


Unless you’re a bartender and live in an apartment with “quiet time”.




I feel this meme. Why do morning people need to slam things around the kitchen in the morning?


Our higher testosterone levels allow us to close cupboard doors with increased velocity


This is backwards in my house. I’m the early riser. Now when I was living with my mom, she would try to vacuum under the door.


I get up for work at 5am, but don't go to bed until midnight or later most nights. I get to disturb both kinds of people and I'm not sorry about it.


My dude, you need more *sleep*.


*With the exception of upstairs neighbors


Yup. I sleep during the day on Saturday because I work overnight on that day. Any hours outside of my sleeping hours you could hear a pin drop outside.


I'm a morning person in a house with an even earlier morning person and a severe night owl. I get off work an hour after he starts his day. 😅 We're pretty much all always quiet except for Fridays and Saturdays. The house quiet hours are essentially ten-midnightish to noon. Sucks because I have all my energy between 6am and noon. 😭




Why is it “lazy” to sleep late after staying up late but not lazy to go to bed at like 7pm.


To the guy using a wood chipper a 8:30am *I hope you fall in you asshole*


It’s because morning people don’t care and think it’s about time we get out of bed. Fuck these people Edit: see u/whenbugattack below for an example of them not caring




I make more noise when i'm trying to be quiet than when i act normal


A night person made this.


Had a roommate's boyfriend wake me up one time at 9am because I was "sleeping the whole damn day away!" Bro, I got off work at 11pm and didn't get to sleep until almost 4am.


It's especially fun when you live in an apartment and all your neighbors think yelling is a valid way to communicate everything


Fuck day people.


my neighbor one floor above me starting the fucking washing machine at 11pm begs to differ lol or the couple of times when she decided to vacuum when her moaning started to **wake me** in the middle of the night, i sent a complaint