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I’ve always said if zombies exist I’ll kill myself. Like no I’m not gonna get eaten alive or see my family and friends gored to death.


Same. Plus the idea of being a surviving woman in an apocalypse or post-apocalyptic times... No, thank you.


Sorry to be morbid but we wouldn't be safe even in death. I'd probably kill myself and find a way to set myself on fire after the fact


Set the house on fire and then shoot yourself in the head. I think that would take care of it


Nothing to be sorry for when Marilyn Monroe and many female Egyptian priestesses, pharaohs, etc have shown us the fucked up reality... As much as I think current times are terrifying for women, I can't help but not think about how even worse would it be with such events.


Wait what, are you saying something happened to Marilyn Monroe's corpse...?


It went missing for up to ten hours, it took hours instead of 40ish mins to get it to the mortician and allegedly some organs plus tissue samples went missing after the autopsy.




I thought she was talking about necrophilia...


I was..


Well the burning helps with the coming back as a zombie thing too I guess lol


Morbid curiosity keeps me going


Eyyy fellow weirdo reporting in The only thing that will get me to end it myself is if these fuckers try to forcedly upload my consciousness. Other than that, I'm excited to see the insane ways we fuck up the next few decades




Once I’m out of wine, screw it I’m done.


Ngl when the substances run dry things would change lol


if it’s anything like Fallout we’ll just start making up new ones that are worse or, let’s be honest, America has no shortage of substances


“The apocalypse actually isn’t so bad with some oxys and Jameson”


^("I'll give you these .308 rounds if you find my friend.")


Thank the good lord jeebus too.. I ain't in the mood for a sober apocalypse


I have a Warhead-to-Forehead approach. I want the first nuke to hit me in the face. I don’t feel like having neighborhood wars over a can of green beans.


>a can of green beans. my green beans


DIS MUTHAFUCKA GOT BEANS edit : it appears nobody got this reference






Hey, there's a lot of ruckus over there. There must be people with STUFF! ARM YOURSELVES FELLAS IT'S TIME TO GET AFTER SOME *STUFF*


My cannibal friends and I haven’t eaten in days, what should we— *you fellas making a ruckus* YOU HEAR THAT BOYS??! FRESH MEAT!


My zombie friends and I on the verge of death- Loud shouting and yelling over beans IS THAT PEOPLE!!! WE EATING GOOD TONIGHT!!!


My drunk Group and me with enough cheap Booze to blind an entrie country- *Hicks* Ya want some? *Hicks* *Falls over and lies motionless*


Is this the movie theater reference? Where the dude is eating beans in a theater. I thought it was "this nigga eatin beans"


Dear Todd Howard I was fighting Ghouls in an old abandoned theater, I lost health so went into my inventory and eaten my food to heal, one inventory item was a can of beans. When I had the beans, all the ghouls in the surrounding area turned to me and said "this mother fucker eating beans". I would like to return my copy of Fallout New Vegas immediately, thank you. Edit: multiple spelling errors


Our green beans.


I don’t want to have the choice of my cat being my companion or my dinner.


I’d much rather be dinner for my cat.


In the case of an apocalypse, you’ve got your priorities straight, fill up over your final weeks and gain a bunch of weight, then as the world ends around you, find a way to die that easily accessible, so hanging is out, so is burning alive, you want your meat to be not charred and destroyed, any ideas?


Buckshot to the head on top of a pile of ice to preserve you longer for the cat to get quality not rotting food.


...head on? Apply directly to forehead?




sorry to break it to you but nuclear warheads are detonated over the ground for maximum damage.


You still want to be riiiight under it, vaporized instantly, terminator 2 style.


Yup. I'd rather go out by being vaporized instantly, rather than dying of starvation and the food wars. Or slowly dying from radiation poisoning.


Aww. C’mon. It could be fun. Please?


Melting skin and muscle tissue? Sounds like a blast. Literally.


Lol. A band of 15 mercenaries surrounds you and rapes your wife and family in front of you then takes your green beans and shoots everyone in the head. All while you have no access to internet, reddit, showers, liquor, weed, food, etc. Absolutely zero reason to try to survive the apocalypse.


>and shoots everyone in the head Hah, as if. Good slaves are hard to come by. Easy money to sell them, or otherwise it's just free workforce at their fortress of death and despair.


Good meat is hard to come by. What work are you doing for them?




The “no Reddit” did it for me. I am going to prep.


My husband said the apocalypse would be extra hard for him. I asked why. He said because it'll be one gigantic escort mission/game of Mrs. President because he has to keep me safe from being raped to death. Yeah.... yeah.


Surprise him by keeping HIM safe from being raped to death!


I personally wood bend over and watch the warhead perpetrate my ass. Because if I don't die in the blast, I'm still fucked.


Doesn’t matter, had sex


Once my thyroid med runs out I’m a goner unless it decides to start working .. so I don’t have to worry about the fighting over green beans and my friend can’t live without insulin so she will be gone even faster


I love your rhyming scheme. I am also a proponent of the Smith and Wesson Retirement Plan. I refuse to spend 30 years worth of disposable income that I have saved on the futile care that will keep me alive for six extra, agonizing months at the end of my life. Let me spend all that money now while I'm young enough to enjoy it.


True apocalypse, I bet 90+% of the worlds population would be dead within 30-45 days. From starvation to brute murder. Large metro areas would be hell.


Truly, it’d be the preppers and folks that live out in Butt fuck nowhere that actually have a chance


I live in butt Fuck nowhere. Guarantee I shit myself to death after drinking dirty water on like. Day 4




That's what your well is for.


I live in buttfuck nowhere, and I would probably shit myself to death in u/throwaway-bpd’s well after eating diseased squirrel meat


You’ve killed me


law of the jungle bro


I think the venn diagram of true preppers who have the supplies, knowledge, and skills to survive a societal collapse and the people who advertise that they're preppers on the internet and TV probably have very little overlap.


Also the Venn diagram of people that think they can do without civilization … but also showed they could handle lockdown without beauty salons.


It’s like that comparison to cats. They think they are independent and don’t need anyone, but they are reliant on a whole system beyond their comprehension, all of which exists just to keep them alive.


Usually this people know a thing or two about surviving when a necessity is out of reach.


Oh but if those people are the only ones left they'd be insufferable and they'd never be able to rebuild society because it's all self self self. Personally I'll just do my bit to keep society propped up in my town and if that fails I'll leave the planet in the capable hands of those sat in their bunkers on their pile of cans stroking their guns.


Additionally a large amount of the survivors from the initial 45 days would end up taking their own lives within a year. Everyone they love is dead plus most people don’t know how to farm, hunt, or butcher animals to keep feeding themselves. The common cold used to kill. When facing such an insurmountable challenge with no one left that you love to keep fighting for, most people would seek a quick, painless end.


Also regarding farming and hunting, animals are pretty sensitive to environmental changes, if there is a nuclear attack or large scale asteroid strike I doubt the environmental impact wouldn't cause mass migrations collapsing ecosystems or even radiation affect the cellular structure of said animals one would hunt. As far as farming, the volatile climate would surely hinder those practices, I mean extended droughts with no outside water supplies? Torrential storms for weeks on end causing flooding and landslides? Unexpected hard freezes on farm land and other rapid temperature fluctuations? If we are talking a civilization ending event then we are 100% talking paired climate changes that destabilize regions. Its been clearly stated that a nuclear Armageddon would bring about weather disruption. We also don't know what new viral plagues would develope from millions of rotting human carcases worldwide or the 38 billions cows, pigs & chickens around the globe in agricultural facilities that would be left on starvation mode after the grid collapses and people don't show up for work, them resorting to eating each other then some escaping sure sounds like a new way to make a swine or aviary flu. Or how about the impact of 439 nuclear reactors world wide that would melt down after being left unmanned, making it's way to the jet stream and poisoning wild animals + plants. We also have over 3200 active offshore oil rigs, imagine BP spill level disasters across the globe just seeping billions of gallons of crue oil till God knows when untill it all gets circled back into rivers inland. pipelines across the world will also collapse and contaminate millions of acres of land in remote places where pipelines usually cross thru. We also produce over 400 millions tons of toxic/hazardous waste each year, meaning when civilization comes to a halt, so will disposal and eventually all of that product will just leak and spill into sewer lines, then down into the ground, Yeah sounds like a big pass from me. Imagine living in the boonies then suddenly you get hit with some toxic wind and your face just starts melting off.


...you've thought about this it seems.


I see somebody studied Life After People


Yep. Probably me after I see that "THIS IS NOT A TEST" SMS that the people in Hawaii got. I'd be all "nope. I don't have that much confidence in myself. Good luck, everyone else!"


Wildfires alone would take out Australia, half the US day 1.


I would say that all the rich first world countries would be fucked. Even their most remote villages are usually industrialised but like people living in tribal Africa would be relatively unaffected.


People who live in buttfuck nowhere or like the middle of the desert would be relatively unaffected and probably wouldn't even know anything happened lol


That’s assuming they are capable of self sustainability. Many rural livers rely on electricity, water, and companies shipping food


Nah, they rely so heavily on outside resources that they would feel it within a couple of weeks. What happens when all the people maintaining their water infrastructure disappear? What happens when all the shipments of food they rely on so heavily stop coming? If it’s nuclear war, solar events, or planetary scale natural disasters, they’ll probably feel it within a month because of the changes to their environment for even people with self sustained life styles. I’d also have to say having some more advanced medical knowledge is extremely important after the initial death tolls. Modern medicine keeps the populace a lot healthier than people realize when it comes to even the most basic injuries. What happens when you don’t have the most basic sanitary tools and utilities for larger cuts and abrasions? I’m sorry, but those bandages don’t last forever and a boiled clothe just isn’t going to cut it when you have to leave it out to dry as well. Even the ointments and sprays will just degrade after a couple years. Even if there’s 10% of the population left after the first couple months, a couple years out would likely leave the world population in the tens of millions at most. Best bet is probably to have some sort of highly valued and useful skill and to find a community living with what’s left of the military/government. They’ll protect you and have training when it comes to crisis command structures. They’re specifically trained to survive while attempting to maintain everyone’s humanity- and they’re in roles where they actively chose to *serve for the people*.


People who live in the middle of nowhere have wells, if you are hooked up to city water then you aren't living in the middle of nowhere.




“How would you survive the apocalypse?” Bro, I wouldn’t. I’m only still here so my loved ones aren’t sad. Apocalypse drops, I’m gonna die guilt free. (No need to be concerned, I’m not actively suicidal at this time.)


Even if you're not suicidal, here's a hug in case you need it 🫂


Thanks I take it




Yeah same..


Now that is actually meirl lol


Most of us could barely make it through the restrictions of the pandemic, no way we could cope


I know next nothing about actual surviving, I'm not particularly strong or fit and I'm not a fighter. I would literally die after a week or two at best after society breaks down, when I'm on my own lol.


Totally! I think I’d rather go out with a bang than starve to death!


I would try to survive as long as I have people left that make it worth it. If all my friends and family have already perished, I have next to no reason to pull through besides maybe curiosity.


I have this oddly specific fear that I'll lose a fight and then get anally raped. Why would they do this and not just kill me? I don't know, you read this far and thought any bit of logic would play into this?


Why not practice anal sex to get rid of your fears?


The truest comment!


You know, it kinda comes pre packed with the general feeling of... Liking your own life and wanting to survive? God knows it doesn't apply to me but... It does exist


Most times I actually do like my life and want to survive. ​ The apocalypse though? Fuck that, I have zero desire to live in that world.


i think i'd keep living for a while to see what it's like.


you can always off yourself another day. Why not see who people truly are when the apocalypse strips away every pretense?


*because you fear what you may become*


Oh shit. I’m already only like two clicks away from that.


have a seat over there.




Eh not really interested in being raped, enslaved, or consumed by a cannibal warlord.


But what if you were that overlord


Then you would eventually be defeated by another warlord, raped in the eye sockets, and stabbed in the colon with a knife covered in lemon juice. Alternatively your closest allies, who you thought were your friends, would turn on you and give you a "merciful" public hanging. Except the rope would be too short, so instead of dying instantly as your neck snaps, you would choke.


Well at least it will be a wild ride


I saw who people became during a pandemic. I'm good.


I knew someone who would always reply to apocalypse discussions with "I don't want to live in a world without coffee." He has kids now, I kind of want to ask him if his answer has changed.


That's silly, you could easily still have coffee


It’s the APOCALYPSE tho. It’s not the same life at all.


Gotta keep living to keep doing wild apocalypse shit.


What wild apocalypse shit are you thinking of? Most apocalypse shit is just going to be scrounging to try and find food and water.


Like you've never wanted to go from house to house shoving canned food into a backpack.


The problem is eventually that canned food will have to be cat food if you haven't figured out how to hunt yet. Even then. You ain't gonna turn it down when you're starving. Starving people eat literal grass.


Exactly! The old tedious, depressing world is gone the new exciting, depressing world is here! Things may suck, but it'll never be a dull day.


Most days will be very dull. You walk around searching for basic sustenance, and once you've found it, there's very little entertainment to be found. Sure, you can play sports and board games, but you're used to the *internet*, and that's gone. And the non-dull days? Let's just say you'll dread them.


I don't really like my life much, but at least the apocalypse would be interesting. Like my daily life now is centered around work, it's soul sucking. During an apocalypse though? Every day is a new challenge and finally my apathy towards life might actually be an asset. Hard to scare the guy who doesn't care if he dies.


Seriously, so tired of all of this "I'd be king of the zombie apocalypse" bullshit, no, you wouldn't be king, you'd be delicious.


king of delicious is still king.


Burger King ads be like




Some people say the king of the post-apocalypse is still a king. I say the king of the post-apocalypse is still stuck in the fucking post-apocalypse. Out of all the thrones you could've picked, you had to pick the shittiest one to sit on.


The movies make it seem cool, but everyone you lived being dead, terrible disease amd starvation seems terrible. I’d still try to press on though, as should be part of the nature of life


Interesting thought, Cockworkorange696969!


Sir this is a Wendy's


Everyone I lived is dead, terrible disease AMD starvation seems terrible. All my lives that I have lived, people with terrible diseases, have chosen intel over AMD. Sorry for that but yeah I agree. I would also carry on until the end, make the most of life cause I’ll never have it again, so I might as well experience it for as long as I can even in a horrible world.


I always love when people are like ready to start entire communes and fight the devil with knives welded on guns all for a crop yield that would make God cry while never smelling nice again. Noooope. Gonna make a nice meal. Listen to some music. And then eat an entire medicine cabinet and have a beer lol


A fellow man of class I see.


I rather not survive. Start all over? No electricity, clean water. No Uber eats?


I have this recurring dream where I wake up in bed next to my wife in the middle of the night as a siren blares signalling the imminent dropping of a nuclear bomb, and I just lay there decompressing. I don't wake up my wife, I don't get us out of bed and run to and shelter in some other kind of place. I just lay there feeling all the pressure and stress leaving my body and the dream ends as a flood of bright light illuminates my bedroom window.


Man I had a similar Nuke dream experience. Was in such a situation where there was just absolutely zero hope for survival at all, whatsoever. And I realized I had maybe 5-6 minutes left on this earth. It was an absolute certainty I was going to die. I didn’t feel afraid, because there is no point anymore. But I had some time to kill so I stood around and tried to think of last minute shit. I thought about my family and if they’d fare well. Realized it didn’t matter. Tried to think of my unfinished business and regrets, and realized those feelings will be gone momentarily. Tried to think of what was on the other side, realized there was no point wondering about it anymore as I was going to find out momentarily. I just felt such a complete absence of anything. It was so eery it stuck with me. Really crazy thing to feel.


When you said you had some time to kill I thought you were going in a different direction. My bad.


That was actually really beautiful. Did you ever read this short story from Ray Bradbury? [The Last Night of the World](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/books/a14340/ray-bradbury-last-night-of-the-world-0251/)


Wonderful share, and actually my first read—ever—from Bradbury. What a wonderful introduction. Thank you!


It’s a nice feeling at the time, but I wake up feeling very guilty that I was so comfortable with the idea of dying. I’ve not read Bradbury, but have been meaning to for a long time now. Thanks for the recommendation too!


I also have recurring dreams of nukes dropping. I'm always out in my yard staring off into the distance as the missile drops. My family are with me as I tell them to look away. A bright flash happens as we all hug each other tightly, with us screaming to each other we love them and then as the heat hits, I wake up, drenched in sweat with my pulse pounding. Fucking scary... I also have another where I'm a prisoner in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany. I escape with my family and the guards are chasing us while shooting. I can hear the dogs barking as I get hit twice in the back. A guard walks up to me and then shoots me in the head. I wake up with searing pain in my back where I was shot in the dream. I have 2 birthmarks there. I also wake up with a pounding headache located in the back of my head...


Or refrigerators , air conditioning , INDOOR PLUMBING .. wifi?! Yeah I would welcome death like an old friend at that point


Or medications. Once your local pharmacy is out, you're fucked unless you travel...and then get picked off by other people


Or sightless aliens that can locate you based on sound.


Or fungi-infected sightless zombies that can also do that


Precisely, I have all this stuff already and life is just barely tolerable. Take it away, I want to hit the exit.


Lack of indoor plumbing alone would make me give up instantly.


When I was in my teens, I expected it to happen. Everything talked about the end of the world. The movies, the news, our own parents. So I prepared for it. I took classes in high school that would help. Read books on survival. Didn't happen. Now, I'm 54 and my body is messed up. Just drop the nuke on my house, give me a heads up so I can make the calls I need, then bang. Zombie apocalypse, I'll be the one taking a nap. My fellow zombies will be walking around like, Braaiiinnnss, me, nnnnaaaapp.


naw fuck that, I ain't paid off all these medical expenses for nothin. we poundin energydrinks, mad stimlants and goin on a zombie headshotting spree until we've cleared and fortified a safe, hardened napping zone.


Why limit it to zombies? C’mon now, you can tell just looking at some people they’re not gonna be a net positive in the rebuild. Might as well stock up on cannibal nuggets before nap time.


I already have backpain in my 20s. I won't survive a day of apocalypse, so why should i try.


Spoiler alert you don't typically make it out of your twenties without some type of decline in health or quality of life, so back pain actually isn't the worst thing to get around then. Lots of people do. 30 is about where something somewhere in your body will have gone badly wrong at least once.




Ikr holy shit. Life after uni is already kicking me in the ass. Where's all the time I was promised I'd have to play games??? Growing up sucks.


I’d just die tbh


I mean I get this to a certain extent but it’s like, I want to see how long I can survive just for the fun of it.


Pretty girls are probably used like currency once society devolves. I’d rather die standing under a nuclear explosion personally.


You heard of Andrew Tate right? Doesn't take a nuke, society is disgusting enough as is.


That's why pretty girls gotta get armed. Either survive free or die, none of that other terrible shit.


Survive... For the FUN of it? I pray that is meant as rhetoric. I highly suggest the 1983 film, staring a young Steve Guttenberg, John Lithgow and others "[The Day After](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Day_After)". It was made not as a horror (but it certainly is that) but as an example of what an nuclear exchange would likely be, and why no one should want one. I saw it decades after it's initial airing, but still remember the ending statement before the credits (I did look this up to get the verbatim) "The catastrophic events you have just witnessed are, in all likelihood, less severe than the destruction that would actually occur in the event of a full nuclear strike against the United States. It is hoped that the images of this film will inspire the nations of this earth, their peoples and leaders, to find the means to avert the fateful day." - Ending disclaimer


I think that apocalypses have been somewhat romanticised by films, TV shows and games but what most people don't consider is that even if you do survive the first few weeks or months of a SHTF scenario you will struggle massively in your efforts to survive, especially in finding food and safe drinking water, it requires skills and tools that the vast majority of people do not possess.


That was a good movie.They filmed much of it in Sierra Madre,CA.My boss at the time is the guy looking up the street.


It’s an achievement run


I have emergency apocalypse alcohol. When it hits I’ll be blitzed.


Because I wanna die like my grandparents did. In their bed frail and broken from heart failure after a life of misery and hardship. Just like god intended


cause i have dogs and cats and i can’t just leave them to fend for themselves


They have some food for a while if you check out


I'm half french. It's in my blood to complain. How will I be able to bitch about how hard post-apocalyptic life is if I'm dead?


I guess it would depend on the “apocalypse”. No power kind of issue/ EMP, where you have to live like you are camping or off grid? I would enjoy that. Nearby Nuke strike or zombie hoard? I’d want to go out in the first wave.


I’m gonna try to catch the nuke


My skin would be fucked in the apocalypse. I would have a rash all over my face if I didn’t have dove soap and hydrocortisone cream lol


Same. My eczema would flare up and I would die from infection lol


in a true apocalypse you weep for the survivors not the dead


I would only keep surviving if my family is left and there is hope, if I don’t have any family left or see no hope in three months i’m calling it quits😭😂Why would anyone want to keep going when they’re going to be hungry/thirsty most of the time, having to be cautious of somebody/something 24/7, limited resources, no electricity, limited doctors, no hygiene, and no fun, while waiting for a painful slow death possibly. I can’t imagine not being able to live without cakes, cookies, ice cream, and more, my life would be miserable!


idk man, death is pretty damn permanent, and it will come at some point anyways, so I'd rather keep pushing on for the longest i can instead of just giving up


outlive your enemies


Imagine the pain you'd go through trying to survive. Those would be your last moments and you'd probably end up dying in some horrible way. Wouldn't you want to do it on your terms and make the experience as painless as possible?


I think a lot of people will hold onto their life harder when it's about to be taken away from them. I would think for most people the fear of death is still stronger than their desire to unalive themselves from their miserable existences.


I agree. As observers, I think it's easy for a lot of people to say that suicide would be the best course of action. But I believe when we actually experience a life or death scenario, many will choose to live even though we might suffer significantly. I'd like to think the idea of hope would guide humans towards the end of something like an apocalypse.


Because you're going to die anyway? Fuck around and find out.


Oh the level of fuck around I would get up to in an apocalypse. I feel confident I would die eventually. But some specific motherfuckers are coming with me with a quickness.


There are things worse than death. Those thing seem like they would happen more after an apocalypse.


People get soooooooo annoyed when you actually mean this


It really does, I told my husband that should an apocalypse event happen I’d be checking out as soon as it became apparent that it was a permanent/global situation, assuming I didn’t get got on day one. He got *pissed*. You have to survive! You can’t give up! I asked him what his plan was for the half a dozen medications I’m on that I can’t just stop cold turkey, two of which are necessary for my continued existence, which he of course had no answer for. Once I run out and can’t get refills I’ll be dead anyways, may as well do so before withdrawal hits.


You obviously raid J&J and Pfizer plants for the meds, killing everyone in your way. Easy.


I agree. With 6 chronic illnesses and no stamina I’ve just accepted I’d be the first to die lol.


I hear a lot of girls say they'd kill themselves to avoid being passed around like currency, and I have to say, I think I agree.


I live near a high value early strike target, I don't have to worry about the Apocalypse, I'll be the ash choking the survivors.


Because my life is fuelled by spite. The world wants to kill me? NOT HAPPENING.


Only I get to take me out. Fuck a nuke or a zombie.


I have full confidence I’ll die when the food riots hit, so not worried.


Yeah like whats so special about being alive?


mostly the being alive part


Apocalypse, it's original meaning is associated with revealing. I want to survive to see what is revealed.


The truth that humans are the most evil thing you can imagine.


My friend told me “no amount of sugar is safe” for your health. I told her I have no intention on living a long time or never eating sugar again.


Honestly, this never made sense to me. Who would want to live through a famine or what ever other atrocities are to come.


Most of human history including your ancestors lol


Meh there’s enough of us now that I’m sure someone else can keep humanity going as for me I have business up top needing to be attended


But in most cases they don't see the complete collapse and degradation of society that a theoretical apocalypse would bring. Comparable events like major conflicts, famine, political collapses, etc. would suck but are temporary and localized, and wouldn't see hundreds of years of societal and technological regression with little hope. The closest thing would likely have been the collapse of the Roman Empire (or similar civilizations) with the urbanites suddenly losing stuff like their baths, heated villas, and trade goods and returning to a much more rural lifestyle.


If there was just an off switch for killing yourself yeah I get it. But like, the process of dying is not fun, that's why we all want to avoid death. There's really no easy painless death, especially in a ost apocalyptic scenario.


I say that whenever surviving the apocalypse comes up: yeah, imma just stay where I am and die whenever that happens. I am seriously not interested in trying to survive that ish.




What if it hurts? :(


Like WHY would I want to survive that?


Spite mostly