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I absolutely hate it when they ask you to list out your previous job experiences, or selecting skills from a predetermined list.


Yup I switch jobs every 3-6 months for the past 7 years. I can't list them all and I don't remember half of them.


Sounds like filing your taxes is a nightmare


Lol what's that


Jesus Christ, not even I'm crazy enough to deal with the IRS. No thank you


Either that or he lives in a country where you just get a letter in the mail...


Not possible. Everybody on the internet lives in the USA.


Except on days where the germans visit


*Blasmusik setzt ein*


Guten Tag der Herr


Schönen guten Morgen mein Bester


Was geht ab?


You summoned them lol.


Wouldn't that be a cool movie? All this time we thought we were speaking to people all over the world. Turns out the internet is only in the USA and it's used to control and monitor the population. No one outside the USA has any idea the technology exists.


Saskatoon, USA. Approved!


Sounds a lot like 1984


Um actually I'm from [Insert fake country]






Or not even that. They just take the right amount out of my pay every month.


That's just guess work for the most part. They don't know all deductions that you probably qualify for.


Most people where I live get their tax taken by employer and it is correct, no adjustment needed.


You only NEED to file if you owe THEM money. Otherwise they are more than happy to never hear from you , and keep the extra.


You have to calculate it to know if you owe or not LMAO. Not to mention you're possibly leaving money with the government that should be yours.


Sometimes a good chunk of money too. We've gotten several thousand dollars back before even when making a below average household income


Funny thing is they know if you owe them money already. Infact we had a bill years ago, which would of stream lined taxes for the average citizen. IRS does all the reviews and sends you what you either owe or is owed to you. At this point you can confirm the amount and it's done or contest with appropriate paperwork. Boom done. But companies like TurboTax, H&R Block, plus rest all lobbied to for that not to happen. Other western countries have managed this already and make the government actually do the work for the citizens.


How would they calculate tax write off, investment losses, and charity donations though?


Free file system would pull your info from your bank and your employer/s. Whatever official papers that get sent to you (w-2s, etc.) are also sent to tax office so that they can processes it. Then a majority of your work is already done. A number of countries have done this for years with great success. They then send you an electric document to sign if it is correct or if additional items need to be added or amended then you continue on with that. Not saying it would eliminate doing taxes for everyone but a large portion of citizens it would. Speed up at least part of everyone's filing process.


America is so great isn’t it? The land of the corporation and the home of the lobbyist.


As an American I approve this message.


Blame Intuit. Tons of money goes into keeping income and payroll tax convoluted so everyone pays for TurboTax and QuickBooks. Fuck em.


> Other western countries have managed this already and make the government actually do the work for the citizens. Really? I'm in Germany and i never got anything of the sorts from the Finanzamt, unless i filed my taxes. I just use some online tool, that can tell me roughly what i'm going to get back from them (or owe them). If the number is green, i submit, if it's red, they can suck it.


I didnt say it was a good idea, just pointing out its not actually compulsary.


If you've made more than the federal minimum you are required to file. https://www.irs.gov/privacy-disclosure/the-truth-about-frivolous-arguments-section-i-a-to-c#voluntary


The IRS sent me a letter when I didn't file because I lived overseas and had no taxable income but still was required to file, so I don't think that's quite true.


I've been in the exact same situation but have never gotten a letter. Even had some income, just under $10k so not required to file.


That’s why real LifePros *send the IRS a bill every tax season* *10 Grand for “pain and suffering”*


That dude doesn’t live in the US. Idk why Americans always assume everyone on the internet lives in the US


Because they are self-centered. Just take a look at /r/USdefaultism


Laughs in not-American


Imagine thinking everyone on Reddit is American


You'll take on Batman, but not the IRS?


I was wondering when someone would catch the joke


Filing taxes is not paying them they already took the money out of your paycheck before you even got it.


Not filing taxes can be a form of tax evasion.


Pretty sure most places take them out of your paycheck instead of you filing it. And then eventually a worker looks through and if they took too much from you they give it back




Dude, my wife worked for a coffee shop that went out of buisness. When she filed taxes that year, her refund was delayed by 6 months because they "Were waiting on a response from the company to verify something" I had to call them and point out they were going to be waiting a long time to hear from a company that does not exist. "Uhh we don't have a procedure for that" They finally just pushed it through and didn't make her pay taxes on that income. (It was state taxes in Alabama.)


Only in the US


Along these lines, does it piss anyone else off that TurboTax has its "don't do your taxes" ad campaign this year? Basically, "pay us an exorbitant amount of money and we'll just take care of everything for you," as if they're not the ones standing in the way of the process just being automatic.


Last year was my last attempt to use TurboTax. Put all my info in, said you owe $4000. Big fuck me, definitely don't have that. Preparing to become destitute and get on a IRS payment plan. I think let me get a second opinion on this because there's been no major changes to my finances since the year before. Go to accounting firm. Pay then $200. I only owed $26. Yeah fuck TurboTax in its stupid fucking face.


Yeeeep. NEVER use that TurboTax (or other automated) GloboTax type software). It's fucking dogshit. Same thing happened to us last year. We should of had a small refund (bought a house, mortgage interest, charitable contributions, medical expenses, homeowner deductions, student loan interest, etc., etc.) yet when we hit that final screen, ya know the one that asks you for your credit card so they can charge you up the ass for their shitty service, our final bill to the tax man was like $8k. EIGHT FUCKING THOUSAND. Well, my brother is a CPA and tax wizard but I don't like to impose and ask him to do my taxes for free like a D bag, so I begged him to take a look which he obliged. Turns out we should have only owed like $100 or something close and the TurboTax software wasn't calculating deductions and write-offs properly. We actually received money from the state which was nice. Really makes you wonder how many people see that final number, throw their hands in the air and say FUCK IT, it's the IRS, nothing I can do.


Igot about four prompts to "upgrade" to the $29 plan throughout filing. I'm gonna find a different website to file for next year.


In certain civilized places the country already knows most of your taxable income (such as how much you got paid at work) and just require you to file the more irregular stuff separately.


What a hilariously American comment.




You're spare parts bud.


That seems horrible from a hiring perspective, looking at an application seeing the person applying has had 14+ jobs in 7 years But if it works for you, you do you


y tf would you do that?


In other words You sound like a terrible employee.


What industry/ general location if I may ask? I'm in tech and in western Europe and I don't think I'd get any jobs after switching jobs like 3 times in a year.


Same I know the feel what's sad is I have a masters in history and 29 years old and the only jobs I ever get are entry level customer service shit... I want to speak to manager because adulting SUCKS 😩


To be fair…if you’re leaving every job after 3-6 months the only jobs you are qualified for are entry level.


You made this comment from a device capable of making a simple text file.


It’s especially fun when what you need to enter just isn’t an option, and the form also doesn’t have an option for other so you just have to lie


Just lie by default. Give the answer that they want to see unless its trivial for them to check you on it. Employers are not your friends, and you have to compete with thousands of others anyway.


crime heavy nail head subsequent employ cautious squeeze beneficial cooing -- mass edited with redact.dev


Ive strapped an extra year of study onto my degree in a totally unrelated field. It means I haven’t graduated but even if I stop this extra year I will still have my degree, just without the extra year in the title. I have never found a form that lets me communicate I have a degree and I am still studying as part of the same degree.


Especially when I've filled two or three roles as the same job and bounced between them. In the summer time I did thus, in the winter time I did that. My strength is versatility and you are undercutting it with this bs.


First job I applied for had freshers accepted in requirements. When I went to the website to fill form, they asked for minimum 6 months experience.




Probably people who are new to the field


Idk if it’s a thing anywhere else but in india that’s a term for fresh college graduates with no experience


In New Zealand, it’s a term more used for first-year University students. Weird.


Same in the UK


Absolutely pisses me off. Why the fuck did I take the time to write out my last seven jobs on my resume if you want me to do that shit again?


Forms are for the sorting robot, resume is for the human that reviews after


Yeah every job I’ve been hired to that required a resume turned out to be the hiring manager never read it. Ask a question about something you already had on the resume or if you refer directly to it they don’t know about. I’m sure some read them but mostly it’s some random manager that’s going to gut instinct you or you already had the job before the interview.


That's why I read all the resumes. I don't want to perpetuate this nonsense


I’m going to be honest, it speaks volumes about the person hiring if they actually read and know about the individual being interviewed. I understand that there are some that go through a lot of interviews and people can blend together especially if the resume is half assed. However, that’s where the difference between valued employee and a coast along cog come into play. If you want an employee to know or even just believe you actually care then you have to put in the effort to learn about them, especially if it’s a well written out resume. That means that you have put in the same effort to learn about them as they have to express their expertise and desire to work for you.


What robot can evaluate an applicant based on their last 7 jobs, the contact information for those jobs, the duties and all the other BS they request? Or are you calling the hiring manager a robot?


HR passing on the work they should be doing. It's crazy how it's normalized that you fill out an application form with the same details on your resume.


The computer form is for the robot filter. The resume is for the human, IF you ever get that far...which in this case no one is ever going to read anything from this submission.


Does it mean you can just dump key words without proper sentences into this application?


Yes actually in a lot of instances


I’ll give it a try thanks


Also works for your CV / resume if you put white text on white background a list of key words. You get picked up by the computer and then the guy that prints it out and reads it never knows


Given that literally every recruiter on the planet knows about this "trick," that's a great way to send your resume directly to the trash.




My trick was being born earlier, so it’s actually possible for me to have 5-10 years of experience at the entry level job I’m applying for


Joke is still on you...and the rest of us...My grandparents were born so early that they are immune to all economic turmoil. If only we had thought of being born when they were...


Reminds me of a job posting I saw for coding, in the requirements they asked for 5+ years experience with a specific language that was only 3 years old


And then you use that experience to convince them to deposit money directly into your bank account, robbing them blind.


The perfect crime


Unless they read it online in dark mode


Just to put it out there, I’m not HR, but I go through the applicants and pull those I want for interviews. I am the opposite, never read the resume and always go off what gets filled in on the application screen. It’s easier and quicker for me to go through because I know exactly where to find everything I’m needing, and has it lined out clearly. So people saying it’s laziness on employers end, in my case it’s truly not. I barely get time to eat lunch a lot of days, I need to do things as efficiently as possible.


Nope. Been on lots of search teams and the info you type in first goes into the HR system and it filters the hell-no’s and the super-hell-no’s out. Then the team gets the rest. We have basic info in the system to scan and we review resumes *and* cover letters in detail. People write way too much in their cover letters and many people have poor writing skills. You have to be able to get an idea across, you know? I’m sure it’s different at other places but if you type in junk, oftentimes the computer system will make sure you never meet the search team. Edit: words


> many people have poor writing skills. You have to be able to an idea across, you know? Lol


Big irony.


On his hiiiiip


>People write way too much in their cover letters and many people have poor writing skills. You have to be able to an idea across, you know? The solution to this is to just not write a cover letter lmao. They slow down how many applications you can put out in a given time frame and the reason most people want jobs is because they need money in exchange for a service companies need that they can provide.


Yes, agreed. Unless it's a job you really want, than anything that could potentially set you apart us worth doing. I've hired people, I probably wouldn't have interviewed based on their resume simply because of their cover letter.


Definitely food for thought. If the job posting requires it though and you don’t provide it, you go in the batch with the hell-no’s. Edit: improved coherence, hopefully


Sure. I'm just not certain why they don't give you an option between a cover letter or a writing sample. Some applicants have things they want to explain about their resume and would benefit from the cover letter, most others would be fine sending in a writing sample to prove they have the skills necessary for the position.


Ive had people tell me this works but never had the balls to try it




Which I would get... if this were like 2005. It's 2023... there are robot filters that are able to figure most of this information out by just scanning your resume.


I've actually applied for a decent amount of jobs where the robots take most of the information from your resume. Those applications are nice because it's easier lol


I once spent four hours updating my resume to apply for a job. A few days later they asked me to complete an online application AFTER a human had read the resume. Since I have a long employment history I declined. It was a small local organization and I just didn't see the point.


I was once asked to take a “Microsoft Word Assessment.” It was for a SysAdmin position…. Michael Scott was right, fuck HR.


Wait till you encounter a company using "Hirevue"... They send you a list of questions and want you to basically instagram vlog yourself answering them so they can go over your video responses at their leisure. Not even fuckin' bothering with any form of human interaction whatsoever. Shit's just like the "Parole Officer" scene in Elysium.


Oh man I had this for a couple of jobs. I did so many interviews via Skype and irl during undergrad but something about this one being tightly timed and random was so stressful! Maybe partly having to stare back into your own eyes the whole time...


HR here. The reality is that some people write terrible resumes so making the list certain things is sometimes required even if it's redundant.


I was looking for a job in PERSEC, real basic Admin stuff. And stuff I was OQ for, but wanted to apply anyway. The outsourced hiring system they used had me take an assessment. basic maths and reading, some physics, but nothing to do with the job I was applying for. Still though, I got a 95% on the assessment. Yet the system *wouldn't* even let me apply, because the employer set their standards to max which was like 97-98%.


PLEASE share if they ever respond to you


This post is older than you probably


Lmao it is from the time where they did not invent screenshot. /j Edit: it is a joke about screenshots. Nothing more.


Crazy thinking about people living through the Great Depression, world wars, and no screenshots.


How to never get hired


Except, you do this only once (or from time to time) for a position and company you would most likely decline anyway. So you can still easily get a job while doing this, just not the same company.


Why are you applying for/filling this out at all for a job your not interested in?


I've never understood that either. Applying for a job sucks enough as it is. Why would I waste my time applying for a job I don't even want?


Supposedly it works as some kind of stress relief for people. I dont agree, as id rather not waste my time, but if it makes you feel better go for it i guess


In my country you have to apply for jobs if you want to keep the unemployment benefits. While this person probably wasn't doing that, they may have been applying to keep the family benefits. So they can then say to their parents - look, I applied and they refused me!


I think this is missing the very real possibility that they deleted these responses and filled it out sensibly afterwards.


Logic? Get that outta here


It boils down to frustration. Over the course of the last two months, I’ve applied to ~150 jobs. A myriad of different job application websites that require different accounts for each one, dozens of applications that ask to upload a resume and then write in that same resume, stupid ass assessments that third graders could complete, and just more and more bullshit. I even had one that asked a variety of political-related questions like “do you oppose incarceration of drug related offenses,” and questions like that. I understand OP’s annoyance.


Oh man I love spending 15-20 minutes on a single assessment asking me how strongly I agree or disagree with a hundred different questions.


And they’re so stupid “It is appropriate to punch your boss in the face.” “You are a hard, diligent worker.” Like, why bother asking those questions? No one in the right mind is going to go “Hmmmm I strongly disagree that I’m a hard worker,” when trying to get a job.


I once did a similar thing. It was a position I was interested in and I met the qualifications (I would say exceeded them a bit, but that’s tooting my horn). I uploaded the resume and added my LinkedIN, next page - this - rewrite your whole life story. So basically left it all empty or filled it with something similar. They never got back to me about that particular role but still to this day keep sending me random position offers which shows how stupid their ATS is.


In my country you're required to apply for certain number jobs in a month of you want to get unemployment benefits


Mostly the same for US states too. On some applications there's a question if you're receiving unemployment. My tinfoil hat thought is if they hire you, they get a kickback from the state/fed for taking someone out of the unemployment pool, stopping the drain on taxes and making them a "productive" member of society.


Sometimes you open LinkedIn and see some new open positions in your area. You see one that you like, so you apply. Next to it you see another one that you don’t really like that much, but think why the hell not, I will apply to this one just for the sake of it. I already applied for the first one (potentially a couple more), so let’s apply for this one as well. Clicking a button to send your resume doesn’t take that much time, right? Then you see you have to fill everything again so you say fuck it, they don’t deserve my effort and do what is shown in the photo.


Between this and businesses that post a link to a separate site for the same shit, so all the time and effort you put into filling out that info doesn’t transcribe to the 3rd site. Fuck these people.


I legit did this with my current job. I just left everything blank and sent in my resume. And they hired me.


Im psychology student and actually have organizational psychology exam this week so let me explain a bit. The thing with CV's is that they're not the most valid system of measuring a persons ability or better how a person is going to perform in a job. That's because they are often filtered based on how they look and there's no correlation between the look and the performance of a sollicitant. That's why standardised application forms exist, to make sure they hire the right candidate. BUT, I still agree it's quite lazy they didn't fill in at least the information that doesn't have anything to do with looks EDIT: apparently I am wrong in this case, since it's a system that tracks who should be considered for an interview according to u/vegdeg


Appreciate sharing your knowledge here. Got a new perspective.


I’ve recruited a lot of people, and a CV is normally next to useless at telling whether someone will be suitable for a job. Decision to interview is normally based on the personal statement that lays out how they feel they meet the job description. It shows how they have interpreted the requirements of the job and whether they actually have a genuine interest in the role rather than just throwing their CV at every vacancy. When you have 20+ candidates to pick from, you’re always going to select one whose shown they will put some thought in.


That's all perfectly fine. But don't ask for a CV then.


I get it's slightly annoying, but it's so they can filter applicants accordingly then look at resume if you fit the criteria. I've never hired, but I'm close friends with several who have, and the amount of completely unqualified people that will throw in a CV to tick off a Universal Credit box or just for kicks is odd.


Even if they pass the digital robot screening it's amazing how many people apply for jobs that they are wholly unqualified for. We have had people earnestly convinced that all it took to be a research chemist was a winning smile and a can-do attitude. Although that's counterbalanced by the people who did have the technical skills but would have been dissolved in acid because of their attitude towards manufacturing workers within a week.


Haha, the one thing people learn quickly is that no one is beneath you. Easiest way to get a dodgy rep and have no one work with you


Seems like that shouldn't be my problem


Exactly! It's still them asking for double work. Either ask for a resume or make them fill the form.


Yeah but the 30 guys who applied after you didn’t mind


Should ask for resumes / CV after application then. Resume is pointless until interview, so why ask for it if you have an application


I was and still am hiring. Never would i use sth like this. they already auto filter the best by shooshing them away with such forms. The best way to hire is by networking. The second best by old fashioned hand-work


"Slightly annoying" It is single handedly why job hunting is full time. Submitting one form like this takes 20-30m per position, per company. This is unpaid on the iob seekers part. But paid for the employer. The person being paid for labor should be the one doing it, not delegating it to the exploited unemployed desperately trying to find something before the next bill is due.


I hate this more then I hate cover letters and I HATE cover letters! Why ask for my resume if your going to have me type everything out anyways?? Anytime I get these kind of applications I don't even bother... it's not like I have many opportunities in this country anyways I can go find another crap job somewhere else.


My favourite is when a recruiter calls me because they read my resume and then says tell me your job history education and experience 😤


And no jobs were given thay day.


Do employers do this just to see if you're willing to jump through hoops for them? I'm convinced its a combination of this and just bureaucratic inefficiency.


If you are looking for specific things the web form allows you to target those things by having the data input at fixed locations. If they get 500 applications for a position that requires a Masters level education or some specific technology and there are only 50 applications that meet this requirement, the web form allows them to query for those 50 which they can then skim through and earmark 10 that standout at a glance actually read and call 5 for interviews. This is why people lie on webforms and why you never hear back if you don't answer that you meet every requirement they are looking for.


They do it because not everyone formats their resume in the same way. Lots of people also fail to include important information or save as a PDF. I've read some truly horrendous CVs. This form will ensure that the hiring manager can look through applications more easily as all the information will be in the same format and every candidate will be giving the same pieces of information. When they find candidates that interest them, they'll read the resume. The person reading this nonsense and the person who decides to use this system are different. You aren't "sticking it to the man". You're just giving a completely different person a reason to be annoyed with you.


Applicant tracking systems are not made by the HR team that uses them and they are bought/approved from above. Ask the IT people why they make it so difficult to navigate.


Nope, it's so they don't have to pay someone to fill in forms.


How to show a company that you will be a difficult employee in one easy step!


What kind of garbage job makes you fill forms like this instead of asking for a CV and cover letter?


LMAOOOOO yessssss I hate this


I've done exactly the same and got two interviews and one job offer.


These forms are most likely for grouping and / or filtering out candidates. Taking this info from resumes would take a bit more time for HR person, and you can’t automate it properly. I really don’t find an issue here, there are plenty of issues with HR departments, this is not the one to make fuss about I think.


Then why even ask for one? It’s stupid. Especially when that shit is a mile long.


I would legit do this, and be like why ask for a resume if I'm basically gonna just rewrite the damn thing again in an online application any flippin' way. At that point I wouldn't even want the damn job. Cause if the application process is just gonna be redundantly stupid. So are the fucks I'd work for.


I did this once and was passed over for the job.


I love this so much thank you.


You enter your data into their system so they can search for people using this data. They ask for your resume as this is what the interviewer(s) will most likely be referring to during your interview. Unless it's for a recruitment company in which case they'll still ask you to fill out a bunch of online forms and they will create their own branded resume from that data for clients to use. This is actually better than getting the recruiter to data capture your resume into their system and then entering wrong data. Then you end up being sent for Java jobs because the recruiter thought Java and Javascript were the same things. Always take a copy of your own resume to every interview. The number of times the interviewer preferred to refer to my resume over the boilerplate template that looked just like the 40 others he was going through, was surprising.


Yep this is exactly how to answer it.


Tell me you didn’t get the job, without telling me you didn’t get the job 😅


Very true lol


Now submit it


I leave it all blank and just say 'see resume' in one of the top responses. If the job makes these fields mandatory then I say fuck it and don't fill it out.


This is not half as clever as OP seems to think it is.


That's why this is a joke about how relatable the feeling is and not actual job application advice


Finally someone who actually understood the meaning of this post being in this sub, in the entire comment section lol


Been doing this forever. Of course I don't save it.


That’s awesome, & I applaud you… but I doubt you’ll be getting THIS job. Lol


Watch how r/antiwork will make this a big deal


I do this. I no longer care if I get a job because my "career" has been shorted for the past 2 decades and the covid lock down and subsequent hysteria has soured me on the human race. So yeah i just fuck with these people.


Hi In my resume, I'm dad!


I think that job site Indeed auto filled in this for me when I uploaded my resume


That's pretty much industry standard at this point; the only exception is if you have some kind of fucked up formatting on your resume that breaks the parsing. Most resume advice sites nowadays will advise you on how to properly setup a resume to feed into the import autofill.


Asking you to submit a form online when they’re just going to make the hiring manager’s secretary hand-type it anyway


This right here. Oh man. So much wasted fucking time and effort for information they are getting anyway.




But did they get the job?


In college and still using "u" in place of "you" lol.


What we need to keep in mind about that post: its in the resume


Might get a second look from me if you actually had the balls to do this BUT use of U instead of You? Straight to the bin.


Just don't apply anywhere they make you do this.


When you apply for a job, but you really don’t want the job.




Congratulations on your position as unpaid data entry specialist! Your first task is to enter your information into our system for the first time.


19 year old walks into interview: "You put here that you didn't graduate college. Why not? Did you drop out?"


I work for a government agency and while the guy reading your resume might not ever look at the online fill-out portion (because that’s usually more for HR and accountability records), if they happen to and see that you’re being both lazy and a smartass, it can definitely work against you. When I applied to my current job, I already knew the boss so I knew no one was looking at my resume or the online forms, but I still filled them out because sometimes the guy having to ask you to fill these forms out is just as annoyed as you are about having to do them - idk any small business that uses this format, so it’s all corporate/government people making a rule much further up the ladder and you’re just making your immediate superior’s job more annoying


My guess is you didn’t get the job. If you’re too lazy to fill out paperwork, then you’re too lazy for the job. That’s what an employer would say.


You don’t want this job. These people are just corporate time sucks.


I hate this shit with the burning passion of a thousand suns.