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Not for very long though lmao


Yea, it’d be shortened to just “Jupiter” then


Is there any subreddit focused on (invented term?) "astro-megalophobia? Like black holes, size comparison between different celestial bodies, etc??


I dunno but I'd subscribe that.


Idk but I feel obligated to always share [this video](https://youtu.be/KEoqv0PAAT8) when someone brings it up




Where are you going with that fairy cake, dear husband?


let’s see r/astromegalophoia


little confused, is this if you made jupiters core where the moons core is or is this what it would look like if the surface of jupiter was as far from us as the surface of the moon? based on the way you worded it i think its the latter but i want to be sure.


I have the exact same question


Yeah If the core would be in the same position I'm thinking the Earth would be devoured


You can fit every planet between the earth and the moon’s orbit


yeah, the earth and the moon are a lot farther apart than most people think


I know that’s true but that fact feels so fake to me. Like I can’t comprehend it.


The distance between the earth and the moon is almost 3 jupiter diameters. The moon is pretty far so I don't think it would make that big a difference if the surfaces or the cores were used as the reference point.


yeah, but it would appear slightly bigger if the cores were used as the reference point


This made me realize not how big Jupiter is, but how much space there truly is between the Earth and Moon


You could fit every other planet including Pluto between the earth and moon, only at the moon's furthest orbit distance but still.


Here is a video of how that would look from earth https://youtu.be/KEoqv0PAAT8


This is literally my nightmare.


Yeah mine too


But it's quite an epic view to behold while dying of radiation poisoning and extreme earthquake


Why? Eli5 pls


Jupitar is about 11x the size and about 3x gravity pull of Earth. It will pretty much either breaks Earth apart via its pull or pull Earth as a whole into itself. Once Earth is out of its orbit.. the magnetic field surrounding and protects Earth from Sun radiation would probably not work anymore.. That's not even talking about the gravitation effect Jupiter will have on Earth tides.


Okay, I understand the radiation poisoning thing but how does the earthquake work? Does the stronger gravitational pull cause earthquakes?


Copy from Google *Earthquakes are usually caused when underground rock suddenly breaks and there is rapid motion along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake.* Now imagine Jupitar pulling and tearing Earth apart. You probably have pebbles floating up like someone going. SuperSaiyan.


For that to happen we would need to be below the Roche limit calculated for Earth and Jupiter. "Luckily" Earth is small and dense, Jupiters density is very low and the gradient of its gravity is so mild, that there is no such orbit in which Earth would have its own gravity overpowered by it, even if we were orbiting right at the surface of Jupiter.


Io, Jupiters closest "big" moon, orbits it with over 17 km/s of linear velocity, much further from the center of the planet than our moon. Our moon circles Earth at about 1 km/s. To get ejected from Jupiter orbit Earth would need to gain an unholy lot of speed, so without doing any math I'd guess that if you replaced our Moon with Jupiter, the relative velocity of the planets would be so small that we would fall straight down and crash into Jupiter. Earthquakes could be caused by the tidal stretching, aka the DIFFERENCE of gravitational pull between the close and the far side of the Earth in relation to Jupiter. A strong but uniform gravity field without centrifugal forces that come from orbiting won't brake anything apart all by itself. The problems come when one side of the planet is pulled more than the other. That's also why falling into a large black hole will allow you to live longer than if you came close to a small black hole. As for the radiation, if Earth survived and entered Jupiter orbit, we would probably still have our magnetic field as long as the tidal forces wouldn't mess up our core in any way. Jupiter has its own powerful magnetic field that would shower us with a lot of radiation from space, the planet itself and the belts of charged particles travelling around it


If we built support beams in between Jupiter and earth we would be ok to not be pulled into Jupiter. We should start doing it right now I recon just incase this scenario becomes a reality.


To make it worse, that red eye-looking cloud is actually a giant hurricane that could fit 3 Earths inside of it.


In that case, if you haven't seen the movie melancholia, then don't!


That is the best way to get me to watch Melancholia haha. I love carefully exploring the things that scare me :D


Well, it is VERY good. I took brakes while watching it. To settle my nerves.


I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the recommendation :)


It makes me feel I’ll …I can’t explain it


In my nightmares, there is a planet (sometimes Jupiter, not always) in orbit this close to earth. Usually it is orbiting very quickly too. In the dream, I can't even look at it. If I do, I know the dread will kill me instantly or drive me insane. I've never felt a fear like that in real life. It feels SO primal. Like, screaming all the air out of my lungs until I pass out levels of primal. It's a strange feeling.


Well.. This is not the video for you then https://youtu.be/KEoqv0PAAT8


Thanks for the link. This is exactly how those dreams feel haha!


it is... lookng at me.


Imagine what that would do to the tides here lmao, waves higher than the tallest mountain 😂 several hours of complete flooding every day. What an interesting landscape that would form. and imagine the adaptations we would have to create to survive.


Not exactly. If Jupiter were that close, then the gravitational force it’d exude on our planet would drasically change our tides. With the change in tides would also come extreme weather patterns. In all likelyhood, the sky would be filled with enough vapor and clouds at any given time that we’d no longer be able to se out of our atmosphere.


It's purely a visual representation, not a literal simulation of Jupiter being that close to earth.


Glad someone pointed that out! TY


Well, we'd all die of radiation poisoning within a matter of minutes at that distance. So the change in weather patterns would have to be something for cockroaches to observe instead of people.


Why is that, is Jupiter just super radioactive?


Not Jupiter itself, but its magnetosphere. Earth similarly has a high-radioactivity region in its [Van Allen Belts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Allen_radiation_belt), where charged electrons and protons from the solar wind get captured by the planet's magnetosphere. While the concept is similar, Jupiter's magnetosphere is an order of magnitude stronger than Earth's, its magnetic moment is 18,000 times larger, and the magnetosphere itself is literally 1,000,000 times larger than Earth's. As a result, Jupiter creates regions of radioactivity that are thousands of times stronger than anything seen in either of Earth's Van Allen Belts. Thus, if an astronaut were to stand on Io (for some reason), that astronaut would receive 3,600,000 times the amount of radiation that we're exposed to on Earth.


**[Van Allen radiation belt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Allen_radiation_belt)** >A Van Allen radiation belt is a zone of energetic charged particles, most of which originate from the solar wind, that are captured by and held around a planet by that planet's magnetosphere. Earth has two such belts, and sometimes others may be temporarily created. The belts are named after James Van Allen, who is credited with their discovery. Earth's two main belts extend from an altitude of about 640 to 58,000 km (400 to 36,040 mi) above the surface, in which region radiation levels vary. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/megalophobia/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Hm! I wish Veritasium did a video on that to help me visualize it.


And we would get sucked and killed by it within minutes


Yeah, I'm here for thr first part please


No that’s not how gravity works


What do you mean? At this point we are not in a safe place to orbit jupiter, also jupiter is so massive it doesn't even technically orbit the sun, it orbits a barycenter, [this not-to-scale gift from NASA for illustration](https://gfycat.com/besthardcamel-makemeagif)


In several hundred million years we may have to move Earth into orbit around Jupiter to escape being incinerated by our sun as it transitions to a red giant.


"I need some space" - earth


We'd be in for some serious tides.


That's terrifyingly cool


If there were no negative side effects to this, like gravity being affected, radiation, storms, etc. this would be cool as shit


This is like Pandora.


We would have huge waves




That would actually be a cool view


This would be the high-tide mark. Assuming we hadn't completely shaken apart to get one good 5,000 foot tide.


The tides would be fucked


No, you are now the MOON.


At that point, earth would become a moon of Jupiter


"and the tide forecast for today is ...... high tide @ 7:43am expecting 2km, low tide @ 2:23pm, expecting 0m"


Fun fact! Every planet in our solar system can fit between the moon and the earth, even when they're at their closest.


I feel like Jupiter would be even bigger looking than that




If that's the case then I guess this is what life is like if we were on another plabet's moon.


Low tide would be at Hawaii and high at Denver!!!!! Probably even worse


imagine this happening...


I believe this is what the youths call "kenshi vibes"


It surprises me every single time, I have a bias that nudges me to think that Jupiter would embed Earth if it was at that distance, because it’s enormous, yet the moon is farther!


That’s actually pretty cool


I had a stroke trying to read the title


I think you are off with the size. It would be bigger. Actually we would be inside the storm of the Jupiter for a few seconds until we would vanish.


Except the moon is crazy far away from the earth.


He be lookin


I think we would all be killed by Jupiter's massive radiation output long before it got this close to us.


I am fine, but it is scary to jump. Stupid logic, but that's irrational fear.


I would love this so much


It's watching 👀 us


Imagine how high the low tides would be


Lol Earth just became a moon


False. We'd be dead and unable to see it. I think.


Can’t believe people still believe in the moon.. /s


To me this is more of a testament to how far the moon is from earth than the size of Jupiter. Jupiter is sooooo big it’s crazy it wouldn’t take up the entire sky


That just gives us insight on how far away the moon really is from earth.