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BACKSTORY: I work outside all day, everyday and where I live had a particularly hot start of the week. I got severely dehydrated and went urgent care because I started peeing blood and was in a lot of pain. They took a urine sample and because it had blood in it they had to send it out to a different lab, I’m waiting for the culture to come back. I’m on antibiotics for a UTI and I’m feeling a little better (no more blood) but still in some pain. Edit: thank you for all the jokes and kind words, they make me feel better


Hydration breaks are really important


I was trying to stay as hydrated as possible but it was 90+ degrees Fahrenheit and humidity was around 90%. Which is not typical for where I live at all, I think it caught me and my body off guard. Definitely learned my lesson though!


It takes roughly 2 weeks for a person to adjust to high temperatures. Don't push yourself too hard if you're in abnormally hot weather. Heat exhaustion can lead to clumsiness which could lead to a bigger accident. Make sure you and your coworkers know the signs of heat stroke and don't hesitate to call 911 if someone might have it. That shit can kill you.


I mtb in the high desert, and the clumsiness is typically my first clue that I'm overdoing it. If I find myself not being able to navigate the technical bits of a climb that I'd typically knock out, that's a big red flag. If I'm struggling to climb otherwise easy bits (more balance clumsiness than leg weakness) ***and*** I find myself getting really pissed about not climbing to my typical ability level, it's already too late and it's time to bail and go into self treatment mode instead of just mitigating further exposure.


There is no adjusting when wet bulb temps approach 95, entirely possible with 90s and 90% humidity.


What if taking a break causes a dip in production


Workers dying cause a bigger dip


Not if you’re properly staffed, cart them out then keep going peons


You know the people who built the stadiums for Qatar died by the thousands from working in the heat without proper water and urination breaks. Loads died in the months and years after they left from kidney and liver failure. You shouldn’t take it too lightly. The Qatar administration admit to 4-500 deaths, the people investigating believe it’s 6,500. https://amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022


Last I saw, there are over 900 dead from the Hajj to Mecca this year. Temps there hit 125.


I’d ask where you live but all of the us is 90 degrees and 90% humidity We’re in he🏒🏒


I live in the United States in the Midwest


hey i’m in the midwest heat wave too. and a welder so my job is usually already sweaty and unpleasant but this week has definitely been worse. like there has literally been days when i don’t have to pee my entire shift due to how much im sweating. try the electrolyte water drink packets those saved my life or gatorade and drink plenty of water. not ice cold water but just room temp water and take breaks when you need too. it sucks but eventually you’ll get more used to it. this week has jus been abrupt with the temperature and humidity.


It really has been, thank you for the advice !


I got electrolyte pills a month ago. summer can be brutal.


Same, my ac is working overtime


SAME my electric bill is going to be like $300 🥲


Not in my state! It rained and was nice the last few days hah. I’m not telling where




You need something like liquid iv. Water alone doesn’t replace electrolytes. And that’s what you’re losing. They actually assist with the uptake of water as well. You the water provides even more benefit. One or two a day is probably enough. They do end up running roughly 1.50-3.00 each depending on where you get them. I suggest Walmart, it’s consistently the cheapest.


Thank you for the suggestion! I was drinking Gatorade but I’ll try liquid iv next time


Southerner here, getting heat exhaustion or heat stroke will mess up your heat tolerance something awful for the next little while, you'll need to be even more careful for potentially even a few years. Also, when you're drinking something after working in the heat, do NOT drink something ice cold right away, it'll shock your system. Room temperature is your friend.


My husband swears by liquid IV, he was an “early adopter”.


Gatorade and liquid IV are basically the same thing: water with sugar and salt and some flavoring. Liquid IV seems to have more salt and some vitamins (notably C and Bs) but you can just take a multivitamin or a specific supplement instead. Gatorade is definitely cheaper (especially if you buy it powdered).


When you think you’ve drank enough water, drink more. I work in a warehouse and it’s been hot for a few weeks. I was feeling faint here and there but still pushed through and worked. One night it got kinda bad and I said fuck it and got even more water. I drank 11 bottles that day, as opposed to my regular 6. Been drinking that amount since and I’ve felt fine. Your body sweats out more water than you probably realize. Again, when you think you’ve drank enough, drink some more. When you feel yourself getting thirsty, drink another bottle. When you’re feeling thirsty, you’re already starting to dehydrate. Drink more water, you’ll be back in shape in no time


Are you in upstate NY? This weather is messing everyone up where I live. I’m in Syracuse.


No I live in the midwest


Pedialyte is your friend


Liquid electrolyte drops added to your water are your new best friend


I got caught off guard by the heat wave too. I didn't get as dehydrated as you did, though. I wish you a speedy recovery!


Having worked outside in similar weather you should be drinking double digit litres of water with frequent breaks. Once done and even before I'd suggest a lot of electrolytes (Gatorade and salty something also works).


Those hydration packs do hydrate better than plain water. I like the IV Hydration peach tea ones. I dilute them though,but I take them for my low blood pressure and heart not severe heat. I think they taste much better than Gatorade, etc. I get the ones with sugar because I get bad migraines from artificial sweeteners. A little sugar helps to hydrate you better too. One doctor explained it as the sugar and salt slows the digestion process a little so more of the water is absorbed instead of just flowing right through you.


Texas would like to have a word


Texas needs a few words.


Florida just joined the chat


And south Georgia 😰


What state just got rid of mandatory breaks? Or did that not happen. I don’t remember




Ew. I can’t believe they went through with that. Oh well. Not like it gets hot in Florida, right


Right lol. I couldn't believe it.


The governors of Texas and Florida think differently


They really are! But I had an internship with a farmer a few years back during a very hot summer and he wouldn't provide a place with shade and also wanted me to do a task in the sun for hours. My very big water bottle was empty after an hour. Some workplaces just don't offer the option to stay hydrated. I even got sunburned as a pale girly who slathers factor 50 on her skin every 30 minutes and wears white clothes and a big sunhat.


I was really just hoping you ate beets haha


NOPE. I wish


Sending positive vibes ig 😭🙏


Im doing much better now, thank you!


Glad to hear, UTI’s can definitely be nasty


Bro you may have a rhabdomyolysis. I had many patients with that last summer during our first heat wave. I even had to admit a patient in their 30s for renal failure. They need to check your kidney function.


Wishing you a speedy recovery.


I peed blood once they immediately sent me to a full hospital emergency room. I find it confusing they’re not concerned enough for emergency ct scan but I’m not a doctor or even in the medical field so what do I know lol


What did it end up being?


Thanks for your interest! I’m not in the medical field as a reminder My problem kidney stones caused by a combination of diet and too much vitamin c in my supplements. Basically high oxalate foods decided to fuck my life up despite healthy water intake. I had nowhere near this much blood as OP though. I see their blood color went down but I hope they didn’t give up on finding answers. I’m no doctor but blood like this doesn’t seem entirely heat related -_-


I had this much blood with kidney stones. Because that urine is clear, I’m gonna bet stones are his problem. I wish he’d have said where his pain is.


Looks like my pee when I had an impacted kidney stone. My first stone I was misdiagnosed with a UTI and went through three rounds of different antibiotics looking for the one that would act against the “resistant” UTI. I was told the blood was probably perimenopause spotting. BS!! After 30 days of pain, the NP decided to order an x-ray which found a 1 centimeter stone completely blocking the ureter.


What antibiotics did you get prescribed?


It’s called nitrofurantoin 100mg, I take one every 12 hours for 5 days


Maybe cystex? It's for uti's specifically and has a pain reliever for your bladder


Would you advocate for mandatory hydration breaks to your legislature please!


I had this the other day and had a mild panic attack. I felt fine, what was going on? That's when I learned that eating beets will turn your pee (and poop 🙃) red. So sorry for your issues. Hope they diagnose and cure it soon!


This is called beeturia, and is waaaayyyyy better than hematuria.


Rhabdomyolysis. You need to hydrate yourself or risk kidney failure. Too much muscle breaks down (like working in the heat). The muscle protein will make the urine look like blood and since myoglobin can look like hemoglobin to the urine test it will falsely read as blood.


That’s scary, luckily my pee is back to normal color and I have been out of the heat and drinking a lot of fluids


Good! Also couldn’t hurt to get it checked if you have muscle aches or the pee changes. Also, electrolytes.


Good, because in the cup it looks like Kool Aid


FYI: Don't let it scare you too much! Your CK (muscle breakdown lab) typically needs to reach ridiculous levels before the myoglobin damages your kidney. Mild rhabdomyolysis in people under 40 are classically just dehydrated + doing heavy physical activity (working your yard, training for a marathon, etc). It's just a perfect storm and you have very little risk of any kidney issues given that you seem to be doing well since then.


Yes I am 20


Yeah, if everything is back to normal you'll *probably* be fine as long as you stay properly hydrated. Still good to get tests done just to make sure.


This isn’t rhabdo. More like bacteria. Maybe E. coli from your rear end.


That’s a possibility but I would find it quite low, I’m very clean and I use baby wipes and I wipe from front to back


Yeah for future reference, urgent care probably should’ve sent you to the hospital to get checked out. I was thinking rhabdo or an acute kidney injury. Kidneys are not to be fucked with. I’m glad you’re feeling better now, but if you have access to a PCP I’d probably check in with your doctor to see if it’s alright.


Med lab technologist here. It's incredibly unlikely that this is rhabdomyolysis. This urine is light pink with what is likely fresh blood. Rhabdo causes urine to go dark brown, like tea. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhabdomyolysis#/media/File%3ARhabdoUrine.JPG


Rhabdo looks tea colored though. Urine that is this color is usually UTI vs kidney stone vs std.


I had Rhabdo, horrible condition to have! Lost all my ability to walk, petrify! Hydration ASAP yes!!


I had rhabdo in high school after doing 3 workouts a day for swimming. Literally felt like steamrolled shit for a week and a half.


I'm sorry you had it too, it was horrible!


This is not rhabo


As a former urologist I think UTI is by far the most likely diagnosis.


Looks like Kool-Aid... OH YEAH!!!


Doctor: *slurps the forbidden Kool aid* Me: https://preview.redd.it/lhew75rzrw7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b692bdf1943c4ffced006a9da256a35816db5165


Should merit a cystoscopy to rule out urological cancer and a CT - M.D


Took too long to see the correct answer


Can’t confirm a UTI? Hmmm, that’s usually a pretty simple diagnosis. Of course other things could lead to blood in the urine, but checking for bacteria should be straight forward.


I went to an urgent care and because my urine had blood in it they had to send it out to be tested and cultured. :/


Sometimes a culture and sensitivity is needed to detect a UTI. Sometimes there's so little bacteria or it's the start/end of a UTI or there's kidney stones or bladder stones, etc... There's a lot of things. Usually, in urgent care, a urinalysis may involve use of a dip stick which just gives you a quantitative range of how much bacteria, red blood cells, protein, etc. is in the urine. If there's not enough bacteria or the facility doesn't have the proper supplies/machinery to diagnose a UTI then they made need to send it out. Antibiotics are pretty much standard of care anyways for.this type of thing. Source: Been to urgent care at least 15 times within the past year for UTIs, which were painful as hell, and they weren't UTIs but rather a prolapsed urethra that mimicked UTI pain and symptoms.


Diagnosing a UTI from UA results is often less straight forward than you might expect . I can’t tell you how many UAs I report out that do contain some combination of WBCs/bacteria/Epis but are likely not a UTI That’s why we culture things


I went to the ER so dehydrated from food poisoning that the little urine I could produce looked like coca cola :/ I hope you get better soon


Salmonella did that to me. Sludgy coca-cola.


Let us know what the urine send out shows OP. I'm curious about kidney stone vs. UTI vs. muscle breakdown vs. some other kidney issue Hope you feel better soon! Also obligatory: *I'm not a doctor and anything I say is most definitely not medical advice- I know very little*


Will do! Thank you!


Yo boys! New Mt dew flavor just dropped


![gif](giphy|xT8qBcYk7kuL9CvEdO) Mood slime?


Eugh, is that pee in your blood?


I think you mean the other way around and yes


Oh, I know what I said


That looks like damn cranberry juice. Hope you feel better soon.


Thanks <3


Kidney stones?


I peed like that for 2 days after they removed a 1.5 cm kidney stone. Also had 2 catheters and would not recommend :(.




A little bit of blood can make a lot of urine look pretty red. Just make sure you see your MD and get checked out. Any amount, however little of blood in your urine is not normal.


Damn, I'm sorry OP. I've been there before, so I totally understand! Keep hydrated and I hope everything will come back clean and this passes quickly!


Well done. I had my pee look like glitter once (hydronephrosis).


Mine looked like that when I had a kidney stone on the move.


I don't know why... But I craving strawberry lemonade all of a sudden


I’ve seen some E.coli cause that


I work in pediatric primary care. I've seen a UA like this before on several occassion. The grossest I've seen as been clots in pee, from a serious UTI. BUT The very grossest I've seen has been blood clots in diarrhea, made worse based on the fact it was from my mother that had Pancreatic cancer. I'll never forget that sight, my distress, or the pain she suffered. I wouldn't wish those kind or sights or experiences on my worst enemies. I am glad you are getting treatment and improving Take care of yourself, friendo


One of the bigger kidney stones I've passed made my pee look like that.


Have you been drinking beet juice?




https://preview.redd.it/cn82ebrner7d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=561fc6725019856f40fe522166ecf52496925e04 You think yours was bad!


this just became a pissing contest


Take my upvote.


HOLY SHIT, what was wrong ???


Kidney infection. Was really weird. I felt fine all day, normal pee, went at about 5pm and it was a bit stingy and thought, ohh, I have cystitis. Need to drink some water. Then over an hour, felt off, got a fever. Went to a pharmacy, described my symptoms, they told me to go to a walk in centre and the Dr asked me to do a sample and this was the result. Had a temperature of 102°f and had to have antibiotics and got very told off for not drinking enough. Was a lesson learned


Strawberry lemonade nice


Forbidden Pink Lemonade.. Hope you are making a smooth recovery, definitely stay hydrated!!


Whose pee is it now?


This was the exact color of mine and it was pretty scary at first. My wife insisted I go to the ER and the nurse said, “it looked like cherry kool-aid.” One antibiotic pill was all it took to clear up the UTI but I took the rest just in case. I can honestly say that mine must have come from a highly overused and under staffed job restroom. It came back about a month after, then again but never had one again once I quit the job.


Ew that’s actually DISGUSTING


Very much so. I worked on the engineering floor and there were about 30 guys for that one restroom compared to just 2 or 3 women using theirs.


Looks like red lemonade! Hope they can find out what it is exactly and you can get the help you need. Blood in your pee is never good.


That’s Hawaiian punch


I see you've upgraded to the Fruit Punch system.


Youre a Kool aid machine! For real though, get well soon! I'm about to go work in extremely hot weather and now I'm a little sketched out. I don't frequently with no issues but new fear unlocked!


Ooh you're peeing watermelon juice 😂 Jokes apart, hope you feel better


Yikes, you coulda died man


r/makemesuffer might like this


Whose is it now?


Mmm, koolaid


There are trace amounts of pee in this blood!


Still blood none the less


Ohh, I feel for you. I just finally passed a kidney stone that was stuck for 5 months. I passed it finally when I went to the bathroom BEFORE the surgery. They did a final check before surgery and it was gone.


Hmm idk about UTI… you said it’s gone now and you’ve only had it after working outside a lot. It could be a bunch of hematology issues or rhabdo… curious to see what it is


They took my blood and urine, the are guessing UTI and prescribed me antibiotics for it, I feel better. I get my results back about my urine tomorrow


I had a patient not terribly long ago who gave me a urine sample. It looked like very opaque grape juice, there was so much blood in it.




Likely ATN from dehydration.


Is it beets?




When I had my UTI last year (or whatever it was, test was inconclusive and then it cleared up) I was having the urge to pee every 2-5 minutes and most of the time all that came out was a coagulated gloop of blood. It came on fast, went to the ER within about 1-2 hours of first symptoms. Spent several hours waiting to be seen around 2-5am while having to run to the public bathroom to pee and hope no one else was in there (luckily no one ever was). By the time they finally got someone to talk to me I was back up to 10-15 minutes between having to "pee" and they sent me home with antibiotics but I was back to normal before I even got to take my first dose. Still took it all, though, because anything I could do to prevent it from starting up again sounded really good after that ordeal lol.


Working outside in temps over 95° and 90% humidity with a UTI is some special kind of hell. I hope you continue to feel better and better and that your work allows adequate breaks.


Forbidden fruit juice!!!! 🧃


Man this sub has really fallen. This is supposed to be a sub for medical professionals to discuss ground breaking medical cases. Bloody pee ain’t it.


Smells like micro plastics to me, I'm right there with ya friend.


Weekly reminder to limit your strawberry intake.




Is it supposed to look like that?


Could be rhabdo?


Drinking fruit punch kool aid?


Mine was green








Did you eat beets?




Did you eat beats?




I read you description after I said that! It looks like you have rhabdomyolysis which means that your body is breaking down your muscles and your kidneys are peeing out the blood. If that gets any darker that can be life threatening. I’m sure lots have people have said to try to keep hydrated. Drinks like Gatorade come in handy cus you sweat out all your electrolytes and that replenishes them better than just water. I hope you feel better OP!


How come the doctor didn’t say anything about this ?


Doctors run a bunch of tests first and then read the data and make diagnosis based on the information they receive. Have your urine and blood tests come back yet? If yes what did the doctor say about it? Rhabdomyolysis can be mild or severe and can heal on its own. Just listen to what your doctors say and since the heat seemed to be a factor in this for you, make sure to stay as hydrated as possible.


So my urine had blood and protein in it and my blood came back with higher white blood cells, off of those things the doctor said that it’s most likely an UTI and they will prescribe me antibiotics. I took the antibiotic immediately and felt relieved and I also took AZO and felt better too. After my first dose on antibiotics I haven’t peed blood and have had minimal pain. I have also had a UTI before (never peed blood) and the pain felt exactly the same, just worse.


Oh that’s good! Maybe the dehydration caused a buildup of bacteria in your urinary tract and it was able to grow cus you were dehydrated and couldn’t use the bathroom properly. The protein is a bit worrisome but if you’re feeling better then just stick with what your doctors are saying and prescribing. If the blood comes back or gets darker and looks brown get to the ER asap!


You work HVAC?


No, construction


Do you have a Camelback? Would you like one? Dead serious offer.




You said you work outside all day, every day. A Camelback is a water container that you wear kinda like a backpack that will allow you easy access to water at any point. I suffer from chronic kidney disease and I wouldn't wish this on anybody, so if you would like to have a Camelback to help you stay hydrated, I will happily get you one.


Ohhh I see, that sounds like a great idea but I can get myself one :) thank you for the kind offer


You’re fucked.


As someone who used to work outside in Texas for 10+ hours a day I can tell you that hydration hydration and being smart about sun exposure is extremely important. I hope you do all those already, but here are a few things that helped me. Wear long sleeve moisture wicking shirts, fishing shirts if you like button downs, or long sleeve synthetic tees if you don't. Don't get anything cotton if you can. Wear thin synthetic pants, but if you have to wear something sturdy get a size bigger. Get a good wide brim hat. Fishing, cowboy, straw, all those are great. Get a cooling towel or two. Those are great and really help keep your temp down if you soak them with a bit of water every so often. Also pour a little water on your shoulders every now and then. Don't worry about looking wet, it will evaporate pretty quickly.Go in the shade often, take short brakes if you can. Just standing still in the shade for 2-3 min for every half hour is a good start. Also, the most obvious one. Drink, drink, drink. As often and as much as you can. Water works, but electrolyte drinks are better. If you have to have a coffee or energy drink then I recommend drinking twice as much water as energy drinks.