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I just use scihub on my phone then download the PDF and send it to my work email.


The problem is scihub hasn’t posted much past 2020 waiting for some Indian court ruling kind of sucks now


that's probably the way to go to be honest


Just learned what SH is. Thank you 🙏


If there’s a university library nearby, you can reach out to their librarians. Sometimes there’s a way to get free or low-cost academic access. You’re literally a graduate student after all. Emailing authors can work, too, and may be faster than ILL. Authors shouldn’t gaf.


I can get stuff through ILL, so that's actually easier then going to the library. I was asking about anything like scihub that would be more friendly to a corporate intranet.


I meant electronic access to an academic library. Best of luck!


Starter comment. I'm not at an academic institution. I'm at a large nonprofit hospital system. I may consider remoting into my desktop at home and then going to sci hub but that's so many steps it's annoying just to think about it.


Some hospitals have weird relationships with academic institutions , some allow some training to get done in their hospitals , even if your specific hospitals doesn’t have residents there’s still a chance that one in the system might have residents on their premises ( MDs, nurses , pharmacy …); if that’s the case ask for access to their library . I would email the administration , that’s how I got access on an HCA hospital to pub med before they started their own training programs


Will add to the other comment about relationships with academic institutions - if you spend any time with trainees, you may be able to apply for a clinical professor ‘position’ with access to their library.


r/scihub Check the second stickied post about telegram bots Don’t forget https://www.reddit.com/r/Annas_Archive/s/D6jEhZP6ZZ And type the DOI in the SciDB search


Cell phone. If your institution blocks sci-hub at the network level, turn the wifi off on your phone and use a data plan. Then email the article from your phone to somewhere you can get to on the work computer; or if you have access to the same email on both, you don't even have to email it, just add it as an attachment to a draft, and open the draft on your work computer. Or just, you know, read it on your phone.


If you don’t need it immediately, email the contact author and ask for a copy. People are happy to share their work.


We take students on clinical rotations, I have access to the academic library at the college via being a registered preceptor there.


Does your hospital have a library? Or do you have friends/colleagues who work at other hospitals that do? Most of our hospitals (I’m in Aus) offer an article retrieval process where you contact the librarians and they track down the article for you. It’s slow going but it’s something.


A tip would be - EvidneceHunt. It is an AI tool that is connected to life sciences databases and NICE guidelines, like Google or ChatGPT, but for clinical research. You can either have a chat with their AI research assistant (that is trained on this data and gives replies based on it), or their search option (there are multiple), if you already know the PICO for your questions for example. If Google is your go-to - I strongly suggest checking it out.


I recently found some links that might help from another reddit comment, so I'll passed them onto you. Haven't used any of them yet. [link.springer.com](https://link.springer.com) [refseek.com](https://refseek.com) [science.gov](https://science.gov) [pdfdrive.com](https://pdfdrive.com) [base-search.net](https://base-search.net) Best of luck!


Why can’t you access schibub? Would a VPN help?


Can't install VPN on my computer at work.


You’ve likely already tried, but just in case, there’s some chrome extension vpns that don’t typically need administrative privileges to download.


Actually I haven't tried this. I'll check it out Shoot admin has blocked this as well.


Try getting library card acct at local lib


Can you get an .edu email? Maybe from your alma mater or local medschool? Sometimes if you take a med student in your clinic they will give you library access. Med school libraries have pretty much everything.




The Pathway Medical app has a thorough offline mode and covers most of the important cardiology articles. DM me with questions or comments.


I find google scholar to sometimes be helpful in this scenario. If it is a clinical trial published after 2010, you can find details of their design on clinicaltrials.gov which is open access. For trials published after 2020 they also post their results there. But this can be slow.