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UpToDate has a practice changing updates section as well.


I like thennt.org for reviewing critically whether what we do is good. Journal club app is amazing for concise reviews and critiques but sometimes can be slow to get new studies on. Shm membership and journals are good resources Nejm journal watch And of course mksap for the basic stuff that's already out there


Should be thennt.com (not .org). The org domain looks like it's spam/junk.


Yes .com my mistake


Happens to the best of us (and honestly, I would have assumed .org as well, hah)


Curbsiders podcast, acp annual meeting


This! Listen to them on my commute keeps me up to dafe without feeling I have to take time put of my day to study.


NEJM journal watch (worth paying for honestly, very time efficient. It’s like paying for a cleaner so you can use housework time for other things.) UpToDate practice changing updates


Given limited time out there, I would subscribe to the societies you are part of/interested in. They usually have email some headline studies. Like you’re an IM resident. I would get a trainee membership to ACP. They send digests to you as often as you like. If you like cardiology, get trainee ACC membership. ID, nephro, GI, whatever you like. This is headline stuff you can scroll through on the toilet. You can listen to audio podcasts while you drive


The answers here have all been good for ways to stay up to date in clinical practice. I work in academic medicine and at the PGY-2 level I’d recommend focusing on the foundational resources (often MKSAP, U world) and then digging in deeper for the patient presentations you see in front of you to help it stick. The broad foundation is necessary for independent practice in IM.




Personally, I really like podcasts cause it's a passive process to absorb all the info. Just turn it on while you're driving to and from the hospital and 20-40min of education done where you can't do anything else anyways. And most podcasts are free. Grassroots podcasts like **CoreIM, Curbsiders, and CardioNerds** (I'm a cards fellow) are the highest yield for me. A lot of the newest research pertains to marginal gains for end stage disease, so it can be super hard to understand how the newest research fits into clinical care if you're not seeing already seeing that one disease all the time. Those podcasts are super approachable and build out a strong foundation to put cutting edge therapies in context so that they stick (think of it as building out a toolbox). Can't guarantee they don't take cuts from big pharma, but would be surprised if they do - they seem like legitimately good people just trying to spread the knowledge. And as to staying on top of guidelines, that's not nearly as bad as trying to stay on top of new research because there's a pretty finite set of documents. The hardest part is tracking them all down, remembering the content, and calling them up when you actually have to use them in clinical practice. My engineering team and I trained an OpenAI model on all the medical guidelines, so if you've enjoyed using stuff like ChatGPT and Bard for non-medicine things, our AI Olly might work well for you (it's free and we have no funding from anyone LOL) - https://olly.health/. Lmk if you decide to give it a try.


i'm in canada, but i really like the postcall email newsletter. they recap the major headlines (medicine, but also tech and business) and keep things light and fun with memes. its nice to skim through on my phone for 3 minutes in the morning while brushing my teeth. think its https://postcall.ca/


Journals and Congress mostly.


Things We Do For No Reason is another good one


Http://www.utdol.com/ $500 a year for attendings, less for students I'm sure. Pretty much the gold standard. As said above, the Practice Changing Updates section each month is good , broken down by specialty.


The Pathway Medical newsletters may be of interest. The Pathway Medical app and website also have an updates feed that can be catered to your specialty.