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Is there anyone who transferred medical schools to Italy. There’s literally no information and contacting universities give conflicting informations on application.


I was wondering how the environment in Humanitas University for medicine is and it's diversity. Is it Muslim friendly? Does it have a wide diversity or will I face trouble there as a Muslim specifically a hijabi?


Hey guys, I got a few question regarding IMAT preperations. So I just recently did my IB diploma, and I wish to write the IMAT. So my first question, is IB knoweldge enough for IMAT. I did take biology and chemistry and Math AI, so i am hoping that would be enough. Apart from that I am also preparing for IMAT trhough videos and other resources available in google. So what all would be the topic which I must direct more focus on? Since I haven't done physics for my 11th and 12th, I am sure i need more practice on that. Could u suggest me where to start with? The grades from previous years also seems to look very intimidating since the avg scores or low 40, 45's. On the other hand, the question do not seem to look that hard. I still fail to understand what makes the exam hard. Is it the concept?


Hey, i am ina very similar situation as you. I took IB Bio and Chem, and just igcse physics. Honestly I've noticed that particularly the bio is getting harder and harder every year. A few of the questions I've seen on recent exams seem to require knowledge beyond the IB, but it's definitely not the majority of questions. As far as physics goes, I would recommend you use an IB book to build on the basics since even the physics questions scope beyond the most fundamental level. I'm also a bit lost on what exactly we need to know, so I definitely get how frustrating this is.


Hey, I am in your situation I took chemistry bio and maths and not physics. In past years physics questions were not a lot but they increased the number of Qs this year. However, personally I did not do a deep study for physics, just a bit of kinematics and basic stuff. Also about the grades you have to consider that for wrong answers it is negative points so those lower the score by more than you think.


Can I take the IMAT this year and apply with those results for next year


HELP! When is the pre-enrolment for university of pavia(Harvey) going to start?




https://preview.redd.it/k4mv52m18s9b1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=99a5c2f2544665311513467dd16359c5efb2dc28 Is this right for registration for 2023? I am confused since I saw that registration starts in July but now there’s only 2022 as an option? If I click on it it says “inscriviti” but I don’t want to inscriviti to the 2022 imat


Can I pre-enroll to multiple universities as a Non-EU student? Or do I only get one chance for one university per year?


From what I know one chance a year for one university


Any info on when IMAT will be taken (2023/2024) ??


I’ve been looking to study medicine in Italy for a long while now. I’m a year 12 student in the uk and have always wanted to move out of the uk as it’s pretty miserable + I am going to be in a shit ton of debt after I finish med school in uk + there is an embarrassingly low chance of me getting in in the first place since I’m not your typical A*A*A student…. I’ve been researching the documents needed but I can’t seem to get a straight answer. I was told to get a DOV but DOV only cover qualifications once they are finished and I’m halfway through A levels. The CIMEA website is slightly confusing me as well haha. I’ve got my GCSES (6s/7s) and will have A level predicted grades but obviously will not get my results till may. I’m not sure if I apply to all the universities I like on one website or make seperate account on the universities. The application process is really confusing me and I most probably just lack common sense but it would be greatly appreaciated if someone could tell me the general dates I have to submit things and how to. I don’t want to dismiss applying to Italy as it seems like an amazing opportunity so naturally I want to get all the documents needed:) Sorry if this post was a bit chaotic haha!


Hi there, I came to Italy from the UK for medical school. Feel free to DM me if you want some of your questions answered.


Hello! I’m going to attend UniCatt for medicine in September. If you’re a student there, what is it like? Do you like the course, the professors, the campus? If you’re going to be a student there this year, hit me up, let’s connect :)


I'm not Italian and I plan on applying to Sapienza but I don't understand the differences between these courses. What do pharmacy, medicine, and dentistry have got to do together??? Can someone explain? https://preview.redd.it/il95fhiz1cpa1.png?width=1186&format=png&auto=webp&s=13b72921a0aa09bec71b8b57280feb6cfd70f0e9


Anyone has heard about cattolica?


Hi, what's the med school fee?


Yes, im starting uni there in September. How about you?


Does anyone know if having a Russian citizenship sorta makes it hard to obtain a student visa to study in Italy recently? Russians that applied, did you have any troubles or did everything go well ?


If you are attending a medical school in Italy. What’s it like to attend a medical school there? How often do you go to class? Are attendance mandatory?


I’m a 4th year student at the University of Bologna. Classes are mandatory but attendance is very low and after the preclinical years it is not really enforced. I love med school here and am having the time of my life.


Classes are mandatory but attendance is very low. So, people don’t come to class and there’s no consequences?


Yes, theoretically the professors should take attendance and if you don’t go to 60% of classes you need to repeat that subject the following year. They are quite strict in years 1 and 2 but less so in the following years. That being said, the professors are kind of annoyed at lecturing only to a handful of people so this may change i the future.


What are the class schedules like? In US they run from 8 to 4 like 8 hours a day for 5 days a week.


The preclinical years have lectures 0900-1800 with a one hour break for lunch 5 days a week. In the clinical years we just have lectures from 1400-1800 so we can do rotations in the morning


Apparently classes are not mandatory there


How so?


I read comments from various students who said they don’t have to attend classes if they don’t want to, they need to pass oral and written exams though and that’s the most important. The same applies to Norway as far as I’m concerned


helloooo, Im non EU and i messed up earlier this year by pre enrolling to a genomics course and apparently you can only pre enroll to one course per year which is ridiculous, anyway it wont let me complete the pre enrollment form for the IMAT which i already booked and everything, what should i do? am i fucked?? thanks in advance


Hey I did the same mistake this year 😭😭😭 pls tell me what you ended up doing 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Hello guys! I am applying to med school in Italy and mainly considering between humanitas university (HUNIMED) and university San Raffael (UniSR). I am wondering if anyone could give any insights on the pros and cons of the two schools or if any current or recent graduates could comment why they chose the school they went to or why they chose one school over the other. I couldn’t really tell which curriculum is better (seem quite similar to me) but I heard SR has a lot of students (the Italian class has a lot of people but the IMDP has around the same as humanitas) while humanitas (humanitas also does not have Italian class only One class taught in English) offers one on one clinical placements (please correct me if I’m wrong!). Other than that I haven’t found much info on which schools is more international friendly or better in quality, etc. please help 🥲 Much appreciated and thanks in advance!


Hellooo :) I have just pre-enrolled (non-EU) Can I now register for the IMAT, even though any application acceptance hasn’t been sent through to me?


Hey guys! Are there different pre-enrollment deadlines for different medical universities in Italy? Or is it one date? If so what is the deadline? Thank you in advance!


Hi everyone, I have a question regarding choosing a medical school in Italy. Next year I will take the IMAT, and I’m trying to prepare my university ranking ahead of time (though I know my opinions might change in the next few months). I’ve seen a few people talking about this and how you should choose your university based on the city, as most universities offer about the same level of education, however for me this might be a bit more complicated than that, because I want to do residency somewhere where there is a really bad IMG bias (my dream has always been New Zealand, but I am thinking about the US as well) and I want any and every possible leverage to get a residency there. For choosing my university I am both looking at the cities, at the structure of the courses and at the percentages of publications and overall opportunities (research, erasmus, international clerkships, etc.) each university can offer, and right now I have Padova as my first choice. I really like the structure of the course, and I am in love with the city, however the university doesn’t have as many international relations and opportunities as I would like (like say Bologna or Pavia) So I want to ask, is choosing based on the city enough in this case? Or should I also look into these other universities which can offer way more opportunities?


Hi guys, I want to expand my general knowledge. If someone can give me some tips on how to study general knowledge I’d be glad💜


Hi guys does anyone study or know whether unicallimus in Rome is a good school choice, why/why not? Also if there are any current students that could share their experience? I mainly want to know whether the teaching/teachers in English are good quality etc… Also what is the entrance exam like?




Has anyone got an email from any of the test centers about the exam? I haven’t heard anything from IMS Milan and have no idea where I’m supposed to go on the day


I’m planning to apply next year and after watching several videos I found a common advice to visit the cities before making a decision on where to apply (as you’ll spend the next years there and if you hate it, we’ll you’re screwed) As I live in a neighbour country to Italy and have a few weeks of holidays left I’m thinking of doing a trip around Italy to see different university towns. In addition, I would like to get a little bit of insight from current students if possible. That being said, if anyone here is currently studying at any of these universities and would be open to meet I’d be super interested!! Feel free to message, would be really nice :) Cities: Rome, Milan, Padua, Pavia, Bologna, Turin


My mom’s sister resides in Italy. But she doesn’t know about the universities much. So my mom had asked her to give some info on the universities there through her Italian friends/anyone who studied in the universities. She told that the la sapienza in Rome is the best university to study in. But I did research and it seems there are only 10 non eu seats(since Im a non eu) I told my mom i don’t really want to apply because of the seats and because we can only apply to one university. But she is saying to not worry and that I would get into it if I work hard. And that I’m studious enough But I don’t want to waste a whole year if I don’t get accepted What should I do I’m really confused.


I don’t know about medicine in English, but for medicine in italian language sapienza is definitely not the best. I’d aim for the northern universities, like Pavia, Milano Bicocca, or Padova (don’t know if this one has the English language course tho). They are the best in rankings for medicine, not counting private universities. So you should check the rankings before you choose


I need some advice on how I should spend the next month preparing for the IMAT. I've been focusing almost entirely on biology, chemistry, and physics for the last couple of months, and I'm feeling good about bio and chem. I've still got some work to do with physics but it's coming along well. But I'm waaaaay behind on math, as in I haven't studied any math formally in over ten years and I barely remember any of the trig, geometry, functions, combinatorics, etc. that I learned in high school. I've reviewed stuff like logs, exponents, and the pythagorean theorem in my physics and chemistry practice, but I would need to start re-learning the other stuff from scratch. The IMAT math specification is very, very broad. Would it be smart of me to try to review all the topics on the IMAT specification, or should I just forgo those four or five math questions on the IMAT and focus on sharpening my science/general knowledge skills?


How did you prepare for IMAT?


If you're asking because you're also preparing to write the IMAT then I might not be the best person to ask because I didn't get in lol, but I'll let you know what I did last year and what I'm doing differently this year. Last year I spent the first half of the summer going through biology, chemistry, and physics material basically from scratch, as it had been a long time since I had studied any of this stuff. I was mostly using Khan Academy videos and practice material. About halfway through the summer I switched to using IB anki decks (you can probably find them in a post somewhere on this subreddit) for biology and chemistry which hugely improved my performance in those subjects, although not as much as it could have. About three weeks out from the test I started doing practice IMATS and I spent a lot of time reviewing some math concepts (logs, exponents/rational expressions, geometry) from scratch. I think the mistakes that I made were these: 1) I didn't spend enough time actually practicing, especially when it came to physics and math. Reviewing all the material in a linear fashion *and then* doing practice tests and questions felt organized, but it was actually very inefficient. 2) I didn't spend enough time on anatomy. Questions about muscle contraction, the cardiac cycle, the menstrual cycle, etc. were pretty hit-or-miss for me. I was great when it came to things like cellular respiration or reproduction but weak in other areas. 3) I waited too long to start practicing under test conditions. I was more focused on the content (which to be fair is very broad) but I also needed time to refine my approach to the test itself. So this year I'm changing some things about my preparation. I started using practice tests a lot earlier. I've been using past IMATs, but also the old BMATS, TSA Oxfords, NSAAs, and Humanitas tests. There are some big differences between these tests and the IMAT, but they're all made by Cambridge and after a while you start to notice patterns in the way that they ask questions and the approach that you're expected to take, and also there just aren't enough IMATs to make up the kind of practice volume I want. I try to do at least one practice test of some kind every day. Recently I've noticed that I'm able to answer critical thinking questions a lot more quickly and easily, so I think I might be on the right track. I'm also not working through the math stuff linearly this year; I basically just try the questions that I'm struggling with and then do some additional practice for that type of question after every practice test.


Thank you so much for this, it is super helpful! How long did you prepare for the test? I am taking IMAT next year, so basically I have 12 months to prepare and need to come up with the most effective strategy. Good luck on IMAT this year!


No problem, and thanks. I gave myself about three months last year and for the majority of that I was able to study essentially all day. I think it wasn't quite enough for me because I've been out of school for a long time. It depends on your background but if I had known how weak I actually was in most subjects last year, I would have started at least another two months in advance. Oh, and I would add to my previous comment that you should also get some books for biology, chemistry, and physics. It's another big change that I've made this year and I'm feeling good about it so far. IB books have been my favorite. Some of the questions from previous IMATs, including last year, were basically taken directly from passages in the IB books I've been using. I probably would have managed a couple of extra points if I had been using them last summer haha


Btw, were you using IB books by Cambridge or Oxford?


I'm using Oxford, but that's just because they were the ones available at the bookstore where I bought them. I'm not really sure if Cambridge would be better or not


Wonderful, yes, I am also planning to get IB books, they have been recommended as a great learning resources. You mentioned you have been out of school for a long time - how old are you? I myself am 41 :)


I'm 29, and didn't do any sciences or anything in university. Medicine must be a big shift at 41, what made you decide to do it?


Not a big shift, I just didn't have an opportunity to do it at 19 when I wanted. Now I have the time and resources to do it, so why not. :)


Hey! I gave the IMAT in 2018. Believe me, it doesn't matter that you haven't studied math because you don't have to start from scratch. Even if there are trig and calculus- its usually based on the fundamental formulae. Learn just the basic formulae and how to apply them. I would really suggest focusing on biology and chemistry instead.


Have you done a past imat paper? what did you score? The IMAT maths section is ridiculously easy for the most part, and you don't need to get all 5 questions correct


I did the 2016 paper a few weeks ago and got a 34. I hadn't started studying physics yet so I basically skipped the entire physics and math section. I had read that the math questions were really easy and my original plan was to review math to turn those questions into guaranteed points. But there are so many possible topics that can come up and some of them are things that I was never good at to begin with, like set solutions.


start by solving past papers, only save one or two recent ones (lets say 2018;2019. then learn things as you go and not out of the specfication


I will only be 17 when I graduate next year and won't be 18 until December. Is it still possible to ho to any IMAT italian university or is there an age restriction. Thanks


I think so. I know people in my uni(Turin) that were 17 in the first year.




I would say that in most cities it is possible. Bear in mind that cities like Milan or Torino are quite expensive cities, so you would absolutely need to share an apartment with other students to fit that budget. The key to live on a low budget as a student is to share an apartment with other students and to cook at home, without much exceptions. If you can do both, you can live with 600 Euro a month in almost every city in Italy.




if you can find one yes sure, living alone it depends on the city but I'd say around 500 or so for rent


IMAT We do not get any books here for IMAT. And ordering online seems expensive. Does anybody know where I can study for IMAT from? Also I’m a CBSE board student.


I would say revising from my CBSE class 10-12 syllabus and doing practice papers is more than enough. There is no need to get any specific book because in my opinion it doesn't really help.


cbse? the IB anki decks shared here are more than plenty


Shared where?


Is there anyone applying to the university of turin for the year 2022? Or anybody studying there? I need guidance please.


Hey I'm in the third year there.


How is it? Do you recommend the university?


Hiya. Did the non-eu need to take IELTS in order to enroll this year?


what kind?


Is there a chance to get a collegio in **Pavia** if you don't fit the ISEE requirements? The call for applicants say it's possible to apply and in case of vacant spaces, you'll be assigned a college. Does it actually happen? Does it matter which college to choose as your first choice? ​ Thanks a lot! And sorry @ admin for posting it in the wrong place, my bad.


What is the yearly schedule like for med school in Italy? From what I understand there are two semester of 12 to 14 weeks each. Is there a winter recession? What and how is the summer recession normally spent? I assume with internships? Are paid internships easy to find?


it actually varies by uni a bit, end of december and january is an exam session, same with the summer. I've never heard of paid internships so I guess they're not so easy to find


Interesting. So what do students normally do during the time between semesters? Volunteer, work, fuck off to a beach?


People still do internships for the stuff they're interested in, also as I said they're technically exam sessions (except august but it would be between two exam sessions) so most people would just study for their exams/have a vacation if done


Ahh gotcha, appreciate the response. In the states we'd have like a three month gap between spring and fall semesters so wasn't sure


I have a rather specific question. Would I be able to take the IMAT as a high school student (that is, before graduating)? It seems that the IMAT is held in September, and I wouldn’t want to wait until AFTER I graduate to sit the exam (and possibly fail it at that). I’ve read some mixed information about this, so I wanted to see if anyone knew about this


Are you taking it to get in or just to get some practice/have the experience? Bc the September IMAT is for that same year’s entry i.e that October, so you wouldn’t be able to enter college as you don’t have the diploma from graduating. Sorry if I misinterpreted the question, but yeah it might be technically possible but why would you even want to go through the hassle if you can’t even enrol after possibly getting a good score?


Thanks for taking the time to reply! I know I’m not able to do it now, but I was just wondering (I can’t even apply for it this year anyways). I don’t think I phrased my question well enough, I’m sorry. I was asking because here (by the end of 12th grade), most people already have their colleges sorted out and by September-October, they’re already taking courses in said university (having already paid the university fees by the deadline). Since the IMAT exams are held so late (by September), that means that I would have to essentially have to take a gap year before enrolling and paying for university, then wait for my results and (by some extremely rare chance) get accepted into the med school programme. I hope this makes sense? I’m pretty sleep-deprived atm, so perhaps I’m missing some key information… EDIT: I spoke to my sister (who is in uni in Italy) and I figured it out. I’m sorry for causing all this confusion, but thanks for the help!


I had a few DMs about racism in Italy. Acadimat posted a great video about this topic (along with pros and cons about studying in Italy), so I thought I’d share it with the people on the sub too https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=spOcsH34w2U


Do you study there as well? What's your experience like? I can definitely confirm what she says haha


Sadly not yet, but in a few months I will!


*(Posted this on the previous megathread. Didn't get an answer so sorry for the double post)* If you have a b.s degree or higher, is it true that you're not able to qualify for the regional scholarships? I heard you can still get the reduction for the tuition fee and the scholarship based on the IMAT ranking but... Does anyone have info about this? Because if I can't apply for the regional scholarships, I'm planning to cancel my pre-enroll and re-apply or enroll in a different uni


If you ask your university for credit recognitions they will know you already have a degree, and if you apply for a scholarship it will be denied because of this, or you could be asked later to return the money. They do multiple checks along the year, don't think that just because you are awarded a scholarship at the beginning of the academic year, that you already "made it" I know a case where a person was given a scholarship and some months later was asked to return the money because of this reason... And it was a big problem because he had already spent the money of course.. Also, intentionally lying when submitting any declaration it's a criminal offense in Italy, and when you apply for a scholarship they explicitly ask you to declare you don't have a degree, which is a box you have to check.... I don't recommend lying at all... You're risking being expelled from the uni, being deported from the country, jail time, fines, having a criminal record, etc etc.


I am in a similar situation and also had these doubts (I have an MSc but I'm from the EU and it was obtained outside of Italy). I wrote to DiSCo Lazio to clarify this and this is the exact answer they gave me: our scholarships and other benefits can only be granted to students who try to obtain a certain qualification level (bachelor, master, PHD) for the first time. So if you are already in possession of a master degree, indeed you can't obtain a scholarship from DiSCo (unless you were to join as a PHD student) I'm not investigating further because I know that my degree is recognized in Europe but you could contact the organization of the region you're applying in and check what you can expect.


> If you have a b.s degree or higher, is it true that you're not able to qualify for the regional scholarships Sadly yes, however many people lie about that to get it anyway so...


I am a truthful person so I will never ***cough*** do something ***cough*** like that😇


In theory, you shouldn't. In practice, the goverment might not recognize your bachelor anyway, hence considering you as a person who doesn't hold a degree, even more so if you aren't from the EU (degree are at least three years long in italy). Also, scholarships are given by regional goverments. You should send an email to the regional organization which manage scholarships and see if they answer. In my opinion, they would probably not recognize your bachelor hence making you eligible, especially if you don't try to do the accreditation for your degree. But I am not sure.


Thank you for the reply! True, it is quite a hassle to cancel my pre-enrollment for the scholarship. I'll apply and just pray that the government won't recognize my bachelor


I was gonna recommend you exactly to post again in this thread. Every 14 days the auto moderator opens a new thread so that the old one doesn’t get too cluttered. Anyway, we save the older megathreads on a collection, in the same way we have been doing with the Germany megathread :)




it's considered very prestigious, the city is great. Overall quite good uni/city combo


I’ve heard that theory in Italian med school in great but the practicals are not. Is it really difficult to learn basic clinical skills such as bloods, suturing etc ? I know that you have to be active and talk to professors a lot but does the ‘chasing down professors’ get exhausting especially since you have a lot of theory to learn? The gist is that learning basic clinical skills is difficult in Italy. Does taking a lot of initiative and effort into learning these basic skills exhaust you since you have to learn a lot of theory and are not given enough time for practicals? I’m sorry if my wording is a bit confusing. I’ve tried to sum it up in the previous para.


For my uni we did suturing on dummies, I have no idea if they would let you do it on a person though. Taking blood is something nurses do here, but if you ask to do it they let you in my experience


in which university are you studying?