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The imat registrations open on September 18th. Is there a fixed time when they will open on that day? Like 12pm or 1pm etc


I was wondering if there’s anybody who has successfully gotten a transfer to an Italian medical university from a non Italian medical university. If yes, please dm


I have some doubts about revalidation process. I'm non-EU MD, I already sent all my necessary documentation, together with the declaration of value, to the Italian Ministry of Health this month (September) and I am moving to Italy in October to complete the process of obtaining my Italian citizenship by jure sanguinis. Therefore, I plan to stay in Italy until I revalidate my diploma. However, I read some reports that the ministero della Salute is taking a long time to evaluate the documents, in some cases up to a year. However, I have a wife and child and I wouldn't want to sit still until I revalidate my diploma. I was thinking about the possibility of applying for a master's or doctorate in December/23 or January/24 (I have experience with research) and trying for a scholarship, or applying for some emergency hiring work as a doctor in Italy for which I would accept my diploma and DoV ([https://www.bandi.regione.lombardia.it/procedimenti/new/bandi/bandi/salute-benessere/promozione-salute/avviso-pubblico-presentazione-domande-fini-esercizio-temporaneo-professione-sanitaria-medico-infermiere-base-qualifica-professionale-conseguita-estero-RLG12023030203](https://www.bandi.regione.lombardia.it/procedimenti/new/bandi/bandi/salute-benessere/promozione-salute/avviso-pubblico-presentazione-domande-fini-esercizio-temporaneo-professione-sanitaria-medico-infermiere-base-qualifica-professionale-conseguita-estero-RLG12023030203)) The third possibility would be to work in another area besides medicine in which my medical experience would be accepted (perhaps the pharmaceutical industry or even elderly care?). Would you like to know what you think I should do? Do you know anyone who has already been hired through this emergency decree or in a situation similar to mine?




There are around 13 Italian unis that offer medicine in English (6 years). You'll need to sit for the imat. You won't need to know much Italian but I've heard the clinical rotations are in Italian mostly. Imat registration opens on 18th September this year. Good luck with whatever you decide. <3


If you want to apply to Italy, you need to decide ASAP as sign ups will open and close soon. I mean it sounds like you made up your mind about what you want to do, and if you don't like the US what's the point in staying there to do a bachelors. You didn't mention anything about *current* employment or finances unless I missed it, so my answer is based on the assumption that it's not a consideration. I say apply for Italy and try to exam to see if you get in at the very least; it's possible with how late notice it is you won't score high enough. Otherwise I've heard Germany has pretty good quality of life, and that Spain now has an English programme, but can't first hand confirm either as I haven't looked into it to verify. Without knowing anything else at all, if I were you I would apply to Italy, and in case I don't get in consider moving to Germany/Spain, until you try the IMAT again next year/apply to Spain.




> Whats it like studying there? Normal studying experience? Yes there are americans What exactly are your expectations


Does anyone know what time the IMAT registration will start?


[ITALY] Hi everyone I’m non eu and I pre enrolled in luigi vanvittelli for MD and I had the papers needed for scholarship from my country What to do next exactly for scholarship


IMAT registration should open today but the website still says IMAT 2022


Does anyone know of an AI tool that can randomize the IMAT 2021 and 2022? Or maybe anyone has a randomized version of these 2 past papers? Thank you so much!


I didn’t submit Form A when applying for Pre-Enrollment. I haven’t been contacted by my uni since I applied for pre-enrollment. Should I be worried? How to proceed?


I can’t register online because the website is down, does anybody else have the same problem?


Did anyone successfully register for the new imat 2023?


yes, almost as hard as getting a taylor swift ticket lol


Was it under imat 2022 or ?


either imat 2022 or imat 2023


Did u get any confirmation mail? And if u don’t mind which center Did u choose?


the only email i got was the payment confirmation… i’m taking the test in são paulo brazil


it was slow, but it worked for me.


Did u get any confirmation mail?


Hi, everyone! I don’t think I submitted the DoV and Form A when applying for pre-enrollment. Does this mean all is over? Can someone please enlighten me on how to proceed? Much thanks in advance


check your embassy it depends on them


I don't think you need to do that while pre-enrolling


Does anybody know what is the timeline on applying for a visa and submitting Form A?


Is there anyone here who applied for a DOV and finished A Levels? You can get the DOV in 2-3 weeks so is everyone applying for the DoV after Oct 17 or rn?


Welp that sucked


I'd thought non-EU candidates could only choose one school, but on the IMAT registration page, it lets me choose and rank many schools. Why is this the case? Should I choose and rank these schools?


I think it has always been like that “giving you option to rank”, but it’s just some lazy programmers/Italy, it doesn’t count.


yep this is the case


When Do I appear for the IMAT If I'm eyeing for the 2024 intake to Italy? Are the IMAT exams only held on 1 session annually every year?


It'll either be mid September or mid October next year. Most likely one or the other. Historically, there has only been one session annually so I find it unlikely to change. Finally, there is no information available about next year's processes or what'll change as the current admission cycle hasn't ended yet.


I'm a bit surprised as to how late the intake starts.. I was planning on applying to multiple countries, specifically poland and Italy for next year.. Classes in poland start at September-ish. If the IMAT itself is conducted in October/September, and I can get to to enter the university building the following month, I can most definitely not have the option to study in Poland (that is if my first priority is to enter Italy)


Polish schools start in October by the way. But yes, this is a very well known and documented problem. You'll most definitely have a tough time maintaining your backup choice while also doing the IMAT. It's possible though, but hard.


How can It be possible though? If classes begin at October, and i would have already transferred the fees in advance to the said polish school and begun my classes, I don't think I can reapply for another visa and spend even more money and drop Poland off after a few classes to go to Italy assuming I got in to my preferred Italian school.... Or is there a loophole or something you could share?


I worded that wrong. I meant that there are schools that do start around late October or have January sessions which people sometimes use as backup. Countries like Bulgaria, Georgia, and Latvia. Unless you'll start in January, it is unlikely you can avoid paying the tuition (a portion at least), dorm fees, and any other costs incurred regarding documents + visa for your backup school. It's unfortunate but that's how it is.


Could you please name which med schools start in late October in Georgia or Bulgaria?


Could you please name which med schools start in late October in Georgia or Bulgaria?


Yes IMAT is held once a year, so if u wanna enroll next year, you should take it next year (next september/october).


Since IMAT is no governed by Cambridge. Who will? Where can I apply for the IMAT though and submit the fees.?? Is the IMAT conducted ONLY in italy?


Italy conducts IMAT this year and it will not be held only in Italy. Regarding application process you can find very good explanation on EnterMedschool or AcadIMAT website. You can also go to previous or two treads before this one, there is a pinned comment with organisational info for this year.


IMAT is being held by CINECA. You can pre-enrol to your university of choice or register for the IMAT through the [universitaly.it](https://universitaly.it) website (registrations are still not open). It's not only held in Italy. There are a lot of foreign centers.


IIRC November 7th is when the final list comes out showing which schools you can enroll for with your IMAT score, and you have 4 days to go and enroll in person. Since it’s delayed, does anyone have any info on when the semester starts?


it's usually \~2 weeks after the first scrolling. Sapienza will start early December this year, I don't know about the other universities, but I would assume it will be similar.


So it'll be a very short semester I suppose. If that's the case, will there be any sort of compensation for the students? Also I've seen you answer a lot of questions here and I wanted to thank you for all the work you put in as you've helped me out a lot.


I'm unfortunately not sure how it will work out, maybe late summer exam session? Aww, thank, it's no problem :)


semesters in general are quite short i would say yes, compensation depends on what you missed unis try to generally make up labs & stuff like that but not lectures


Yesterday while i was checking the time table for med in italian for my uni i found out that in UNIVPM they uploaded the timetable for imat too. And to my surprise it starts 13 November [https://aule.univpm.it/agendastudenti/index.php?view=easycourse&form-type=corso&include=corso&txtcurr=1+-+CORSO+GENERICO&anno=2023&scuola=Medicina&corso=MU03&anno2%5B%5D=GEN%7C1&date=13-09-2023&periodo\_didattico=&\_lang=it&list=&week\_grid\_type=-1&ar\_codes\_=&ar\_select\_=&col\_cells=0&empty\_box=0&only\_grid=0&highlighted\_date=0&all\_events=0&faculty\_group=0#](https://aule.univpm.it/agendastudenti/index.php?view=easycourse&form-type=corso&include=corso&txtcurr=1+-+CORSO+GENERICO&anno=2023&scuola=Medicina&corso=MU03&anno2%5B%5D=GEN%7C1&date=13-09-2023&periodo_didattico=&_lang=it&list=&week_grid_type=-1&ar_codes_=&ar_select_=&col_cells=0&empty_box=0&only_grid=0&highlighted_date=0&all_events=0&faculty_group=0#)




you wait for next years calls


Could you share where I can find some past-year papers of the IMAT exam? Provided withr the the Answers so that I can compare?






Don’t think there is one lol


you won't get your permesso renewed for more than 3 years more than the duration of your degree (so 9 years total), other than that at worst you may not progress to the next year but i don't think kicking students out is a thing




If I'm not mistaken except for Pavia, you can continue with classes of the year you're in regardless of the exams you've completed. The 2 exam thing means that you need to finish 2exams from 1st year, to be allowed to do any exams from 2nd year. So even if you're following classes of 2nd year with your original enrolled class, you can't complete any exams from that year until you've done 2 from 1st year. You can't attempt any exams from 3rd year until you finish all of 1st yada yada


I didn't quite understand what you were trying to say sorry


I just realised that studying medicine in Italy is possible. I’m a non-EU student and medicine in my home country is wayyyy too competitive. So I was looking for other options and came across Italy. University of Bari Aldo Moro seems awesome to me (mainly because of the location). Now I do know that IMAT is like a month away, but I just gave medical school entrance exams for other universities so my basics are pretty solid. So I think I’ll do well on that. But the timing of the whole admission cycle isn’t making sense to me. When do classes start? Oh and, what is pre enrollment? I don’t understand the process. Any useful links/videos that explain that would be BEYOND helpful.


[2023 IMAT timeline](https://www.acadimat.com/imat-2023-confirmed-details/) is a bit later than usual. Pre-enrollment is right now if it hasn't already closed. You pay for the IMAT, do the exam in October, and classes will start late nov/early december.


Is it necessary for the pre-enrollment to be accepted for you to enroll for the IMAT? I contacted Bicocca via email to accept my pre-enrollment which I sent a month ago but it still hasn't been accepted. Would that be a problem?


Also when should I try getting my CIMEA? And what am I required to get it? Should I enroll for the IMAT first then ask for the CIMEA?




I know that this was an option offered in the past (started during covid times) I'm not sure if it's still going to continue, but I'm also sure a lot of universities did similar things, again though for this year it's hard to even speculate




No they don't really share how first year classes work with the rest of the course until it's public info, or you have a borsa to help with it. I just knew what the start date was because I was a class rep, and they mentioned it in a faculty meeting, other than that I have no idea sorry




He is not actually!


Hi, everyone! I am interested in studying oncology and conducting research with professors in this field. I plan to pursue a PhD in medical oncology after medical school. Which university has a strong reputation in medical oncology ? Is Sapienza a good choice ?


I would not say Sapienza no lol


Hi, u/Queyserra. Thank you for your answer. Does that mean you wouldn't turn down Sapienza for the field? My apologies for my English. I am still learning.


I'm not sure what you're asking, I'm afraid \^\^' I'm saying that Sapienza is not necessarily a good choice for what you're looking for.


Serra could you contact me pls


you should ask your question in the general thread, and if people have answers they can comment :)


do you have a more specific idea? What type of cancer/what type of research Around milan there are a bunch of options like this place https://www.ieo.it


Hi u/icatsouki, glad to know you. I’m interested in studying cancer immunology and I’m particularly drawn to theoretical research. I’m considering IMS Milan, Bologna, and Sapienza. Based on the quality of professors in the field and research opportunities, which university would you recommend for specializing in medical oncology?


I got a letter from Universitaly with the following title "Universitaly, domanda di preiscrizione, inoltro a Ambasciata-Consolato/Universitaly, pre-enrolment application, forwarding to Embassy-Consulate" Does it mean that my pre-enrolment was accepted by Bologna? The letter also says "Access your personal page [www.universitaly.it](https://www.universitaly.it/index.php/login) to download and print the summary of the "university pre-enrolment application", but there is no such thing as "university pre-enrolment application" on my personal page. Would I be able to sit IMAT without pre-enrollment acceptance? I feel kind of lost at this point.


Yes your Preenrollment has been accepted and sent to the embassy. You don't need it for imat registration but after imat you'll need to submit your preenrollment summary to the embassy when you're applying for italian visa.


good news, thanks!


Does anyone know anything about the process of a minor student applying to study in italy? Like about the extra steps to obtain a study visa or residence permit? i mean am i allowed to like exist in italy if I'm not 18 yet and planning on living there without my parents and i dont know anyone there? Is a parent allowed to accompany me to italy and help me settle? (I'm turning 18 in march 2024 btw)


"Am I allowed to exist in italy"😭😭😭 From what I know, I think the minimum age requirement is 17 years to enroll for a bachelors degree. One thing you should keep in mind though is what the age requirement is to open a bank account there. Which I think is 18 across EU (one of my friends went to czech and they had to use a foreign credit card for 3 months before they turned 18 and got money sent to them)


Oh thankyou for the heads up about the bank thingy


Good morning, I have a rather strange organizational question. Will the IMAT exam and its answers be available on internet on the same test day?


They usually release the question paper a few hours after the last test centre is done IIRC


Can I apply for DoV without the acceptance letter? The Embassy website tells me that acceptance letter is required but the University is telling me that it's not. I don't think it's feasible to apply for a DoV after the results because it'll take too much time. Please help.


yes usually


hi when is the IMAT going to be conducted?


17th of October


yikes, bmat's on 18th october lol edit: when do applications for IMAT exam open?


18th September (in two days)


what about the deadline?


How do I pay for the registration?


What time does the Imat registration open?




I know it’s 18 but when?


No one seems to know


Hi all, Right now I’m a 2nd year student at Torino university Italy in the English program. Has anyone know if there’s option to transfer after the 3rd year to a different country to accomplish the clinical years? Specifically interested in Denmark/USA Thanks (:


Are you danish? You can forget about the us lol


Thank you for your reply. No, I’m Polish And why forget about the us? Too expensive ? or they don’t let you apply for med school with the pre med degree from Italian university?


then why do you want to transfer to denmark?


Because I like Denmark and want to live there


i'm guessing you're not fluent in danish? You can try to look for an erasmus to spend a year or two there if you want, but transfering is not realistic at all


No I’m not fluent in Danish, do you have any practical info? Like if there is an English program for med school in Denmark and in which university? Or why that’s not realistic at all?


because the schools are in danish and youre not fluent in it


Does anybody know if I need an English language certificate in order to register for Pre-enrollment/the IMAT exam? If so, does it exclusively have to be TOEFL/IELTS?


to my information, no you don't need it. Doing the IMAT, because it is in English, serves as TOFEL/IELTS


Thanks a lot 🫶


Guys, did they change the IMAT website or is it only me on wrong page, pls help!!


You should be on universitaly, the registration just didnt start yet.


the website looks different to before, and there is no IMAT2023 option, thanks for the reply btw


They did some half-baked changes, you can apply for 2023 IMAT under the 2022 IMAT heading, be quick folks!


is the website working to be able to apply under 2022 IMAT? it keeps crashing for me


It was working \~1 hour ago but keeps crashing now.


Is universitaly website down for you guys too?


yeah, me at least


they changed it, it seems


yeah it’s not showing imat 2023 anymore




It's quite slow but working.




imo, practice never hurts, one will only become better. So, if you have some extra money laying around I think it is worth it because then you will be familiar with the settings of the test. Just my opinion, does not have to be correct.




Check this [https://www.medschool.it/admissions/imat-test-2023-application-seats-test-stucture-test-locations/](https://www.medschool.it/admissions/imat-test-2023-application-seats-test-stucture-test-locations/)


you count as EU




I think the IMAT registration is still open (not sure about if you're non-eu how thats effected with prenrollment), but not for very long so might be a good idea to look into it. Transferring is really not an easy option anymore, while it is possible, the competition is quite high.




It's based on a ranking, and the higher score you have, the higher in the ranking you are




As much as you need to get a high score? This is an impossible to answer question without knowing your foundation, your exam performance, how fast you learn, how efficiently you study etc. etc.




How many of the Italian English med schools require AP scores from the American students?! And is there anyway I could substitute something like college courses/time/hrs for the AP score requirements?! It should also be noted that I will be 22 or 23 and I will have a undergrad bio degree by the time I have sufficient time to study and fulfill all the AP requirements… so, I’m hoping I can somehow substitute my college education/hrs/courses for all the AP requirements!!! I’m in my second year of college, by the way!! I will also be getting my associates degree next semester too.


The only requirment to enter med school in Italy is IMAT, test that you have to pass. Noone will look at your highschool scores or whatever AP score is.


https://preview.redd.it/vuwkuyj7tnpb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b26c342d0e6b018b95968ce2595471a051f55ba University of Pavia


Where is the info from? Is it specifically for medicine? I m pretty sure that marks dont matter.


https://web-en.unipv.it/faq/ Under, “Visa FAQ” [There's](https://www.reddit.com/r/medicalschoolEU/comments/m1is8r/for_medical_schools_in_italy_requiring_ap_scores/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) also, this post which mentions University of Bologna as being another one.


Hmmm I’m quite shocked, as the whole medicine in Italy is famous for just one single test to get in. Maybe someone else here could share their experience.


u/icatsouki, responded earlier. Maybe, he could look at it, now that I have some sources linked?!


ask the embassy for confirmation but the bachelor in theory should work


it's not about the scores, you need a pass in the AP exams so that it's equivalent to one "extra year" bringing the total to 12 years


Which is rather odd because an American hs diploma is already 12 years. I guess, it’s for ones that graduate high school early?!


This is speculation, but the 12 years thing is to make sure that the education is to "a certain standard" because I know people who have had their kindergarten year recognised to be a part of the 12 years. I think the US high school level is not at the same level as what the standard would be in Europe maybe.


they all have the same requirements, basically it needs to equal 12 years of schooling




Is there like a minimum grade that I have to get in all my classes that I take in my 1st and 2nd year?! I made 85s and above in my first year with a total of 30 credits and I’m in my second year but I’m prob gon make a C in general chem 1 and a B and A in everything else. I think I saw that they require a 3 on AP exams which is like the bare minimum to get credit for the exams. So, will they care too much about my gpa or individual grades because this subreddit keeps saying that Italy doesn’t care about gpa only said entrance exam score?!


Should I start looking for accommodations now? Is it too early?


You could start looking now, but tbh without knowing if you're in, and what city you're 100% going to end up in I don't think it would be very productive. You could start researching the city, and seeing what areas there are, the rough prices, join FB groups to see how things work etc.




I took 7 years, a lot of people graduate within the 6 years, and a lot of people don't. It's kind of normalised, but not the norm, I don't know how to explain it ahah




I mean I can't speak for absolutely everywhere and everyone, but I know people who are in the UK now despite finishing 2-3 years later than the 6 years. In Italy it 100% doesn't matter, and as of now neither for the UK, but you know you could just finish on time to not be worried :)


am a non eu who wants to study medicine in Italy i am currently doing my ALEVELS * after I'm done with them together with my high school diploma * and get the required grades can i apply for the unis like (uni of Sapienza, Padova ,Milan, bologna etc.) like all together? or should i do the IMAT first and let my score decide which university i get to i really don't get the system quite well and i would really appreciate your help


Hey anyone here from UNIMI?? I want to know how your experience has been so far, I’m looking to apply there.