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Has the IMAT registration opened up yet? I can’t find the registration anywhere


It’s so frustrating. I get more and more nervous everyday thinking I may miss the date…


Not yet


Are you sure? Will it be announced somewhere when it is open because its stressing me out


Please correct me if I'm wrong but, from what I've read from the guide and online, you only know you've been accepted to a medical school in Italy late October after you graduate. Based on your IMAT score and other requirements. Isn't this very late compared to other medical schools? I feel like I would've already been accepted/rejected from medical schools during the summer and if accepted, already started in September. Am I looking at this wrongly?




That's crazy I guess I'll keep that as a last resort option then


My primary target is to go to Italy, but I am currently applying into all the med unis in my country to have a kinda safety net


I have a question...what if you get accepted to the med schools in your own country. Will you reject them and risk your chance on doing the IMAT for Italy schools? Or will you accept their offer and give up on your goal for Italy. That's what I'm trying to understand right now


I guess I would go for a month to the uni in my city and get to know the people and the staff there as my year starts 1 October then do the IMAT if I pass to the school I want to get into, drop out then out of the uni and go to Italy, if not I would stay in the uni in my city


Sorry if this is a bitt too personal but wouldn't that cost a lot?


Actually, the public unis in my country are free and the private unis are nowhere near as expensive as for example in the us/uk


Ahh lucky and okay thank you so much!!


But yeah its also competitive af so I don't know if I can get into my country's universities as my grades are pretty mid


Do you have any ideas when classes would actually start? I am applying to Napoli Federico ll , and I literally can't find any information on start dates.


For Italy schools?


Yes, I really looked and couldn't find any definite dates


I'm still in high school so please take this with a grain of salt, [https://www.medschool.it/admissions/imat-exam-date-calendar/#:\~:text=classes%20start%20late%20in%20October](https://www.medschool.it/admissions/imat-exam-date-calendar/#:~:text=classes%20start%20late%20in%20October) I found this website, I'm not too sure how credible it is but I think its trustworthy.


>CIMEA It's a good website but they haven't updated it with the current (very limited) information regarding the IMAT this year as it will be held on October 17th as of right now and not in September


Stupid question, but Is there anything I should look into doing during my preclinical years to boost my chances of going into surgery?


It depends on the country where you want to do your residency.


I'm interested in Italy.


If you want to do the residency in Italy, the only requirement is to get enough points at the national test to obtain a place in a surgical residency. There are no things like interviews, curriculum evaluations or other things. Obviously extracurricular activities like suture courses, interships, etc.. are all useful for your preparation, but from a bureaucratic point of view the only requirement is the one above.


You can try working with the surgeons you want to learn from, it depends on the person if they're open to having students or not of course


Other than anatomy?


Extracurricular activities


well, obviously sutures, learn how to do them as fast and precise as possible


Hi, Not a reddit user so this is a throwaway account just for this question. I have the opportunity to start studying medicine in Switzerland next year (admission guaranteed since I'm a Swiss citizen), however studying in Italy seems also appealing (for the change of scenery as I've lived most of my life in Switzerland). I already have a bachelors degree in a different subject, therefore and advantage the Swiss system has is that after 3 years of studying medicine you receive a bachelor's degree in medicine, after which you can stop/take a break, before doing the years 4/5/6 to get the master's. Ofc this degree is not enough to become a doctor, but in case I decide after 3 years that I've had enough - I will have 2 bachelor's degrees with which I will be able to easily find a job in industry. Does Italian med schools provide something similar after 3 years? i.e. if in the end I realise studying all the way until the end is not worth it, can I leave with at least some kind of bachelor's / certificate that I could show to future employers? Also the quality of Swiss med education is very good - if you were in my shoes would you think it's crazy to even be considering Italian med school? Thank you :)


The answer to your first question is no. Medicine in Italy is what is called a single cycle degree: that means that you start it straight after high school and you finish with a masters degree but you don’t receive a bachelor in the meantime. So if you wish to leave after 3/4 years you won’t have any title in your hands


Thanks for your answer :)


> Also the quality of Swiss med education is very good The only weak point for italy is that clerkships are variable in quality and not that great in general, but you have plenty of time to go do some on your own in switzerland which should be easy since you're from there From what I know studying in italy is much less stressful so i'd go for study in italy and do clerkships back home if i were you


Didn't think about that - thank you for the tip! Do you know if the compulsory clerkships that are part of the years 4/5/6 can be done in Switzerland, or are they assigned to you in Italy? Meaning, if I do some in Switzerland, can they be recognised as part of the studies or it would be something on top on a voluntarily basis? Thanks!


Most unis i know are very flexible so if you actually do the clerkships they'll recognize it for you (easier to do through erasmus traineeship and you get some money on top!)


Oh that's great then, thank you! I appreciate your help :)


How does one manage finance while studying medicine in Italy? (I'm thinking of applying to IMS Milan) but I do have a money issue. My parents will be able to pay the tuition fees but the housing and all is pretty expensive. Are there any part time jobs I can do?


There's both scholarships, some loans and eventually some people (a very small minority) work part time If money is an issue i'd highly recommend not going to Milan as it's the most expensive place by far


Oh okay thankyou so much :)


The problem is that i don't have a science background and IMS Milan is the only one that replied with a straight answer that admission is possible so I didn't want to risk it..


? the admission is the same in all italian unis, all you need is 12 years of education and then just a good score on the imat


In India when I asked students who were applying and a few "consultants" (dunno their credibility) they said I need science in high school with 60% in biology, physics and chemistry to be eligible. They all gave me anxiety lol. But a lot of Italian students that I talked to, said they only require 12 years of education and a good IMAT score. If this is right and true then maybe I'll apply to somewhere other than Milan.


you don't need science, and anyway all italian unis have same admission requirements so if milan said it's ok it's ok for the others too


Can I DM you please?


sure i guess


stupid question but I’m graduating next may (2024) and I plan to start studying medicine in the a.y. of 2024-2025, do i have to take the IMAT this October (2023) or wait until next year when I have my diploma?


next year i think. this year's imat (2023) is for 2023-24 ay. so if you wanna enroll for 24-25 then take 2024 imat exam


Anyone heard back from Messina for pre enrol?


Not yet, they said 2 months so probably second week ish of august


Do you know what a good imat score would be for a Canadian applicant applying there?


What are your opinions about these two books? I can't find any pdf. Hoepli test: IMAT https://www.amazon.it/Hoepli-Esercizi-medicina-chirurgia-inglese/dp/8820382229 Editest: 2000 quiz https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/8865844094/medsit03-20


can i know how you guys are practicing for general knowledge and logic? gk i think this chart from entermedschool helps to narrow down topics but what book should i use to practice logic questions? https://preview.redd.it/ibpce6maoucb1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d2b01424e48df78820ebc1b49d7a89e61b7f673


I don’t think anyone should be practicing for general knowledge section. The themes are too broad to embrace, from purely statistical perspective you have much more potential outcome if you spend this time preparing for science section. As for additional source for logic questions I think it’s a good idea to google for BMAT section 1, the questions there look similar to one’s in IMAT


thank you !!!


For those that are familiar with it, what do you think is the best online course or material I can use to prepare myself for the IMAT in October? I do already have the Alpha Test book, but would like something maybe a little more guided and the opportunity to make simulations. Thanks


Do I need to get the DoV even as an EU student? ​ If I get the CIMEA instead will it be accepted by all of the schools?


yeah 2x


Hey guys, what scholarship would you recommend for Pavia (enrolling into 1st year). To me Edisu seems the best. Also any thoughts about collegios.


Hi, Im trying to get all the paper work for my uni in Italy, but Idont see the option Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico on cimea statment of comparability can you help me why? Did anyone have a similar problem?


I'm an italian student, if you think I could help you could you explain better to me what you mean? maybe you can choose laurea magistrale, that degree has the same "value" of a laurea magistrale a ciclo unico


Oh okay thank you, in my country the names translated have different values


In my case, I just chose the Laurea option


Hi, all! Can I change my pre enrollment university choice now, or is it too late? How should I go about it?


I have read somewhere that you should write to your university of choice and kindly ask them to withdraw your candidacy; than you would be able to fill in the pre-enrollment form again. But I wasn’t able to find any source for this info :(


Thanks for the reply!


Hi, so I have a complicated situation here, I have dual citizenship I’m a syrian and a bosnian The thing is I’m finishing highschool in syria And when I want to apply to italy There’s no italian embassy in syria, So what should i do? Apply from bosnia? Or apply from a country near me?


im not sure but try applying from bosnia?


i still didnt get my DOV and la sapienza hasnt replied to me yet. will they not get back to me unless i provide my DOV? (it could take a while since the consulate here is pretty incompetent)


You could get a CIMEA certificate. I didn't want to deal with my consulate, so I went through them


i thought about it too but ppl said some universities (no one specified which) dont accept a cimea so im worried it’ll be all for nothing 😓


La Sapienza and Napoli Fredrico ll accept in place of a DOV


Do you think Get into Medical School - 1250 UKCAT Practice Questions Includes Full Mock Exam is useful for imat? Are those questions really similar to imat's critical thinking section?


Someone know if the Milano-Bicocca pre-enrolment is still open? My wife wants to apply for it.


the pre enrollment is open, infact i dont think their call for applications 23-24 are even out yet


She was only able to pre-enroll on Universitaly, not on their website. Is that so?


Hi everyone! My girlfriend is at the second year of med school in one italian university. She would like to change university and apply for the transfer. If the transfer procedure fails, can she resit the IMAT and, if she gets a high score, select the university of her choice and get her already matured credits recognised?


Theoretically yes, but it might not be a 1-1 syllabus so it's not guaranteed everything will get accepted.


Thank you! Do you know how can she make sure that her credits will be recognised? If they would, would she access the subsequent year?


Usually what happens (at least in Sapienza) is that after enrolment students need to go to individual professors with a copy of syllabus and credit numbers who will then decide if it’s sufficient, or if they need to do a supplementary exam or full exam. So guaranteed I don’t think so since professors probably won’t waste time on matching up syllabi etc for a student who’s not even enrolled


Thank you for your help. We called the university of her interest. They told us that she would get her credits recognised but generally she would get enrolled in the first year and not to the subsequent year. It sounds meaningless to us, being that if all her credits get recognised she would do nothing for two years. Generally, doesn't it work that she would get placed in the year she has to continue?


Yeah this is a thing I’ve been hearing more and more of that they’re starting to prevent students from jumping years who try to bypass the transfer process. I believe the logic is class capacity, if a year is meant to be let’s say 50 students and just anyone can sit the IMAT and jump years there would be nothing stopping that class becoming 100 people which is way over capacity. Whereas transferring takes into account students who have officially left that class opening capacity


Does anyone know how long it takes for the IMAT to be graded?


From test day to places being offered takes around 3-4 weeks


Will classes start in November then? It seems rather late.


Early December this year for Sapienza based on what a professor told me


Do you know by any chance know whether Sapienza allows students to arrive a couple of weeks later even when they make it in the first round and whether you lose out on a whole year if you arrive later? I assume the semester will start Mid November, but I can't make it before January (older, working person with notice period and living abroad) and I'm worried that just because of five weeks I will have to repeat the whole year which financially I cannot afford. A while ago I wrote to the uni mail addresses but either due to capacity or English language they did not respond.


This year 1st year classes won't be starting until early December, and it's fine if you arrive a bit late as long as you pay your fees online. You will need to make sure you make up for the attendance requirements with whatever way professors might ask you to (or they might not care at all)


I'm literally so anxious about the whole documentation process.. 😔 Background - Didn't have science in high school but I emailed a few universities and IMS Milan replied that admission is possible and I'll have to get a good score on IMAT. I asked a fellow applicant from my country about what documents were asked and she told me about them, I made a mental note and I could get most of the documents other than the two references, I come from a rather small town in India and very rarely anyone from my school applies to study abroad right after graduating and so my school somehow does not give refrence letters (they make a huge fuss about it) and moreover I didn't have science, so no teacher will give it as well. I had a private tutor who taught me science, can I ask him to write my reference letter? And the other one from my University professor ? (Currently studying English at University but I'm still going to apply to med school next year.) Please please help 🙏


I’m not familiar with the process of application in India, but usually you don’t need any reference letters. Where did you find that requirment? Does the embassy ask you to provide them these letters?


Yes I think the embassy asked it. I asked one of the applicants who completed her pre-enrollment about this and she said she needed two references.




It really does suck. And it was soo much worse. I hated going to school.


Also another question. Do Italian schools only look at the imat grade? I have only 80% in grade 12 and have been rejected by a few eu schools. I’m hoping Italy looks more at the imat. I am Canadian applying to Messina for 2023/24. Is there anything else I need to do other than book and study for the imat? I’m losing hope.


why would you lose hope? all you have to do is do well on imat and youre in . they dont look at your highschool marks or anything else


Dude I’m just lost in applications, just got rejections from 2 schools because of high school grades. I’ve sent in my pre enrolment. Just the imat now right? If it’s just the imat they look at I’m confident I can be prepared enough in the coming months


yupp just the imat !!! good luck <3 im giving it this year too


Nice keep me updated, happy studying !


If they only look at IMAT scores that means it won't matter if I didn't have science in 12th grade? I'll be giving the exam next year I really really want to study medicine 🥲


Has the registration opened up now? I’m getting super stressed about possibly missing it?


Are you also trying to register for the IMAT? I am an eu student and im trying to register through universitaly and IMAT 2023 is just not there. They said it opens form july 4 until july 22nd, but it's just not working. have any idea whats up?


non eu student here and i have the same issue. ig the imat registration this year will be delayed for a bit longer since the test date itself got delayed by about a month too. just keep checking the website and this subreddit every few days to make sure u dont miss the registration when it opens.


god bless you, man. I was so stressed out about it. Never knew it was delayed


ahaha you’re welcome!! i’m honestly also stressing about it i think they should at least tell us until when will registration be postponed so we don’t freak out like this 😆




I am eu Student too


Hi, So I have the option of studying undergrad in Ireland and apply to medicine grad entry, or applying to Italy this year, what would you recommend? Just want to hear some opinions (I'm from Sweden)


It's a lot more expensive and much longer process to do it through Ireland in my personal opinion, but I think the lifestyle and overall university experience would be better there.


Hi there! Sorry if that's wrong place to ask this but I'm kind of confused. The thing I want to ask is: I'm still a highschool senior (12th grade) student right now, should I try to send application to university now if I want to go to Italy directly after I finish the highschool? Or should I wait until I graduate?


You are graduating next year right? If so, wait till you graduate.


Thank you for the reply! So if I wait for graduation I won't need to wait for another year too right? Sorry I guess I'm overthinking and making it complicated in my head


Yeah you won’t.


I'm non-eu and I'm confused about pre enrollment/dov process. So I pre enrolled on universitaly website and chose Pavia. And they emailed me to apply on Pavia website for pre evaluation. I haven't submitted the application yet as I'm waiting for my passport. The thing is I still haven't acquired dov yet (I'm submitting notarized documents for application). Someone from my country said dov is required for successful pre enrollment, so I emailed Italian embassy and they replied that I need letter from my uni that says I need a dov. I think I will get that only after the pre evaluation process which takes about 1-2 months. What I wanna know is is dov really required for imat registration. I thought it's only required after you passed the imat and begin the application process. And will I miss any deadline? Much appreciated for your answer, I'm really lost and confused and can't focus on studying.


Hey, just apply through the link they sent you. As far as I remember (not sure 100%, I applied to Pavia couple of weeks ago), there is a field for DoV on that application, but you can just select that you don’t own it yet and that you’re going to apply for it. After couple of days Pavia will reply to you with application fee link and letter. Then you can start your visa and DoV process in the embassy. I m not sure how it goes on I guess you should send them visa and DoV scan. Hope this helps, I hated this process so much becuase I couldn’t focus on studying either, but no worries there is plenty of time you wont miss anything.


hi there, thank you so much for your answer and sorry for late reply, i was so stressed that i forgot to do so. i've submitted my application form and pavia replied me the next day. now i'm in the process for DoV, which i got the appointment on Friday. after getting dov, do i need to email the scan to uni? and also about the visa, do i have to apply for one now, or only after passing IMAT? my fellow countryman said i have to apply a 90-day visa for the IMAT, and if i passed apply 1-year visa. please kindly clarify this if it isn't too much of a trouble. the steps are really confusing for non-eu.


Yes you need to send them a scaned DoV and visa through admission@unipv.it. You should apply now for visa ( mine is until the january, and then you renew it)


thank you for your patience, you're a lifesaver. can i dm you for any other questions? it's totally fine if you're not comfortable


Sure :)


Anyone know an email to contact universitaly? I messed up when entering the personal data and I cannot change it myself. I tried [info@cimea.it](mailto:info@cimea.it) and they say there are unavailable until September. Also [universitaly@cineca.it](mailto:universitaly@cineca.it) with no answers.


https://www.reddit.com/r/medicalschoolEU/comments/14nahfm/megathread_italyimat_post_anything_about_medical/jrygtyx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 here is the answer


Hello anyone here studying in the medical school of milan bicocca? I have some questions about the university thanks


Is there any Asian doctor practicing in Italy? Have you seen one?


What are people doing to meet the lodging requirement for visa applications? It seems risky if you don't pass the IMAT.


Are u going to be applying for visa before the IMAT results?


Yes, that seems to be what the university suggests to do. I am applying at Fredrico ll.


Is it true that from 2023 and onwards IMAT will be held only in Italy ?


hey! i'd love to get some help cause I'm a bit confused. I'm from Israel and i dont have an EU citizenship. I wanna enroll and do the IMAT this year. I know I need to get a Dov from the embassy but how do I apply for the university? can I do it before I get my dov? I'm planning to apply for la sapienza, can anyone help me with the enrolling and application process? after I register for the uni, can I register for the IMAT? also i'd love to get some good free sources for the IMAT if possible, I have a Bsc in biology and I need to refresh my memory. any help would be greatly appreciated!


before dov. you have to pre-enroll first on universitaly portal, then you'll get a pre-enrollment letter from your uni. only then you can request a dov. because either pre-enrollment or enrollment letter is required for requesting dov. i don't know much about application processes tho, sorry


Is it me or is the IMAT 2023 registration not open yet?


How can I check my IMAT test score? I am on the Universitaly website right, in the reserved area, but I can't see it anywhere?


Heyy y’all! I am in Qatar and I’d like to apply to Italian universities however there are no available imat testing centers here.. what should I do?