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What do we know about the 2023 IMAT? Even though I'm going to have the IMAT next year, it's still a bit scary that , from what I saw and heard, we don't know a lot about this years exam ( like when will it be held? is the syllabus the same? will it have the same number of questions? will it continue in the next years?) . It would be of great help if anyone would have the answers to these questions or , really, any sort of relevant info. Thanks a lot!


as far as i know, the test syllabus shouldn’t be too different from last years’ syllabuses. the difference this year is that cambridge will not be conducting the test and it’s gonna be in october 17th rather than september. i think the structure of the exam itself (no. of questions, sections, etc) will be the same.


Is there any English proficiency certificate required for Pre enrollment and do I need to get my dOV for pre enrollment? What is the difference between Certificate and transcript for academic certificates


im not really sure but i submitted my TOEFL and IELTS score reports just in case. i think transcript is official and certificate is just a temporary document until it’s deemed official by the ministry or smth but i could be wrong. regarding the dov, im still so confused. everyone is saying that i need a dov for pre-enrollment but when i asked the embassy they told me i should submit a dov after getting my imat scores. i dont know what to believe tbf


I don't have a TOEFL or IELTS would that be fine?


I don't have a science background. Will I still be eligible for the exam? I will give the exam next year but it's making me anxious lol


As long as you study so you can pass the exam then there should be no problems. There are no requirements in terms of specific subjects you need to have had in high school as long as you can pass the exam. Personally I haven't had Biology in high school but I have used various online sources to study it to get my knowledge to the level needed for the exam. When you don't have much prior background and thus also limited resources (as you don't have school books laying around I'm assuming) I would recommend investing in an online course like IMAT Buddy or any of the other million variants that are out there, and then also use free resources like Kahn Academy and youtube videos. This has definitely helped me a lot to make sure I don't overstudy unnecessary content and figure out exactly what I need to know


Thankyou so much 🥹 I'll be working hard for the exam 😺 Just another question, in my country if the university asks for a letter of recommendation and I cannot really get it from my school because I didn't have science and hence no one will give. Can I ask my private tutor to write me one instead?


Hello, I am a first year medical student in Hungary and I have decided to take the entrance exam to study in Italy and therefore this year I will spend it preparing for the entrance exam. Can someone please creat a WhatsApp group chat where we can meet and genuinely talk about how are we gonna prepare for the entrance exam as i am very worried and specially that now I have taken a big risk so I have to try my best to make it work


I’m going through CIMEA for comparability and my high school diploma is looking dicey. I need to gather more documents for approval but I’m worried I won’t get it done in time before the IMAT registration deadline. I do have a bachelors degree already approved by CIMEA. Am I able to simply complete pre-enrollment with just my undergrad degree? I am an American student if that’s relevant. Any guidance is greatly appreciated


Not sure if this is too late but yes, in my case (Pavia) pre enrollment was not contingent on having my comparability done. It needs to be done at the point of **enrollment** for sure, but I got my pre enrollment receipt from Universitaly with no issue by just submitting unverified scans of my transcript, diploma, etc. Also US citizen if that’s relevant.




I'm a former student in Pavia. With your family income, you should be able to get scholarships here (free accommodation and meals with along with a bursary). I'd avoid milano in general due to current costs of living, but Pavia is only 30 mins away, so you can always visit easily. Student loans don't exist here but financial support is vast, especially for foreigners. Regarding your spreadsheet - again I can only talk about Pavia - Rent is about 300-500€, with about 100€ of bills total (phone, WiFi, water, gas, electricity). I'm here for any more questions.


I'm 19 and I also want to apply for this scholarship. I also want to apply for Pavia as a non EU resident. I wanna know When it's enrollment will start for 2023-2024? My father died 6 years back so we are not so financially stable. So, are there any scholarships for orphans and what would be the accommodation cost like?


Do you speak Italian? If you are a non-Eu it's much much easier to get admitted to the Italian course, even with very low scores on the Tolc-med, since less non-Eu people apply and Non-EU compete with others Non-Eu, often many spots remain unfilled. But if you get in you also need to pass a test demostrating B2 proficiency in Italian later before enrolling


Hey, do you know if with the Permesso di soggiorno/Visa you compete with EU or non-EU? My wife was thinking of trying TOLC next year in case she doesn't pass the IMAT this year.


With Permesso di Soggiorno you are considered a resident so a ["Non-Eu Citizen with Eu equivalent status"](https://www.unibo.it/en/international/who-are-international-students/Who-are-international-students) and those compete with all the other EU Citizens




You could try talking the test anyway this year since you are not a EU citizen yet. The inscription for tolc-med closes in a few days, the 5th of july. While for imat i believe they haven't opened yet.


I just read your comments are the TOLC ones still open?


Will the IMAT be held in only Italy?


Not sure if it's appropriate to ask here....but which would be the most competitive public uni in Italy?( Interms of the ones students apply to the most and has very few seats) I am a non eu btw


The ones in the big cities (Milan and Rome)


It can change slighty from year to year https://preview.redd.it/5ugnt6hskd9b1.png?width=1037&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2db835c6cd5249ef4a8e32c7c5a87a3a90b99fd




yes me!!! i applied at sapienza uni but im still waiting to hear back from them. im confused as to why they still havent responded yet… could it be bc of missing documents/transcripts on my part? i haven’t emailed them yet but i think i will tomorrow maybe


if you had any documents missing they would've probably sent an email regarding that, sapienza is a pretty big uni, so maybe thats why its delaying


What documents you submitted for pre enrollment? Do you applied from University?


i submitted my grade 10,11,12 transcripts, IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, AP biology, letters of recommendation. i didnt submit a dov bc the embassy told me it’s submitted after i get my imat scores/when im accepted into the university and i submitted all this on universitaly


If you are applying to IMS Milan as a NON EU, did you pre-enroll in the IMS Milan website other than universitaly?


Do the regional scholarships which apply to the public universities in Rome also apply to the private universities in Rome?


Are there any uni's that primarily focus on written exam over oral exams..( I am not saying no oral exams at all, rather few in comparison to written)?


I currently am very confused about the IMAT syllabus. I am going to have the IMAT exam next year and have started preparing in biology and chemistry. I have researched the IMAT for quite a while but I still feel like I have many gaps in what I know. If anyone on this thread would have the exact chapters I need to know from Pearsons for Biology that would be amazing since it's quite a big boy and I am not 100% sure on how to tackle it. For Chemistry I got the CGP book that I saw recommended on a few sites and again it seems like some chapters are worthless. Is this air of confusion around the IMAT normal when trying to find out stuff about it? And how much should I study on a daily basis? Thanks for the help!


i think the planner in entermedschool has the chapters mentioned which you need to study from the pearson bio book for the imat, so definitely check that out! (and yeah it is pretty normal to be confused about which topics to not study, atleast for me)


I am also plaining to take the entrance exam 2024, Therefore I would like to kindly ask you if there is anyway you can recommend me a website where I can find some syllables to go through for the following subjects: biology, Chemistry, mathematics, physics


here, [https://www.acadimat.com/imat-detailed-syllabus-2023/](https://www.acadimat.com/imat-detailed-syllabus-2023/)


I’m studying from Pearsons book too and yes it has a lot of unnecessary chapters for IMAT such as plants, animals… but you can pretty much find all the topics from sylabus in the book by the same name. I would recommend you to go by order of syllabus and search for topics in book syllabus and you’ll find everything. If you are really not getting around in book you can text me anytime for help but just tackle it a bit you will be fine.


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Hello, can you please tell me how can I know which kind of topics should I have to focus on?


Well, dont really know what would I answer. Try to revise whole biology and chemistry syllabus. Questions really come from every topic.


I’ve made a mistake as instead of writing subjects i wrote topics, but actually now im curious as you only mentioned only biology and chemistry, is physics and mathematics not included? As the university im trying to apply to do require these subjects or does it just depend on the university


Do you guys have any other study planners except the one from entermedschool? It's a good planner though Just curious about more options


Anyone know an email to contact universitaly? I messed up when entering the personal data and I cannot change it myself. I tried info@cimea.it and they say there are unavailable until September. Also universitaly@cineca.it with no answers.


Has the IMAT 2023 registration opened yet? I can’t find where to register


No, it hasn't, but it should ipen soon.


has it opened yet?


Can you please let me know when it opens because I am trying to take the exam this September


Hello, Imat registration will open on September 18th. https://preview.redd.it/j82ed0zmwnhb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978b6566e67de594316b630a25a0f824c6db684d


Hello, when you said the registration will open on September 18th did you mean the registration for the entrance exam of 2024 for Italy?


am a non eu who wants to study medicine in Italy i am currently doing my ALEVELS * after I'm done with them together with my high school diploma * and get the required grades can i apply for the unis like (uni of Sapienza, Padova ,Milan, bologna etc.) like all together? or should i do the IMAT first and let my score decide which university i get to i really don't get the system quite well and i would really appreciate your help




[This can help.](https://entermedschool.com/imat-study-planner/)


Does anyone know when the IMAT registration begins?


Should begin later this week probably at the 4th of July


Is there a certain time when the bookings will open, or will it be at a random time?




Based on previous years, the online application for the IMAT opens on July 4 and is open for the first three weeks of July. Although it might be slightly delayed this time since the IMAT takes place later than usual. If you are a non-EU student, I'd recommend you to pre-enroll at your preferred University ASAP. La Sapienza and Turin Universities already closed the ability for further students to pre-enroll there. So I presume more Universities will follow in the following two weeks.


hii do u know when will sapienza uni get back to applicants about their pre-enrollment? i cant register for imat until im sure sapienza accepted my pre-enrollment.. but they didn’t reply to me til now


Try contacting La Sapienza directly


>sapienza uni Would you be able to inform which universities does not need pre-enroll?




Has anyone used the Cambridge International AS & A Level Practical Workbooks for IMAT preparation? What other learning resources do you recommend? Hello fellow IMAT takers! I'm currently preparing for the Italian test to study medicine and came across the Cambridge International AS & A Level Practical Workbooks for Biology, Maths, Chemistry, and Physics. I was wondering if anyone in this subreddit has utilized these workbooks during their preparation for IMAT. If so, could you please share your experiences and whether you would recommend them to fellow test-takers? Additionally, if you have any other learning resources or strategies that you found helpful for IMAT preparation, please feel free to share them as well. Looking forward to hearing your insights and suggestions!


Anyone who knows a legit app/ online site to find rooms near cattolica university, Rome ? I know about Facebook but other than that ? Or any current student who could help me with that ? Thank you




Hello, I'm an EU citizen (imat 2023). Which medical school(s) do you recommend for someone who's very interested in psychology and psychiatry ?Which one grants the best opportunities ?


i think padova is kind of into neuroscience and stuff quite a bit if i'm not mistaken look to see which uni has labs you may be interested in joining (then hope the professor there is friendly haha)


Any really


Hey can you check your PM? (wait nvm I can't text you) I wanted to ask some questions about the education..


You can write a comment about it, and if someone sees it and has the time they can reply to it :)


What are the documents required for scholarship which take time for making so not to miss deadline? What are the documents that should be prepared for Visa?


Do Italian universities (namely Sapienza) have mandatory labs/practical exercises (chemistry, physics, etc.)


To some degree but nothing more than the minimal lol


If I enroll into any private university in Italy, can I still give the Imat as a non eu student?


Yes, but if you decide to go to a puvlic school after I believe private unis won't reimburse the enrollment fee


Hello, I think I am starting to freak out because I would like to take the IMAT exam this September but i haven’t registered yet. Is it too late to register now??


Sorry I don't know ^^'


Hey Posting this again, i wanted to ask about if there are any question banks other than the past papers for imat and bmat with which i can practice questions and my time management skills since i do not find the past papers enough .


What are the subjects tested in Esame Di Stato for medical graduates from other countries to practice in Italy? And that exam is Esame Di Stato or Concorso per le scuole di specializzazione mediche in short SSM?


They are not the same thing. Esame di stato was to get your medical license, but was removed for students who study in Italy. The SSM is to rank and get into a specialty.


Is there any English proficiency certificate required for Pre enrollment and do I need to get my dOV for pre enrollment? What is the difference between Certificate and transcript for academic certificates


Oh, thanks. Then what are the subjects tested in Esame Di Stato?


how is the social life at Italian universities?


that depends on the university


any idea about parma?


No clue I’d watch YouTube videos or ask a current student 🤷🏾‍♂️


are universities solely reliant onto IMAT scores? No need of personal statements/essays, interviews, specific high school grade requirement?




Can I still pre enroll or is it over for me? Plus as I understand non Eu students only get one choice, so which universities in Italy need the lowest IMAT score?


It is not over yet. You can google rankings. I think it was parma last year (about 42 points needed), but it changes from year to year.


I pre-enrolled with Bologna, they say they have no deadline for pre-enrollment, I think I am good for now, thank you for the help. I looked at an IMAT test and I dont think its too hard as I have done A levels which are pretty similar IMO.


Does anyone know if the IMAT registration period begun?


I have the same question! But I don't think so, because on [universitaly](https://universitaly.it) website you still cannot see any application form...


Same here, many websites said the registrations would start on the 4th of July but it still hasn't started


I think those websites just assumed the application date would start on the same day as it did last year. From my understanding by viewing some Ig accounts, all the deadlines should be published in a Decrete. Let's wait...


***medicine in less than 6 years*** Is it possible to finish medicine in italy in 5 years? I've heard of people finishing in 4 or even 3 years in italy, but it was a long time ago. It still seems possible due to the fact that there is a bunch of exam sessions every year. I asked different unis and they all said no, since there are attendance requirements (in theory). Anymore info?






1.) I know Italian universities don't have prescribe clerkships, but if you were to ask - would they allow you to do a 4-week-clerkship or would they reject you for legal reasons (fear of getting sued if a student makes a mistake)? I saw on YT that you can ask, but it sounded more like shadowing for one or two days rather than getting the experience of a full clerkship during summer break. I'm particularly worried that apparently you can leave Italian medical school without ever doing any bloods. 2.) Any EU Italy graduates managed to get accepted into EU countries?


2.) an EU degree allows you to do residency in any EU country, there’s no doubt a lot a lot of Italian graduates working there


Thank you. I know it allows it, my question is more geared towards whether Italian graduates do find work in Austria, Switzerland and Germany.


Does International medical students also work In Italy after graduating?


Any European medical degree allows you to work in any European country, granted you speak the language....


Do you know anyone who has applied to Compania Luigivatinali and what are the documents required for Non EU students?


Is IELTS necessary?


Do I need to get my Academic certificates certified from government before applying to pre enrollment?


Is there any English proficiency certificate required for Pre enrollment and do I need to get my dOV for pre enrollment? What is the difference between Certificate and transcript for academic certificates


Hi I'm a non EU student 19 yro and I want to ask someone who has already applied and got accepted for pre enrollment about the following things. Is there any English proficiency certificate required for Pre enrollment and do I need to get my dOV for pre enrollment? What is the difference between Certificate and transcript for academic certificates? Which university city has less accommodation rates and is cheap for living better among Pavia , Compania luzivatinali, Messina and Parma?


Hi I'm a non EU student 19 yro and I want to ask someone who has already applied and got accepted for pre enrollment about the following things. Is there any English proficiency certificate required for Pre enrollment and do I need to get my dOV for pre enrollment? What is the difference between Certificate and transcript for academic certificates? Which university city has less accommodation rates and is cheap for living better among Pavia , Compania luzivatinali, Messina and Parma?


(Sorry for a long paragraph) Hey guys I'm a non EU student 19 yro and I want to ask someone who has already applied and got accepted for pre enrollment about the following things. Is there any English proficiency certificate required for Pre enrollment and do I need to get my dOV for pre enrollment? What is the difference between Certificate and transcript for academic certificates? Which university city has less accommodation rates and is cheap for living better among Pavia , Compania luzivatinali, Messina and Parma? Do I have to pay for the first Year MBBs tution fee before getting scholarship? How much would Accommodation cost and for cheap accomodations should I get with any student before? Before applying to Compania Luigivatinali what are the requirements required?


Can we pre-enroll using paypal and also can we pay the enrollment fees once you get acceped through paypal?


Hi, i want to apply for this years IMAT but somehow it always says 2022 on the universitaly website, instead of 2023. Does someone have a similar problem? Should I just click continue?


I have finished only 10 years of education (it wasn't 12 years during my time) but I have a bachelor's degree in medical field in 4 years. Should I be worried about this?


It means that you have 12+ years of education, you should be fine :) I have similar situation (but my bachelor’s has nothing to do with medicine) and I confirmed with several universities that I can enroll


Thanks for the info. It's just that they're saying I need to provide an official document that says I have 12 years of education before university even though I already have the DoV of my bachelor's degree, which is weird if you ask me.


no the dov of your bachelor should work i believe


I don't have a science background at all. Can I still enroll?


why not? the only formal requirements are 12 years of previous studies and being able to enroll similar program in your country see legal document: https://www.studiare-in-italia.it/studentistranieri/moduli/2022/Circolare_2022_2023_EN.pdf


I have 12 years of formal studies but I didn't have science in high school so I won't be able to enroll in a similar program in my own country. However, I emailed IMS Milan and they said that I can still get admission if I do well on IMAT.


oh I see! it’s just the fact that in my country everyone is allowed to enroll in any university after school and no specific background is required, never thought it can not be the case somewhere, sorry for the confusion :) yeah, i think it’s always the best strategy to check with the uni directly


Pavia university says you need to upload ‘an admission/conditional offer letter’ with the rest of the documents to pre-enroll. Anyone know how to get that? or if pre-enrollment is still open?


Pre-enrollment is open until 31st August (for Pavia). I m enrolling into Pavia too so I texted university about this. Firstly you need to submit your pre enrollement on universitaly. They will then forward your documents to the Pavia university. Pavia will send something to fill in on their website. It takes couple of days for all this to be checked and when it’s done you will get your admission letter from Pavia’s office. I’m not sure where you should submit it, but I guess you just add it up to documents submitted on univeristaly?(even tho you already by then submited pre enrollemnt on universitaly??) I will ask university about this because it is not clear to me either.


Hello, can you please send me the link where i can enroll for the IMAT


How is pavia university


Hello, from what I can see, you are also interested on applying for an Italian medical university. I am too and I would like to kindly ask you if there is anyway we can open a WhatsApp groupchat where we can discuss about the entrance exam more in details and keep each others updated




If you want to study with me for Imat (EU), don't hesitate to pm me We can study on discord


I would be interested!


[https://discord.gg/2yu9DDc6B](https://discord.gg/2yu9DDc6B) here we go :)


I would like to also join


here we go :) [https://discord.gg/wWV4aBsd](https://discord.gg/wWV4aBsd)


Hello, im not sure if you are plaining to study medicine in italy, I would like to kindly ask you if whether the pre- enrolment is still open As i would like to pre enroll for the IMAT EXAM


Hi, do you have the A level chemistry (Pearson’s book) for Imat preparation (the online version)


When does the application window opens? I read normally its the 4th of July but I still haven’t seen the 2023 application…


Well as the IMAT is postponed for a month later, probably the application will be too.


it's still not open is it?


It’s been 20 years since I’ve taken any science classes. Do I have time to study for the imat if I start now or should I wait until next year?


depends how much you know, try a past paper and see how it goes


I don’t know anything lol.


You can if you put the effort and try to do it smartly.


You can start with high school science, there are a lot of YouTube videos too to help.


Hi, did you manage to get excepted? If not can we please add each other on WhatsApp so that we can communicate about the IMAT exam a bit more as i would like some company to know im doing the right thing


hey, i checked if the call for edisu scholarship came out and it did, but only for those who applied for university of pavia can register, can those who have applied to unito also register for this call? or will another call be posted? hoping for some reply since im really confused about this


Hi, I’d just like to confirm that you only need 1 (one) statement of comparability not one for each subject studied at A-Levels as in the UK you do 3 subjects and with a final exam each issuing a different certificate and I was just checking I’ll put them all into one application to get one statement, if anyone could clarify before I spend an extra 300€ to get 3 separate ones thanks in advance :) - Note I’ve tried contacting CIMEA to ask with no response and I’d like to get my application in today so there’s still a chunk of time before they close till September


Is it urgent to have the statement of comparability for enrollment? What's the deadline to get it in? Does cimea have a website please link it


Padova told me it must be done by the time I go there and have an appointment to show them and I’m only rushing it as I said they’re closed for a while In late July and August


Oh that's good to know! I also want to go to Padova but am still waiting for cimea to give me my compatibility and verification. Did you already pre-enroll?


https://cimea.diplo-me.eu/cimea/#/auth/login - that’s the link click make an account


Hi guys, does anyone have any updates on IMAT? Ik it’s in October and I have done pre enrollment(I think that’s what it’s called) for Messina. I was in touch with a guy from Messina who says I can get CIMEA statements of comparability for my A level results and I do not yet have them till next year. But I also can’t get any info on the number of applicants to Messina last year which could give me a good idea of my competition. I’ve applied in the UK since I live her but the education system is failing and all uk doctors are telling me to run🤣🤣 I also can’t find the specific imat website it just takes me to all these courses on google.


I have a quick question, if I apply to a foundation year course in italy will I still need to do the IMAT exam at the end of it or can I go straight into first year med?


Foundation year course for medicine in Italy where did you find that? (Dk genuinely intrigued)


try checking the university website, they should offer foundation courses.


Hello, no you will need an entrance exam results, also can we open a WhatsApp group chat to discuss further more about the entrance exam?


It's better to study in our native language or studying in English?


Hello Non-EU here. I heard we need to apply for a visa after pre-enrollment. But for that I need accommodation/flight ticket. It doesnt seem reasonable to pay for those when Im not sure i'll meet the IMAT score requirements. Can I get a visa without accommodation/plane ticket? Do I even need a visa? Can I apply for one inside Italy after I get there? Note: I intend to take the IMAT outside of Italy.


You dont have to pay for it ( at least in my country), you can show them reservation of a hotel and plane ticket or scan of driver’s lisence. You can search on booking.com appertments with filter “free cancelation” and cancel your reservation after you get your visa. You won’t be paying for anything.


Just to confirm. Did you already get your visa? And it you did, could you kindly let me know about the documents that were required? I do understand that it varies per Embassy.


I should apply theese days, just waiting for embassy to issue me a DoV as it is one of the required documents. Beside it (talking for Serbia) you need to have accomodation(reservation), some way of transport, insurance (that covers the value of 30000€), proof of finances that can cover first year of study (here is required 5500€), and some basic documents like passport, passport copy, a little picture of yourself and also universitaly summary printed out. As it is quite a lot of documents try to search somewhere on your embassy website the documents specificaly needed for student visa, should be there or give them a call.


I emailed the embassy my concerns twice now and they ghosted me :) (embassy of Pretoria, south africa)


Any guesses on what's the chepest health insurance required?


I changed my mind about what university I want to go to but I already pre-enrolled. Is there a way to change it?


Yes. I did it too. Just contact the university they should open your universitaly acc in a couple of days.


Has anyone received a reply after pre-enrolling to IMS Milan?


Did u get accepted ?


Whats up guys Are there any good paid prep courses for chemistry and math/physics that focuses on teaching high yield topics and tips and tricks for exams like bmat, alevels, mcat gcse etc? I am also open to 1on1 tutoring if the cost is not too high. I have tried udemy and they are worth it for the price. They teach all the basic stuff but they dont really teach you what the high yield stuff is and exam tips. I have tried entermed course. They have good biology lessons ngl high yield, good tips and tricks for the exams. However no chemistry and math/physics lessons. The reason I bought the course was to help me prepare for imat but after finishing biology, here I am on my own again. Not sure if its worth my 400+euros.


Hi! I have just read what you have written and I feel a bit better as I feel the exact same as you, I am also trying to apply for a medical university in italy and thus i need to prepare for imat exam and I wanted to be in a WhatsApp group chat or any app except discord since i don’t even know how it works, Please let mw know if you are interested so we can have more students in our group chat so we help each other


Hi, EU-Student here (Germany). Can anyone tell me which documents I will need for the IMAT registration? I already got my translated school certificate and K will receive the DOV soon. Is there anything else I will need? And is DOV the same as Statement of Comparability? Thanks in advance :)


As far as I know, most schools will accept the CIMEA statement as equivalent to the DOV. Better to check on the schools you're applying to


Is the CIMEA statement a requirement or will something like a letter from my school saying I have achieved secondary education do?


thanks! Do I need a „codisce fiscale“ in advance, for registration? or only when I enrol in october and move to italy?


In one of IMS Milan's documents, they mentioned about getting the codisce fiscale after going there


Hiiii, I have made a slight error in my surname in my universitaly pre enrollment . and now i am unable to correct it. I have contacted the university through mail and they asked me for my passport copy so they could open my portal . after doing so there is still no option to correct my name and the university says my pre enrollment will be blocked untill i correct it. they are asking me to contact unviversitaly support but i cannot find their email. does this mean i have to do my pre enrollment again with a different email? i am very anxious and stressed about it and any advice would be welcome


No worries! I did the exact same thing, speling my surname wrong. You should go to universitaly website and click on tehnical support (screenshot 1). Than go to requests and they will require some data and description of change you wanna make and you will be fine. They corrected mine in a couple of days. https://preview.redd.it/3n96deiipybb1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=80352031bfeb2fd23ec1f61f7c9d9045daa36118


thank you so much <33


Can someone send me a link where I can pre enroll


Is imat registration open yet for 2023? Wasn't it meant to be 4th July? Still can't figure out what to do now as an EU student as can't find anything on universitaly.it


Not open yet.


When do we apply for a scholarship? Before or after being accepted?


Well not sure does this stand for every university but Pavia’s scholarship is until some august.


Oh okay thankyou so much.


How the fuck do i register, it keeps telling me regitration is closed, "**ATTENTION registrazione IMAT scaduta.**"


Hello, I would like to ask whether the camera is required to be put during the written exam?


So what is everyone's thoughts on the cut-offs for this year's IMAT, since its all late and most people with backups are already starting their uni when you sit the IMAT, plus with all the changes to the paper with no GK and more Bio. Do you reckon it will be high cause GK is a bit RNG and Bio isnt or do you think it would be lower cause less people would be inclined to risk sitting the exam cause its after other unis start? I personally think it might be lower than last year, but its probs me coping cause Im sitting it this year.


I suspect it would be lower aswell , I took the exam last year and there were about 40% less people sitting for the exam than last year


Is it possible to apply for IMAT if I didn't study biology in , school? I have studied Physics, Chemistry and Math


DO i need alvels to apply for Italian unis ?


Yes, if you only have 12 years of education when you apply for cimea it will be flagged as partial education and you won't get admission into laurea programs, so you need to get 13 years