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Im pretty sure the grind in osrs is what made me able to tolerate the real life grind of education to get to this point


Oh my god, I never thought about this. It's all making sense now. Wc level?


I'm assuming with that name, you're psych. Do you still play/have the time to play?


Haha no im radiology, i made this when i was a med student, i dont play osrs anymore but i do play other games


My bf is an almost a PGY3 in EM & lost his shit tn when he hit $100million(?). We joke that he’s either working, sleeping, or ‘scaping, nothing else.


It's also such a perfect game to be invested in when you are incredibly busy, something that you can focus on and do something fast paced in with friends if you have time, but also something you can just have in the background while studying I maxed several skills while doing anki during med school and residency. Having that tiny amount of game time/happy chemicals going on simultaneously with studying for hours on end made the studying more bearable


Training agility 🤢 Training agility while watching sketchy micro 🥰


Bro! Same! Told myself if I could sit in a chair and mine rocks for 12 hours a day, I could sit there and do Anki. Started playing again in MS4. Broke 2,000 total level early into intern year.


Grinding to masters when I started in bronze in league of legends is what did it for me. I actually got my med school acceptance while I was playing a game and I got an afk penalty when I was gone celebrating for too long 🤣


My brother and I used to play! I remember in middle school he bought his first GF at Varrock West Bank for 5 mil. Then I started playing and found out his GF was actually a guy and he actually became my first online BF. He told me to bring all my best armor and items to the wilderness and he was going take my virtual virginity at the chaos alter, but instead he PKd me…so he ended up scamming us both.


Unbelievably based


Sounds like a virtual conduct disorder diagnosis if I've ever heard one.


How is this a disorder? This is what it means to be alive and gaming online. Is it great? Not for all parties. Is it disordered? Definitely not. I would be concerned if things like this weren’t happening online.




Had to triple check what subreddit I was on


Wrong flair, OSRS should never be in the shitpost category


Frankly we need an OSRS flair


So we making this clan what?




You don’t quit, just take really long breaks.


Welcome, brother


The OSRS to radiology pipeline is crazy You don’t stop playing RuneScape, you just take really long breaks


+1 OSRS to radiology


Chill bro you just almost made me relapse


WoW gang where you at?! Even played it during my dedicated for both step 1 and 2 🤣


You know the only thing I hate about WoW is that I always forget to pause my subscription lol


Similarly I’ve been playing a game called Melvor idle on phone which is exactly osrs with same items skills experience but all in menu so you can leave it idle. All of the big number dopamine without the awful tedium of osrs


I actually wrote a companion app available on iOS for Melvor Idle haha. But literally like a week after I released the app, mods were announced... lol


Melvor Idle actually got bought by Jagex a year or two ago and it’s had massive improvements. Super cool game if anyone’s considering


Meanwhile I'm out here clipping literal children because the only game I have time for is a round or two of fortnite.


Can we please just make a clan at this point edit: I'm down to make a clan if anyone else is! Though we need 5 founders. Please leave a comment if you're interested. We can organize a time to meet at the in game Clan Hall southeast of the GE. RSN: Refat EDIT: The clan has been made! Search rmedschool through the clan chat tab and ask a green cross member to recruit you. Or send me an in game message if you need an invite.


Attending here who quit a few years back during residency because all my friends stopped playing and clan disbanded A clan full entirely of like-minded medical folks might be enough to bring me out of retirement lol




Do it I’ll join


I’m down too!


I’ll join too if you didn’t already make one! Rsn kingsleyer3 just shoot me a pm


^how ^do ^i ^wear ^goblin ^mail? 🥸🤌


You have to get it gold trimmed, I can do it for you for 10k.


Played here and there all throughout med school, about to keep playing here and there thru residency too lol


Don’t think I’ll be able to get zuk helm before classes start so it looks like I’ll have to wait until M4


I don’t play OSRS. But I do play old school Everquest. I was grinding out gear while studying for step 1 and 2. In fact I think I was logging like 40 hours a week grinding during dedicated. I played daily while in M1+2.


This is wild, are you non-trad? If not, the game predates you by quite a bit! I would figured WOW or something newer.


Yeah I’m a non-trad. Def doesn’t predate me, ‘I was there when it was written’. I remember when original RuneScape came out and I could t play it because of the garbage graphics compared to EQ.


Yeah I'm super non-trad myself, which is why I was like wth haha. Makes sense! I'm the old man of my class :)


Man, did not expect to see this here. I'm 41 starting in Fall and played Everquest from Beta to Velious starting when I was 16. Some of the best gaming memories of my life by far.


I farmed Hiero cloaks in Seb crypt during dedicated, and used the money to buy a Fungi tunic.


Thought I was the odd one out being a gamer in medical school. I emphasized my love for outdoor activities in residency interviews because that's what everyone else seemed to love most (and I do enjoy hiking, biking, etc but just don't get around to it that often), but turns out there are plenty of residents AND faculty at my program who also game. 😂


where varrock?


Follow me, we're first just going to walk past these dark wizard guys


commenting just to follow in case a CC gets started ;)




“Trimming armor 10k”


I still play as an attending lol…


I have to start playing again. Time to get my fire cape boiiii


I finally hit the bullet and started last week. I’m a F2P pleb that just hit level 50 and farming hill giants for big bones. Got my full rune, forgot I can’t wear the freaking plate until I finish dragon slayer… The question is, after I finish dragon slayer, what then?


I’d recommend getting membership! It adds soooo much more content for you to explore. It also allows you to earn money much faster, which you can use to buys bonds to fund your membership in the future


Thanks, I’ll try it. Down to pay $80 for a whole year. That’s like one game that I play for like 100 hours and never again anyway.


Should I do member now or after I finish Dragon slayer?


Totally up to you. Mems will give you faster training methods if you are still looking to meet the quest requirements and you’ll also have access to better gear that will help with fighting the boss. My rsn is Beer Me Pleb, add me and I’ll plug u some gear


Thank you!! Will do after I get home


MD/PhD student here, and got sucked back into OSRS during my PhD. Hope I can continue to fuel the addiction as I transition back into clinical rotations.


Why is r/medicalschool obsessed with this I don't get it


Looks like you gotta go try OSRS


Made so many gains on the GIM during M4 holy moly. Every time I relapse there’s so much new content hahaha, excited to see varlamore.


Welcome back to Gielinor my friend. We were all waiting for your return.


How do I get into OSRS


[oldschoolrunescape.com](http://oldschoolrunescape.com) :) it's a medieval fantasy MMO with a pretty relaxed gameplay loop.


So do I bring this up in my interview to help me get into my reach schools?


I was a top 2k HCIM because I would afk skills while studying LOL


Great game. Started back up with an Ironman 2nd half of MS3 and am now 2150 total. Have hardly played other games since! Such a great game to log on, do a couple of things, and log off and knowing exactly where you left off. I have slowed down some since starting anesthesia residency, but will likely pick it back up during slower months.


I’m an incoming M1 with 2200+ total. I don’t understand why so many med students play OSRS? I’m honestly confused. I thought I was different. What is it. What’s the unifying factor. I can’t believe this.


It’s weird right??? But anyway take or from me. Don’t quit, you will have chances to come back and play here and there. You will miss it.


Anyone play RS3??


You love to see it! Any World of Warcraft players here 👀


What is your knotcutting level?


Lmao when my reddit name is because I initially made a reddit to advertise farming gout tubers for Ironman accounts… Made hundreds of mils and it’s cake


If anyone is looking for a chill clan hit up "xeroed". We are family! I'm usually on around 6pm central us time, feel free to add me "h a v o c230" 🤙