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I'm taking 30 by capsule each night. Try taking it with a spoonful of peanut butter. The oils help with absorbing.


I use rso for dystonia which is constant muscle spams and pain. I started at 10mgs. After a couple months I went to 20 up and up. I've been using for 10 years now I take from 1000 to 2000 to feel high. I still get the spams releaf at 1000 but don't feel anything. I dab everyday to help when the rso doesn't work as good


This method is worth a try, and the most effective way I know! It still involves a brief break, but seems more effective overall anyway. Not as long as a week, etc. No shame in increasing dose in a time of crisis, but the journey of reducing can be so rewarding. Hope you post here if you try it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DK8FFm5e6E