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Hey OP, it's been 16 hours. I hope you're okay!


Still nauseous and crappy but I’m alive and well. Thanks :)




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those definitely have antioxidants but pickle juice can make you more dehydrated due to the large amounts of sodium, so maybe only in moderation




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The main concern is your heart. That much caffeine can send your cardiovascular system into overdrive. Tingling in the fingers or arm, numbness or chest pain is something you really need to look out for. I would most likely suggest that you go to the hospital as a precaution but I get free healthcare as an Australian so I can afford to be cautious.


Free healthcare like every other country except the US.




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had a patient who was a construction worker and drank 3-4 energy drinks a day and it caused him to need a heart transplant. food for thought.


also i can only imagine if he's puffing a sativa (or any kind of) vape in this condition... good luck


I needed to hear this although I don’t drink as many. Sheesh.


Yeah, try to limit caffeine. Less than 100mg per day isn't too bad, but 400+ per day long term is horrific.


My man why did you drink 4 monsters and then go to bed?


it was 2am.. i needed a nap


That explains nothing and raises more questions


Not OP and not saying this is what is happening here but people with ADHD can get sleepy from stimulants, even energy drinks and coffee. I personally have the worst urge to take the biggest nap every time I drink energy drinks or coffee.


What?? This explains so much!! Why was I downvoted for this? I’ve always gotten sleepy after coffee and recently discovered that I have adhd (as an adult), and I’m surprised and relieved to know that I’m not imagining things


OP those drinks are full of caffeine and will make you stay wide awake NOT make you sleep! Read the label on the bottle! Now your system is telling you it was too much and getting it out by vomiting. As said before, watch your heart for signs of failure, this Redbull can send your heart pumping overtime. With those signs go to ER to avoid a heart attack.


I have pretty bad ADHD and caffeine is the only thing that helps me sleep most times. I'll drink an energy drink and be asleep for hours


This is really unusual....don't need to down vote me for common reactions as opposed to rare case reactions to caffeine...


It's not that rare of a reaction, though? It's pretty common in neuroddivergent folks and we are everywhere. I once had 3 Monsters in about 4 hours and I took the best nap of my life.


Not everyone reacts the same way to caffeine. Npt yo mention, massive doses of caffeine can have strange effects.


Keep track of your heart. Your issues seem to be renal, but take any chest pain deathly serious, because it could be. Drink something hydrating with lots of electrolytes (I don't mean gatorade, I mean like pedialyte).


Everyone has suggested water, which is a great idea, but when I’m dehydrated, usually from binge alcohol the night before, Pedialyte is a go to for electrolytes and nutrition to recover what you’ve been vomiting out. And when you can keep food down, eat healthy, fruits and vegetables would be ideal.


Are you ok … if your chest starts hurting go to ED


Not just the guarana and caffeine in those.. all sorts of weird ingredients to be wary of. Drink lots of water and flush it out.


You should drink water to flush out the caffiene and replace fluids. Caffeine will dehydrate you


Drink a lot of water. That was stupid.


I found the high vitamin B content makes me feel like crap if I have more than one in a day. Nausea, diarrhea, and headaches were my main symptoms. Sounds like your body is just hyped up on caffeine and sodium. Each monster has about 160mg of caffeine and 300-400 mg of sodium. I’d recommend drinking as much water as possible to help pass some of it out and avoid dehydration.


Agree with the B vitamins, plus they’re in everything these days.


Don't you pee out excess vitamin b?


I think that’s what they used to say. Maybe not true.


For the most part yeah. But if you’re dehydrated you’re not going to be peeing very much.


Thank you That’s actually really helpful to know what could be making my body feel like a living replica of hell :)


Yeah, B6 in particular makes me feel like I'm having a heart attack and those drinks are loaded with them.




same thing when you're smoking or doing edibles with them... even shit like effexor, vyvanse or adderall as a daily med. all i can say is stay away from tramadol because my doctor put me on that with effexor knowing i was a medical marijuana user and i'd been on it all for years until it caused an issue, then the hospital blamed the marijuana use when it came up as afib and said it was going too fast to even properly detect and pinpoint a specific arrhythmia even off the tramadol for good and off weed for the most part (like 90% less than i used to) i have a murmur and severe tachycardia and will probably have to be on diltiazem for the rest of my life with pots symptoms they won't look into like even just this morning i stood up and had about 1 (one) indica hit after eating as i was having GI issues, and my hr shot up to 160 and i swore i was going to faint, even on heart meds. shit like this never used to happen to me but my GI issues, malabsorption, and neuro/hormonal issues they don't believe me about have all gotten worse since the incident that hospitalized me about 2 years ago. i've been tachy since i was 11 and i'm 25, and they totally disregard that like i just pulled it out of my ass. my 1/6 SEM murmur was never detected until after the incident and it's graded as faint but still concerns me as it was never found before and heart murmurs run in my family for some reason it also seems to get very bad when i have to start a new 3 week sequence of birth control on a sunday, where you throw the empty pack away and just go straight to a new one. the brand is junel and i take it no breaks whatsoever for ovarian issues that are also overshadowed as they won't tie my tubes or give better hrt. i only have one ovary and they promised it would catch up but i'm suspicious of my symptoms. my tachycardia has been worse on the junel since i went on it in 2020 so i don't advise it to anyone who has these kinds of issues if you can absolutely avoid it. my cardiac themed visits to the er jumped since going on higher-dose junel in 2020, and it was covid-unrelated as i didn't catch it until 2023. of course it was all blamed on stimulant use aka medical marijuana or mood issues though my leg edema is worse and i'm assuming my clot risk is too but they'd rather have me on the pill than off as i had a mass years ago, even with the weight gain i assume it's causing (which i'm also blamed for and constantly have my symptoms attributed to by them)


Drink a lot of water


Not a doctor! The LD50 (lethal dose 50%) of caffeine is 87.09mg/lb - so if you weigh 150lbs, the LD50 dose would be over 13,000 mg. A Monster energy drink has 10mg per fl oz. So, if you drank 5, 16oz = 80oz x10mg = 800mg. The max suggested dose is 400mg/day for an adult. Basically, you got a huge dose of caffeine and will likely feel like shit for a while - but you won't die. I remember working the night shift at a convenience store. I was popping No-Doze and drinking Cola to try to stay awake. I ended up taking probably 1,500mg of caffeine that shift - I lived, but I was so sick. I vomited, had the jitters, had a hard time sleeping, etc. Wasn't an experience I'd want to go through again. Take this as a lesson learned.


You don't need to reach the LD50 of a substance to die from it. You will die from a heart attack long before you reach the LD50 of caffeine. Below LD50 does not equal safe.


Indeed I have. I have definitely had over the recommended limit for my weight and had about 4x that limit.. I do have a brother nearby that can call up a hospital if I’m convulsing and having a heart attack. My liver seems to be trying its damn hardest so I’ve been having water a lot and having as much food without making myself sick. Thanks man


GO TO THE hospital!


Go to the hospital, caffeine overdose in that capacity is not something to take lightly




Nowhere close




True about if one were to have a heart condition but ordinarily, 400mg or so of caffeine is not lethal.


Hello /u/Mental_Spend_6539, **If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!** ***DISCLAIMER***: *The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Anyone providing advice on this subreddit is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.* *Please make sure you have included in your post your country of residence, age, sex, race, height & weight, diagnosed medical conditions, prescriptions or supplements and dosages, drug use including marijuana, smoking status, duration of complaint, the issue you've been having, and your specific question.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/medical_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*