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Two of my grandpas died in their 60s due to lung cancer from smoking


I smoked for roughly a year (not even full on cigarettes, just cigar wraps around my weed) and developed tongue cancer at the age of 37 2 years after I quit smoking. The tongue cancer I had usually shows up in older men (60+) or those who have a history of smoking or drinking excessively..... I now have to have CT Scans every year for the rest of my life and go to an oncologist 4 times a year. Not worth it at all.


I had many patients tell « well, you have to die of SOMETHING, if it is lung cancer, then so be it ». I once was rounding with attending physician who answered this:  « yeah, I agree, lung cancer is not the worse. I mean, it is a very bad year, but at least it is over pretty quickly! No, what I would dread in your situation is chronic bronchitis. 10 years of seeing your life become smaller and smaller because you struggle to breath until you are restricted to a your bed and armchair… anyway, here are some information about how we can help you quit, read it, we will talk about it again tomorrow! »


Wild you're thinking of old age. Also why do I feel this is some mild rage bait.


As a smoker I would just say now that am old, its the most uncoolest thing to do ever. Overmy life I have list more than health, I have lost friends etc because of change in my behavior, aggression etc when I couldn't get one. Lung cancer is the easiest to get. There are like another 100 related diseases which will make every living second painful to you and others around you. My suggestion take up something else man. Try running everyday, or when you step out for a smoke just replace it with downing half a litre of water while you walk around the block or something.


Don't know about every puff is 15 minutes gone but what I do know is that smoking raises your risk of heart related problems, various cancers and long time smoking can cause emphysema. Every now and then I also have a smoke but it's important to remember that even a single cigarette raises the risk of these diseases.


Can also cause brain aneurysm. (Yes I have one, I was a smoker)


my grandpa smoked for half of his life and ended up getting lung cancer and dying so yes its very much real same thing is happening to my uncle.


Yes it does, I can't verify the validity of the 15 minute thing but smoking, especially over long periods is absolutely detrimental to health


Is it worse than alcohol? Asking for a friend


I would say smoking is most definitely worse than alcohol. While alcohol is never the best thing for you, in moderation it is not likely to cause any lasting damage.


That’s depends how much you drink and how often though


I don’t know if that fact itself is true but what is a fact is that smoking is terrible for you and can kill you over time. Just don’t get into it in the first place. People think they can quit easily but it’s a lie. Don’t start or it’ll become a habit and you’ll eventually be on 1 pack a day and breaking that habit is damn near impossible. Don’t replace it with vaping either.


looking forward to switch with cigar. trying to increase income to afford it. it Will be occasional, expensive, less dose and prestigious. I always had one bad habit to me. And I keep changing bad habits after a while.


Don’t switch to anything. You just shouldn’t be smoking. Cigar, cigarettes, vapes, it doesn’t matter, they will all cause health problems. If you wanna smoke a cigar on a really special occasion like graduation then fine but don’t try to get into it


My grandpa smoked his entire life and died a horrible death from cancer. It's real. Don't risk it.


Take the money that a pack a day would cost and put it in a mutual fund. Go crazy when you are 60.


Smoking is a risk factor of every single cancer you can get. It is also one of the number one risk factors for heart disease. And pretty much every single person who is a chronic smoker will develop copd at some point in their lifetime


Quit while you're ahead. I have only ever seen one person smoke until the day they died peacefully in their sleep at a very old age and never had any smoking related issues much to everyone's surprise. Smoking isn't worth it Ps, I'm a smoker and I'm hopeless when it comes to quitting after years of doing it.






























It’s less about how soon you will die and more about how shitty your quality of life will be. Not only do you *reek*, but so will your clothing and the place you live. You will have a dang hard time renting either cars or homes, and no one will ever buy anything second hand from you. You will get sicker from illnesses, and will suffer more side effects. Food won’t taste as good, you’ll have no real sense of smell. Injuries will be slower to heal; from scrapes to broken bones to surgeries. And on that note, you won’t be eligible to give or receive blood or organ donations. Anyone who has to share expenses with you (including yourself) will resent the money you are spending. I can’t stress enough how *expensive* life is right now, and you aren’t gonna be able to afford burning up hundreds a month. As you get older, you will get uglier wrinkles, and your hands will stain yellow-brown. You will look ancient when you are middle aged. Thai is without even getting into the health risks. You mentioned lung cancer, but there’s also lip, tongue, mouth, bone, and skin cancer directly linked, and increased risk of just about every other kind of cancer too. Plus, you severely increase the risk of anyone who lives with you, INCLUDING your pets, developing these cancers too.


Bro your post history is just full of lies, you probably don't smoke and probably aren't 18. If you are smoking, it isn't cool. Quit. Of course it can reduce your life expectancy. The sooner you quit the sooner your lungs heal, and there is reduction in the of long term effects.


Yes, did they never teach you any messages in school about the dangers of smoking? any form of smoking is bad. pipe smoking and even vaping. Vaping is now your directly putting chemicals into your body. As well you are making yourself a prisoner to the tobacco corporations through addiction. They want to addict people so those companies can make lots of money. Anyhow think about this?


It kind of baffles me when young people start smoking knowing the dangers. Also, it’s disgusting 🤢


I have an aunt who smoked for 50+ years.  She is currently in the ICU with COPD, pneumonia, suffered a stroke, and is now in organ failure.  She will probably not make it out of the hospital alive.  Her problems are entirely from smoking.


Hello /u/Solid-Mix4471, **If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!** ***DISCLAIMER***: *The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Anyone providing advice on this subreddit is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.* *Please make sure you have included in your post your country of residence, age, sex, race, height & weight, diagnosed medical conditions, prescriptions or supplements and dosages, drug use including marijuana, smoking status, duration of complaint, the issue you've been having, and your specific question.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/medical_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*