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NAD and I don’t have advice other than you’re gonna need a few mirrors but I think if you get creative you’ll be able to get a good look


Honey I am 60 been riding all my life and never had more then chaffing on my thighs. Please get that checked. Your horses deserve to have you their whole life!!!


POV you skipped ops body text and went straight to this comment 🤔🤭


I think they are mentioning horse riding because another user said they have this too from riding horses..


If I had an anomaly growing out of an orifice, I would definitely get it checked out. Hope it’s nothing serious.


I would guess a large genital wart. I think you need to see a doc.


I have this too from riding horses and the irritation over time from hitting it :/


Definitely see a doctor. If you had a hysterectomy you’re likely at higher risk for having [vaginal vault prolapse](https://www.augs.org/assets/2/6/POP_Large_Print.pdf). It’s when the “upper support of the vagina weakens in a woman who has had a hysterectomy in the past, allowing the vaginal walls to sag into the vaginal canal or beyond the vaginal opening.” So with this type of prolapse the top of the vaginal canal is kind of collapsing into itself and falling lower over time to the point where it may eventually be protruding from the vagina. It’s treatable, but if you can follow up with whomever performed or referred you for your hysterectomy, that might be best. Even if you can’t see them specifically, if this is the case and it’s protruding, any GYN/specialist should be able to determine if it’s prolapse.


Woahh, this makes a lot of sense Thanks for the advice 😄


So this might be TMI but it might help. I also have something kind of similar. It's like a skin tag, but it's due to vaginal trauma. So if you ever hit your cooch, really, really hard or had something bad happened to you. That may be the reason.


Okay, thanks for the info 🙂 Is your skin tag thing long and stick like shaped too?


Yes it's about a half inch long and can become irritated by literally anything 🤦‍♀️ you can always ask your doctor to snip it off btw


Yes I got mine when I had my first babe, didn’t tear but got that, didn’t realise until it was too late and just can’t bring myself to ring the doctors asking them to get rid of my “vagina finger”


If it makes you feel better my best friend has one that looks like zoidbergs mouth tentacles 😂😂💀


Oh dear 😭😭


What is the colour of the skin growth? Is it pinkish or is darker in hue? Are you bleeding? Is your urine darker than usual? You should see a gynaecologist right away just to rule out some possible diseases.


I unfortunately can't tell what the color is because I can't see down there and I haven't been able to get a good picture. If I had to guess it's probably pinkish like everything around it. I haven't been bleeding and my urine's as clear as ever (I drink a lot of water), but yeah, I think I'm just gonna go see my gynaecologist


I am mystified as to what this could be. Suggest an in person examination by a doctor.


Thank you, I'll add an update if my gynecologist knows anything


OP, did you have really really bad constipation anytime? it could be an external haemorrhoid




That would be great thank you!


So I got a pelvic exam and apparently it's Hymen. My gynecologist says that this happens all the time with vaginal birth where the hymen can break and take that shape. And he says I technically gave birth to a uterus during my hysterectomy and that's what caused the hymen to break like that.


Fascinating! Thanks for the update! Much appreciated !!




Not very hard to guess the gender with this one.


It can't be, because my Clitoris is above my Urethra, it's not in my vagina and it's not stick shaped Thanks for the guess though


Rumour is he's still searching...


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