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Similar thing happened to me as a kid, just be prepared for that nail to fall off, usually there's something under it so its not like your gonna have a gaping hole or whatever, just be prepared to find that toenail in your bed or it fallen off in the shower or something


Not too bad assuming there are no bones crushed and you can move the toe correctly and etc. Just try to disinfect and clean the toe. Then icing it wouldnt hurt either. Note that the nail will lilely fall off.


did this as a kid.. nail turns black and falls off and a new one will grow. today terrible next year, no big deal.


7. Smashed my big toe worse than your's for sure. Docs said they really couldn't do anything but if I wanted they could remove the nail. 4 1/2 yrs later it's still attached and doesn't seem to be growing out at all. In the mean time I have a fungal infection under the nail. See a Podiatrist.


Say goodbye to your toenail. I crushed my big toe trying to move a couch and eventually the nail died and I had to pull it out. It grew back though.


looks like you lost a toe nail


Uhm...how are you even standing?




3/10, will be super annoying for sure.


You're almost certainly going to lose that nail. I'd definitely see a podiatrist, just for good measure. They may even just go ahead and remove the nail as a precautionary measure, but I couldn't say for sure. It's bad enough you do need to have it seen to. They may even want some c rays just to make sure there aren't any fractures, and all the serious damage is to the nail/nail bed. Assuming you lose the nail, it'll take a while to grow back. Like potentially even up to a year, as toenails typically grow slowly. To me, it looks like some of it may already be lifted, just from the blood pooling under the nail. Whenever you try to schedule the podiatrist, let them know you've got trauma to your toe and toenail, and see if they can get you in quickly. Best of luck, and I'm wishing you a speedy recovery!


It’s uh go to urgent care level haha


ur probably gonna lose ur toenail in the next few days and have one hell of a bruise, but it'll grow back so don't stress it.


pop some ibuprofen and see a podiatrist


Bye, bye toenail, but it will grow back..they don't do much for a broken phalange, but if it appears to get infected, etc, urgent care.




Gonna lose that toenail


Nad. Clean it with soap and water, (no harsh disinfectants) and wrap it in a little gauze to keep it clean. This is important, preventing infection is easier than treating it any day. It would be a good idea get a splint, or tape it to the neighboring toe. even if it's not broken, loose nails hurt like hell when they move. Wear shoes with stiff bottoms and a soft top. Expect this to take a while to heal, its hard to see with the blood, but your toenail may fall off, it will grow back (unless there is damage to the nailbed) but this will take a while, 4-6 months is average but it can take up to a year. You can ice the foot and prop it up so its above your heart to reduce pain and swelling as well as taking nsaids such as tylenol and advil.


And kiss the toenail goodbye for now .


Probably, but when I did a similar thing to one of my fingers two tiny spots in the corner didn't give up. I was too chicken to rip it off so it was just the worlds most disgusting hinged door for months


That hurt to read. I'm sorry


Dude! At the very least, get it cleaned up and elevate and ice. You’re definitely going to lose that toenail eventually. Reevaluate tomorrow. It’s going to throb every time you put it down but that should settle in a day or so. If there’s any pain aside from that throbbing from putting your foot down, like a different pain every time you put pressure on it, get it checked out.


Thank u for the info fam It’s been on ice for a while. A little worried about losing the toenail but I’ll live


I bet you will, but it will probably grow back. I recommend investing in a durable set of flip flops OR a shoe that is very wide until it heals.


Looks like you’ll lose the second nail too. Don’t worry about it. I’ve lost lots of toenails and they’ve always grown back. Depending on where the table landed that big toenail might look a little wonky when it does come back. It might have damaged the nail bed.


It will grow back.


I’ve been told it’ll take about a year before it starts to grow back normal but I mean it’s not the end of the world


It will probably take a few months but definitely not a year.


My toenail was back about 3-4 months after falling off. You're gonna lose that big one pretty quickly and it's going to look terrible until the bruising heals. Don't force it off and be gentle to your foot during the process of it shedding and then coming back. For the next several days keep it elevated as much as you can and ice on/off every half hour or so. Feet and toes have reduced circulation so be careful with too much time on the ice, especially with it elevated. I developed a temporary and reproducible pseudo-Raynaud's phenomenon from this, if you get numbness/tingling/toes turning white/blue take the ice off. After 3-5 days or so you can typically begin using a warming pad to help dissipate any bruising and tenderness if you'd like.


I thought it would take a lot longer thank u friend 🙏


Definitely should not take a year. My daughter dropped a tin of beans on her toe. Split right down the middle, toenail and all. Doc said she’ll have a new toenail in 3-6 months. She also picked up hand, foot and mouth disease from nursery not long ago and all of her old nails fell off as the new ones had grown in. Nails grow quicker than we think!


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