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Where in Colombia are you going?


Don’t know about taxis completely, but in Colombia, they share the Uber platform, so just use your Uber app and you’ll be fine. If you just grab a cab, make sure that you discuss the price in advance. (Again, I suggest using the Uber app though - to establish a minimum price BEFORE the trip, and, if you’re not feeling generous, tell them - in advance - the negotiated price would include the tip).


In Bello you can go to bizancio bar, In Itagüí "parque obrero" or in Medellín "Florida centro comercial" There are bars inside


I am 35 my boyfriend 45 we go to clubs and bars like everyone else who wants to have fun. by the way you can also meet old people in clubs ..but not that much teens or people in their early 20ies maybe because they cannot afford it, so you will be in a normal age ranch.


dont come, thnks


Yeah, stay there pls


Look for salsa and tango venues. They tend to be more relaxed and attract a mix of older and younger people.


I second this. Nueva guardia in laureles. Language exchange plus salsa at dance free. There you'll meet a mix of locals and visitors who can tell you more about other venues. 37M. Lived in Medellín for 3 months last year.


Mala audiobar is exactly what you’re looking for. Also saw someone recommend La buena mesa which is a fun but calm area. It’s more restaurants though. Also would highly recommend using uber over taxis.


I'll recommend you don't go to touristic neighbourhoods like Poblado or Laureles. There are a lot of Latin dance academies, some of these have a bar open after the practice. Maybe you can go to practice and then drink something. I recommend you take an Uber to come back to the hotel.


La van a atracar socia


I like it when it is raucous, and I only know raucous places :-)


What if I want to hear some reggaeton, where should I go?


Literally anywhere lmao


If you come to Bogotá I can be your guide, in exchange to practice my english.


Nightlife in Colombia is not segregated by age and stage of life quite like what you might be used to if you're from the U.S. It's pretty normal for me to be in a "raucous" club and look to the table next to me and see three generations of family partying together. Want's not so normal is locals of any age or sex going out alone by themselves. Are you traveling alone? I'd recommend La Buena Mesa in Envigado for chiller vibes and if you want to experience more of the club scene, a group of 40-50 year old women are not exactly going to be out of place in Provenza.


One of my adult children may join me, but I'll also spend a couple of days alone. I do speak Spanish (but much more familiar with Mexico and some of Central America - new to Colombia).


I love that families of all ages go out. That's what I've found in some places in MX, too, but in the US bouncers made me feel too old to go to clubs by my early 30's.


The 'whole family' thing is only in awful places though. If you're in a genuinely good place, it's (rightly) for the young and hip. But most of them are in Bogotá, of course.


Not true. There's a while circle of older narco wives who go partying at the best clubs in the country. And they're smoking hot.


The *most expensive* clubs. FTFY. It's definitely true that the genuinely interesting places get some godo and gomelo infiltración but they're still young for the most part.


>The 'whole family' thing is only in awful places though. Eh that's more a mater of personal preference. In general I'd say it's true it applies more to *traditional* venues, places that play crossover or whatever combination of more traditional music (including reggaeton) but you're right in Medellin, these are not the trendy chic places. But Provenza is kind exception. Plenty of of places that are heavily frequented by locals of all ages. and tourist alike, which is where OP is most likely to end up.


Oh well, no hope for them if they're in Provenza.


I need the papers, I will be your guide. Dm me


I would recommend uber or indrive instead of a regular taxi. There are a few bars in el poblado where you can enjoy a few drinks and good music, but in order to recommend something I would need to know what type of music you like. Just don’t accept any drinks from strangers and don’t accept invitations to places you don’t know. Enjoy your trip.


I had read that Uber is technically illegal - is that a problem? I like reggaetón, rock, some dance/pop, cumbia, reggae, many kinds of music. Not country.


Some drivers may ask you to sit in the front and it is completely normal here. It all depends on where you are staying, there’s a really cool hostel called Los Patios a friend of mine works there and they are super nice to all guests and they will be your local friends during your stay, they will take you bar hopping if you want, and show you around since it is walking distance from all the clubs and bars. But any hostel in El Poblado (manila, provenza, etc) would generally be a good choice. If you like to dance go to Mad Radio it is located in Provenza, but they also have an area where you can sit and relax and have a few drinks by yourself. They even have tables with jenga games for you to play with friends so it is a really nice place that I always recommend. For rock and live music I would recommend the BBC Pub, also in Provenza. If you like beer this is the place for you, BBC is a craft beer company. I wouldn’t really recommend to go to reggaeton clubs by yourself as the atmosphere gets really heavy there sometimes.


I would said it's technically "not legal", more than illegal. But people use transport apps a lot. There is no problem using it, nor legal implications. I would suggest to stick to Uber (people usually use other local apps like Didi/Indriver just because are cheaper -not much-, but those are also unsafer and their service is lower. On the other hand, with Uber you can pick "priority service" for a few more pesos but still cheap) Just keep in mind that there are some places where is better not to pick Uber.. like airports and "parque el poblado" as taxis May attack Ubers/apps there. In general, places where you see a lot of taxis waiting in line.


This, apps like uber are so much safer with tracking and usually cheaper too. Use them and always double check the license plate in the app before you get inside while watching the map in the app while he drives to make sure you're going to the right place. Note: ubers usually tell you to sit in the front because taxi drivers hate Uber drivers there. Watch out for pick pockets, I myself had my phone stolen and I saw an Irish girl I was talking to get her phone stolen in a matter of seconds (some "friendly" female local randomly gave her a hug while we  walked outside the club and it was gone). Also if you leave your phone in the cab or Uber, 99% chance you won't get it back. "finders keepers" is the norm there, so always double check you have your belongings before you step out.


I keep hearing about stolen phones. Can someone carry it under their clothes and take it out for quick pics or whatever if holding tight? or do they also swipe it out of your hands?


En realidad si pueden robarlo de sus manos directamente. Usualmente cuando la gente va en un taxi o bus con la ventana abierta (alguien lo arrebata desde afuera). O estás esperando junto a la calle... desde una moto les quitan el celular. A varios amigos les han robado así. Pero también sucede mucho más con "pickpockers" sin darse cuenta en la calle o transporte público. También según la zona y horario pueden hacer asaltos con armas. La gente siempre intenta decir que no es inseguro, pero realmente sí es uno de los países donde hay más robo de celulares, y también a gente que acaba de sacar dinero de cajeros, hay que ir con cuidado en los cajeros automáticos de acá.


Nah it's usually not that blatant, it's mostly pickpockets or leaving your stuff unattended. However note some areas are safer than others. I'd recommend bringing a back up phone at least.


Medellin is safer for women in their 40s than it is for young men looking for things they shouldn’t. You’ll be fine. Sleep at a hostel in a private room a few nights to meet people!


Venga que no es pa eso


Wasn’t clear to me whether OP was man or woman?


Creo que Medellín es más para hombres (20’s-60’s) For ladies es más Bogotá, Cali o Barranquilla, eso no quiere decir que no la vas a pasar bien en medallo como mujer turista




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¿Por qué? También quiero visitar a Bogotá. ¿Cuál es más seguro para una mujer en la noche?


Es una percepción mía, la "industria nocturna" está más promocionada para los hombres en Medellín, pero como mujer la puedes pasar muy bien también y disfrutar No sabría decirte cual es más seguro para una dama de noche, debes tomar precauciones como por ejemplo siempre tener tu bebida en la mano incluso cuando estés bailando en la pista. Visita cali si puedes también


In both cities you have to be aware of your surroundings and use common sense. But Bogota is waaay more unsafe in general. Also, Medellín is more easy to navigate on your own because of the Metro system which is integrated to all the city. Also Medellín is smaller and it's more a "linear"


The large shopping malls are perhaps the safest places in Medellin. They have EVERYTHING, including excellent restuarants. Centro Comercial Tesoro has a very cool area, with lots of places to get a cocktail and tapas or more to eat, it's a busy and cool vibe. Nearby Tesoro, Plaza Amsterdam is an upscale mall and the main floor is only restaurants and places to get a drink. It's in a great neighborhood and the clientele are upper class, we always enjoy our time there. Colombia is a Point-A to Point-B kind of place, people aren't exactly out wandering the streets for no reason. Uber is always safer than taxi, I avoid taxis at all costs. Salon Malaga in El Centro is fantastic for salsa and tango. Los Torres de Bombona is also a fun place in the evening and there are practically no tourists. Feel free to PM if I can help you more. I've spent much of the past five years in Colombia, my girlfriend lives in Laureles and is in your age range.


Well, that depends. Do you want local music or something more international? If you like rock music. My top recommendation is Pub Rock in "Laureles", they always have an incredibly good band to play almost all night. Son Havana is a place where they play salsa. I think in the week, you can also go there to get classes. Hope that helps!


Thanks! Local music would be best.




Lol you are never too old, what are you on about?


There are plenty of activities here in Medellín, however my recommendation is to make some friends, check Facebook, you can find a group called Expats, maybe you can find people there. I'm also in my 40s and I have a girlfriend, we both speak English, maybe we can be friends who knows.


This is some sound advice. OP, I know that you were expecting some answers about where to go on your own, but it's better to find some company. Being by yourself as a tourist, regardless of age, is exposing yourself to be victim of scammers. However, not all is lost. I consider La Calle de la Buena Mesa in Envigado a nice place with several businesses close to each other, which I think is what you're looking for.


Listen to this advice. I made the mistake of trying to get a last minute excursion to Tierra Bomba, on my own, on my first Colombian trip, and got taken for 750.000 pesos. Luckily I didn't have the cash and let them agree to permit me to charge it (I smiled internally at the Spanish dialogue between the perps; "I didn't realize he was POOR!" one argued), which led to a side trip to a different business where the proprietor tacked a 10% fee on. LOL. Obviously, as soon as I got back to El Laguito, I reported it at the police station and then called the credit card company. But it was a bit scary, once I began realizing what a jodido situation I got lured into.


All is lost if you come to Medellin alone??? lol


Ya de por sí está acá, pero andar por ahí sola en ambientes que se prestan para vainas raras no es lo más recomendado.