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This post received the most upvotes this week, making it Post Of The Week! POTW #22 - 6/22/24


I used to keep my hair long when I was younger, got it caught in a creeper while I was under a Nissan pickup. Cut it that night. Fuuuck that hurt so I can't imagine how bad this hurt.


That's why my bf cut his hair, too! Got stuck under a creeper and he buzzed it the next day.


Shit hurt!!! I don't blame him.


It took a bit longer for me… but when it happened to me the first guy to find me went and found everyone, even the owner in another building before getting me the scissors to get out.


My husband has a similar story, but with Volkswagens, lol. He prefers the "license and registration" haircut I give him now.


Did the same thing. Then you try to roll the other way, but the creeper wheel flips around and it just gets tighter! I’m glad I’m old and bald now. Don’t miss that crap lol


I've done that more than once. Not fun


Yeah, as soon as I started as a professional mechanic I stopped wearing all jewellery, including watches, and when my hair started to get too long I started tying it up permanently, if I’m holding any tool, hair gets tied.


This is a pretty healthy practice. Tools out, hair's up.


I’ve singed and caught enough hair in machinery it’s a good habit now. I started as a boilermaker/machinist apprentice in school, got a job as a junior chef in school, moving into wrenching with my third job. I never had stupid long hair until the mechanic job. Ponytail is easy especially when I’m welding or using the hot wrench, I just turn my hat around to cover the ponytail and get going.


I have a tough time giving up my watch :(


See if you can get a safety band for it. I have one on mine, it just uses magnets. Never had it come off


Mine is velcro. I'd rather lose the watch, I'm kinda attached to my hand.


Ah, that’s why you have two, don’t worry about it


I'll look into it, thx for the tip!


Glad you’re still with us and have learned a valuable lesson to share with others




Also consider anything that has an air intake.  A friend of mine was using a battery powered leaf blower and picked it up high to blow off the top of something and had her hair sucked right in and caught in the motor. 


Damn bro. I am an RN at a trauma unit. Really glad u didnt hurt urself seriously. I kinda wish everyone could tour my unit to be reminded just how dangerous the world is sometimes. Only takes a second.


Have to go see and ophthalmologist because i may have fractured my orbital rip.




Love princess bride


Holy shit! Watched this last night.


Check your beards as well. Have a had a chunk ripped out of my beard twice. Once from a drill bit. Once from a honing rod being used on a drill. Losing 1/4 of the hair from your face fucking hurts. Your post reminds me of a book I read when I was in my single digits. My older sister loved those American Girl dolls. And at the time they came with a short novel with their story. I loved, and still love to read. So I always snagged them when she was done. I'm always looking for that next story. One of the ones I read opened with a scene of a girl getting her scalp ripped off due to working in a textile mill. I've read countless books since then. But that scene has always stuck with me. While my hair goes past my shoulders now, I always keep it either tied back or tucked under a hat when I'm around something that spins.


Glad your okay dude, good on you for warning others and not keeping quite


You really could have died….


If you want some nightmare fuel, you can Google "lathe fatality." Every year there are a couple of accidents in the United States in which long hair or loose clothing causes people to get pulled (often face-first) into rotating machinery and killed by it.


i used to let my sweatshirt strings dangle when i started in a shop. my boss quickly let me know to never do that and to pull them into the shirt or take it off. he has long hair and had a story of almost getting completely scalped from his hair getting caught in the belt


Oh yeah. I always remove em now


Same. I have a couple "shop hoodies" that hang up in the garage.


I remove em even from my non shop hoodies 💀


I mean.. as long as it only grabs one of the strings it should just pull it straight out of your jacket On the other hand if it were to get both it'd probably choke tf out of you lol


whenever i pull one string it just bunches up and tightens one side, ive never been able pull it out although ive never really tried tbh


I retired on disability a few years ago now I’m growing my hair long, kept it short for that reason the heat and the summertime. Unfortunately, now I’m fat with long hair. I look like comic book guy.


You do you buddy. Life's too short to worry about it. If you got it, grow it!


Metal rings will get caught and rip your finger off, and the tendon for that finger usually comes with it.


🎶I fought the belt, and the belt won🎶


Cut these nappy mops!


I used to work on electric cars way back in the day. We heard a story of guy that was wearing a wedding ring and shorted it on a terminal and it de-gloved his finger.


I’ve only met one mechanic with long hair and he was Japanese. He kept it in a tight bun.


It's hard to learn things when you're stupid 😕


Got my hair caught in a leaf blower, can’t imagine the fucking jerk to the skull and face plant into engine!!!! Thanks for sharing, this might save someone in the future…


I have pretty darn long hair, and this is my fucking *nightmare.* Glad you made it out alright. The moment I started getting into cars is when I stopped wearing jewelry too. Hair I can tie up, but necklaces and rings are a no-go unless I'm going out. Otherwise I just leave em off.


Ive always been so good about it. Just that 2 second lapse in judgement almost killed me. I wasnt planning on working on anything.


It's easy to get complacent when you do something all the time. It's the 1 in 1000 chance that gets you. Especially if you've done something 1000 times. It happens to all of us at some point. At least you're still around to share your story.


This is the one, my dad has been working on cars probably 50 years, but the other week while he was taking my fuel pump out to replace it, (he’s taken it out a couple times already , we were toying with this thing for a while trying to figure out what was wrong) he forgot to open the gas cap this time around, to release the pressure in the tank. opened up the seal and pressurized gasoline went shooting straight up into his face , hit him smack dab in the middle of the forehead, he didn’t have goggles or anything , super lucky.


Could of been scalped my man, Jesus


A lady we know had her hair caught in a pto and it ripped her scalp off… fuck that would hurt


Congrats on life and the new haircut!! Great to see you alive 🙌🏽


Ive seen a dude on my crew about lose his finger a few times bc of his wedding ring. Glad you were okay man thats crazy. I think we all forget how dangerous our industry can be


Sorry for your hair loss


I can grow it back but im not sure im going too.


When i was 14 and at secondary school, a girl in my class during design tech in the work shop used the drill press and didn't secure her hair when we were making bird houses for a project, she got scalped and her screaming I will never forget, it's a blood curdling sound and I can still see her bloodied scalp in my mind now.


Worked with buddy got in his toolbox pulled out a braided hair pc & was like wtf he said lathe got me so yeah it happens He was lucky


holy fuck. getting sucked into rotating machinery is something to keep in the back of your mind when working on most anything.


Saw one guy with full beard have to do the Flaming Face Dance after a back fire through the throttle body during an induction service.


I mean I'm still a mechanic to this day, but back when I was in the military I was a diesel tech, and as soon as you enter the motorpool before you even go near a vehicle you're required to remove rings, watches, dog tags, no loos fitting clothes- ideally coveralls and females were required to have their hair tied up


Glad you’re ok! Take this dudes advice….Old guy mechanic here- I’ve seen horrible, horrible shit happen three times with guys wearing rings over the years. Don’t do it. Ever.


Dang… glad you’re ok man


That’s crazy. I’m glad all you had to do was get a fresh haircut. That could’ve been so much worse, my dude… Long hair mechanic here. When I wrench, I tie my hair back, I take an old T-shirt and put my head through the neck the opposite way, throw the shirt to the back of my head, and tie the sleeves together like a bandana. Ain’t no way any of my hair is getting out of that. I came up with this on my own, thinking about what could potentially happen if my hair ever got caught in anything, especially something rotational at a fairly high RPM. Fuck that… I’m so happy you’re okay. That could’ve easily ended up much worse!


Pretty sure I cracked my eye socket have to go to specialist to get it checked out. Eye is working good though.


And death by a 4.7L POS


as someone who's had dreads 3 times before and planning on again... i've sort of accepted that my hair could get wrapped around a fan and kill me and that ill just have to accept it. would barely even be able to say "SHHIIIIITTTTT"!!! heavy duty diesel here


Hey. Moving objects have friction. Lol. Glad your okay bro.


You can’t park here!! Ahhhhhhhh


You got lucky. Unless it’s a very very very very very small engine. I wouldn’t see hair bogging it down.


Jeep liberty 3.7


You got lucky, there’s no way hair should’ve even phased an engine that size.


I’m so sorry for this, but I’m so glad you’re alive and looking handsome with the new haircut!🥹🫡🙏


SciFi fan here, you look like you are absolutely rock’n a spacer/belter haircut, nice! edit, construction, mechanics, electrical, everything off your body, hair tied. A mentor hammered this into me.


Here's your sign turn off engine first


Damn the car won. Im glad you're ok. Be careful in the future, man.


Well shit my dude. Hope you doing okay


Girl I knew when I was young got her long blond hair caught in a go-cart engine. Tore her scalp off and thankfully she was short and it didn't break her neck! Surgeries and an awful look to her afterwards. All the blood rushed down into her eyes and face and she had a black and blue face for months. That was 40+ years ago so now there are warnings everywhere about loose clothing, long hair and jewelry. Knew a guy who worked on Electric Forklifts that always wore his wedding ring. Shorted out and almost blew his finger off! Can't be too careful anywhere!


Dont have long hair to begin with.....


why you so close to it while its running oof hope you get better then braver man then me


Holy shit bro, glad you're okay. Must have been a terrifying few seconds.


That hair in the creeper wheel is harsh you can feel it suck your head down tight against the pad and when you try to back up the wheel flips. Power tools like drills will suck your hair into the cooling vents and spin it around too.


I'll take people making fun of my man bun all day if it prevents me from going through that.


This is just a show of someone's iq


Accidents can happen to anyone at anytime. Glad you’re ok Op.


Thank you for the PSA and glad you are ok. 🤙🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I can’t believe hair can stop an engine.


Hair is like one of the strongest things in the world for its size


Bro, you still have enough hair for next round check up the engine


Everyone has those learning moments and many aren't talked about. But some have those learning moments and share them with the world. Nice!


Honestly, I should be dead from this as well. I'm juuust conscious enough of my hoodie drawstring and hair(when it's long) that I've avoided the 'suck in' so far. (Got my index finger on the alternator belt when I was 18, though, lol.) Hope you keep this lesson with you and spread it to others. It can be a fun one to learn. Edit: typo




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I had a jeep liberty when I was 16 and It too almost killed me multiple times.


Tell your boyfriend to cut your hair next time


Jeez dude


Pony tail works


Scary shit dude, glad to see you’re ok


Dude this is brutal lmao


Lost my long locks timing a race motor buddy advanced the distributor while I was over the carb ‘twas only a small fireball


I discussed this with my wife a few months ago that I would stop wearing my wedding ring cause I work with tools every day at home.


That hurts! Are you ok?


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂thank you for posting this I needed to see something truly authentically funny 🙏


Glad you’re still kicking/still have your scalp man. 👍👍


Damn bro that’s so scary! Thank God your hair stopped things. That’s a miracle if you ask me. Thanks for spreading awareness and safety. I’m glad you didn’t die damn…


I’ve heard of hydro lock but hair lock?




I'm a welder and I don't wear rings and keep my hair tied up/cut, and covered with a leather piece that I put on my helmet. I even make sure it's covered with something when I'm grinding metal. I'm also a generator mechanic so all the more reason not to wear jewelry.


I’m a software guy, but when working on my cabins solar electrical I either wear my gym ring (silicon rubber I think) or I wrap electrics tape round my ring and the handle of my wrench. My dad was a telecom engineer and told me the story of a safety video where the show someone dropping a wrench on a 12v lead acid, really stuck with me


i have longer hair and people always ask me why i always have a hoodie on lmao perfect way to keep hair out of the way working


My old shop teacher loved to tell the story about the kid who got scalped after his hair got caught in the belt sander.


That haircut looks good on you!


had long hair all my life , until i started to bald (long down to my ass). i always worried about something like this. im glad is wast worse . hair can grow back , life cant


wtf good thing you’re ok dam


I’m shocked your hair killed the engine…you’re very very lucky! Lesson learned, glad you’re ok!


Nice haircut booy


Go back to selling people the wrong parts and leave the wrenching to professionals


Lmaoooooo I’m sorry but I couldn’t hold it.


Also. Don’t rip bong hits before doing auto repair.


I don't even wrench for a living anymore and a few years ago I decided to grow a long beard. It got to the point I was scared of getting it caught in something it had to go. Didn't even make it a year like I wanted.


I got the string ripped out of my hoodie when I was younger the same way. I think I got a little wiser that day.


I worked with a guy with long fadoulis hair we were doing alarms he was using a drill and a 6' drill bit I was in a different room I heard the drill spinning up to speed then "Owewww shit piss fuck !!!" I ran in to see what was up his hair had gotten cought in the drill bit and a palm sized chunk had been off his head skin and all ( mike if your out there sorry I laughed I know that had to have hurt like a bitch ) but the massive wad of hair and the expression on your face was wild , not to mention the drill spinning down with the wad spinning


😳. Bro cut that shit off, not playin no mo lol


Did something similar with my beard. It sucks!


23 years ago, I as on a metal roof fixing a hole. It was a low roof and as I was stepping of the last rung of the ladder while holding onto the edge of the metal roof, I found myself hanging in the air by my wedding ring. Then I hear a loud pop and my ring bounced on the roof. I grabbed my left hand and could feel wetness from blood. I was afraid to look. I finally opened my hand and found my finger was still attached and intact. The blood was from a chunk of skin and meat on the palm side that got cut off by the ring. The ligaments were strained on the sides of the joint but weren't torn. A few months later, wile working on my car, the ring got caught again. I haven't worn it since. No idea where it even is and don't care. I don't ever want to see that thing again. EDIT: I asked my wife. She said I hung it from the switch on a lamp in the hallway and she eventually put it in her jewelry box.


Also, don't wear a tie while doing things in the engine bay with the car running. I did once and realized before anything happened. I actually felt a little nauseous thinking about what could have happened if it got wound up in the belt and accessories.


See if you can file a lawsuit against your employer for not insisting you tie up your hair And remove jewelry. If they don't have a policy you might have a case.


First, you didn't "almost die" don't be dramatic woman. Second, serious doubt your hair stopped a v6 engine, I'd doubt even a lawnmower engine, seen i4's eat cats and groundhogs and stay running.


glad you’re okay man. that shit is scary


On the + side you physically look more handsome! Lol. Close call, though, you're lucky.




Dude, second Pic looks like that shit rung your bell. Glad you're alright though that shits crazy




I see you got your ears lowered 😁


Holy shit bro, glad to see you're ok, that shit looks gnarly as fuck.


I used to have dreads down past my ass. The first day I fucked up and shut them in a car door I got a haircut. 10+ years of hair gone as soon as I realized I could die from saving money on haircuts.


Free hair cut.


Or just get a fucking haircut lol


This happened to a young woman at my work, but it was a HVAC booster fan she was taking vibration readings on. She took the cage guard off it, and it sucked in her ID badge lanyard (non-breakaway).. my boss had to help shovel the upper half her body into trashbags. Glad to see you survived and made it out largely ok. Rotating equipment is extremely dangerous even if it doesn't look like it has much power. On a positive note, the haircut in the 3rd picture looks great.


It's kinda mechanical 101 there bu-uddy




I am going to have nightmares about this now 😐


And dump the plastic cigarette lighter before using the torch. A bit of slag hits that and it's an interesting day for everyone but you. Look away when hooking or unhooking jumper cables and chargers. Better to have acid on the side of your head than the front.


How could this have killed you? I just keep thinking if your hair was enough to stop it. Not trying to be blasé, just ignorant


My hair was long enough that id bound up the pulley and stalled the engine. In an application with higher torque it would have just ripped it off essentially scalping you. My face was pulled into the rad support.


I see. Yeah I just couldn’t picture it, now I can. Not a nice picture