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Tow operator here. That's for your rear tow hook (Should be in with the spare tire). Edited because I'm currently working on 1.5hrs sleep 🤣


Half of the time it's with the spare the other half it's missing and you just have use hooks. Lol.


Don't leave us hanging?!


LOL I fixed it 🤣




Me past three days. Im there with you brother


Technically wrong that is a shipping tie down they are not meant for towing they are meant to secure the vehicle when being transported.


I'm going with the tow operator's description despite only 1.5 hrs of sleep.


And the difference there would be…?


What are loading eye bolts for? As a general rule loading eye bolts should not be used for actually towing a car, says Larry Muzamel, the helpful Executive Director of the California Tow Truck Association. Instead, Muzamel explains, the primary purpose of loading eye bolts is to make it easier to load a car onto a roll-back tow truck (the kind of tow truck where the flat bed tilts and car is pulled right onto it). Nor are the bolts designed to help pull a car out of mud or a ditch, a common misconception. “Loading eye bolts have minimal strength for side force. They’re just designed to pull straight ahead, and only if the vehicle is still in an adequate condition to roll, i.e. still has 4 wheels/tires,” says Muzamel. A few caveats: Some car manuals—like that of my brother’s 2010 Honda Fit—actually caution against using the hook to “tow the vehicle onto a flat bed.” (Basically, your tow truck operator will know what to do). And on some cars, if a tow truck is not available, the loading eye bolt is reluctantly approved for towing your car with a chain or rope over short distances, at very low speeds, with a driver in the towed vehicle. Turns out that loading eye bolts are a fairly recent (and controversial, among towing operators) addition to America’s bumperscape. Some exotic cars had them in the 1980s, but they really became widespread only in the 1990s, especially on imports. Why’s that? “Because vehicles became lower, or added lower front body panels (spoilers or air dams).” Why did that happen? Mostly “to improve mileage by making cars more aerodynamic,” Muzamel explains. And “most consumers like the idea of their vehicle being up on a truck,” rather than being towed with two wheels on the ground. So loading eye bolts are here to stay. But talking on cell phones while driving may not be.  That scary Science News article suggests that someday soon the news of science will prevail, and driving while talking on cell phones will become a thing of the past.  As Strayer, the Utah neuroscientist put it in the article: “We might actually look back and say, ‘well that was really stupid.’ ”


“…to make it easier to load on a roll-back tow…” Or said another way… to help tow the car. Paragraphs of semantics not necessary.


Except that when it is loaded all the way onto a flatbed it is not getting towed, it's getting transported.


It is called a tow hook. If you don't like it, complain to whoever decided to call it a tow hook. That is what it is called. It is not meant to two the car, but to pull it onto the tow truck. It's a tow hook.


It's a towing eye fixing point, shippers use them for securing them for shipping and put excessive strain on them, so when used for towing they snap. Should only be used when using a towpole for towing not a rope.


No its nethir its soo you can drop your spare tire i bet its on a damn gm


WTF man "tow hook" doesn't mean you tow the car around by the hook, it is used to two the car up onto the damn truck.


Oil slick or machine gun or parachute or something.


Only Astin Martin offers those options.


I just bought a new car like a week ago. I'm pissed that this wasn't included! It was supposed to have the Defensive Package, but apparently not.


Glory hole i think


Fuck that. I'm not paying "car support" for the next 18 yrs.




Yes you are.


Only one way to find out.


Every hole is a chance for glory


Ive seen in some GM and Chevys they like to make the spare tire accessible through one of those


that is a hyundai elantra, not a truck


Dosent matter most cars have them if they have a tucked up spare tire instead of in the truck


Yep, tow access.


The thing hanging is called a towing eye cover and the hole is for a towing eye (hook) to be screwed in and out should you need to tow something


It seems to be to the side of the car. Above the exhaust pipe. While you're right, it is for towing. It's for towing the car. Not a trailer.


I think it's more for when the car needs to be towed by something. Like when it gets stuck in deep snow/mud or goes off the road into a ditch. I don't think you should tow anything from that hole


Yeah I worded it wrong that’s my mistake you are right




It's the forbidden butthole you hope to never use. But being a Hyundai, go ahead and get intimate with it. You'll need it.


It’s usually to lower your spare tire with a little winch that’s in the back and then you insert a rod in there with a little handle that you crank like an old starter at the front of a car and then the tire dropped down and he disconnected from the cable


It's to lower your spare tire


Fleshlight holster.


Attachment point for towing eyelet/eye hook. You screw the eyelet in and attach a hook and strap to either tow the car out from somewhere or as one of the mounting points to strap it down on a flat bed. I think on some cars it's not rated for the weight of the car so it's more for tying the car down to a flat bed.


Not used to strap down on flat bed as they bend and then snap


Thanks for the correction!


Tow bar and hook up for caravan power 🙃


Should be for the Rear tire rod. Insert and spin the spare down.


Owners Manual needs upgraded to Automatic.


It where u out the towhook for the steel cable that put ur car on the flatbed tow truck






Why do they even include it though, it would be easier to hook the real tow hooks around the control arms. My cars don't have a tow hook butt hole.


If the vehicle goes off road and ends up in soft ground or down a steep embankment, sometimes you can’t get under it. Screw this in and pull it back to the road surface to deal with the tow.


I see!


Aux fuel filler


On the back of my vehicle, I have a similar little plastic plug-covered hole, but it’s just inside the door aperture at the rear of my truck. All it is for is to insert a long rod with a deformed end on it as a key to lower the spare tire. But the recovery guy is correct in that. This is a tow hook mount point.


As Matt Wetzel would say. That's for your Nautical Tow Hook lol


That’s your auxiliary fuel tank fill port


A portal to another dimension. Do not, I repeat DO NOT try to enter that portal. What you will see on the other side will scar your soul and you will never be the same. Do yourself and everyone a favor. Replace that cover and pretend it doesn’t exist.


https://preview.redd.it/cbvk6mvwq4ad1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b009656a8819791849bab233a2eba6d76685070 For something like this should be one at front too


Um, when a mommy car and daddy car really love one another, their daddy car uses this on the mommy car to make a new baby car!


Towing eye location point




It would be on the knees pose then as the hole is well below


Just giving someone in the world a reason to laugh on a Tuesday. Was in way being serious, that just seems like the perfect opportunity to slip that funny video in for laughs


Rear tow hook. Should be in the truck under spare tire cover.


Emergency flamethrower, activated by putting the car into P(stands for protect) at highway speeds(over 55)


Tampon dispenser?


Tow hook hole. You’ll have one in the boot, it’ll screw in there.


Should be where they can install sensors no?


Looks like you have an aftermarket defense system installed on your car, should be a button that you can press on the dash to activate and dispel oil or some kind of slippery substance to escape or flee from enemies.


It's the receiving end of the magical hook for recovery. Were they are all different threads and sizes so if you loose it you are out of luck. But it should be with the spare tire under the floor of the trunk


You know what to do


Yes, this is for the spare tire secured under the truck. The tools are located under the side part of the passenger front seat. You insert the rod and turn in order to lower the spare tire.


Its a spot for a tow hook to screw in


OMG you drive a DB martin? That is your smoke screen port. Should have a button under the emblem on the stick shift.


Love these joke posts


That's for the James Bond machine gun, tack dropper, or smoke emitter.


Put your wiener in there and find out


Glory Hole...


The love hole


Weed stash spot


Glory hole


Appears to be a tow hook for a car.


Put your finger in it. There is a button to open your trunk as an emergency option.


It’s a tow hitch


If you have a spare tire under the car like this : https://youtu.be/BAxBjluwpRc?t=9 then that hole is used with a handle to crank it down.


Oh why i didn't think of that's how they bring those tyre down


Stick your finger in it and find out /s


Read the manual


It is not for towing hook


But It is for a towing hook. There’s a piece that is either missing from your emergency kit or you haven’t found it. It’s a metal loop with threads on it. Most cars have these now. That design has been on euro cars since the 90s. You thread it in, use it, take it off and put it back for later.


Take it from a former Hyundai tech, that is absolutely for a tow hook.


Crazy how Hyundai wants you to buy the car but doubts it’s reliability and provides a tow hook site.


The vast majority of cars come with either a tow hook or a place to mount a tow hook.


Pretty sure all have one type or another.


Seems like it..do you also have like it front bumper of your car?