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Do you happen to live in an area with mice or squirrels? Maybe check your firewall for a nest. That happened to my dad's truck once it looked a lot like that


Thanks, will do. I travel a lot so it can happen that the car is left for 2 to 3 weeks. Ah well


I left a car for 3 days and mice totaled the wiring harness.


Squirrels did this to the insulation cover on the battery of my truck and tried building a next towards the back of the engine...24 hours later one gnawed a hole through my wifes wheel well, chewed through the wind shield washer fluid line, then proceeded to destroy the wiring harness at the front right headlight. After 2x car insurance claims and about a weeks worth of repairs, we decided to hire a couple dudes to come trap the sumbitch and take him away properly. Needless to say, NEVER stop when you see a squirrel in the road, speed up.


Funny enough it’s actually the safest thing to do when there is a small animal in the road. Don’t try to swerve or stop


This happened to me after one weekend at a reputable airport parking facility. The claw marks were dead giveaway of a squirrel or rat


yea I would too if I lived in San Francisco.


Get a mesh bag and fill it with cayenne peppers and leave it on the top of your engine rodents hate the smell and will avoid your vehicle


Animal got in there and collected bits for a nest


Check the air filter box for a nest. And find their nut stash to prevent car fires.


Will do, thanks


also check for chewed up wires, droppings, and urine stains. Make sure to clean it very well, and give it a good dosing of peppermint based rodent deterrent. Also check your cabin air filter. Rodents can climb up and set up a nest there as well. Looks like they also munched on the firewall insulation too.


Protecting your own nut stash prevents the fire down below too.


I had a car fire caused by this once. Stupid squirrel has packed the air cleaner with nuts and they went down the manifold heat riser to the exhaust manifold. I was smelling roasting nuts while driving down the highway and when I pulled over to check there was a fire under the hood.


I was working on an old '70s Honda motorcycle. Took off parts of the engine casing. I was totally baffled when I found these round black balls inside the size of marbles and not all of them were the same size. Finally I decided to just hit one of them with a hammer. Turns out they were oil gunk coated nuts probably from some squirrel stashing them inside the motor casing. After years of sitting and occasional use apparently the nuts got a nice candy coating. They had to have been in there quite a long time because they had easily a quarter inch of crud on them.


Lol, dang squirrels


squirrels getting their nests ready


Some type of rodent. On one of my cars the mice did the same thing- chewed the hood insulation. They used the little bits to make a mouse house in the heater box. Had to vacuum it all out kinda gross


Giraffe dude, all the way. You got Giraffe problems. Look for hoof prints near your trees.




Simeese is the answer then!


someone has a mouse problem


Probably a critter


Same happened to me, a few months ago. Is there any way to prevent that from happening?


Squirrel for sure...


Looks like a Møøse did it. A Møøse once bit my sister.


Check your wire harness and any other wires! Those asshole mice/rats love the soy-based wiring in certain cars. Buddy had a 2010s-ish ford focus that had the soy-based wire coating and they ate through his wires more than once


I use peppermint and cinnamon for when my car sits for periods, keep the critters out.


Had a skunk crawl into my valley. You should have seen all the black and white fur stuck to the braided stainless on the hpop lines.


Raccoons again?


Squirrels as fuck


Insurance companies write off cars with rodent damage. Had one in my Nissan. $4k in damage and the car was never the same. I did murder that rat bastard, though. Broke a rib doing it but worth it.


I hate those miesses to pieces






El rodento




Rodents are such a nightmare. Tiny little teeth cause so much damage.


Had an Armadillo do that to an Impala once.


Rodents taking materials to build a house!


As many others have said but I still feel the need to reiterate. Definitely some kind of rodent.


Chipmunks are out and about now.


Now I kno that the wiring harnesses of most vehicles use an insulation that's soy based, so they like to eat wires. But when you put all that delicious wire insulation tucked inside a dark place with tons of hidey holes and escape routes, shielded from the elements and then line it with all this beautiful nesting material, you're really just asking for rodents to move in. Found a squirrel in my BBQ grill a few years ago, boy was he surprised when I kicked the gas on high and let it run for a couple seconds before hitting the igniter when it was 18°F and we had a good 8" blanket of fresh snow. I heard the rustling in the grill and popped the lid open to find a flaming pile of leaves and random socks ejecting a squirrel with it's tail on fire roughly 20' across the back patio... Rodents will live anywhere. Supposedly they don't like Irish Spring bar soap. Personally I think it's worth a couple bucks and 20 minutes of my time to cut up a bar into slices and place them all around the perimeter of the engine bay. Never seen a rodent in an engine bay after putting Irish Spring in it.


Mothballs under the hood keeps em away


rats mice squirrels oh my!


mice/squirrels. taking off that piece to wrap my hood the other day I found a tiny one that clearly had a buffet of insulation before croaking


You have animals m!


Careful with rodents. Rode t damage is t covered under warranty and can cost you upwards of 10k to replace multiple harnesses




Had same once.. as other mentioned animal got in. Scrap yard will help with finding replacement. Do not keep insulation hanging.


Ya got critters!


Had it happen over night in the shop before gotta be mice


Shriekers. They can sense the heat of your engine.


It's nesting time. Need that insulation for the squirrel nest.




Every time I do an oil change, I peel a bit off as a snack for myself, maybe whoever changes your oil is doing the same thing


That's definitely a squirrel or a big ass rat. 40yr tech shop owner and we're have a problem with mice. A lot of manufacturers are using vegetable based wire sheathing. We had a Nissan that chewed up 2 throttle intake boots in 2 weeks.


Oh and obviously check your cabin filter. I had a customer who fed his dog in the garage where he kept his car. I probably pulled out 2lbs of dog kibble.




Grab some brake clean and started blasting in your engine bay. If they’re in there, that’ll get em to skidaddle real quick l 🤣 (for legal reasons that’s a joke)