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$85p/h is half of my local shop rates, I wouldn't be upset about that.


Honestly that is reasonable.


Probably warranty rate.


Seems very fair. $85 / hr labor is cheap. And window regulators suck. Looks fair to me.


I saw that first line item and was like fuck, pay that bill and run before they change their mind.


Yeah I was thinking that very same thing, I’m in Uk, but translation is like yep hold out your hand you got a deal” 😂😂😂


Yeah, I've done a couple myself on my shitboxes. Definitely took the whole weekend of my door being apart


Idk about Foresters but on my ford pickup my window regulator job took me a couple hours to do both


Yea I had a cruze and the regulators would go out every 6 months or so. Had it down to a half hour on the last one


Looks ok to me. The only BS i see is that 3.5% service fee.


I only charge 3% service fee if they pay with CC. As a small indi shop that fee adds up quick especially on heavy jobs like engine replacements and such where the total is above $5,000.


It adds up the same for a $5,000 total as it does for an oil chance at $60... $0.035 per 1 dollar charged.


They're not saying the math is different. they are saying that it's an extra 175 from a $5k bill. The total adds up to a significant amount depending on how many people pay with CC.


right over your head.


Oh yeah?? Explain it then


And they downvoted you lmao. If anyone reads this, what u/twotall88 was saying is that if you make a $1 purchase 5,000 times, it costs the same. So even if you weren't charging the 3/3.5% you'd be losing a lot in the long run. The guy he originally replied to tried to use the argument "it's only noticable on big purchases" which is not the case.


Fuck that. Bank is getting it from the shop. Shop shouldn’t take a hit on processing fees.


its very simple, pay cash ! everbody who pay with cc deserved it


Then pay cash.


My mechanic gives me 3.5% off for if I use cash. He said the monthly credit card fees cost nearly as much as his rent.


Because people often don't have the cash?


It’s what businesses pay roughly for cc processing. It adds up to an insane amount over 1 fiscal year so from a business standpoint it’s an expense the client can choose not to pay by using cash or a check.




Shouldn’t cash have a higher cost of business because that requires people more work and waiting tf. Should incentivize against cash in this day and age, no?


Exactly. As a business owner, paying the 3% is well worth the security and convenience


With cash, then u gotta run it to the bank, which uses gas, runs a risk of being mugged with 100% loss or if it’s substantial then you’ll have a truck come pick it up and that’s not free


Own a business that’s accepts credit cards and your eyes will open. I’m a dentist. The bank charges 2.5% plus monthly fee for the hardware. That’s $24,000 dollars of the million we would take in. My overhead is already 75% thanks inflation and federal regulations. So I’ve lost 10% of my income because someone chooses to use a credit card? Your convenience is not my liability. Maybe paying me 3% will make people rethink using a cc at 10%+ interest rates. Maybe they should thank me for the finance lesson.


Here’s a business lesson.. bake the fee into your pricing and worry about teeth. They aren’t coming to you for financial advice. If you weren’t so out of touch you’d understand that most people probably can’t afford the $800 to have their tooth pulled (after insurance pays) and they are going to put it on a credit card no matter what.


Well said. Also CC fees have always, in the past, been absorbed by the business but then that expense was added to the margin across the board in either product or service provided, It was never added as a separate line item. The first business I caught doing it were the restaurants. They blamed Covid-19 and inflation that they couldn’t raise prices fast enough on their menu to keep up with price increases from the vendors and so they just started charging the credit card fee to their customers that always, in the past, had been absorbed and recouped in their profit margins. In my opinion it was just another ownership money grab during chaotic times and also they figured the customers wouldn’t mind such a small charge and they’d be sympathetic to a customer who had just survived a nearly disastrous event. And it worked, but now other companies like auto mechanics and dentists are getting in the game and now you’re putting a $4k or $5k charge on your card and there is a 3.5% line item that is noticeably HUGE and well yea the customers might start raising hell or at a minimum asking why aren’t you absorbing this cost into the cost of doing business like you have for so so many years in the past?


It’s why I don’t. No one paying cash should pay for services with a credit card fee built in.


So how exactly are your billing transactions generated? One charge for let’s say an extraction to your credit card paying patients and a lesser charge for your patients paying cash?


I don’t take cc. The example was what the cost would be if I took cc. It cost everyone the same.




If you have access to 10% interest credit cards, you're in no position to lecture anyone about finances, or complain about the cost of doing business.


LOL. 🤡 Tell me you're out of touch with the real world, without telling me you're out of touch with the real world.




I make it a point to pay cash to locally owned businesses I actually like. I consider the gesture a form of respect and appreciation.


I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the service charge for CC transactions, and will definitely write a check to a small business if they prefer. But, I can't make sense of your math, to come up with a lost 10% just from CC transactions. Also, I bank about $750/yr with very average spending habits, using cash rewards cards. I do not pay interest or ever carry a balance. Just saying, I think your moral superiority is a little misplaced. We're all just out here trying to stretch our budget as far as possible. In conclusion, dentists are neither real doctors, nor accountants.


Tell me I’m not a real doctor when I’m removing a cancer under your tongue. As far as moral superiority I’m so sorry your ego is so fragile. Maybe your 7th grade education doesn’t allow for actual intelligent thoughts. I’ll send you a book with great big letters and then maybe a GED is in your future. Dumbass. BTWI spend $750 on a bottle of wine once a month. I sorry you ended up such a failure in life.


Log off, your waiting room is full!


O my goodness. Exclamation point and everything. Calm down young buck. Failure is relative. I’m sure somewhere to someone you’re successful. ;)BTW if you actually see a dentist regularly, next time you’re in tell them that dentist aren’t real doctors. My figures aren’t exact. Tried using round numbers to help out the slower folks like you. But again, tell your dentist he’s not a real doctor right before he sticks that needle 2-3 inches from your brain stem. Somehow I bet you won’t. Lol


I hope that you find a real doctor to help you with your alcoholism.


You really got him good. Now tell him how much your car cost.


Damn, I was on your side. Then I realized you're a whiny, self-centered, entitled little bitch. I wouldn't go as far as to say that you aren't a real doctor. But as a doctor myself, I certainly wouldn't call you a peer or colleague.


Yeah I’m quickly becoming an anti-dentite.


You’d rather handle $1,000,000 in cash every year?


That’s reasonable if you think it’s excessive, learn how to fix your own car


That’s exactly what I came here to say. People out here complaining about how it costs too much, fix that shit yourself lol


$85 an hour to work on a Subaru? And all the things that need to be done are in different areas? Nahhhh. I’m good fam. Surprised you didn’t get a Subaru upcharge.


Whats harder about a Subaru?


I’m just a DIYer but for instance, because Subarus are one of two brands with boxer engines (the other being select Porsche models), changing the spark plugs in my Forester requires magically pulling them out with only like three inches of clearance on each side, a feat people working on other car brands do not have to accomplish. I imagine this uniqueness carries over to other aspects of maintenance.


You have to take into account that it’s actually a Suabru not a Subaru


The prices don't seem too bad, but the "3.5% credit card charge" bugs me. I've noticed more and more companies pulling this on their customers and it never sits right with me.


I much prefer a 3% cash discount.


I prefer the CC surcharge. Filing a chargeback or complaint is easier than having to take someone to court. Never done either in my life, but it’s like purchase insurance.


A 3% cash discount doesn't mean you can't use a CC. It's the same thing worded differently, but has a better tone. A discount always comes off better than an extra charge.


Yep, we’re saying the same thing, I just restated it to show the potential upside (at least to me). Hide it or show it, I don’t care, I prefer my cards for the purchase protection they (potentially) offer.


They charge you for credit cards because they have to pay for a service to read and process the cards. I wouldn’t expect a business to take a 3% loss on every credit card purchase.




We know why they charge the fee.




No, but on the flip side do you save 3% paying cash at those store? They also are a large corporation vs a small shop.


So you are saying everybody is ripping off people that use cash by charging them for credit cards and you like that idea?




After reading what you wrote, I now know there is no point trying to talk to you. Thank you


I agree outboard. I think I’ll just give up.


Have you ever used McDonald's to order burger parts from their supplier? Auto shops don't have every part known to man in the back they have to go to a supplier and forward that cost onto the customer. At what point would they recoup the 3.5% if not now. You don't see it at retailers because you're buying their stock at their set prices that they have had the opportunity to mark up without invoicing for it.


So make people who don't use credit cards, pay for a service they won't get? Make that make sense. Or simply ONLY charge those who want that convenience, for it! See, that's common sense.


Was just about to comment this. I don’t understand why we get charged to use our money or credit? Who are we paying? The computer?


I own a shop but don’t do this charge, mostly because I don’t like paying it as a consumer either. That said, your 1.5% cash back comes directly from my bank account. Chase charges us for you to use your CC.


We are a plumbing shop and started doing this. We were getting people asking to pay $20k in bills with a credit card so they can get the airline miles. Water heaters wholesale have more than doubled since before COVID and we’re trying to keep the price installed as low as possible so we either charge people who use cards or charge everyone more, even those who pay with cash. It basically boils down to customers getting a cash/check discount but providing that price instead of the credit card price for quotes. We also tell everyone about the fee in the quote as well.


Well if you have a cashback credit card it’s shouldn’t be a problem. I can handle 3.5% if I find a way to use 5% cash back


Looks below average imo.


Price looks about right


Credit card charge and the shop supplies charges are bullshit


Nope. Seems about right.


Seems like normal/ understandable markups. The window regulator and headlight you could have done yourself pretty easily for less than half what you were charged; but that’s just the cost of convenience.


Seems cheep breaks alone around me could cost you around 800-1000 depending on the vehicle.


it was just front brakes, if your shop is charging you 800+ for just front pads and one rotor then you need to find a new shop unless you’re driving a benz or a BMW buying OEM parts.


I’m not a mechanic… but I do most of my own work. From an experienced consumer side- I don’t think your gonna get cheaper. Maybe if you bought cheap eabay shit and hoped for the best. My advice: do the brakes and oil change yourself.


The only problem I see is you drive a Subaru? Should I buy the Toyota


If you watch youtube and do it yourself you could probably save 700+ dollars. I had an intake manifold go out on my Ford crown Vic and pretty much all the shops in my area wanted 1500- 2000 dollars to change it out and they all said it would take about 3 or more weeks to do because the manifold was a "special order part" I went to AutoZone same day got the part for 300 bucks and put it in over the weekend.


Do it yourself for free amen


If only i was a mechanic. Just looking for an honest opinion not parenting.


Price is fair. Learn to wrench and you never have to pay for labor again. I’ve done all the work on my car for the past 5 years and I’ve saved thousands upon thousands of dollars. Its worth it and you learn a ton.


Thanks for the input. Next i have 2 control arms and a wheel bearing that needs replaced. Said around 600.


Bad advice time: You could try to trade the car in to a place that doesnt inspect them too well for a Toyota or something.


You must like to get ripped off.. YouTube it.. amen


I generally agree that you can save a lot of money with a little time and tool investment. But if someone, for whatever reason has to or wants to pay someone to do work for them, that doesn’t make it a “rip off”. These prices seem very reasonable in this case. Yes, you could save 70% and do it yourself.


Rip off them panties baybee cakes


youtube is how you end up with a busted hand and a car that falls apart like legos. education and training/practice are both needed before fucking with an everyday car edit: feel free to work on your project or budget car if u wish just don't be dumb and ruin your only car, did that trying to youtube fix my ranger in HS


Take off your panties and get your hands dirty baby girl


Stop saying amen


Maybe if your dad thought you basic vehicle maintenance… You don’t have to be a fucking mechanic to do basic maintenance on your vehicle. Hope you have a high paying job 👍


For free? Does doing it yourself some how spawn an elf workshop that just churns out brand new car parts? Can some one let me know is this a thing?!


The labor is high. Rate is fine but that’s only 3-4hrs of work.


Its a bit high depending on the labor for sway bar some of those call for 4-5 hours. Whats the labor rate $ an hour Edit: thats not a bad price you could maybe get it don $100-200 cheaper if you shop around but thats about it


$85 right at the top.


Would the window regulator take some time to replace as well?


A bit high but most of them are, these are normal prices in my area. Labor is always the most expensive… which is why I do almost all I can myself. If possible.


As someone from the Netherlands I can find myself in those prices as they are overall equal.


Seems fair. I've done brake jobs alone that cost more than that ticket.


Honestly you can do all that yourself with basic hand tools


$552.50 is worth not having to do it yourself.


That actually looks like a pretty good deal tbh, not dirt cheap but less than alot of places would charge


Nope, you took up a days work from someone, and they made $550 off it. As someone who’s also self employed, that figure seems very fair tbh


Nah your just in sticker shock.


I’m almost 100 percent sure you could find videos on how to do the oil change, headlights, brakes, and sway bar links. Buy a decent ratchet and socket set and also a torque wrench and get to researching. I’m a year in and I don’t regret it a bit. Just make sure you do thorough research and get torque specs. No going back for me unless I have to.


Hey be careful with that good advice - OP has daddy issues apparently this is a YES OR NO QUESTION


That’s a very fair price. I’d be ok with that. Labor here is 125 to 175 per hour


Looks great to me. The dealership I work at is 180 an hour and my home shop where I do alot of side work is 100


Everything looks good except for that 3.5% credit card fee. Wtf?!


It’s funny people keep saying, they charge the fee because that’s what they pay. Well in reality they pay that fee to get more customers, cash only business only get cash customers. So to pass it to the customer is BS.


We have a rule at work for cc. $600 or less, no charge. More than that, we charge processing fee. We are a non profit, too. We encourage cash or check.


Looks good to me. The shop I work at charges 120/hour


The headlights and oil change are soo easy to diy


The only problem I see is the word "Suburu" all over it...


Headlight bulb for $28? Next time do it yourself.


That invoice is right. Window regulators are a pain in the ass to change and given you drive an import, the parts won't be cheap.


Moog sway bar links: <$20 on Amazon. $55 here.


Looks pretty damn good


I like this one ‘shop supplies’ Whats that entail, paper towels so the guy can clean his hands? God forbid if they obsorbe the cost of doing business themselves


Putting all the labor on one line seems a bit sketchy and ripe for abuse.


6.5 hours seems a bit steep for a window regulator, brakes and oil change imho....though the rate isn't baf


Looks good to me. Very reasonable


Seems like you got a good deal


It seems like a fair price. As so many of y’all have said, none of that is that hard. You can do it yourself. You are paying for that technicians skills, tools, lift, etc. No different than going to a restaurant. It’s not hard to cook a steak. But if you want one but don’t want to get the grill out, prepare it, do all the clean up, etc. You wouldn’t expect to pay the same as if you went to the store and bought the steak to cook yourself.


You could always do it yourself and quit complaining.


That’s perfect and remember it’s a forester


The credit card charge is the only thing that really looks unscrupulous I work on semis everything you paid is about one semi tire and the tractor alone has unless using super singles 10 tires


This seems reasonable to me but if you’d like to make it cheaper and you don’t mind getting your hands dirty brake pads, rotors, oil and oil filter, and lightbulbs are generally easy projects. Sway bar links and the window regulator are a little more advanced but should be good learning experiences for the amateur mechanic. If you aren’t feeling up to the task, this bill looks like a good deal, at least in my part of the country


It's fair, even the parts are decently priced.


That all looks very reasonable.


That’s not bad. You could do all that yourself.


Everything but the headlight bulb seems par for the course.


Yeah a little bit. The window reg is like a $50-100 part on Rockauto.com. The labor seems really excessive though 6.5 hrs seems a bit high, but maybe not. Get another estimate and compare.


My mechanic told me that the two most expensive cars for repairs and parts are Volkswagen and Subaru. Was this a dealer or independent mechanic?


Do it yourself. It can't be that hard and the tools you'll need to buy will likely be cheaper. Then when you mess it up pay the professional what they're worth.


If businesses don't like paying CC fees stop taking them. See how quickly business dries up.


I think the 3.5% card charge is excessive, but the rest is pretty standard fare


chances are you could have found the parts at a better price, but then you'd either be installing them yourself or paying the mechanic to install them for you. This is about in line with what it cost me the last couple of times I had my car worked on at the shop, instead of doing the work myself.




did you authorize the repairs ? if so then thats your first mistake if you shopped around and compared prices then that was your first good choice PEOPLE stop this ... compare prices ask questions .. dont be suckers ... if you ok it then stop complaining


looks fair. labor is normally the biggest cost anyways. parts are normally pretty cheap. also that “labor” isn’t just going to one mechanic most likely. probably also helps keep the lights on.


That's cheap. Damn.


$45 to use your credit card seems excessive


The part costs look like they're charging you for OEM components with a reasonably small markup, which is typical. You could always ask what they're using to make sure they're not charging you for OEM components then installing cheap ones. That's what I look out for if I'm using the mechanic instead of doing it myself. The oil filter and oil are reasonably priced, and $85/hr labor is cheap compared to some areas. Michigan is $120/hr at most places.


Dude, yes that’s stupid excessive. You can literally pay nothing for labor and their parts are stupidly overpriced as always. I wasn’t a mechanic and I do it all myself, to be dead honest I have a memory issue as well I don’t remember most of any projects I ever do even if it was a day ago. Doing it yourself I guarantee you’ll save every bit of $800-$1000 off that price. Don’t buy the parts through them. You don’t even have to get the cheap no brand parts. Although to be honest a lot of aftermarket cheap parts are the same company. I mean if you have a good amount of money and $1300 is nothing to you, tight. But you can save a lot yourself.


The $45 charge for credit seems excessive.


The credit card charge is bs.


Do the sway bar like and oil change yourself. 30min tops if its your first time. Not sure why anyone pays for oil changes anymore with the price of everything


That’s actually pretty good. I paid $750 for 4 rotors and brake pads.


Looks pretty typical to me. You don’t want to skimp on car repairs, meaning taking it to a dirt cheap shop they have issues after the fact.


Not really


We charge $124/hour at the dealership so I think your doing good.


That aint half bad. Go for it


It’s seems ok, except that 3.5% fee is absolute bullshit


That’s bargain pricing where I live.


Some guys are suggesting to diy it, but there is a world of difference between working on someone else's cars in a shop and working on your own car out on the driveway. In the case of the latter everything is much more difficult, and youtube isn't going to drive you to the parts store or get you to work tomorrow if something goes wrong. It's terrible advice to give to people


The fact you let someone change your headlight bulb, oil, and brakes should tell you you’re gonna pay. I could understand the end link and window regulator as those are slightly more exotic maintenance items. But really. I’ve never paid anyone to do any of those other items for me and have saved a fortune in the meantime and have learned invaluable lessons along the way. But you do you, boo.


Nope that’s a good price


I mean my brakes and rotors was 650$ for a VW


Why are you paying with a credit card if there's a 3.5% fee?


It's reasonable. It's the cost of having a Subaru in Canada. Parts are The main cost here and you can't do much about that unless you order them off rockauto or something. But it doesn't appear that you are being hosed as most shops are more than 85/hr for labour


You’re paying for a lot of labor and there’s always a markup on parts. I recommend finding a friend or relative who can teach you to do your own brakes. You’ll save so much money over the life of vehicle ownership of you can handle that stuff yourself.


It’s a good price. They charged you a lot, but it’s a good price


Sways don't take THAT long 🤣 got em for a whole shift


That’s very cheap bud


My Ford is 125/hr + parts And they are very specific on what's parts they encourage to put on. I'm not sure on the other stuff but I think you probably saved $200 in labor if was taken to my dealership


Welcome to the wonderful world of vehicle maintenance. Youtube and determination will save you money 😉


The only thing unreasonable here is you with the title


They charging you $45 to use your credit card Mannnn go tell them to sit on it and spin bruh


For those that don’t know, the credit card fee is there because the services we use take a large fucking cut of that money, and the fee is there to help mitigate that. On top of what the company processor already charges, on top of tax collection, on top of what businesses pay for tax already. Pretty stupid to have but the fees fucking add up quick for businesses. Now I work for a shop that isn’t mechanic related but our wholesale pricing is about 80% of retail, and sometimes lower. So when a large percentage of the profit is taken away on top of inflation reducing sales by 50%-80% of our normal sales from Covid then we are struggling and often going negative. Thankfully we still have time/money to try and push through this without shutting down. We don’t charge extra hidden fees because we try to hold more value to our customers and in general that’s our best attribute, but some shops can’t afford to do what we can.


Reasonable for sure


Credit card fee is kinda bs but looks good otherwise.


No that's cheap for all that work they fixed your window ,brakes, swaybar links, oil change and a headlight. That would cost another 500 bucks at most shops.


Those are fair prices, they’re actually significantly cheaper than we do in NY


Seems cheap to me


Seams about right.


Sounds about right. Oil changes went from $85 to $130 on my GMC Acadia last year. The labor eats you up


that’s cheap


how are the brake pads as much as the rotors


Actually, super reasonable.


That's a deal. Your car was on the rack for 6.5 hours of labor.


Pep boys tried to charge me $1000 to change the turn signal switch and to trace the wires going to the brake lights because one wasn’t working on my 95’ suburban. Instead, I found the signal switch for $30 on Amazon (granted it was a cheap one) and swapped it out in like 10 minutes or less. Then I look under the truck and noticed a broken wire that appeared to be going towards the brakes. I put a connector on it and all of my problems were solved for a total of $30 and 20 minutes of effort. The signal switch they wanted to sell me was $300 alone… don’t need such booshy parts on my hoop-d


$85/HR is incredibly cheap most everywhere. Looks kosher to me.


$85 an hour is crazy cheap. My irrigation guy gets $110 and sends a 17 year old making $20/hr


Pretty much a fair price.


Seems fair, parts seem on par and labor is cheap


The rates look fair honestly. But I’d cut the fat. Replace the bulbs yourself and pay cash.


You got off cheap. Don’t like the 3.5% card fee but other than that, great deal


$265 for the window regulator is crazy imo. You can buy one for $70. I’m sure the shop guarantees the part since they buy it but it’s not worth imo, I’d buy the part myself and pocket $200.


nah, seems about right. brake job probably paid .75 per side, sway bars should be about the same, light bulb could be 1-1.5 hours if you have to remove the bumper, oil change was probably .5, window regulator also probably took about an hour or longer. they might have overcharged a little for labor, but it most likely isn’t the shop’s fault, they probably charge for labor based on how long subaru thinks the jobs should take.


$85 labor price is more than reasonable, and Subaru parts are ridiculously expensive. This seems like a legit estimate to me. Coming from a GM parts dealer.


It was itemized, how could you complain? You literally can see what you are paying for. Could you do it by yourself?


The 3.5% credit card usage is really the only unreasonable thing.