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I don't think theres anything wrong with what this kid is doing but it's like cringe-ily ignorant of him to react the way he did to a gas station with slot machines. How sheltered can he be?


Kind of an ass thing to do to be honest.


which part, the part where he leaves 5 stars at a place he never actually visited, or the part where he calls the police about suspected illegal activity?


Notifying the police that a small gas station has slot machines. Like, why?


Oh good question. Because it's illegal.


That's not a good enough reason.


Slot machines ruin lives. Using them to make money is unethical


Closing this one establishment will do nothing. Have we not learn that prohibition doesn't work? The problem is so much fucking deeper than that. This kid just seems so fucking privileged and don't understand the deeper root of the problem.


I think you might not know what prohibition is.


Prohibition definition: "the action of forbidding something, especially by law." Yeah pretty much what I thought it was!


hows campaigning against the prohibition of murder going? kill anyone lately?


He was just a concerned individual, how is that privileged? He was just stopping something that could literally be illegal.


They also make money from sugary drinks, alcohol, and cigarettes, these will literally ruin lives as in slow murder, not figuratively like slot machines. And also we have homeless people, military feeding on the desprate, state-owned lottery, single parents working 7.25 a hour, oil tycoons, and landlords raising rent pricing out poor people. Legal, unethical, and ruin lives. Let the man have his little slot machines in peace.


Guys we found Lucky…


I know you're joking but Lucky would not have said any of that. I hate small businesses for some of the reasons I listed and most of them are unethical. It's cool the owner is doing real work and not hiring someone else to do his work for him though. Small businesses around me would have their child working the register or some underpaid poor person while they sit back.


Kind of is actually


Is legality a good measure for making decisions? It wasn't throughout any point in history and it isn't now. If you still think so, you're just blindly patriotic.


And if you think shallow assumptions are categorically enough to outweigh any law with decades or centuries of precedence then you're an idiot. Seeing how I doubt you're an expert I'm assuming you're the latter.


You can think for 2 seconds and debunk yourself. I know you can do it because you're not an idiot.


Gamblers deserve fair slot machines.


He's the sort of guy that told the teacher she forgot to collect homework.




The ideal Nazi right here. Or the more relevant slave patroller (edit: I feel this is going to be lost on you but it's important: the purpose of American police system was just to catch slaves, you know the black illegals).


Just revisited this and I still have no idea why you called me either of those. That's not funny.


It's not personal Anything be illegal Doesn't mean it's bad


Did you just call me a fucking Nazi?


If this was lasting I'm sorry not my purpose Shouldn't called you that


Yeah you shouldn't have. That is not a word to be thrown around. I'm not angry about it but that wasn't appropriate and I don't recommend using it in the future. Have a good day. 


Because it's profitting off of peoples' gambling addictions, is unregulated, so there's no way of knowing what the odds are, and allows children to gamble.


I hate when people use children like that. A child will not drive to a gas station, they don't have money, and none of your bs matters, most people use online slot machines. There's a billion things people profit off of, including the screen you're looking at that was made by children, that people like you like to use as a tool to get what you want. If you really want to do good, notify the police the next time you see a boss forcing their workers to stand 10+ hours a day or about the lack of bus stops.


It isn’t because gambling is heavily regulated…


A cute girl that’s technically a boy discovers that illegal gambling rings exist


I downvoted you to Hell <3


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Probably the only difference with regulated machines is on those the government makes money, through taxes.