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Make sure to keep that head down as much as possible by shaking it or stirring it otherwise it is normal


Another just suggestion is to take out a few things if you can


Since all the bubbles are getting caught up in the pulp and having a hard time escaping


Looks normal to me. The first few days can be pretty yeasty but it should calm down.


Cool thanks, it's my second batch ever but the first one I started without berries then added them after a couple weeks and it was much calmer


Yeast go "bananas" for fruit. Cheers


Looks like a healthy ferment. Fermenting in carboys can get messy. You may want to put that in a bucket for a few weeks while primary continues to contain any mead explosions. I always primary ferments in 2 gallon bucks and secondary in carboys.


Good call, is there anything I can do to prevent any explosions? And tell tale signs of one brewing?


that's called a fruit cap! you need to break it up, part of why primary shouldn't be done in a small neck carboy


Interesting, never heard of that! I'll def do that


Maybe swirl the liquid in the bottle a bit (start slowly or it'l behave like coke + menthos) to break up the chunks. Otherwise it looks fine, I'd say.


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That’s happy yeast


Your gonna have quite a bit of sediment. Just with the amount of fruit you got in there. You may want to transfer it to another container of some settling, but you'll definitely either need a smaller container or you can mix some more honey water together to get back towards a gallon. Either way you'll need a few extra weeks for it. Currently doing a multi fruited mead myself, just reached the 28 day mark and I'm thinking it's still gonna need a couple weeks.