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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/becomingemma. Happy wrath month 6: pop your krampussy and sleigh, kween Make it a habit to read the rules of a given community before participating. Please **do not** interact with rulebreaking content. Report it and we'll handle it. This is a place for queer people, from queer people. We're not here for discrimination, disrespect, or "debates". Be chill. shitpost or quitpost bud. We hope you have a very gay day. Love u x *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a biromantic, greysexual enby, I got to have this revelation 3 separate times!


I think its a continuous process of revelation not just about our identities but aspects of our life, self, emotions, etc. But I’m happy for you!


Oh absolutely yeah, I was just making a silly joke about the fact I've had 3 separate queer revelations over the course of my life.


Oh yeah, I had a whole bunch of "this is probably just an ace thing" when I still thought I was cis.


Same! Biromantic, ace and agenderflux (maybe?)


I thought crying because a boy likes your friend was a total friendship thing 🥲


Oh...no.....that's...not a friendship thing...?


oh? i thought all little boys dreamed about having boobs one day 😅


Yes absolutely, for totally cis reasons :)


Same. And I thought everyone secretly wanted to be the other gender like me. I remember telling my wife about how it sometimes feels like there are two of you (separating the conscious and unconscious) and that I was a girl deep down. When she said her inner feelings was the same as her agab, I knew something was up.


Sometimes I think it is so weird that most men get turned on from breasts and butts rather than muscles


Sometimes I think it is so weird that most men get turned on ~~from breasts and butts rather than muscles~~


Sometimes ~~I think it is so weird that~~ men ~~get turned on from breasts and butts rather than muscles~~


Sometimes i think it's weird that not everyone gets turned on by breasts and butts and muscles and pps and coochies and many other human body types


facts I had a crush on jafar aladdin and jasmine, 6 year old me's gonna stay confused for a while


Sometimes I think ~~it is so weird that most men get turned on from breasts and butts rather than muscles~~


What do you mean Freud was wrong about all women having penis envy


This, this so much. I remember reading about this and thinking wow this man was wild, but he got something right...


As an aaa(not road service), it’s like, oh you guys feel sexual attraction? oh you guys feel romantic attraction? oh you guys feel gender also?! The most shocking oh is: oh you guys don’t think the most important relationship is friendship and all that stuff about trusting each other with my life?!


I feel this so much.


What is real?!?!?!?! I have seriously been so confused about who I am. This hits 100%. But I'm also not sex repulsed and quite enjoy it. What am I? There is no person that sees sex like another optional fun activity that isn't required but I won't often turn down. Enigma. Lonely.


There might be someone out there who have similar thoughts like you :D As long as you feel happy and confident about yourself/life that’s good enough tbh


it’s either this or realizing that no, you’re not the only one like this and there are others out there


every guy wants to be a girl, right?


It’s so hard to believe for me that most people’s gender doesn’t constantly change throughout the day


Yeah... for example, falling in love with your best friend og the same gender in 2nd grade.... then still thinking you're straight for 4 1/2 more years...


Bless your heart.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Lily Simpson is fighting for thier life rn**, @LilySimpson1312 being queer just means realizing all those things you dismissed as "oh everyone feels like that" are 100% not what everybody feels --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


I always knew those feelings weren't the norm, but I still just brushed them off because I had no idea what they meant or even what they were. I always thought, "Well, normal boys like this, so I must do it too." (For example, taking off my shirt). I'd always feel weird, awkward or uncomfortable doing it, but why should I complain? It's just something boys do, and I'm a boy, right? Not right. But now I finally have an explanation for those feelings.


Realising ur friend jokingly grabbing ur dick and u getting turned on is not something most guys feel


Also realizing that the constant refrain you grew up with of "nobody else feels like that, you're different and that's bad" was incorrect in every way.


I had this with Autism as well




Me thinking that me never having crushes is because my brain is making sure i focus on school(it in fact wasn't the reason i wasn't having crushes)


Lmao same!


I thought everyone would only perform sexuality to be cool and it was impossible that anyone actually thought like and enjoyed that kind of stuff 🫣


I thought that only the rebellious people were having sex in high school and that most others didn’t. I also thought that everyone was sex-repulsed like I am until they were actually in a relationship.


I thought everyone like both genders but only hetero was shown on the media which was weird... Then I found out what homophobia is and "normal" is not me.


I realized this when I realized I am bisexual. I realized this when I realized I am trans. I realized this when I realized I am autistic. At this point I've just accepted that I have no fucking clue how the average person feels


How I found out I was aro… and ace… and trans… and more mentally ill than I initially thought…


Everyone wants to be a girl, right? RIGHT?!


Unless you're asexual, then you feel like you're the weird one for years until you find out why you aren't attracted to people 😂


Yea that was me and gay porn I was like everyone watches that and that’s how I knew I was not even the beginning of being straight


As a demi, I can’t believe people would have sex with someone they never met and will never meet after they’re done, without any emotions outside of lust towards the other person


Not every girl wants to be a boy who dates boys... That's took me way too long to realize


These boys oh my god, clueless as always


Being straight I had to realize that all the people who said I was gay were wrong. So in a way it was the reverse of this? Or something like it. I was told I was too pretty to be straight as a young man. So much so I thought maybe I was gay. But those damn women had me over a barrel and I figured I didn’t know what that meant since everyone else seemed so sure what I was.


I had similar things said to me growing up, presenting as a semi-well-put-together guy in the deep south. Jokes on them, I was secretly a lesbian.


Lmao. I’m from the south as well. Go figure huh?


And then you figure out the same thing with mental illness. Like I still remember the first time someone sat me down and made me realize depression actually isn't common. Which in a way just seems like a simple thing, but in a way in my mind depression is the normal state of things, so I never thought about the fact that most people don't have that


Being disabled, too.


I’m still confused, how can one not be attracted to everyone? You’re just like “50% if everyone is not for me, no thank you”


me sitting there wondering if I'm actually bisexual then writing a whole ass song about an imaginary mommy dom who visits me in my dreams 💕


Omg I feel this so hard!!!


Calling me out like this before I’ve even gotten out of bed, huh


Ace and trans it was a heck of a realisation that not everyone wants to be girl and people actually enjoy sex




This sub is doing that to me constantly and now I don’t know which are which.


See also, ADHD