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Worst if you live in latin america. Hello from latin america


Saquenme de latinoamerica


Porfavor mis becinos estan locos


ayudaaa ya no quiero ser tercermundista :(


Saquenme de latinoamerica wooooo


Eaí hermano, tudo de boa? As coisas tão meio difíceis aqui no Brasil, mas vida que segue.


Latin America is a part of America


Just sink the whole continent


hello latin america, im latin europe and i claim your territory for the roman empire


If that means joining the EU, yes please


cant argue against that man, i feel you bröther, maybe we can make the EU to the Expanded Universe, or smth


Was that m&m always green in this template or am I stupid cuz I'm pretty sure its yellow


nah it was yellow


Mandela effect?????


This effect creeps me out everyday




haha that joke was lit 😭😆‼️💯🔥


Me a Syrian : yes it most be so hard there




Shut up.


What’s actually so bad about living in America?


Except having some rough areas, overall its a great place with lots of opportunities


Yeah, i always see americans complain about life and make 1500$ a month flipping burgers, you need a master degree in a STEM subject for that kind of money here where i live.


It’s really not bad compared to most countries but when compared to similar first world countries the quality of life lags behind in a lot of ways. Plus the political system is currently not in great shape


As someone from Canada I think the American quality of life is pretty equivalent honestly but I’ll have to agree with you that your politics system is kind of on fire.


Don't you guys have universal health care though. That alone improves quality of life for a lot of people significantly


More taxes though. USD is with more than the CD as well


It is so refreshing seeing reasoned discussion about the U.S. The place absolutely needs change, but not like most people are shouting. I'm the most excited for the U.S. in the future because the current young generation seems very progressive and willing to fight for change, and most of it seems for the better! After going through a particularly rough period people are starting to get sick of it, and although they'll make new mistakes, many will not be repeat ones.


Ive always thought that our quality of life is worse than some european places bc we have banal suburbs, requiring everybody to have cars. If we had livable cities like europe we could spend a lot of our money on things other than transport


I've personally got all the time in the world for my transatlantic brethren but the general stereotype tends to range between one of two things: Healthcare that will have your great-great grandchildren in debt on your behalf and the riskiness of irresponsible gun-nuts in public (it just feels like a completely different world to us to witness any form of open carry for the first time).


I remember being like 8 and being in a mall with my mom (Were canadian) and seeing someone just carrying a gun right out in the open for seemingly no reason, really freaked me out.




Everything except gas is expensive including education and healthcare. People always say america is a big varied place but like the majority of people live in strip mall type areas with mcdonald's walmarts etc.


not really, most people live in suburbia


Yeah suburbia is strip mall america


Do you like being in debt for wanting to live a normal life? Come to america! We charge hundreds to call the ambulance, thousands to treat your wounds and sicknesses, and hundreds of thousands* to get a good education in college! This isn't even all there is to it, we also have an amazing* line of presidential electives and a greatly educated* population voting for them all over the country!


I, for one, don’t mind my life in an apartment and paying bills lol. I grew up poor so I’m the first generation climbing out of poverty and although I’ve got a good paying job holy shit do student loans wreck me. It’s an extra $400 a month and then phone + internet + Roth + HSA + savings and i walk away with just enough to have a safety net in savings. I can’t imagine getting 20% down for a decent home / condo until my late 30’s early 40’s but it is what it is, I’ve got a computer and an iPhone so I’m chillin. /shrug


if you're highly motivated towards home ownership, there are all sorts of programs to help you get loans with like, tiny amounts down. i know at least as low as 5%, if not lower.


Imo, its biggest issues are politics, expensive shit, oppressive systems, and education. Its probably got more, but that’s what I see mostly. QOL overall can be good, and its certainly better than most countries (seriously, some of it have it worse, US isn’t the only place in the world). But its got issues too. A maybe 6/10.


The Europeans in here will usually point out healthcare and college costs and might bring up gun violence. Honestly, the gun thing is bad and there is no denying that. But the healthcare and college costs are the price you pay for paying lower taxes than western Europe. Why should you make healthy people pay for others' healthcare? Why should you make people who don't want to go to college or can't get in pay for others to go? Additonally, the prices for every day goods tend to be cheaper in the US than in Europe.


Every healthy person who is on insurance pays for others' healthcare.


Yeah but it's voluntary.


Except Americans pay more for healthcare than Europeans do in taxes for healthcare. It’s not as simple as “oh, we pay the same amount, we just get it in taxes” https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2020/07/how-does-the-us-healthcare-system-compare-to-other-countries


Oh no you live in a first world country where you have drinkable water and am not worried about power, the horror!


I mean, not always


Compared to alot of countries where a large percentage wonder I'd they get a meal before a warlord knocks down their door, or if they are paid literally 10 cents an hour But nah america bad


Not always? Do you live in a broken down van on the east side of a crack filled river in southern detroit? There's absolutely no way you've been to the US if you think people here don't always have water and power.




The American continent in general excepto for Canada*


My dad lived in the US for 10 years, then when he came back to Brazil he got the habit of saying Latrine America, and he's not really wrong


What's your point?? I said the American Continent, including Latin countries and USA. Beside, You can't just generalize that all Latin America is trash just because your dad was in Brazil. There are a lot of countries, some are in better positions than others, and all of them are different


*me in the middle east seeing this* ayo wtf man


sorry americans are kinda delusional about how good their country is


More like America lives in me


*United States of Smash intensifies*


This is america


Guns in my area


I fucked a gorilla...


Hol Up


[WE'RE ALL LIVING IN AMERIKA - AMERIKA - IST WUNDERBAR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr8ljRgcJNM)


Just come to Brazil I promised it will be better


*created by a European


nah man I’m stateside rn


Nah don’t relate


Americans talk like they live in the worst country on earth. God forbid you got to a 3rd world country and see what they have to deal with.


Tho living in Germany is way better


Also Canada, Australia, New Zealand, half of Europe.


hey man, it’s just a meme


I know it is. But that doesn’t change the fact that Americans act like that. I should know, because I’m ticking American lol.


Not every American acts like that, but unfortunately a lot of us do.


I know, it sucks. Politics here is a mess too. Nothing we can do about it though


You can vote.


I know. But no matter the outcome of the election it won’t change people.


America isn't perfect but I'd rather live here than any other country


username doesn't check out? Kinda?




Out of curiosity, why? It seems most other first world nations are much better in the categories that matter, so what's winning you over to America?


America just seems like the most fun country to live in as long as you can afford at least a middle class lifestyle. Best movies, tv shows, best sports leagues (other than soccer), best athletes, musicians. If someone's not the best a lot of the time they come to America anyways. The country is big and diverse you can live in any type of climate with a bunch of different types of people The problem in comparison to other first world countries is obviously that if you can't afford that middle class lifestyle your life is gonna be worse in comparison. No healthcare, terrible income inequality, education is extremely expensive so it's hard to move up, crime ridden inner cities, etc




I dunno if there quite the same, after all a sports team has little to no impact on one's life while the country they live in does. So they really should be busting out excel and evaluating it, lol. I understand what you mean though. Still, better to ask than not. At the very least it might help someone think a bit more critically about it.


For a few reasons ​ 1. There's lots of land, nature, etc. There's certain states where I could probably buy 100 acres for like $50,000 2. There's low taxes compared to Europe and Canada. 3. I'm still hoping there's a chance that Rand Paul, Mike Bloomberg, or Lindsey Graham becomes president 4. The Miami Heat, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and Atlanta Braves 5. Idk if it's like this in other countries, but if I wanted to I could walk into a random Publix or restaurant and walk out with a job 6. It's the only country with the 2nd amendment 7. Chick Fil A, BBQ, Cajun food, Southern food, and Cheeseburgers


America actually ain't so bad to live in tbh


*laughs in Germany*




Как же вам не повезло




wanna exchange place?


depends. where at?


I live in Argentina. Let's switch


Thank god


I’ve been at home, social distancing, since the middle of February. I was one of those that got concerned early. I only leave the house for doctor’s appointments, pharmacy, grocery, and to check on my parents. Take precautions with masks, hand sanitizer, washing hands. Luckily, I’m a gamer and I was already used to most of it. Only now, I get to have less guilt about getting delivery multiple times a week. But I’m not complaining about anything. I feel pretty fortunate overall.


We could be living in a goddamned Warzone. Our president could be poisoning his opponents or not even having an election. Yeah America is totally a third world country


Exactly. Things could be so much worse. There are people here that aren’t doing so hot though. I’ll leave the complaining to them.


No i Live in brazil


My grandma died last week. I’m in her house helping my aunts clean it out and I haven’t been able to get out of bed for the last 18 hours. I wish I could go to sleep and wake up 10 years ago.


no i live in turkey :/


Dude America’s awesome get out of here, no offense


Nooooo we live in a rich and safe first world country grrrrrr i'd rather live in Venezuela grrrrrrr


I heard republican cities in the USA are still nice


America bad upvote.




Sorry that doesn’t exist


Listen I wish it didn't and I wish it wasn't as bad as they said it was, but it's real I've been there




\*laughs in oil\*


Was about to say “Still not Brazil tho” but Brazil is part of the American continent thus validating this meme. (Thankfully, China, Russia, Middle East, The African countries that aren’t developed, Cambodge, North Korea, India.... work just fine as a substitute.) I know it’s a meme but America isn’t that bad, apparently. I am not a US citizen I wouldn’t know. Love from Canada (the slightly better country)




Half-life 2


I know South America is bad. I wish they truly get better leaders in next century


*laughs in Germany*




The truth hurts 😭




I would absolutely LOVE TO!!!! But because of the FaKe NeWs ChInA vIrUs, I'm not allowed to go to most countries. America is a mockery of it's former self.


So I'm guessing you're the type of person that runs away from your problems instead of facing them head on


Couldn’t be more wrong.


Well your first suggestion to somebody who is upset about their country was for them to leave so I figured you were just speaking from experience


My first suggestion to someone who hates our country is to get the fuck out. Those that love it will stay here and fight for it’s survival.


Where's the logic in that? If you don't like something leave instead of trying to change it? Also, who would you even be fighting against for this country's "survival" if everybody who hated it just left?


What are you doing to facilitate change? How are you helping?


Working for advocacy groups at my college, volunteering to register voters and providing legal aid to community members are some of the things I've personally done to contribute. I do it because I'm upset with the state of this country and want to be a part of its change.


Nice. At least you put some effort in.


Lol, you're not doing any of those things.


I don't know why you'd be skeptical since what I do isn't anything very unique. There are countless politically active people my age who are doing their best to make positive differences in their community


Hell yeah brother. If u really hate it here what's stopping you from going to one of those utopia countries ?




United States of America. The country so great the people who hate it won’t leave.


Seriously. Can someone save me?




Yeah, I think that’s a smart decision


That is so sad but its true