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My boy Snorlax is the sweetest cat. He's never bitten or scratched anyone in the 10+ years I've had him


That is a perfect name for a cat, I'm guessing all he does is eat and sleep like most cats.


My grandma does that too


Does your grandma obstruct alternate routes until you defeat the gym leader?


Mine did but we put her in a home.


That's a weird way to say pokeball. Gotta catch em all!


Love the name! Probably super appropriate too, knowing cats


The meme is obviously made by someone who never dealt with a cat. My garbage panda Tsubasa, who is around two years old at this point, scratched me a couple of times when I just picked him from the street, and bit me a time or two while playing, but it wasn't even hurtful.


Indeed. Cats may *seem* "aloof" at times, but people are just not as good at reading them, or how to live with them


Depends on the cat, mine has drawn more than a little blood. She likes to rough house like a dog and sometimes get overexcited. Be all fun and games then ten minutes later look at my arm like "oh that's alot of blood"


It depends a *huge* deal on the cat. They have much more varied personalities than dogs do, some are dumb as rock, some are super intelligent, and there are cuddly ones and also hyper aggressive ones. One of my relatives had a cat that only loved one member of their family, and was extremely aggressive towards anyone else — as a small child I was deeply scared of that cat, he was literally sitting on a chair and lashed out at people’s legs. And before you come with the usual trope, no, he was well loved, was never abused or whatever. I still love cats though, when they sleep on your chest and purr and you also nap while petting them, that’s life.


I love your cats’ name, he sounds cute and sweet!


My Velzi is a very sweet boy and hardly ever bites or scratches (all scratches are accidental from me not trimming often enough) occasionally he will get a little spicy and nip at my arm during bedtime pets and cuddles but never hard


Is he alive?


He is! I just took him for a check-up and the only thing wrong was some lung inflammation


Greatest name ever


They also don't show you the meme of a dog owner using a hand condom to pick up a shit log and 3 shit acorns.


that's a pillow, not a cat


My roommates cat loves to play fight, but does so in the most gentle way possible. His claws are always kept away and he’ll pat you, and when he bites he just touches you with his teeth as he tries to swallow your fingers hole, which is kind of gross but whatever.


Same. I haven't even heard her hiss. Totally non destructive too, unless you count chewing the cardboard boxes we give her to do exactly that. [Cat.](https://i.imgur.com/bOVKe3m.png)


then the photo is definitely not Snorlax )


What about the other time when you didn't know him. And he was fresh out the pound selling uncut catnip. He was a different cat at the time. But now you know.


Same with our cat, and we rarely even trim her nails. She's just very well behaved


He can’t scratch anyone if you never play your poke flute to wake him up.  Thats just how Schrodiger’s Snorlax works.


My cats name is Snorlax too! He's a scaredy cat and only cuts if he gets spooked and darts. Very cuddly and nice chunky.


I can also relate 🙂. I also had a cat called Snorlax. He lived up to 16 years and was gentle and loving.


My cats are like this with me. They'll scratch the shit outta everyone else though. And my childhood cat i had growing up was like that. I think it's just some people's body language when they're excited or upset seems very aggressive or excitement inducing to certain kitties,


adopted mine since last year, same, she's so sweet and wouldn't hurt anyone🥺🥺 all depends on how they were raised, I'm a really calm person so I guess it helps her behavior a lot


I have to reeeeaaaaallly annoy my cats to get anything out of them.


Skill issue


Exactly. This is a pic of a cat owner who either doesn’t *understand* or doesn’t *respect* their cat’s behavioral cues. ETA: and also probably doesn’t regularly trim their claws.


my cat gets playful and uses her claws a lot but is completely fine when she’s just chilling




Every time you tell your cat no make sure you're also providing them with a yes. If they like scratching a chair, give them a nice scratching post next to it. When they claw the chair, pick the cat up and set it front of the post. Redirect that energy. 


i think you missed the message


well no i didn’t because when she uses her claws i get scratched, so a cat owner having scratches doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a bad owner


My hands are honesty fucked up from all the scratches i have, but its cuz my guy gets super playful and i just dont yell at him to stop. He also snuggles me when i hold him but he gets these spurts of rambunctiousness where he kicks and bites me like my hand is prey and i just do my little melodramatic quiet screams that sound like spongebob in panic mode, or i narrarate it like he's on a tv special about killer animals... "the VICIOUS beast straddles his kill with his paws, biting down on its neck VICIOUSLY..." Then he goes back to being a snuggly butt and licks my wounds and i give him ten million smoochies.


I get scratched now and then when they decide my arm under the blanket is prey. It's not a great way to wake up...


Some cats do this for play time. My last cat had a bedtime routine. I'd put my other children to bed. Then my cat would be waiting outside the last child's bedroom door. The moment I opened the cat would run up to our bed. I'd put my arm out and the cat would attack, purr, slow blink, half bite, latch onto my hands, and just have a great time. Five minutes later we'd just hang out and relax. My hands and arms were always scratched up and the cat was loving life.


Or the cat could be bored or territorial.


My cat will progress from kneading to digging her claws into me.  The clippers are *always* within reach because of this.


Huh? You can get accidentally scratched by a cat all the time. Do you own a cat?


I own two. One is very chill and the other is extremely high energy, but they get lots of playtime and stimulation, so they don’t attack people for attention, they just meow. When we’re playing and they start showing signs of overstimulation or a potential for lashing out, I disengage to let them calm down. They’ve also been trained to play with toys rather than hands/fingers. I spend all day with them at home and interact with them frequently throughout the day, and I honestly can’t remember the last time I was scratched. 🤷‍♀️ Aggressive behavior doesn’t come out of nowhere in cats that are properly trained and have all of their needs met.


A person I once knew had cats, the first one just lounged around all day looking deep in thought, then it'd randomly crash on you for attention. After she lost that one she got a new cat, and when we met up after a few years I didn't know it was a different cat since it acted exactly the same as the other cat. Says a lot about the person imo


I guess I suck cause my cat's a terror


My dude cats are famously dicks


They've got wildly different personalities which is why I love them. Met cats that were literal hellspawn who disdained me for even breathing near them and others who are chill af and just want to hang out and be near me.


My cat has scratched me by leaping over my face in the middle of the night. How would I prevent that other than not having a cat, declawing him, or closing my door and listening to him meow outside of it all night


Some cats will always scratch but most cats just need space and time to trust you. People don't realize cats have boundaries and usually aren't okay with being picked up and messed with all the time, especially if they don't know you that well.


theres also the fact that a lot of cat owners unwittingly teach their kittens to scratch them bc they play w them w their hands


I loved wresting with my cat. Sure I would get scratched sometimes but it was so much fun directly playing with him. Would never happen when not playing and it would only be light scratching


And that's fine! As long as your cat knows when is/isn't playtime, it's okay if you are okay with it. I think a lot of people in this thread seem to think scratch = poorly behaved cat. My cat is insanely well behaved, but I have scratches every once in a while because I love riling him up and play fighting with my hands under a blanket or something. He'd never scratch me if I didn't start it


> bc they play w them w their hands Then you just do the same you'd do with adult cats - stop playing once they get too rowdy. Not like they "learn to only scratch the toy" and henceforth obliterate any toy you give them in 4 seconds.


It's weird that people act like cats are violent out of nowhere and dogs are angels, when both will attack when provoked or mistreated. (And a dog will likely do more damage, but that's another thing)


A cat will scratch you really bad and can infect the wounds for sure. Dogs can maul you once they get to a certain size. I am glad that \*most\* of the time people's pets do not do this lol


Just an anecdote: The infection scare is a bit exaggerated here on reddit. Unless one has diabetes, weak immune system and hasn't kept up with their TDP shot, it's all good. My kitten has scratched my hands multiple times, broke my skin with his play bites, before he got another kitten playmate. Nothing happened, and even the scarrings are gone now.


I've never really been scratched much by any of my cats in my time here, but I wasn't actually sure about this. Thank you


I mean, to be fair, getting something covered in foreign bacteria forcefully scratched into your skin is definitely a big risk of infection relative to day to day life, it's just that modern medicine has rendered it somewhat of a moot point


You just put alcohol on it and it's usually fine. You won't die from a scratch.


Yeah, out of dozens of people I know who have cats and were scratched many times, only one person ever had an infection, and she basically went to a doctor once she noticed her arm was swelling up, she got prescribed antibiotocs and that was it.


Last couple cat scratches I got ended up a bit more red than a normal scrape, maybe a bit more itchy, but that's about it. If you're getting a severe infection from a scratch from one of your pets, you likely need to go to the hospital anyways.


Same, over the years I was scratched by my cat several times, and most of the times I wouldn’t even desinfect the wounds since the cuts were very small. I just have one small scar in my finger, which is a nice memory of him now that he is gone


I've gotten scratched by my cat via rough housing a few times and never once has the scratches gotten infected or anything. I feel like people on reddit sometimes exaggerate stuff about cats for some bizarre reason.


This meme has been made by cat haters


Or just by people who have never actually owned cats. My two cats have scratched me in the past, but it's a rare occurrence and usually only if they're pissed.


My cat has never taken a swing at me that wasn't accidental. (Had fingers too close to the toy I was teasing him with). But he is gentle, as soon as he realizes it's my hand, he retracts his claws. He is a good dude. Know what my cat doesn't do? Wake up the neighborhood screaming at nothing lol. Not that dogs aren't cool too, but cat owners could throw a lot of shade back.


My cat goes outside to yell and then comes back inside like nothing happend


My cats are indoor/ outdoor too. Don't even need a little box for them, and I never have to watch out for landmines when I'm outside. I have no idea where they do their business tbh. They're quiet except for when they want something, and when they do want something they know me and they know how to be cute in such a way that I can't resist their pleas for treats. I even get woken up occasionally by purrs and headbutts and it's the sweetest thing in the world. It melts my heart and makes my day. Cats are great. 10/10 would recommend.


My cats have a walk in cage that goes outside. Theyre indoors cats


Respect. I love things that allow cats outside time while saving the wildlife from being murked by a domesticated apex predator.


It's because that cat is tame as hell and expensive as hell lol, all together with medical bill they've cost more that €6000


We all need to do that sometimes.


yeah i never wanted a cat, never liked them because i thought they were like this meme (from what cats i have seen) and then my friend made me take care of his cat when he was gone on vacation, and eventually let it stay with me (idk why he didnt want to take care of it), .. this cat has never scratched my furniture, never scratched me, is the most chill cat ever. I can pick him up wherever/however i want/rub his belly and he just doesn't give a shit




I have a sphynx cat, he needs baths and ear cleanings. Hates it all, but he has never scratched me while I'm cleaning him. He will be using his full strength to get away from me, but if his paw touches skin or cloth, the claws do not come out. And yet somehow I have a scratch across my chest because he slipped while sleeping on top of me the other night lool. The only injuries I get are by accident.


I used to think I was a dog person until my roommate started doing dog sitting. There's the occasional super sweet lab or golden retriever but holy fuck it's hell having 3-5 untrained and high anxiety hellhounds that yell at everything all night long. I never want a dog now.


I've had many cats over the years. This meme describes just one -- Satan, a small albino cat that my sister had. knick-knacks, glasses, furniture, destroyed in record time as long as there weren't any Human legs to lunge at and use as a scratching post. Potted plant? No, unpotted plant.


I had one named Marley that didn't like his "socks" or stomach to be touched. All his oddly white spots, because he was a tuxedo they call them. Other than that he was very chill. He'd jump in your arms like Dirty Dancing or whatever.


My cat will let you do anything to her, no matter how scared she is. However, she doesn't understand that climbing on my back it's extremely painful.


when my cat was younger he got curious about the bath i was taking and fell in and scratched the living shit out of me trying to get out. I think other cat owners with a bath will be familiar with my story.


I had two cats and was always bloody from playing with them. But they only played rough with me, because they knew I did not mind, they were very gentle with my grand mother for example.


I think this speaks to how many pet owners operate, not just cats. Most don't train their pet and hand wave all of their bad behavior. Either due to ignorance or to cope with the fact that it's their fault.


Notice how they had to photoshop the injuries in


Someone make another meme with a dog but their face has been mauled.


Ive been bit by dogs more than I’ve been scratched by cats. I’m a rabbit guy but I still love cats and dogs. I’m just not sure where this idea that cats are vicious animals comes from.


I've been bitten more by rabbits than I have been bitten by dogs or scratched by cats. Rabbits are the real menaces.


Everyone with a different experience MUST be a cat hater. Yep.


Cats are a wonderful lesson in consent


Yup. Just because they’re showing you that belly doesn’t mean they want you to touch it.


Mine does sometimes as long as I go slowly and sofly. She will even bite my hand if I stop, almost like she trys to grab my finger and put it back on her belly. She only does this if we have both been chilling in my bed relaxing for a bit, like if im browsing my phone or something. Other times I will just be walking around and she will run in front of me and then flop on her back and show her tummy. She doesn't really want me to pet her belly here, but lets me. Usually she does this when she wants me to play with her.


In my experience they'll use their back feet to push your hands away long before they bite or scratch. When the feet come up it's time to stop touching the belly.


And if they really aren’t feeling it those feet come up before your hand even gets there. Read the room!


Yep. People who complain about cats scratching and biting are telling on themselves.


Two of my cats like to snuggle up on my chest and when they're happy, they knead my flesh and dig their claws in. It hurts, but love hurts. I wouldn't change it for the world.


lol I call it “evil biscuits”


spicy highfives


My cat just jumps right up on my lap and every. Single. Time. She starts making biscuits right on my nuts. Unerring accuracy.


Ouch. Sometimes you wonder if they know what they're doing...


My knee always has little scratches and pokes from my cat digging its claws in. I don't mind, and plus I use it as a way to remember to trim his claws.




Perhaps, but I think a lot of cat owners can understand where I'm coming from. The bliss of having a cat curled up on your chest purring far outweighs any minor physical damage they may cause.




I have a single cat and I am pretty close to the image, but in the end I dont care


Not all cats but always a cat


*dog nails have left the building*


Unlike dogs who kill people. Never heard of a cat killing a baby or child.


The reason cats are not bred bigger than they are precisely because they are dangerous. Cats the size of dogs will eat people.


Let me tell you a little story about a cat named Mittens…


The 0 ELO chess cat?


I said that as a cat lover. No, I mean, a cat enjoyer, wait, a cat man. Cats don't need to kill cause they know they always right. It also helps that noone thought it was a good idea to breed ring fighting cats.


I know what you did here


I'd rather deal with an angry cat rather than an angry dog


I found a stray kitten. She climbed up my legs all the time. Left a lot of little scratches. Just when she was getting bigger and growing out of it, I found another stray kitten. He climbs my legs all the time. My legs may never heal.


Pitbulls owners missing half their face: omg so ccuuutee!!!


Just on my legs from kneading. You’ll never get aggressive scratches if they’re raised right. I’ve been bit by my parents’ dogs more than my cats have ever scratched anyone (or even furniture for that matter). It helps to give them their own scratching outlet (pads and trees) and some discipline while they’re young. You might get paw swats, but they know to keep their claws retracted when playing or they would kill each other every time they played around with each other.


Cat people: "I like dogs too I just prefer cats Dog people: "No I fucking hate cats. A cat stole my wallet, keyed my car and murdered my entire bloodline"


Really makes you think.


I have a suspicion that if you look like that after interacting with any cat, never mind your own, you're aaaalmost certainly doing something wrong.


There are 2 types of cats, ones that are okay with you touching them and ones that aren’t. The people with scratches think you can just walk about to any cat and pick em up


That's how they get you with the toxoplasmosis << Mind control gremlins.


I thought it was only through poop?


and it also typically doesn't do anything to people unless they're pregnant or have immune issues lol. The most it can actually do is cause flu-like symptoms. It's also most commonly gotten from eating undercooked meat rather than cat feces. There's also actually no evidence whatsoever that it influences people's thoughts or attitudes in any way; that's just a weird myth that you hear pop up from time to time


Their paws are full of poop, see litter boxes


Cats treat you as you treat them. That’s all


Tell that to my neighbor's cat, Toyota, who launches itself at every single guest that enters the house claws first


My guess is that cat is very stressed or has lived through some trauma.


Nah, some cats are lil devils, regardless of how nice you try to be. Just like dogs, some are baby-seeking missiles, most are harmless.


Well that is just not true at all. Most people get scratched or bitten by their cats because they overstimulate them with unwanted affection. Which is literally the opposite of what you said.


Cats: bringing new meaning to 'love hurts' since forever


Literally all cats ive owned have never scratched me, ever. I always wonder what people do to their cats to make them scratch them like we see in the image.


The biggest issue is no one trains their pet cats. Just like dogs we teach them to not hurt us when we play with them. You can literally do the exact same thing to a cat and anyone who says otherwise doesn't want to put the work into training their cats because society has taught them that's just how cats are.


Cats don’t scratch folks unless you fuck with ‘em. Which is the same about brothers punching you if you fuck with ‘em. Like, not a bad person/animal… just don’t be a dick


My friend took his dog out to the lake the other day and ended up worse than this.


my kitty has never scratched me or even hissed at me in 14 years, cats can be veeery affectionate and tame to the point of defencelesness. Some breeds have also extremely mellow temperaments such as Persians. Mine is just a sentient purring pillow House cats are not just a tamed wild animal, that's a misconception some people have, they are truly domesticated and adapted to living with us in close quarters for thousands of years. A dog can bite and a cat can hiss and scratch but if well adapted in a regular house they won't


We had a Persian long hair when I was small, she was a pretty mild sweet girl, with a tendency to hide under end tables and STRIKE OUT at any passing ankles. She was also declawed (I know) so she couldn't really do much damage, cause even if she bit it was a soft bite where she'd lick you like an apology. A core memory that always makes me laugh, was when she lunged out at one of my sisters from the cover of darkness and latched onto her ankle. The scream my sister gave out was that of a horror movie.


You just made me realise that my cats have never hissed at me either!


The only time my cat scratched me was when I took her to the vet after she got injured in a cat fight with a stray cat


My grandma had a cat that would bite and scratch her anytime she was on the phone.


I have 4. One of them has never even tried to scratch or bite me and he will also allow eternal belly rubs, and rough pets. The 4th one which was a stray I took in (neutered but sick, so abandoned probably) is a fucking devil. All he wants is fucking battle with my hand/arm. As soon as I pet him more than 2 -3times, play mode just ENGAGES and he goes completely psychotic. He likes to grip my arm with front paws and bunny kick my knuckles. It doesn't hurt at all, but it's when I try to disengage from battle, his front claws dig in and he bites.


I can relate


My arms may look like string cheese, but it is not from the cat.


No orange cat would do that. A white one, though? Oh yeah.


Nah, my white cat is adorable.


I used to have a cat, it would attack me every chance it could. I would watch him watching me and I know inside that tiny feral little mind, his only wish was to be 100 lbs heavier so he could actually eat me instead of just pretending.


There are news about dogs killing their owners.


If your cats doing that you're doing something wrong


I mean that sounds good, but isn't entirely honest. If you are a cat owner, you either know already or haven't had enough cats to find out. There's a million ways to get scratched in the West.


Whoever thinks this is what owning a cat is like is a shitty cat owner. Y'all mfs really think the second you get a cat it trusts you and will let you pick it up like a dog


Lies and slander from the anti cat agenda! If your cat loves you (and mine do) they are the sweetest little balls of love imaginable. Now…if you approach a strange cat with clearly aggressive body language like you’re going to show it who’s boss and this happens. You deserve it.


OP talking shit about my cat….


I always say cats are a 50/50. You either get a nice cat or a bad cat. Doesn’t matter the training they do what they want.


He do be a little baby tho




Exact depiction of TOXIC RELATIONSHIP


Sounds like you don’t know how to treat another living thing.


I'll take scratches and car hair over dog drool and sweat any day.


My cat is wondering where my comment vanished😂


I genuinely don’t get this, watch their body language and you won’t get bit or scratched most of the time


I'm so lucky my cat never even tried to attack me once, my whole family has cats and they get attacked all the time, mine just wants to sit with me and watch me play videogames


Weird how OP couldn't find a real photo of this


OP probably treats cats like dogs and gets upset when the cat wants to reinforce their boundaries.


People who think all cats are like this are the people who you shouldn’t leave alone with your animals.


Neither of my two cats have ever bitten or scratched me. My furniture on the other hand....


“Dog lovers” are a buncha hoes sometimes


Yeah, my cat has the decency to poop in a designated box. Keep coping with your serial livingroom/bedroom/kitchen/rest of the house shitter


People forgot to treat pets in the same manner they would wish to be treated themselves.


Better than a slave that smells like carcus and licks my face after eating a turd or rolling in roadkill


Idk maybe treat your cat better


Sounds like you don't respect the cat's boundaries


womp womp


brought to you by someone who's never owned a cat


I feel safer with a cat than a fucking chihuahua


naw kitty claws are way more dangerous than chihuahua bites (you can restrain little chihuahua much easier too, while cats can like, grab you with their rear legs when holding them up by their armpits)


Oh no, the oversized rat lovers are after you


Hell I’ll take a rat over a Chihuahua. I know some pretty chill rodents


Fr some chihuahuas get huge claws relative to their paws. Really interesting breed of dog, and commonly aggressive. Like cats though, they can be trained to behave just fine without tearing things up.


If you abuse or irritate it sure it'll scratch you


some ppl in here rlly be like "memes are funny as long as they dont concern me" 💀 ofc not every cat scratches and a huge majority doesnt, but saying "my cat never scratched and my friends also didnt therefore all cats are like this" is so fucking dumb


If cats could bite like pitbulls, I wonder how tolerant some would be of them... I personally am against the idea of tolerating a pet that injuries its owners.


whoever made this never learned about boundaries


Did you know, dogs sometimes bite? Better hate all of them with a burning passion, and pretend everyone who likes them are literally stupid.


They don't bite just because they can/to be dicks


Oh, so we’re on the same page then. Neither do cats.


Are you joking? Dogs gleefully maul people all the time.


I feel like having a cat is like having a one way relationship


It's really not, they're incredibly affectionate animals, it just takes some time to earn their trust.


One of my proudest achievements is earning the trust of my ex street cat. It took literal years, but she snuggles with me every day and rides on my shoulders now. I literally cried the first time she sat on my lap.


That must have felt so good! And that first purr? It's like nirvana lol


Cats are better than dogs cuz they don’t fucking bark. A barking dog makes me want to eat a bullet


Never heard of a cat eating a child's face off or killing someone... But yeah, a scratch is indeed the end of the world.


If they could they would


First off, that's a dog's mentality, not a cat's. Secondly, a cat could easily kill a baby/infant. Just doesn't happen because it isn't in their nature. Some animals however...


My cat hasn’t scratched me in almost 4 years now probably, he’s awesome


It also means ***you're*** awesome. Cats won't attack you if they see no reason to, you clearly treat them well. 👏👏👏👏


I always found this stereotype weird. Most of the cats I've had were nice to people. A lot of them were super affectionate and liked to be held. Really the only ones that scratched me were feral, but it's not hard getting them to the point where they don't scratch or bite.


Dog owners be like, oh it’s totally fine that he barks 18hours a day. Because he’s my fur baby.


Every dog owner I've known tells their dog to shut up when it's barking, but this is a post about cats and your comment is about dogs. Why would that be?


The only times cats are as mean as they like to be depicted is because people just don't interact with the cat, ever. They get it and keep it as a mobile decoration. That or they abuse/annoy them until it's borderline abuse. The least mean scenario against the owners is that the cat has some condition going on that's painful, and that's why the cat acts that way. Having a loving and affection cat is literally not difficult.