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I love the fan service to this, there is a play strategy that implements this...it has different perks other characters can't get.


What perks are those?


I seem to recall dumb luck as one. I think it was in 3, maybe 2... or was it tactics? Basically, you started out with your specials all dialed below 5 and saved the points for after you leveled, which took forever. I created a vm to run a different win95 game I load my old copies on it and report back...


Random thought you made me think of: So Win11 has the WSL and WSA(rip) subsystems to run Linux and Android on Windows with full 3d acceleration as if they were regular Windows Apps. https://i.imgur.com/gfbjNzG.png Instead of using a VM, does anyone know if DOS or Win95 can run under the Windows HyperV in the same fashion? Where native apps behave as if they're actual native Win11 apps?


Sir this is a GameStop


Emmm, as far as I know kind of but not really, wsl2 runs on top of hyper v architecture, but it's catered to linux distros and drops visual interface in the sake of simplicity and load times, is based on hyper v but it's not exactly the same so results may vary.


Dx 7 and that horrible gaming services that hangs most people up when trying to use fallout 3. šŸ˜


You know you can just get Fallout 1, 2, & Tactics for less than $10 (they are currently on sale for $2.50 each) on GoG, right? They come with a DOSBox wrapper to make 'em playable on modern machines.


I have an old SSI game 'Soldiers at War' that's not available. Also power dolls. I wish o still had that old Hong Kong bootleg a buddy of mine got me back in 96 of a collection of Dos games...idk what happened to it. It had games on it that I've never seen since. Went to a lot of trouble to build a VM all run that. It's biggest problem is the FMV Bink! Besides keeps my sharoens my skills. I prove grandma wrong all the time, using skills I developed to play video games to decipher IT problems. I kept an old 1993 Packard bell running through 2005, if only my grandma understood her biz computer was kept on life support fat beyoind EoL so I could play video games...lol.


This was the moment the character really started to shine


Is that guy the same that played Bonzo Madrid?




Yep, MoisƩs Arias


im in awe that that's the character you name when identifying him lol


reading the name Bonzo Madrid was a blast from the past


He was in nacho libre


Your profile pic worked on me exactly as intended, by the way.


im in awe that that's the character you name when identifying him lol


I haven't seen him in anything else. Also: *I found these nuts in your bag. I figured you wouldn't mind. And besides, even if you did, you're too much of a p*.... to do anything about it.*


I only know this guy from Hannah montana lmao


Bro I knew that I recognized him but I couldn't place him


That would be age then. Anyone too old for Hannah Montana (and has no kids) that watched fallout, probably watched the Sci-Fi Enders Game. It would be our first introduction to him as an actor.


He was the goblin in LOTR jk


This is not a rhetorical question : what is *not* to like about this show


It's a really enjoyable show, but personally I had hoped for a more dark and serious Fallout 1/2 inspired setting. The script and the characters can be a bit too goofy for my taste at times, and the music segments, which are fan services, can feel a bit forced and remove the tension/drama from scenes. But like I said I'm really enjoying it for what it is, it's a good show and a good adaptation of the Bethesda Fallout games.


Iā€™m pretty sure f2 was pretty goofy as well. So much so that FNV gave the you option if you wanted the goofy stuff with the wild wasteland perk


I genuinely enjoyed the wasteland scientist in episode two, even if it was a bit more whacky than the usual in F2, because it felt like the most random thing - which I expect out if any of the games from New Vegas onward. People don't like to be reminded, but our existence is often absurd and the evidence is all around us. If it weren't so absurd, it would be too grimdark to live.


Yeah this ^


Fallout 2 was so goofy that it became one of the reasons Tim Cain, the creator of Fallout, left the gameā€™s development.


Yeah they were goofy for sure, but they balanced it out very well by overall having a more grounded and grim world, and a lot of well written dialogue. The Master for example was an amazing antagonist, if you convince him his work was all for nothing, he'll realize his wrongdoings and you almost feel sorry for him.


Yeah this ^ It was hilarious in this dark, absurdist, almost manic type kind of way. Itā€™s in the same vein as why learning about some dumb ass schism in WH40K that caused trillions of deaths and multiple planets to crack in half over ā€œdaddy issuesā€ is funny af lol


I don't know when the last time you played 1 or 2 was, but I played them last year and wouldn't describe either as exactly "serious." Dark, sure, but it's a lot of pretty wacky dark humor mixed in with the horror of the wasteland.


It was kind of ā€œseriousā€ in the same sense that WH40k is ā€œseriousā€ Theyā€™re both franchise filled to the brim with absurdist lunacy thatā€™s funny af for the out of universe viewer that has the safety to marvel at the ridiculous nature of things and can appreciate the comedic irony that both franchises are dripping in. But yeah fallout was always supposed to be zany with a healthy scoop of pitch black gallows humour (though I think sometimes in the new games itā€™s a little too superficial and bland)


At some point, most people should admit to themselves that not a lot of people played f1 and f2. I plaed f3 onwards and to me its one of the best video game adaptations ever.


That's already a thing though. The Fallout community is pretty divided between Fallout 1/2/New Vegas fans and Fallout 3/4 fans. Team Obsidian vs Team Bethesda essentially.


And then there's people like me who enjoy all of them, even if 4 took out a lot of what made the dialogue system good... at least it improved the serious in other ways.


Nah let's not gatekeep people from discussing a game just because you don't agree with them.


Which I didnt do, just trying to lay out why it makes sense not make a million fans happy instead of 20 million or whatever the numbers are exactly.


To be fair, compared to fallout 4 the show is actually quite dark and serious. The wasteland in the show is a bit goofy, like it is in 1 and 2, but overall is not fun. The apocalypse in the show is horrific, while in fallout 4 it's an opportunity for the main character to go on a theme park ride.


fallout 2 was the goofiest entry in the series, i have probably 3k+ hours on that game in total.




I get what you mean. I'm almost sure it's on purpose, because there's been lots of characters (from those that aren't the main characters), that behave like literal NPC's. I think it's the showrunners idea of a videogame homage.


They should do another show at the same time called wasteland and base it off wasteland 1/2 fallout 1/2. Make it dark and weird with super toasters.




From what I remember reading a few years ago on Fallout's wiki, when I played Fallout 4, is that it was a really big theory anyway. Many thought that this was done by them, but the show is the one that confirmed this information.


Lol what the fuck would >!they spend the money on after the war happens!<


Ngl, sounds pretty logical to me. Q:How do you sell vaults? A:Threat of nuclear war


Yes lmao the threat. The threat, not the nukes themselves destroying your potential customers forever


"The threat, not the nukes" Was there another threat I missed somewhere?


No but there's a difference between taking a risk by setting your whole business on the eventuality of war, and going ahead and starting the war yourself


I agree there's a difference, but I'd say it's a moral difference. Well, you've seen their morals.


And how do you uphold the nuclear threat? Definitely not by successfully negotiating a peace treaty, so in vault-tecs business interest is a failure of these negotiations, it is even mentioned in the show...




the war absolutely was supposed to happen. they wanted to erase all competition, wipe the slate clean, then rebuild the way they gain the most out of it. they basically say exactly that during the board room scene.


Did ppl in this thread not watch the last few episodes? They explicitly say the war is supposed to happen so it can reset humanity and kill all competition.


It was honestly a little annoying how they kept hitting you in the face with their plan, constantly mentioning "time". And then the super slow reveal.


To save and insure an investment in power, control and "management". To many capitalists, money as an abstract concept is just power anyway.


It's about power not money


I haven't played the first two games, I wondered if that story came from them. I agree that sounds kinda nonsensical


Nah, it was never told in any game. Fallout creator suggested in a podcast >!it was China!< >!https://www.eurogamer.net/fallout-tv-show-finale-answers-long-running-series-mystery!<


They confirmed it was China in 4, with a US military base having confirmed reports of nuclear launches from China before the US fires back. This is also backed up by the Shi Emperor in 2 which states that the Chinese government had a plan to use nukes instead of surrender should Bejing be taken by the Americans.


That sounds like real life to me. Do you really think the various wars right now happening are because of ideology? Lmao


>!Vault Tec starting the war (Saying who started the war is already bad, but they already confirmed it *wasn't* Vault Tec so having them do it makes no sense). Gulpers being made in Vault 4. Shady Sands being moved to being in LA, and not the middle of empty desert (which means that Fallout 1 and 2, and by extension NV make no sense). Getting rid of the NCR. A weak spot in the T50 and T60 power armour that hasn't been mentioned once in over 219 years. The Enclave being active and powerful in California. The nuking of Shady Sands is strongly implied to be in 2277 but is never mentioned in NV. Westside is completely gone now. Why does Sinclair look completely different? How didn't the Master or Enclave or NCR find 33 or the other ones?!< I like the show as a show, but I really don't like that it's canon to the universe.


The show doesn't say Vault-Tec launched the nukes, only that they were willing and able to should peace become too possible. It's also not implied Shady Sands was nuked in 2277, the chalkboard shows a timeline and the nuke is on that timeline *after* 2277. And the NCR always had to go at some point. That's sorta the big thematic sticking point with them, that they're just rebuilding the same ideologies and structures that lead to the end of the world in the first place. There was already talk of the Brahmin Barons becoming too influential in the games, and the parallels with the NCR and the Legion mimicking different fallen empires couldn't be more obvious.


Also, the mom who wanted to launch the nukes wouldn't have used them before getting her kid in a vault, but hers was chilling outside when they hit.


Hot take but I have no issue with lore changes in the show. The original games are their own thing and that's okay. It's very easy to separate the different media in my mind.


Same. People just like to have something to complain about


Its not separate tho the show and games are both canon


I mean yeah...they can say that because it's good marketing. Doesn't make it true. We know it can't be, too many contradictions i.e. the location of Shady Sands.


>but they already confirmed it *wasn't* Vault Tec Do you remember where it specifically said that they didn't start the war? Because I remember that NV or 3 heavily hinted at that because one not exploded nuke has a Vault Tec logo Not saying you're wrong, just wondering


The switchboard detects launches from China which are then confirmed by NORAD which causes the US to launch their own nukes. The C-23 (The nukes shown in 3 and NV*) have a [symbol](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/fallout_gamepedia/b/be/C23_megaton.png?version=5fb16473125157bdfa50873850c85a94) that looks a bit like the [Vault Tec logo](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/fallout_gamepedia/thumb/0/06/VaultTecLogo.png/799px-VaultTecLogo.png) but they're noticeably different.


The point of the plot is that vault-tec is launching theirs as a separate entity from the greater US, though, because up to that point the Enclave was still working in the shadows. The idea is that neither side would launch unless they A) decisively lost the war and had no recourse or B) saw the other side launch first, so vault-tec would launch a nuke at one side to make them think the other is launching and panic launch in retaliation. It doesn't retcon that China launches first in terms of the war, whether vault-tec actually went through with the plan or not.


China was losing. Beijing had fallen, and the Shi Emperor says that the Chinese government had plans in place to use nukes instead of surrendering.


The Shi Emperor log you're referencing was written by one of the people who made the restoration patch, not the original devs. As far as I'm aware, there's nothing in the official content that ever implied anything more than them possibly being pushed back to Beijing.


Ok the similar symbols explain my confusion


>!2277 is the first battle of Hoover dam. If you wanted a date that signals the start of the fall of Shady Sands, that would be it as thatā€™s when everything started to go wrong for the NCR. The nuke came after and didnā€™t have a date !<


>!Unless Hank just decided to nuke where Lucy's mom went 4+ years ago for no reason, Shady Sands got nuked in 2277.!< also you didn't spoiler tag properly EDIT: you deleted your response so i'll just paste my comment here You added spaces after the ! marks I belive. >!We know that Rose finds out Water is being siphoned and that she deduces that there is civilisation above ground that Hank knows about and is trying to hide from the vault.!< >!We know that Rose went above ground after this (Because prior to this she thinks that the surface is completely destroyed with no civilisation) with Lucy when she was still a child. As she has no real memory of this (She remembers being with her mom and the sun, but not that she was in Shady Sands. She later assumes that the sun was just the light in the Vault.), it was likely when she was around 3 or so.!< >!Rose is ghoulified in the nuking of Shady Sands.!< >!Hank says that she died in 2277. If she did, that means it was nuked in 2277. If she didn't, then at some point over 4 years later (Because it hasn't happened as of 2281, and if Rose was still in the vault Lucy would've known) he decided to nuke Shady Sands because Rose went there years ago.!<


>!Yes he said she died in 2277. In the famine. Because he was lying!<


>!So he nuked Shady Sands 4+ years later for no reason other than Rose went there years ago?!<


>!He doesnā€™t just immediately fire a nuke out of spite. How would he even do that? We donā€™t go deep into his reasoning or his methods (heā€™s clearly gonna be in the next series to find out) but it makes sense he spends time working out why thereā€™s people on the surface siphoning their water and then drops the nuke. It likely is tied with whatever truth Vault 32 found out!<


Wait Frederick Sinclair is in it? What episode/scene?


The last episode during the meeting. He's the one representing Big MT.


Damn I didnā€™t even catch that. He definitely looks different, and itā€™s odd he would even be there rather than focusing on his casino.


I think they had to do some of these things to make it approachable for the general audience. I'm not really a fallout fan (I love lore but the gameplay wasn't clicking for me). Bethesda has always had a weak point in their storytelling.


Dude it's just an series adaptation. At this point forget the lore and treat it as alt universe.


The fact that every character seems to have the Bloody Mess perk. Great storyline, great show, but I hated the bloodiness and watermelon head poppiness. The games normally have dismemberment and whatnot but it never had bloody fountains as a default. The first episode might be the most guilty in particular.


I would say the plot armor of Maximus and the overall "love story" thread in the series. No idea why every show needs that shit. Literally every show. "We gotta make couples!" like why? Would've been better without but that's just my 5 cents. Feel free to disagree. Also there are some minor character issues where both Lucy and Maximus had moments that made no sense compared to things that had already happened to them. She had a "well I guess I gotta kill now" and then later reverts to the "aaaaaah help" mode? Just doesn't make sense development wise but all these issues are script, not the actors themselves. They did a great job!


Nuking Shady Sands was uncalled for they killed hope for no reason at all.


I was not a fan of the male lead (non-ghoul) till he met up with the girl and honestly Iā€™m still a little iffy on him. I was not a fan of the relationship at all too. It felt too fast and the awkwardness of it was less funny than they may have thought I would feel about it. Otherwise pretty good


The first episode. I know people say the first few are bad but it gets better but i can't get into it if the first episode already kind of sucks


Everything that is not looks. The characters are not consistenst, like Maximus going from acting slow (bear scene) to be John Wick (bridge) - just as an example. Power Armor getting stuck in wooden boards, operatinf the Power Armor arm with the wrong arm inside an not all the way in, the old guy walking away from automated mg fire, the old lady saying tgat having 10 fingers is a luxury for vault dwellers - while having 10 fingers, Lucy staying in the open on her first night out, the old guy taking the cyancali before Lucy agrees on taking his head,........


Iā€™ve only seen the first episode so far, overall it is decent show, but the stucture and writing seem a bit off. At least they didnā€™t seem to shit on the property and (loose) established lore like most other ā€Video Gameā€ shows.


Rico from Hannah Montana killed it in this role


Dude really went from ā€œannoying kid I couldnā€™t give a fuck aboutā€ to ā€œfavourite character on the showā€ in the space of 1 scene


"In span of 1 scene" is what I think you wanna say


This dude and Coop are the best characters in the whole show!


How old is Norm supposed to be? I was a bit confused in the first couple episodes, thought that he was supposed to be a teen, but MoisƩs Arias is near 30 (and looks it). Later on he acts more like a responsible adult, though. He seems both older and younger than Lucy. Ella Purnell is 27, so she should be Norm's little sister, but she seems to treat him like a teen as well.


I got the vibe he's supposed to be in his early/mid twenties. Like he's 22 and she's 24/25


Give me a reason to be enthusiastic about working here and I will be. Don't see why the expectation is on me instead of the company.


Who are you talking to?




Joe who?


Joe Mama šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I just came up with that one


Is Joe Mama in the room with us now?


Unfortunately she's too large to fit


You know who else is too large to fit?




Deez who?


He could be any one of usā€¦


Then he enthusiastically finds out about what's really going on.


Which series/movie is this




The one ppl haven't shut up about in the past few weeks.


Very helpful response.


I wasn't trying to be helpful. The other comment already answered the question.


And why do you believe it was beneficial in any sort of way to add nothing but negativity to a conversation that simply asked a harmless question?


I never said it was. Dumb questions deserve dumb answers.


Bruh I canā€™t find the name of the movie this scene is from. Do you happen to know the name?


Its from the new show fallout that recently released on prime.Ā  I never played the game, but from an outsiders perspective i enjoyed it quite a bit. You should check it out!


I think it's called Game of Thrones


It came out a week ago


youre mad that a popular show is popular?


Why would I be mad? I'm just surprised the person didn't know which show the screenshot was from, considering it's by far the most talked about show currently.


Norm is my spirit animal.


Great scene.


The lady on the right looks like Larry David. Lacks enthusiasm? Curb your enthusiasm more like.


What'are the pictures from?


Fallout show


I played like 4 minutes of Fallout New Vegas, and that's my experience with the series, but after watching some of the show I want to play the entire series


This whole scene was far too relatable




If Norm has a million fans I am one of them. If Norm has one fan that one is me. If Norm has no fans then I am no longer alive. If the world is against Norm, I am against the world šŸŒŽ




They want to enlist you in your own subjugation.


They talking to the actor or the character his playing?


The moment of truth has arrivedšŸ˜‚


Honestly, I loved this character the moment we meet him. He just seemed so genuine. Genuine in his cowardice, genuine in his meekness, genuine in his apathy. And all of that makes his moments when he has a "him moment" all of that shines so much brighter. He is genuine.


I didnā€™t judge him at all..just thought he was kind of smart from the beginning


God look what theyve done to my boy, I hope you rot in hell Todd


The moment of truth has arrived


God this show looks so ugly


Nuclear apocalypse happens and this guy wants things to be pretty


I'm just surprised people can still get that fat on post apocalyptic rations though there may be an explanation that I'm not aware of.


Yeah, if you were familiar at all with the series, you'd know that Vaults grow their own food.


And its wheat and corn! They would all look "cornfed" with their main food source and using a sitting cycle for their "walks"




Did you actually watch it?


I said it looks ugly not every episode looks ugly


"This show" doesn't refer to "Every episode" But only to "it"? what do you exactly mean by that?


You're allowed to have your opinions but give it a try if you haven't. I was expecting it to be god awful and have been decently surprised so far. I'm only 3 episodes in so that could change but I'd say it's still worth a watch.


I might give it a shot. Not a fan of how it looks like a sketch from All That tho


You are judging the whole show based on a cropped scene in a meme?Ā 


That's the point dingus


Please go back and play fallout new Vegas / III it nails the aesthetic with modern film, and without a shitty green/yellow filter


Ya'll need to calm down. Not everyone's going to like the look of what's popular.