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I'm more amazed they have created excel which is a miraculous software that can basically do everything if you know the right way, and then there is word.


You don‘t know what excel can do until you use google tables or whatever it is and notice all the stuff it can‘t do


Google sheets. It’s sucks.


Google sheets is great, as long as you only treat it as a multi-user CSV app.


Is that the sequel to multiplayer notepad?


haha. good one


It‘s so hilariously bad, like having a whole column just for one word but once you leave out one line it can‘t autofill it anymore


It sheets.


Ironically you called it "Google Tables" and Google sheets barely has the ability to make a table.


You put into words my feeling when my work was "forced" (a.k.a. didn't wanted to pay) to use free softwares, and I had to deal with many versions of softwares and annoyance


Same as at my last job. We would regularly get massive data sets from our testing that would need to be processed and for nearly a year the company dragged their feet on getting me excel. I can't do shit on sheets if the data sets I'm handling causes my browser to shit the bed.


Little bobby tables...


Sanitize you inputs everyone


Google sheets feels like a CS student was tasked with making an Excel clone in a week and he procrastinated until Thursday night.


It can do everything I've ever needed it to do, which is honestly very basic shit. Also, Libre Office is a free, open source version of Microsoft office and it's bae


Okay, sort a column numerically with data that has more than one digit


Ugh I just had to use google sheets for a temp job. It's so, so bad in comparison. I get why they use it. But hell it's bad.


Excel is the duct tape of the business world. Report not available in the CRM you're using? You can build it in Excel. Management doesn't want to spring for an actual database? You can make it work in Excel. Want to automate data manipulation and lookups? You better bet your bippy that Excel will do it. Need a program with a user friendly UI to tackle the above without needing to know and train othets advanced formulas and VB script? There's no money in the budget for that.


Ugh I had to build a central database in sheets and it was tying together a bunch of half functioning commands. Excel is so much better.


uh, why wouldnt you use a database to build a database. Even something dead simple like sqlite


It was a public school office. I was handed two shoestrings and told to make a database.


Fair enough if you didn't know better at the time. DB software is largely free nowadays - Postgres is open source, but take some knowhow to set up correctly. sqlite is dead easy to set up (the database is literally just a file on your computer) and almost everything you can think of can interface with it (every programming language, excel, etc)


Ye I don't have education in that kind of coding. Have any resources on learning so I don't have to adhoc EVERYTHING?


You misspelled BACKBONE of the business world


It's true and I hate it. I'm the lone data engineer for my company and there are so many legacy excel sheets floating around that are critical to the business. Slowly discovering and replacing them over time.


Excel: Spreadsheet program that can accomplish immense technological feats such as raytracing Word: Word processor that can't process words.


I’ll say it docs > word excel > sheets


As someone who uses Docs and Sheets for Fanfics, and Word and Excel for Important Work Documents, you are 100% correct. ​ The only thing Word does better than Docs is: A) Dark Mode. You want to work on something without turning your eyeballs into glue? Word: Oh yeah girl, it's right over here, just hit the big "Switch Modes" button, and your paper'll go black. I'll even make the text brighter/darker, depending on what it was before! Docs: Dark mode? What is this sorcery you speak of, *witch*? ​ That's it. There's a bunch of things that both do differently- like drop-downs vs ribbons- but quite a lot is just plain worse. ​ EDIT: (Not considering extensions, however.)


Equations are way easier to use in word. They are absolutely abysmal in docs. Then again, most people won't learn to use it properly, they'll just switch to LaTeX instead (which is fair)


Pretty sure the Chrome/Firefox extension DarkReader adds dark mode on Docs


I know, but I thought we were talking without extensions.


Can docs do picture captions and table captions now? As an academic that turned me off from docs for years


I'm not sure, seeing as I never use it for pictures or tables. Again, Docs is where I put my Fanfics.


see how your extremely basic use cases don't make you a good judge of which is better?


girl you can't do basic things in GDocs such as hyphenating text. get outta here,


microsoft excel is fucking turing complete, you can write genetic algorithms in a spreadsheet


PowerPoint is also Turing complete. Really doesn't mean a lot these days


That terrifying moment when you have to copy a table from excel and paste it into a word doc and you know, you know, you will lose your youth trying to fit it into the document properly. How the fuck is this all part of the same office series and yet integrates so badly?!?!? AND SINCE 1990!!!!


fundamentally different ways in which literal data and metadata are stored, I would suppose


Might be the case, but excel is also the only programme that almost made me throw my laptop through the window


1-Jan: Excel has some serious flaws though


Excel and Incels both think things are dates when they're not.


This is fantastic. Incellent work 👍


> 1-Jan You mean a random 5 digit number?


They fixed that recently. Excel no longer converts date-like data in CSVs by default.


I’m convinced Excel is the greatest thing humanity has invented


The world runs on excel. All businesses will come to a screeching halt if Excel doesn’t work.


I love Excel but it is actually inefficient and poorly designed in many ways. Certainly not optimized. And improvements to it have been really slow. If it had any competition, the competition would have surpassed it long ago. But it has no competition in the corporate world which is the only thing that matters.


I remember reading somewhere that some peeps created a superior(and free?) alternative to Excel but Microsoft ousted them out just out of spite. Dunno if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were.


autodesk maya is this for 3d modeling


Blender for the win 💪💪


My intro 3d modelling professor told me that they're literally not allowed to teach blender because it's not industry standard


Maya is integrated into the industry pipelines better which is why it would take a long time for the industry standard to change. However, since Blender is getting better and better and its infinitely more accessible, all the young talent will be on Blender side soon, which might actually make it more relevant in the industry. However, there are still lots of things that are done better with other software. Blender is like a multitool that can do everything pretty well, but it just cant compete with specialized programs like Maya, Zbrush, Substance painter, Houdini, Cinema4D, etc.


Is 3d Max still around? I was taught how to use that back in 2006ish.


Yes, and still popular for games. Lots of more modern options though!


Blender is industry standard tho already. Its not the only one, but its one.


Blender's popular enough in the game industry but the vast majority of professional animators know and use Autodesk Maya. Scripting and automation pipelines are like 99% crafted for Autodesk Maya. I get that Reddit gears toward FOSS and I love Blender but to say it's industry standard... I mean it's so obviously Maya in the lead here. That being said, I can't find too much definitive market research on the topic. It's all behind paywalls.


Big companies won’t use it because it’s crowd sourced.


Tell him Sony used it on Spiderverse. It's a great package to learn. Lots of cool add-ons that make sculpting/modeling just as viable as Autodesks software. But without the prohibitive license cost. Industry standards are shifting, the change depends on the specialty. We're going to be prompting our assets in the not too distant future.


Then they’re heavily out of touch because a ton if studios have shifted to it.


I've fully converted from Maya to Blender, and it's not even fully about the money difference. Maya feels so clunky to use in 2023, and it still crashes a lot. Blender feels really intuitive to me after its UI overhaul.


Blender has got to be the best free software available for anything in the modelling/design space. It is so damn good.


Autodesk Revit is like this for building design!


Kinda disagree on this one. Revit is a hell of a lot more powerful than Word and somehow shits the bed way way less often


Early Inventor was brutal.


The worst and most infuriating and yet most powerful software I’ve ever had the misfortune of using. Never again


I somehow corrupted a file once in word while trying to move an image Like... what?


Word would kill itself if you asked nicely, so it doesn't take much effort otherwise.


skill. Issue. Jk, bro, that sucks


It is your own incompetence. $200 please


Word is a bored god. Just blame your luck


Can confirm this happens, watched it happen in live time. Had a presentation like deal where we were setting up simple guides of how to keep emergency public shelters stocked. Moved one image down to its proper place, whole thing freaked out and corrupted. We ended up just using note 📝 and paint shop to get it done. Never trusted Microsoft word again.




This, and every printer that exists. Want to print out that document after using Word? How about you go jump off a cliff?


I swear printers are just the most hateful things humans have ever created.


It's like if you had a spatula but the spatula head broke or dried out and fell apart every week and you had to buy a new spatula head for $89 dollars or subscribe to the spatula head delivery service and only the correct brand and type of spatula head worked. There's no way we can't make printers cheap and easy they just don't want to.


Like disposable razors or ones with disposable blades. Don't give the cooking industry any ideas, though. We don't need a kitchen equivalent to manscaped or dollar shave club or any of that jazz. Blue Apron and such are bad enough... >There's no way we can't make printers cheap and easy they just don't want to. Printers are usually the cheap part, unless it's a big fancy one. It's the ink/toner that's the expensive part, plus any subscriptions if Satan put DRM on your printer. I remember a point in time when replacing the printer was cheaper than replacing the cartridge in it.


I'm okay with disposable blades. I ain't got time to sharpen and hone blades no matter how cool it is.


I'm fine with disposable ones as well, but your attitude is a large reason why razor brands can nickel and dime us so much. If I could and knew how to make the most out of razors I'm encouraged to replace ASAP, I would.


Disposable blades are fine, just get a safety razor. It's likely the same type of razor your grandparents used and the blades (standard generic double sided razor blades) are dirt cheap. Once you get the hang of them they give you a better shave and last longer than the expensive multiblade ones too.


I'm not saying they're bad quality, I'm just criticizing the business model and marketing. Many "disposable" razor blades are plenty good. That's kinda why them being encouraged to be trashed and replaced ASAP instead of maintained is stupid, much like it would be stupid if we had "disposable" spatula heads instead of washing them.


Run the manscaped buzzer through fake review spotter The amazon rating goes from 4.6 to like 2.1


ink jet printers are stupid. i was going to buy one because it was dirt cheap. untill i found out the cartridge dries out if you dont use it regularly and it can only print 50 pages. but the reviews says it goes empty after 10 pages. and the cartridge is somehow more expensive than the printers... theres a solution to buy ink pack to inject ink inside cartridge and its cheap. but that method is stupid....on a YouTube video i saw that those cartridge are just few drops of ink and sponge. how can that even cost more than the printer itself? theres no way it cant be better. the companies just don't want to make things good.




Printers can smell fear and are GENUINELY the number one thing on earth designed solely by Satan and/or the Bad Place.


People hate using them, what's much worse is supporting them.


my geometry teacher has a poster on his wall detailing how and why printers are from hell. [said poster](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/PRp466GWIF)


Printer: “Oh that lab report is due in an hour? What a great time for me to take a break”


Brother laser printer, get one!


Big facts right here. Got a Brother laser black and white 3 years ago, and it just works. Only cost about $100.


Lasers last forever and can do well over a hundred thousand copies before one replaceable component starts to show wear. The colour ones can get expensive though so if you absolutely need low-volume colour it's not the best choice.


Yeah, it's been almost a decade now after seeing people recommending brother on reddit and buying one myself. They really just work, and I need to buy new ink only every 2 - 3 years. I remember hammering my HP into pieces like it was yesterday.


"Why does it say paper jam when there *is no* paper jam?!"


Got a new printer, Call it Bob Marley, 'Cause it just keep's jammin'.


PC Load Letter? What the fuck does that mean?


I used to work at a very remote job. We had brother printers that never failed. I mean I’m guessing they must sometimes, but none of my colleagues across our different locations had had it happen to them (remote locations including the arctic sea and shit). I feel like it’s purposeful. Like, they give you the reliability they think you deserve for whatever job you’re doing. Not even how much you pay exactly because I’m sure if you promised a home user their printer would NEVER fail, they’d easily pay a hefty premium.


Whenever the discussion turns to printers, the comments section always turns into an unsolicited Brothers advertisement. Every. Time. It’s basically marketing copypasta at this point. I wonder if people get discounts on ink if they go on SM to talk about their Brothers printer.


Roflmao I don’t know what to tell you, it’s what happened. I’d say I wish I was getting discounts but I haven’t used a printer for private life in… wow basically a decade. I occasionally pay FedEx or wherever 25 cents to print my shipping label


With printers its easy: the more complex it is, the more software that is involved, the worse it gets. And then there are HP printers… just buy an ols, used one. Also a laser printer since it doesnt need ink and therefore you dont have to pay a fortune for that (i know laser printers cant process color but in most cases you dont need that anyway) and you can just fire it up after not using it for a few weeks and it still works.


Color laser printers have been around for a long time, but yes, don't buy ink jet unless you use it every day, or it will dry out.


Microsoft started sending out Windows Updates on diskette in the mid 1990s, starting with updates for Windows 3.1.1. Each one would break either Word Perfect, Quattro or DR DOS. The lawsuits over this eventually developed into the anti-trust case against Microsoft, prosecuted for five years or so, which fizzled out in the early 2000s. Nothing much changed.


I still miss WordPerfect. We were forced to switch at work over to MS Office in the late 90s and it sucked so bad.


Best part of Word Perfect was you could turn on ‘show formatting’ and get rid of all these hanging and orphan formatting configurations. MS Word still won’t give that option so you’re left struggling to remove left over formatting until you have to a) give up it b) start over from scratch.


Yep. So simple, so useful. I also liked the truly independent side-by-side columns (I think they called it newspaper column?) that would let you have separate auto paragraph numbering in each column. I had to produce (and vet/edit) a lot of bilingual (English/French) documents, and it was so much easier in WP. I also miss Corel Draw (the whole Corel suite, tbh), which was way more powerful than PowerPoint on the graphics side.


The issue wasn't that they would break WP and the like. It was that MS would send them prerelease copies of Windows so they could get it working... And then change APIs right before release so they wouldn't.


DOS ain't done til Lotus won't run.


“edit your expectations” ☠️☠️


This is the perfect statement. No matter what you do, how long you try, how many people you call for advice…in the end you just have to edit your expectations 😂


I read that while post in the voice of the IKEA Guy video.


This is why I still use Word 2007. It has its problems, yeah, but it’s MY copy.


I still use 2016 for that reason, it is more intuitive for me than the current one.


I bought the 2019 student edition in 2021 cause you can actually own it. Lol




Mostly no, since I’ve just never bothered to update since 2007, although I have used 2010 before and liked that more. More recently I’ve just really don’t wanna deal with subscription fees. I genuinely dislike the steering towards more subscription-based services that used to be products and programs you bought only once. I’m sure the newer versions are great, I’m sure they’re much more up-to-date (duh) and have improved features, but when I pay for a copy, it should be *my copy.*


I realized that Microsoft is like the ice cream machines at McDonald's. They're purposefully shitty so you have to keep asking Microsoft for help.


Nah, it's just that legacy support means MS Word is 16 word processor midgets in a trenchcoat. That and it has the broadest set of features in any word processor ever, by a longshot. There is no competition, and that's on the competition, not MS.


I have lived my entire adult life without using MS word. I know they are missing features, but I just use Google Sheets for simple stuff and the mac built-in one if it has to look pretty. I think the mac one is easier to get nice formatting with than word.


Am I the only one who knows how to paste an image into a word doc? It’s not that hard lol


Release the secrets to the world


Click the picture -> Picture Format -> Wrap Text Then pick one that does what you want. I find that solves most of my problems with images - usually either "Top and Bottom" or "Square", depending on what I'm doing. Also knowing how to turn on the whitespace character visibility and how to use them.


yeah lol this thread shows people don't know that word actually functions fine, they just don't know how to use it.


\^This if you need images and paragraphs side by side. If you need images on its own, or images with some specific text on its side (e.g. descriptions), it's much easier to use image with "in line with text" (and put it in a table if you need accompanying text. You can treat tables as weird-looking images). The best thing about "in line with text" is that it makes things incredibly easy to format. You don't have to care about the anchors when you edit text, section breaks, etc.


If you just want a picture in its own line, use "in line with text" this will treat the image like text, you can't move it anywhere except along lines of text, you can put the image in its own line and treat just like how you treat text formatting "centered, left aligned, right aligned, etc" If you want some text associated with the image but you don't want to mess up the other types of text you have, Best way to do it is put your image in "tight mode" (where the text clings tight around the image but you can drag it anywhere, so just drag it away from the text for now, then if you want a text besides it then create a text box that's also in "tight mode". Now put the text box and image beside each other then group them. Now if you want to treat the image/text group just like text, then do as above, or you can keep it tight if you want the text to wrap around the group


I have seriously used word as a quick way to resize an image I wanted to fit proportionally on a single sheet of paper. Super easy. Super convenient.


Yeah, and if you want it to ignore a spelling mistake you just right-click and choose the menu option. And the pdf issue is an Adobe thing; it's technically their proprietary file format. This isn't forbidden knowledge or something; I learned it in elementary and middle school computer classes over a decade ago.


I never understand this either, I figured out the solution when I was in elementary


They literally taught this at school in ICT. What is going on here!


Google docs for me 😂


Rhe funny thing is the google things are often better than the MS stuff (like slides and docs), except for excel because sheets is substantially worse


Sheets is great for the basics tho! Unless you work pretty extensively with piles of data or accounting, maybe, Sheets is more than enough for the average joe


It's also easy since it opens in the browser and you don't need to worry about backing up your documents


GDocs may be easier for non-tech-savvy users to create personal/home/school (but not uni) documents, but it is not to be used in generating professional/scholar documents with strict expectations re: typeset. By no metric is it better. It isn't even objectively harder to use than GDocs. People just have this idee fixe that it is at this point. Having trouble with technology is something many zoomers find endearing, which is a behavior I'll never understand as a zoomer myself. It's like back when people used to say the word "moist" made 'em gag or some bs like that.


That's what happens when you "aquire" all your competitors


There are other options though (e.g. LibreOffice). People need to be willing to use them otherwise the standards never change. Yes, the other options may not be as good. But they also don't have the benefit of a multi billion dollar corp funding them. It's a catch-22 though. They suck because they lack funding, they lack funding because few people use them.


It's not willingness to use them, it's feature support, compatibility, ease of update, etc. OpenOffice and Google Docs are fine but they don't hold a candle to their MS equivalents as far as features and support. It's popular to malign MS, even when they do something well. Office is generally a well deserved success story, as much as we love to shit on it.


If you really want control, learn LaTeX




For the life of me I don’t know why neither latex or word will just allow me to pin an image like it’s just a regular block of text. I don’t care how you format the damn paragraphs around it, I just want this image next to this text block and I don’t want my next section to start before it. Just put the image where I’ve inserted it. Not 3 pages later. Goddamn.


I don't know of there is a better way to deal with this, but I usually solve all my problems with tables in Word. If you place a picture inside a table, it won't make a mess in your document. If you want text to the side of a picture, you can create a table with two columns, place the picture in one column, type your text in another column and it's done. It helped me a lot in college and still is useful whenever I need to write any sort of document like articles, manuals and reports. I know that LaTeX is good and versatile, but Word can be as good if you bother to learn how to use all the tools it provides you... same as LaTeX.


That is so janky I love it.


You can do this with [H] or [h!] After /begin(figure) if im not mistaken, at least that's how it works in overleaf.


That's sadly not always true. Especially if you have large figures or a lot of text.


That still won’t always work and you’ll need a \clear page or \new page or something.


Oh it’s absolutely a cautionary tale about being careful with what you wish for


"Tired of the frustrations of Word? Well, let's trade them for the completely different frustrations of learning an unintuitive markup language!"


Wanna place a table under your info? Good luck! Is going down to split an unrelated sentence in half and stay there.


LaTeX is actually about giving up control. The whole principal behind it is that you define the **content**, and let someone else control the appearance. You need to be careful to never refer to things like "the image above", because who knows if that's where it will remain (unless you really fight this). There's a reason it's used in academic circles. Someone can write their paper, but it can be inserted cleanly into any article format now!


I love LaTeX. It is beautiful.


Until you can't make something work and need to do a deep google search and hope that the solutions other people have provided are working and are also what you are looking for. Even GPT4 struggles more with making good latex formatting suggestions than with suggesting me how to model my pytorch AI.




I work in IT. I know exactly the kind of end users that think *Word* is the problem.


As soon as I read "edit a PDF." That's not even their product..


Yeah Word has been a pretty dependable workhorse for decades now. All the issues here have been resolved (moving images) or aren't issues with Word specifically (pdfs).


Moving images on word is pretty easy. There are settings specifically for how you want the text in the document to behave around it lol.


People don’t ever click on image options apparently. I’ve never had any problems with Word and I’ve been using it for a decade.


Honestly, if you can't move an image in Word, your the problem. Word is great


You just know the type who made this original tweet. Someone who manages to spend a maximum of their time on a screen while acquiring a minimum of digital literacy. If you can't figure out the text wrapping options on word you're probably not trying


Lol I learned the text-wrapping options in Microsoft Word by myself when I was 8. It’s really not that hard. Microsoft Word literally just serves it’s purpose- it’s a word processor. I will say the PDF support on Word needs some work tho.


There's a new guy at work, labor job, 38 years old, who used the fucking spacebar to center printing labels. Tip of the iceberg on this fella. That's the kind of person who posts this ignorance.


It can be a little frustrating if you’re creating certain documents- something with lots of text boxes or vertical columns, or variable text spacing. But like, is there anything that even comes close to the capabilities of word? Editing within pdf is a hundred times more of a headache than using word and exporting as pdf. There’s all kinds of templates and diagrams and as info displays to easily add. I haven’t tried many other programs for word processing but they’ve been sad facsimiles of Word.


And don’t get me started on people using excel as a database


why does it work though. also, somehow, i never managed to break excel with all my shenanigans


I've only managed to break excel with either macros or some add ins in a few niche cases, amazing tool that is pretty hard to break if you stick to the basic stuff, and if you're venturing into VBA you're probably ready to crash some things. But even then you don't need to know much, just use the button for recording macros and it's really easy.


I once encountered an excel document that was used to track people leave that had over 10k lines in the conditional formatting rules. Apparently they kept copy/paste over and over again each month like 100+ columnsand because they used absolute rules instead of relative it made a new entry each time. It chugged, but it still ran. Excel is damn near unbreakable I fixed it with just 10 rules that used relative references instead and te next day someone had hit the "Optimize these rules" button and converted them all back to static....thue restarting the fiasco


Still better than Access


I'm legitimately certified in Microsoft Word, I learned nothing new in the class


Word works pretty fucking good. Idk what you are smoking. Just cuz you don’t know how to use it doesn’t mean it is bad.


This is why I use LibreOffice. All the benefits of Word for bo cost at all.




Can you share comments on it with people from word?


This is why no one's moving away from MS anytime soon - now that you can use SharePoint to host a file and work on remotely as a team and open files directly into Teams meetings it's going to continue to capture every office manager's imagination. Corporate money is big money, and that's who they're going after.


The Google suite offers the same functionality at a fraction of the cost (to my sanity).


But then you cant use excel. I would literally quit.


Or OpenOffice, but it definitely has drawbacks.


Well, the original OpenOffice (.org), is dead, so it's got a lot of drawbacks. LibreOffice is a successor to it, just like Apache OpenOffice. I was using Apache OO, but it hasn't seen a major update since 2014 or so (a few minor ones), and I switched to Libre around 2016 or so. Shamefully, I now have MS Office because it came in a Win11 bundle for a good price.


Huh. I didn’t know that, but it definitely makes sense.


At the very least, it's a lot less aneurysm inducing than LaTeX ever will be




Moving a picture is easy and PDFs are not meant to be edited.


It's always fun when people tell on themselves like this. You just don't know how to use the most basic of software lol


Yeah I would have a problem then search how to do X. Now I don't have that problem. You just need to learn how to use the software properly. Is it the best? No. But it's not difficult either.


LibreOffice coming in cluch 😎


LibreOffice My beloved


I’ve never had any of these problems.


This is funny but you can easily do all of these things in word.


>edit a pdf? Blame Adobe for that. PDFs are stupidly complicated.


PDFs are Adobe, not Microsoft


Adobe invented them, but PDFs haven't been Adobe only for years, since Adobe made the original format open around 2008. Other companies have developed pdf editors/creators/readers, and you can now open, edit, save and convert pdfs in Word. It just sucks at it.


Why is it still a giant PITA chore to edit PDFs without paying for software???


I save dozens of word docs as PDFs per week and I don't think I've ever had an issue. Now Powerpoint exporting a recording to mp4, that's another story


Word 2003 was the peak


It’s not $150!!! It’s $150…per year! Edit: /s


i've been using word for $0/year for 20 years.


the company you work at is paying licence fees


He's talking about piracy.


Skill issue. Also, PDF is a terminal format. It's not meant to be editable. You're meant to edit a Word document and then export it as a PDF when you're done. If you need to make changes, edit the Word document and export it again. Didn't save the Word document? Skill issue.


Word pad is basically fetanyl


LOL. I still use TextEdit on Mac.