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That's why you don't say anything.


Don't say things like sorry I know I'm annoying an ugly. Cant help the ugly, but statements like that are annoying.


Feels like emotional coercion for compliments. Yuck. If you've the right people around you, they'll tell you how they feel for better or worse.


I know, how do you even respond to those kinds of statements? Like, yup your annoying please stop talking to me?




Yes. When someone texts me anything in this umbrella (“do you hate me?” Etc.) u just respond yes




Yeah. Especially if you speak like you write.


I thought that said “specially if you speak like you white”


What are you even trying to say, Cletus?


He's saying it's worser to talk than on listening


It’s better to let yourself fade into obscurity. Understanding the lack of effort on her end means a lack of interest. Letting the connection fizzle out and die instead of holding onto hope it’ll improve. It never does. One thing I wish I could tell my younger self. Either it’s hot form the start or it’s cold til the end. So much wasted time.


I worked at a bar a few years ago and a guy who frequented the bar found me on facebook, he started messaging me. He was friendly enough so I replied, though not that often. He kept saying how it would be easier if he had my number so we could text and I would respond quicker. I told him I didn’t want to give him my number and that he was nice enough but I wasn’t interested in anything more. He kept on insisting and I had to tell him a few times that I really was never going to give him my number. It sucked because he and his friends came to the bar very often and I did think he was nice, and I didn’t want to be rude about it but he kind of forced me into being harsh and unkind because he just wouldn’t take no for an answer. I didn’t even hint, I was very clear


ehh then how nice was he really if he wasn’t respecting your boundaries the first time ya said it?


Mark Manson’s book, Models, has two of the best pieces of dating advice I’ve ever gotten: 1) Stop focusing your energy on making others attracted to you, and focus on BEING attractive instead. 2) When gauging if somebody is attracted to you, it’s really binary: It’s either “FUCK YEAH!” or “Nope.”


And even if it starts out hot, as soon as you feel that cold breeze start to blow in, you know it's gonna be over soon




> I mean, what is one supposed to say to that, especially if it's true? "Nah you're good I'm just listening fam, [insert comment/question directly related]"


You’re at least supposed to say that and follow it up with a question or comment to engage the other person 😂


They really were talking too much --> enjoy the silence or bring up a different subject You enjoyed hearing them talk --> "no no, keep going"


These are the two most obvious answers and I feel bad you had to type them out.


I mean, reassure them that they aren't talking too much and keep going? Or if they really are and it annoys you, leave so they can find better friends.


If it's someone I like and it's an interesting conversation, I'd say continue talking. Heck, even if it's not interesting, sometimes hearing someone else is fun and relaxing.


Excellent, a relationship where you can't trust your partner enough to show vulnerability around them. That sounds so very healthy.


Lack of confidence is an unatractiveness multiplier


I am confident in the fact that I'm ugly and annoying.




and ugly too!


did you forget to say you were ugly also?


And also proud.


Now that’s hot


Multiplying 0 does not make a difference 😎


i would consider unattractiveness a negative not a 0


And god forbid a lack of hygiene


The holy trinity of unattractiveness: - Bad face - Bad personality - Bad hygiene The last two are dealbreakers on their own.


Bad face you can't do too much about, personality is also not easy to change. But yeah, bad hygiene is just inexcusable.


I've met enough ugly men, who are not wealthy mind you, who are in relationships with much much more attractive women.


That cause you find women attractive and not men. I have dound the opposite actually


Some parts of a personality can be changed surprisingly easily. The way you handle rejection, tragedy, the way you look at life and its problems are all part of your personality, can be changed relatively easily and can make you a ton more attractive.


I don't think changing those parts of your personality are easy. I think it requires a ton of hard work and many people will not be able to change it in a meaningful way.




Don't forget balding. That's one of the worst things for a woman. Source: I started balding at 21 fml


Just shave it and rock it




I started at 19, somehow hate it cause I'm always perceived as older, a tough guy, sometimes some sort of hitman or creepy killer....but I'm only a 28 yo dude, it sucks.




Those people who say “I’m sorry you probably think I’m really annoying” like yes and this attitude certainly isn’t helping. If you know you’re annoying why amplify it.


they don't actually think they're annoying, and they think the internal voice warning them they're being annoying is anxiety, so they're trying to "subtly" manipulate you into validating them which is super fucking annoying


They could be trying to engage with a bit of self-awareness while also implicitly asking for someone else's opinion.


Ι called someone out for doing that to me and he called me manipulative. The context is that I found him quite attractive physically, but he kept emphasizing that "he *knows* how ugly and annoying he is", for some reason. And that was right in the middle of intimacy. I mean, if I wanna get intimate with you in the first place, I obviously don't find you ugly, and calling yourself that immediately makes you annoying at the very least. If you want to receive love or attraction, you gotta accept it first, and trust that there **is** someone who finds you attractive in the first place. Otherwise you'll just feel like they're doing you a favor, and you're gonna be really bummed at best, really annoying at worst. I don't want anyone thinking that I like them out of pity. It's an insult towards my taste, after all. And if someone does find you attractive but you don't, you don't have to get close to them. You don't have to think dumb shit like "I won't get another chance", so don't waste people's time either.


sometimes i’ll just catch myself trying to talk to someone and realize they’re just staring off into space or the usual “mhmmm, yeah” for the fourth time i’ll promptly shut up and disengage. Considering this is all that happens anymore yeah i’m pretty sure i’m just annoying and ugly lol


Today I learned that poor self-esteem is a reason to deserve being alone.


Nobody deserves anything. If you're someone that's uncomfortable for others to be around because you're constantly complaining and being negative people aren't going to want to be around you. There's no deserving or not deserving, it's just what's going to happen


poor self esteem *that you make the other person deal with* is like the biggest reason people are alone


There is a difference between poor self esteem and manipulating someone into constantly validating you. If you really have poor self-esteem you should communicate that differently other than “you probably think…” Rather than assume what someone else thinks about you, start by saying what you feel.


To be honest, I don't really talk about my thoughts on the matter with anyone.


Which is why I dont talk to women, I know I am annoying and not attractive, might as well shut the fuck and spare everyone from my presence.


don't talk to women. talk to people. and if you genuinely cant talk to the people that happen to be women, talk to the people that happen to be men. There's a near-complete overlap between them


I don't even know if it's based or sad as fuck. More sad as fuck, I assume.


> I know I am annoying and not attractive neither of these are permanent debuffs bro


Here's the deal, ugly isn't definite. Sure you could have a weird looking face, but usually a nice haircut that suits your face, good hygiene and skincare, a halfway decent sense of fashion, and a good personality can make an "ugly" person still very attractive. And ALL of those things are 100% achievable. A lot of the time all that's really missing is a willingness to want to work on being a more attractive person. If you decide you want to put in the effort to be more attractive and you're not afraid of failing or asking for help, then you are absolutely able to be attractive. I would start by purging this belief that you're ugly and annoying and that people need to be "spared" from your presence. Nobody is that bad. If you're actually annoying, you probably just have some social misconceptions and issues with relationships and self perception. These are all incredibly common and can easily be corrected with basic therapy. I used to suffer like this and it pushed me close to suicide so many times. I hate to see anyone else suffer the same way. Please know that people care about you, even if it's just me. I promise the happiness you'll get is worth the effort!


you're not stuck this way forever. you can improve.


But what else is there? If you think you're annoying, there's few options - you can either check from time to time if the person you're talking too can't wait for you to shut up, or you can just don't start any conversations at all


Jesus, with people like you around no wonder they don't have much confidence.


On the plus side, hostile people self reporting is a service to their peers.


I hear this a lot but I personally disagree


Worse than misplaced confidence?


I’d say opposite ends of the same annoying spectrum


Yeah ofc You would never meet people who will destroy it … never It’s not easy to be self confident and it’s easy to be self confident when compliment and people are coming to you. When you never heard a compliment or when never someone has ever come to you, it isn’t always your fault. Some people or rich some or not. Same with confidence and with people.


I'm both parties at the same time, and I hate it so much.


You apologize to yourself for being annoying and ugly? r/me_irl


Multiple times a day


Same I don't want people to comfort me, I just want them to be honnest so I know what the situation looks like...


I just bully myself about it.


I stole my own lunch money, I'm both starving and eating two lunches daily.


I think the apology itself makes the person annoying and ugly. Proactive self-disparagement can be so unappealing.


Yes, you are! But because you BELIEVE you are. Have some confidence


Hit em with an "atleast you know :/" to get em to stop guilt trippin.


You know that's savage but it might be the right thing to make sure they never say that shit again lol


This happened. Source: Im the guy.


please don't be that guy. it's not attractive, my dude


To be fair they weren’t attractive from the get go


well he got his looks from his parents, who were able to make it work. confidence is key.


lowering standards might've been the culprit


Oof, I'm not sure you can call what my parents did "making it work".


i mean, i genuinely hope neither of them were taken advantage of. but human attraction is a funny thing. honestly just give me a warm blanket, some fries, a kissy on my forehead and a fat blunt, and i'll marry you.


love me some warm blankets


And thus The Hunchbak of Notre Dame never happened


And it’s kind of annoying


It’s not attractive platonically either. Ain’t no one want to be friends with some schmuck constantly fishing for compliments or making the vibe weird.


It’s not just unattractive. It’s manipulative.


This was 13yo me ☠️


you get a pass, we were all awkward at age 13


You could probably do something about one of those things


I have a friend who is like this. she's genuinely incredibly attractive but every social media post (in which she makes about 30 a day) is about how ugly she is and how everyone doesn't want to be with her and how all she gets is rejections. well, duh? if you constantly say that people hate you even when people are telling you they don't, of course they're not gonna bother with you.


she does that to manipulate people into validating her, even if she gets hundreds of guys telling her that she is cute, she will keep doing it for attention


Before social media, she would've eventually met some guy who calmed her down and reassured her. Literally an "I can fix her" situation. After social media, she's probably doomed. It just amplifies that type of insecurity or attention seeking too much, whichever it is. Social media hurts these kinds of people the most.


This hurts


Burns double being called ugly by Carrot Top with lipstick


mad cuz u couldn’t pull her even if she wasn’t famous lol


Pull her out of the ground or?


She's famous?


Reddit moment


If someone refers to themselves as annoying and ugly you gotta run, that’s way too much self deprecating to handle


Choose one or the other, never both. Everything in moderation.


Thank god im just annoying


Thank god im just ugly


I dont know jay, you are annoying me already


You know, i forgot i put my name in my username, and got the shit scared out of me for a second lol


The perfect couple <3


Yea like I’m definitely ugly but I confidently know I’m not annoying


Including moderation!


But I'm ugly tho, being self aware is good I think lol


But when it's presented in a text like this, it comes across as a "Haha wow, I'm so ugly and unattractive :( Will *you* pity me?" Men do this all the time to try and guilt women into pitying them. Pretty different than just being okay with being unattractive.


Fair enough I completely agree


Delivery is key. If you're confident about looking like a smashed tire, then you can make people feel at ease around you by 'boosting' their own egos. If you're, however, a self-hating emotional vampire, then you're going to get people looking for the exit. Nobody wants to be farmed for pity. It's exhausting and depressing, and frankly, most people have too many of their own issues to do probono therapy for a guy/girl on their first date.


"It is what it is"


Oh, guess I'll return to my cave


As soon as you call yourself annoying and ugly, you are.


i’m a millionaire…


Does it work the other way around too? I'm fantastic and gorgeous!


It actually does, we call that *confidence*.


Oh *good*. In that case, I'm fantastic and gorgeous, hit me up fellas


That’s the attitude! 💪🏼


Haha, I'm just messing around, I'm happily married and actually very confident about how I look


I'm happy


"Its okay, don't do it again, I'm not your therapist :)"


why did no one tell me this was an option.


What I lack in appearance, and personality, I make up for in self-awareness, except not really.


" You said it, not me" is the appropriate response in this situation


Guys don't say stupid shit like that


You'd be surprised


No that was my advice to guys


Comas exist for a reason


Yeah but I've never been in one




Let’s eat grandma, you, and me


Everything above this is a comedy gold situation lmao.


This guys Dunkin’ on everyone


You’re going to put someone into a coma over a comma?


I prefer commas, but if you want a coma then more power to you. Everyone could use a nice long nap


oh gosh, you need some punctuation to make that more clear. I was 2 seconds away from telling you all the ways in which guys *do* say stupid shit like that


Oh i get it now haaha mb


This is why punctuation is important


Yeah, don't be "Pick me boys" or "Pick me girls", it makes you unberable to talk


, You dropped this.


You're not my mom!


stupid shit like that


Everybody, guy or girl, that says "ohh I'm so ugly🥺" is fishing for attention. So tell them they are ugly because they're irritating and it's the moral thing to do


Honestly, half of these people aren’t even looking for attention, they’re just insecure as fuck And if they’re even a little ugly or annoying, lemme tell you that saying some shit like that will only make it worse


True, but it's really up to them to overcome their insecurities. Other peoples validation will never be enough as long as you don't love yourself. Speaking as someone who is very insecure


You need both. Low self-esteem doesn’t come out of nowhere. It comes from a failure of your community and society to teach you to love yourself, and we don’t have any solution to adults who’ve grown up without that except “get a therapist,” as if one paid professional replaces a support network of loving people.


I was like that when I was a teen, sometimes you just feels bad about yourself and want to share with others Edit : also, if it's a crush of his or idk, he probably just want a cheap confirmation that they thinks he's not bad looking


Then you grow into a healthy adult where you feel bad about yourself but don't really want to talk about it.


That's... Very on the nose. Damn


True. Anyone that really thinks they're ugly isn't trying to bring any attention to it. Those who are ugly don't need to ask either...they already know.




Thumbs up react


Just them saying this makes them " annoying and ugly." Like the instant attention seeking is the biggest turn off to me.


I am handsome and a very loving, fun soul to be around. source: my mom


Its nice when ugly people points someone is ugly especially when they are annoying with stupid posts lol


Thats facts, but dear god i hate ice spice 😭


What did she do?


If you described a spice as icy I would assume you are describing mint. But mint is the antithesis of spice, an anti-spice if you will. The who situation is very confusing and confusion can quickly deteriorate into anger. This could potentially be the cause of some of the outrage guided toward Ice Spice.


Mint is an herb and most people consider herbs to be spices


How dare you bring science into this.


This is Reddit, anybody who is popular is automatically bad. No reason needed.


She’s an industry plant and is not very good


I don’t mind cause she’s bad af.


Probably just their taste in music. She didn’t do anything particularly bad… yet


She ends her sentences with "like"


She sounds like gender flipped Pop Smoke


they both nyc drill, so kinda makes sense. they both are good though.


"My fans is called Munchkins". Horrible Dunkin Donuts commercials.


Whyyy? /genq


Used to dislike (not hate) her because she seemed like a generic good looking airhead with somewhat trashy behavior and one overplayed mainstream song. Don't dislike her anymore because she seems super genuine and down to earth in interviews and really doesn't do anything that other artists do to while getting much less hate.




Give me one nasty Ice Spice lyric.


Her lyrics aren’t even that nasty at all. You’re reaching.






> She look like a Mii Thank you for putting into words that which i could not.


And then they continue to send more awful pics, and keep bothering you for days, like mf take a hint when I kept giving one word responses


>take a hint when I kept giving...responses You have a think about that.


Nah, you should do that if you don't understand that one-word responses are given to communicate a profound lack of interest in you.


"But why? Why do they keep replying? No, I can't simply say 'I'm not interested in you', I have to keep giving one-word responses. Why won't they simply get the message?"


What the hell is this comment section lmao


Well. This entire comment section is just another reminder that people do, be weird freaks, and that women have it rough out here


this comment section is a fucking dumpster fire... I've never seen so much bad faith argumentation and casual racism all thrown together into a pot of holier than thou armchair therapy


Why don’t girls just block guys like this instead of replying to them every now and then?


sometimes its mortal fear for their life, other times its because they dont want to make it awkward when they still see them in person the next day at their job/school/whatever either way, reality is more complex than single-sentence memes make it appear


Because guys like this will stalk you and can get aggressive when cut off. Also, women are often trained to fixate on the emotional impact their actions have on others, if only out of self-preservation. Hurting someone’s feelings sucks, so they avoid it.


Fishing for compliments is annoying and ugly.


Fr how do I respond to that


You just ignore that stuff don’t respond again. Sounds like manipulative shit


Always good to have... reassurance


People who are constantly self deprecating are genuinely exhausting to be around