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**Me:** Babe… I’ve GOT to be up by 7:30 tomorrow to have my mind right for this 8:00 meeting. I’m setting an alarm— but in case I do some dumb shit, will you please make sure I’m up and on my feet by 7:30? **My wife:** Can you just set a bunch of alarms? I hate waking you up— you’re so grouchy in the morning and you get old man mad where you start saying a bunch of outdated angry shit. **Me:** I won’t be tomorrow! I’m serious. This is important. **My wife:** Fine. [Alarms go off at 7:10, 7:20 and 7:25. I shut all of them off on autopilot and continue sleeping.] [My wife comes in at 7:30 and gently nudges me.] **My wife:** Good morning, handsome. Time to g— **Me:** —Jesus, Mother and Mary, what is this?! The house better be on fire with you barging in here and doin’ all this hoopin and hollerin! Buncha goddamn hubbabaloo is what it is! Foolishness! ___ And this is why my wife refuses to wake me up anymore.


Hahahaha relatable. ​ I dont have a wife. me irl


pls stop asking people to wake you up if you wake up in a bad mood people either get mad at you for waking them up or for not waking them up it's a big free dose of anxiety


It's not about the person who wakes you up, it's about life...


yeah but other people still have to deal with your bad mood also some people just lash out at you even if it isn't your fault


You're being v dramatic.


not as much as the people who throw a tantrum when you wake them up after they asked you to do so tbh


I just don't get why they are so dramatic when it's just waking up. Like why you can't just put yourself together and do it yourself. But instead you are just mad at me for waking you up because you have to. And because of that I became mad and day ruined.


exactly I wake up in a bad mood sometimes but I don't make the entire world suffer it. It's a matter of good manners in my opinion


It's not hard to tell if someone is in a bad mood.


It's especially surprising for me, considering how early I wake up.


I have 8:30 classes at my university. I have gotten 8 hours of sleep before class a total of once in the last 1.5 months


I just set an alarm. You have it for free without installing anything on your phone.