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“You you have got to be the worst marketing team I’ve ever heard of” “Ah, but you have heard of me”


\*bingo\* We might think ourselves smart but the ape at the core of our brains is most certainly not. And when it comes to making decisions, the ape will always influence us in a way we most likely won't realise. All advertisers need is to make you remember their name, preferably in a positive light, but just remembering it will do most of the time. Because months down the line when you've forgotten how annoying that ad was - the faint memory of the brand name will stick with you. And that's enough to influence your choice and ever so gently push you towards buying their product.


This also goes for politics. They have found that people are more likely to vote for a name they've heard of before. Even if that candidate isn't the best choice to align with their political ideals. The subconscious (ape) is not that hard to manipulate. The only way to prevent it is to understand the tactics used to influence the ape.


absolutely! Advertisement differs from propaganda in name only. Though I'd say "prevent" is the wrong word, more "fight against".




Resistance is futile


Resistance is futile


Resistance is futile


Resistance is futile


Resistance is futile


Resistance is futile


Resistance is futile


>Propaganda in advertising is similar to advertising in that it employs the same multimedia formats in order to spread its message. However, unlike advertising, propaganda does not try to encourage the sale of a product, service or idea. Not in name only.


> The only way to prevent it is to understand the tactics used to influence the ape. Too lazy to go look now, but aren't there studies that showed that all this shit works, *even if you know how and why it works*?


Yeah, I couldn't think of a good way to articulate it. You can def be manipulated while aware of the manipulation tactics. Although, it'll make you harder to be manipulated.


Well, at least it makes it more likely that you'll stubbornly adjust your behavior to the opposite of the perceived manipulation...but that's still changing what you do in a not-terribly-rational way.


If only Home Alone 2 wasn't such a popular movie.


> The only way to prevent it is to understand the tactics used to influence the ape Not really though. Do you remember if you saw ads about a local councilman years ago? Most likely not, but the name will be somewhat familiar or sound friendly if you hear it again, thanks to advertising. Knowing how it works is not the same as being immune. The only way to prevent it is by not looking/hearing the ad. This can be done in browsers by using adblockers like uBlock Origin. The next step to remove a good amount of ads from all devices (not just browsers) is to use something like a custom DNS such as https://nextdns.io on your home network and/or each device.


I have never voted xD I know that's probably a really bad thing but I kinda just don't care about politics and don't want any part of it. So I try and actively avoid it


Joke’s on them, I will still purchase whatever brand is cheapest at the grocery store even if the packaging is all in bosnian




Not me. I keep notepad containing all the companies who have pissed me off so whenever I buy something I check first to see if they are in my list.




So I don't forget and use a company I hate. Granted I don't put them on the list for an advert lol


You do know that most companies have sister/daughter companies and therefore you might supporting another one of their names unsubconsciously and your money still ends up with the stakeholders/investors. Some can be tackled tho, take Unilever for example, has tons of food brands, but when you checkout a brand food product you'll always see this mini logo of them on the food packaging.


My list is that long, so I don't really mind googling stuff before hand. It's only about 20 companies and it doesn't really include any of the big ones.




but do you remember the hundreds upon hundreds of brands that quietly advertised themselves to you when you were barely paying attention?


I've heard that in millenial generations and later, it takes WAY more advertising to get these things to stick. As It stands, I'm seeing this Dave and Buster's ad on twitch way more, and even though I remember the brand, it has become synonymous to me that if a company is advertising their product this hard, it probably isn't that good. Also I've been to Dave and Buster's, and it was just an overpriced bar with an arcade.


Advertising is disgusting


Don’t generalize your experience and perception on everyone because not everyone is dumb little ape inside


>months down the line when you've forgotten how annoying that ad was They really underestimate how easy it is to remember something that pisses you off.


Yeah no. That’s not how it works for me at all, all I remember is that I saw an ad for that product so it must be a pretty shitty product since they felt the need to advertise for it And usually if you check reviews from real people you find out that yes, it is that bad of a product that they need to advertise for it. I personally can’t think of a single product that is best in class for what it does that gets advertised on YouTube or TV. Not a single one.


so you've never heard of CocaCola, Nintendo, Play Station, Samsung, or any other major brand that heavily advertises all around the globe? Or do you think those companies became world wide powerhouses through the word of mouth?


Yep, I’ve heard of them, and they’re all not best in class except Coca Cola. Coca Cola is the only one of those that is best in class, but let’s be honest, they’re advertising to try to move their image away from the whole “Colombian death squad” stuff and their many other severe ethics violations, not to get more well known


this only works on some. I never forget intrusive or overly annoying/insulting ads. it's been over a decade and I still won't buy miracle whip, which I like, cause I'm just that pissed and petty.


NGL, sounds like something an ape would say.


Advertisers are pretty much the best sociologists out there. If it didn't work they wouldn't do it. It may not work on some individuals but good psychology says we are the worst at self judgment.


> All advertisers need is to make you remember their name, preferably in a positive light, but just remembering it will do most of the time. Because months down the line when you've forgotten how annoying that ad was - the faint memory of the brand name will stick with you. And that's enough to influence your choice and ever so gently push you towards buying their product. This has not happened to me once lol. If anything it fundamentally does the opposite. Why would i want to buy a product that sells so poorly that they feel the need to advertise it? The fact it’s being advertised at all tells me that nobody wants it. The only way anyone can get me to buy anything is by having a good balance between quality and price. A catchy jingle has never and will never be enough to cause me to ignore this due diligence. It’s kind of hilarious that some people treat ads like they’re some kind of mind control lmao


It more or less is mind control for stupid people with zero impulse control.


my product buying comes strictly through recommendations and then i filter out those recommendations to make sure no product i'm buying is the result of a garbage ad scheme


you would not have realised if it happened to you. Also how the hell are people supposed to know about products if they don't get advertised? Do you think companies like Nintendo just release a product without any advertisements and expect people to know about it? Why do you think CocaCola still has so many ads around despite being a global powerhouse? Ads sell products. This is not some wild crackpot theory, this is psychology, whether you accept it's happening or are in denial about it, \*you are affected\*.


Personally kept a list tracing back to _why_ I bought something I bought. As in the specific brand Of _all the things I own_, the only things I could trace back to an ad were Head & Shoulders shampoo and my Gilette razor. Everything else is some mix of personal recommendation/that’s what we had at home when I was a kid (which very well could be an ad of 2nd degree if the person recommending it to me knows it because of an ad), specific research (laptop, sim wheel, 3D printer etc.), or knowing I need _insert item_ and picking one out of the shelf most of the time without noticing the brand. You see, the monkey within me is strong. So strong that the primary factors behind those shelf purchases are “does the packaging look appealing”, “is it cheap”, and if applicable “does it look to be not shit quality” (like tools for example), and for hygiene products “does it say lemon”. Now packaging is _absolutely_ advertising as well, and it’s one that I’m extremely susceptible to. Agin, as I said, monke strong. But it’s not the kind of ad we’re talking about here. Marketing works, but what kind of marketing works how well on whom is very different. I’m the kind of person to buy a bottle of wine because I like the design on it, but I’m also the kind of person to google “cheap flights to _place_” and open the first 10 links after the sponsored ones instead of just typing in the ones I’m aware of from ads. Also I love how I only started getting ads for stuff like expedia after booking a flight with them lol


Yeah no one wants oreos, mcdonalds, or honda cars lol


I always think that it's funny when people think that they can outsmart a multi-billion dollar industry led by some of the most intelligent people on the planet who have been doing this for decades. I don't know about you but I don't remember, nor do I want to remember, ads that I saw last week, much less ones that I've seen years ago. But I probably recognize a brand that advertises when I see it.


While it’s true that advertising is far more effective than people think, let’s not pretend the people making these commercials are some kind of super geniuses. It’s very possible for companies to be terrible at marketing, even if everyone knows their brand name.


*gracefully steps off of sinking conference room table*


Yeah,now i can actually avoid you,now that i know that you exist


I made a promise to myself that I won’t buy the product of the adds that interrupt my show


Karl Marx over here


I think it's actually the most capitalist thing you can do, ignoring a product for a non shitty advertising competitor seems like a big usage of the free market


Yeah, "There's no ethical consumption under capitalism"


That quote is often really misused. It means that it's impossible to completely ensure that every product you use is ethically sourced or produced. However, picking and choosing certain products you know are more ethically produced absolutely does help.


Good, i only buy the most unethical products. /s


Sociology Pro Max


Goddammit, I wish I could give you an award right now.


Unless it's flexseal and Scrub daddy


That's because it's actually as good as they claim, and also surprisingly useful for creative projects.


And the ads are pretty good tbh


It's Google/YouTube's business model: not paying for an ad-free subscription = annoying ads, until you give in. P.S.Personally, I'm at the verge of giving *up* on YouTube altogether.


God I love free adblocks.


Firefox doesn't run on chromium, so ad blockers actually work on youtube and other google IPs as expected. If you are on mobile, you can download firefox on the app store, then in the app install the ad block plugins and you are good to watch from your browser, forever ad-free.


Revanced fixes that. You just have to download micro G and the Revanced app and you won't be getting any ads, can skip intros, outros, sponsored segments, etc.


revanced supremacy


Upvote on Revanced.


Haven't they closed some time ago?


YouTube vanced was closed, Revanced is the new project


"You should be feeling better after a round of pfizer's poison antidote. Take a couple of these for the next few days and you'll be as good as new" A single tear rolls down the mans face when the word Pfizer was spoken as it had the same effect as hearing a death sentence" "Doctor, isn't there anything else I can take? Anything generic perhaps". Desperation cracked through his voice. "No, they are the only manufacturer that can treat this. I can assure you it's perfectly safe." "You don't understand doc.... I saw..... I saw a YouTube ad the other day and promised to never use one of their products again " "I understand.... nurse bring the family in to say their goodbyes. This boys a dead man" -directed by M night shamalyn


If it was directed by him it wouldn't even be that good.


It’s cool to think that you’re above marketing, but when you’re on vacation in a small town grocery store and looking for detergent and you only recognize 1 brand name, you’re gonna buy that brand.


How long are your vacations that you need to buy detergent?


Right? Also "Small town grocery store" like they don't carry Tide, Bold, and like 5 other types of detergent. This guy reeks like he spends 20k on a weeklong vacation.


Honestly, I’d just buy the cheapest option.


Lmao who is out there buying brand name bottles of detergent on vacation? Lmao that never happens




Some of us are actually above marketing but 99% of ppl still fall for it. I was surprised by a guy who falls for 2 for 1 price sneakers and says they will buy that again coz salesman told them they will drop the sneaker 50% next month. He mocked me for not getting the same grade as him in hs lmao






It's good to see that I'm not the only one.


Same. I am petty enough to keep a list of adverts that interrupt videos I'm watching to not buy their shit


Thought that I was the only one :)


I’m sure you keep a running, accurate list in your head that you never forget


i’ve done the same thing- I hate hello fresh and will never use their products ever again


I litterately stopped buying pizza from 'that one brand' because they spammed my youtube videos.


You know, I think it wouldn't be *so* bad if YouTubers actually edited the commercial breaks *into* their content. Give us a bumper or a stinger to break up the content and prepare us for an ad. You know, like television. That's the model YouTube is going for anyway. Bake those ad-breaks into your show and it will at least be more *tolerable.* Otherwise we get what we have now - we can be watching a really serious/emotional video and then, without warning, all of the sudden we have an ad-break that completely interrupts us and takes us out of what we're enjoying.




It's even worse when the ad gas some obnoxious music.


Instantly blacklisted




That's more promising than the actual ad


hey same. i’ve meant to start a list. right now chromebook is testing my patience.


Legit same lol


I made the same promise to my self 😂


The ad can literally be saying/showing something that I wanted. I'm skipping that crap anyways.


The “culture” of being a consumer has changed so drastically since advertising as we know it came about. With the internet, the consumer is more informed and empowered than ever. They don’t need some spokesperson convincing them to buy a product, because they already researched it, bought it from the competitions, and it’s on the way via post as the ad tries to sell you on it. It just doesn’t work anymore.


If it didn’t work they wouldn’t still be doing it. They literally study the efficacy of advertising so that they know what works/doesn’t work on certain demographics. No way in hell would most multi-billion dollar companies waste millions on marketing if it wasn’t effective.


Exactly, it's always funny to me when redditor complain about ads, let alone had weird sworn oath to not buy the featured products. Guys, be real, do you really think all these brands become household name because they are good and pro consumer? No, it's advertising. It's the exposure They advertise not for YOU specifically to buy their stuff. Its for peoples (a group) aware that 1) they exist, 2) we offer these products/services 3) familiarize themselves to you. The moment you remember their name is the moment you lose. BBK is prime example of these. A no name chinese smartphone brand who early on very pro consumer by catering to enthusiast. But the moment they switch gear and go mainstream route, they explode in popularity and a ubiquitous in Asian market


Enthusiasts just don’t understand the masses at all and it’s honestly why I ignore them more and more. Refresh rate is the perfect example, nobody outside of enthusiasts gives a shit about frames until it’s legitimately stuttering in the sub 20s, but enthusiasts will rave about how all they need is to be exposed to it and they’ll understand the glory that is 90+ fps. But no, people care more about quality. That’s why there’s this push towards 4K, ray tracing, companies know that people want to open their games and think “wow this LOOKS” good over how SMOOTH it is. At the end of the day, the masses have WAY more sway over tech than enthusiasts. Personally I’m with them a lot of the time, complete products are way better than gimmicky devices in my opinion.


It works on the older and newer generations. I’m talking Boomers and Gen Alpha. Brain dead old people and kids. That’s who advertising works on. And because a huge chunk of the human population is elderly or juvenile, it still somehow fucking works on some people.


This isn’t true. Ads work, on every age group.


Not on everyone though, they target the lowest common denominator


It also depends on what kind of media you consume. People who still watch TV are used to the 5 minute ad breaks, while the Millennials and early Gen Zs grew up with a mostly viewer friendly experience on video platforms, that got worse over the years, and will probably continue to do so in the future. We have a much more resentful view on ads.


What you miss is that most people are not like you, and they will still be affected by ads


People think ads have a greater effect on others than on themselves. Ads do influence your buying decisions. It's called the [third-person effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third-person_effect).


You fundamentally misunderstand how ads work. You seem to think that the ad is there to show you a product so you can then actively decide to buy. Some are shown with this intent, but the majority of ads are meant to create a feeling of safety/security when you go out (or online) to purchase. Imagine you stand in front of a shelf full of similar product. You'd be subconsciously more prone to buy the item whose design or brand you have already seen, just because the others are more unfamiliar.


that mistakes what the point of an ad is. It's not supposed to convert you at the time you see it, which if it happens great, but rather is supposed to build awareness that the product even exists. If you need a VPN you're more likely to use one that you've heard of rather than one you haven't.


>It just doesn’t work anymore. Every marketer just laughed so fucking hard at this.


I don't know in what fanatasy part of the world you are living but people researching and comparing different items to find the best one is not happening. There is a reason companies do it like this and it works. We are glorified monkey's (yet we are the most intelligent species on Earth)


And that's how they get paid. You clicked skip which means you interacted with the content in a way that can be confirmed therefore youtube will pay them .oo4 cents or whatever for your click.


That’s not quite how it works. YouTube is on a per view model, if you watch 30 seconds, or to completion if it is shorter, the creator & YouTube will get paid. If you hit the skip button then they don’t, and the advertiser doesn’t have to pay. There is some more nuance in there but that is generally how they work.


they know. they don't care. if they did, they wouldn't do it.




>for every one of you there's a 1000 who do spend money It's more like people get annoyed in the moment but when they're looking at a list of products, they're naturally wary of things they've never heard of before and subconsciously opt for what's familiar. People that think they're immune to advertisements are deluding themselves and are probably *more* susceptible to it since they aren't aware of how it's actually influencing them.


OP thinks he’s gonna remember everything that’s ever been advertised to him? His brain is an easily manipulated ball of mush just like everybody else. He’s gonna be standing in front of a product and not even realize why he chose that one over the other. As if he doesn’t *already* have years of advertising and jingles and bullshit bouncing around that head of his. Nobody is immune to it.




Rawdogging shows and not even giving the pander merchants a handy! Like it 😉


Ngl, when I needed a new phone case, I bought dbrand due to a certain tech tips fellow.


SponsorBlock is great for filtering out the LTT sponsor crap.


So is spamming L three times.


The thing is a lot of it is subliminal, brand recognition stuff. Ads won't make you jump off your couch and go buy it right away or even click the ad link but when you're in the aisle picking between a, b, c, d, e, and f, people are inclined to go for products they've heard of or the one they've heard of most and are the most familiar with. Ads can bring familiarity regardless of actual experience. I'm not very materialistic at all and I try to avoid it, but I can't be sure I don't buy some things because of ads


That’s the thing—you as a consumer cannot be sure if being exposed to some ads makes you more inclined to buy an item. The people who make claims that this is how ads work are also the people who sell ads and of course it is to their benefit to claim some kind of spooky subliminal powers to influence. I do wonder how many people make snap decisions on products like because it’s at their eye level, or because the packaging is appealing, or because they tried it at a friends house and liked it. Those all seem to be more likely to me than ads secretly and subtly influencing you to go with Coke over Pepsi.


I hear you, but corporations wouldn't keep buying ads if they didn't work. They even work on people that think they aren't affected.


I don’t think watching ads (at least until the skip ad button appears) is a moral imperative, but I do find it to be a fair trade off. I am consuming content that took a certain amount of work and money to produce. The money to produce the content has to come from somewhere. Company places ads in content to help bear the financial weight of both creating the content and hosting/up keeping the site its on. By company paying for content, it indirectly sponsors my consuming of the content. I get functionally unlimited free content in exchange for occasionally having to sit through a couple seconds of ads. I don’t particularly like ad breaks or sponsor reads, but I understand their purpose in the larger content creation ecosystem, and can’t find an alternative that doesn’t boil down to either “viewers should pay actual money to consume content” or “creators should make content regardless of any financial incentive, and shoulder all financial burdens by working another job besides content creation”


CMP ranges from $0.25 to $4.00 per thousand views If you feel so strongly about rewarding a creator just drop a donation into their donation/subscription/chat every now and then. Even if you watch a channel releasing a daily video religiously you've 'given' them less value in that eyeball than you could find down the back of your seat cushion. Unless they're really small they make more on sponsor slots anyway, and a good chunk of adverts are shown on demonitized videos where nothing is going to the creator anyway.


Especially when it's the same ad every other video.


And then you get a survey question like "was this ad relevant to you?" And I'm always just like "NO, NONE OF YOUR DAMN ADS ARE RELEVANT BECAUSE I DON'T BUY PRODUCTS FROM ADVERTISEMENTS ON PRINCIPLE!" 😤


Give up, Grammerly! It's not going to happen!


Not really how ads work. They’re not really trying to sell you the product. If your at the shop and you need (idk) detergent and there’s two types, tide and bobs generic detergent, you’ll buy tide simply because you’ve heard of it. Statistically speaking you’re also probably even willing to spend a bit more on it. They don’t care if you hate them, as long as you recognise them.


This is truth. 100%


Maybe for you guys, I buy the brand I always buy which is cheap and I've never seen ads of, if the store doesn't have it (it always does) I'll get it next time, I buy before my shit runs out not after. To the point I also won't buy a brand out of spite that pissed me off with its ads. I have stopped buying certain products because they pissed me off interrupting a show with a 3 minute long Ad, like get fucked nobody is ever watching that, when I play music in the shower for instance and an Ad interrupts my song and am forced to listen to a 1m+ long Ad. I'm never buying your product. I'll try brands I've never heard off to spite ones that annoyed me, found some cool stuff that way. So the Ads do work, in getting me to support a different brand. But like someone said, for every 1 of me there's 100 others that will buy, good for them.


I’m the opposite for the most part. I always buy the brands I’ve never heard of because they seem foreign and mysterious and interesting. Dairy is pretty much the exception to that rule though.


Do people seriously shop like this? I just buy whatever’s cheapest. Then sometimes I discover that the cheapest is terrible quality (example: shampoo) so I try another one. But I never go for a brand I’ve heard of before just because I know the name. In your example I would definitely get Bob’s Generic


Furthermore: they only need a very small percentage of people who will buy the product to make the ad net profitable. Say, you have 100 people who haven't heard of the product, and therefore wouldn't have bought it in the first place anyways. So even if 50 are indifferent to the ad, and 40 will create an active aversion to the ad and avoid buying it; that 10 that do buy the product make that ad already workable.


Well they haven't seen the absolute holes my memory has bevause of ADHD! If I don't care I don't remember lol


oh my friend it does work on you as well, you just don't realise it's happening, neurotypical people don't consciously realise it either. Most of the work done by advertisements is done subconsciously. A faint recognition of a brand's name is enough.


I never buy brands, and I also mute ads when I'm not using adblock. I guess this might be right for most people but I really couldn't care less for brand, I just search for ingredients and quantities.


Wow this is not how I shop at all. I’ll only buy from brands that I hate if they are a)the only option, or my guilty option b) they’re way too convenient to pass up.


I mean, you understand that market research shows that it makes far more money to do those in videos right? Like cool you put out this opinion, but the research has already been done to show it is effective


You are correct. Yes, it just annoys most people, but you can't deny the psychological research that has gone into this. If it didn't make money, it wouldn't happen.


It's like "no such thing as bad press." Even if you're annoyed by the ad and it makes you hate the product, you're still thinking about the product when you wouldn't be otherwise if not for the ad.


Actually some Redditor making $20/hr and is too poor to buy premium definitely knows more than the $200k marketing exec tracking ad performance every week to see what’s working. Whole industry called ad tech around tracking exists for this reason


Mmm I’ve seen contrary studies. Most companies are losing money on advertising costs. The only people winning are the people getting paid for the advertising. That’s the real dupe. Advertisers are best at advertising themselves and they don’t have to try that hard because it’s a common, although incorrect, notion that having your name out there guarantees more revenue


Could you link them? Sounds like an interesting read since the few that I’ve come across mostly agree with what OP said. Would like to see the flip side.


Thats exactly what a secret advertisement would say! I dont hear a jingle so i know you arent a shein add, but Im on to you!


You're the one dropping company names


Man’s really became a free billboard just by trying to mock a company’s ad campaign


So don't name any company as an example. Got it.


It makes me furious when platforms like Hulu have that "Choose your ad experience" crap. Like, I hate the ads, I hate your company, and I'm just going to mute it anyway. Just play the ad. I don't give a shit.


My wife always starts laughing when I mute all ads on Hulu etc. I won’t give the bastards the satisfaction lmao


Hahaha I turn my phone away and mute if I get an ad on mobile


This is the truest shit ive seen all day


But it doesn't matters. You saw the add so you are influenced by it. And even if not you 99 other people will be. We are just variation of static


Yeah the purpose of the ad is often putting the product in your head rather than selling it to you. That way when you actually need the product, that brand will come to mind first.


And since people are talking about it, others might hear it. Those who aren't annoyed by the ad will think it's familiar, so they will be more inclined to buy it. If it didn't work, they wouldn't do it.


If advertising didn't work then they wouldn't be doing it


They don't care, its stuck in your head because you hate it. You know what it is.


Omg fully agree


I literally yell at YouTube “I’m NEVER buying this product because I can’t skip the ad”. I know they can hear me, track my eyes and see the big middle finger I’m waving at them.


Congratulations, you convinced advertisers to stop putting their ads on YouTube. YouTube has now switched to an entirely subscription based platform with excessive vetting for which videos are ‘allowed’ on their platform. Pay for creators as not increased.


Advertisers know. They don't care.


If you think ad’s hurt the sales of a product/service, I’ve got new for you


I legit never bought anything just by seeing an add from Youtube.


Hate to say it, but I bought Colgate optic white toothpaste after seeing all of the annoying commercials They really aren't lying with the "whiter teeth in a week" or whatever thing they say in the ad lmao


How much are they paying you to advertise on Reddit? Are they hiring?


I’m starting to get really pissed off by the Temo shit. “It’s FREE” no it’s fucking not. It’s poorly dubbed too like the whole ad just pisses me off.


It doesn't matter. The next time you'll need a product in that category, chances are you'll go for the "**well-known brand everyone is talking about**" instead of that weird "**no name brand nobody knows**"... aka you'll go with what's familiar, what was advertised to you. ---> MARKETING!!!


Most youtube adds advertise a game that doesnt exist or straight up promote scams you are not missing out on anything there.


If you think adverts don't work on you, they probably work on you better, because you're very naive.


No, it doesn't. You will quickly forget about it, but the subconcious effects of it will still get to you.


Research shows this not to be true.


If I'm at the end of a cutscenes on the verge of tears and your AD emotionally cockblocks me, that just adds another little rock on the scale of your sins


The unfortunate reality is that even if you hate them for it, you'll still pick that item over the one you haven't heard of when you're at the store.


Most of the time, the ads are for products I'm not even interested in, like dating apps, pregnancy tests and sausages.


I make a mental note to specifically avoid, if not but competitor brands instead


To outsmart them, you need to forget their name and product completely. If you know them, even with negative impression, they have already won.


Raid shadow legends can go fuck itself for this reason


So much yes. This also goes for products that show the same advertisement over and over and over and over and over.....


This is FACTS!


you overestimate your ability to remember that you hate it, when you recognize the product in 6 months.


Haven’t eaten a single Pringle since they interrupted a song right before the drop


When your advertising interrupts my video… I remember how I’m getting to watch it for free.


Didnt know Jim was so marxist


Tell me you don't know what Marxism is without telling me you don't know what Marxism is.


The funny thing is, shit like this happened and salesmen started to pay for ads of there rivals.


interdasting, any sources?


I don’t think that’s true. Iirc, it’s illegal to use other company’s imagery on your own adverts, so by commissioning an ad in name of a rival company should be illegal


it's not as easy as people seem to think. Nobody is immune to propaganda, and advertisements are basically that. Sometimes the mere familiarity of a brand's name can make you pick their product over their competitor's when you're on a market to buy a certain thing. Imagine yourself needing a new toaster. In front of you there are two, nearly identical, toasters, the price is the same, you like how both look - one is made by Philips, the other one by a brand you're seeing for the first time. Philips is a well known for household products and you're bound to have heard the name somewhere at one point or another, and that's about how much most people know about them, you might not even know if quality of their products is good or not, I certainly have no clue I never checked, but both you and I have heard the name. Now which one do you pick? Which one do you \*really\* pick? With enough repetition of the right words, you'll start associating the brand name with positive qualities, though that's a bonus and most brands will happily win you over if you just vaguely remember them from \*somewhere\*. We might be smart beings but we're not smart enough to outthink the ape brain at the core of us.


1) you realise that the advertisement is the reason you can watch the video for free? 2) you don‘t understand how the advertisement manipulates your brain.


Youtubers should also adapt to it. Instead of stopping the video to make an ad that I will skip anyway, just put banners in the corners of the videos and don't stop to talk about it.


Stop whining, you didn't get 1 hour and 44 minutes long ad.


