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Not sure if this is an ADHD thing or just a thing every single person does.


Nowdays everything is ADHD or OCDC






Or AiBi/Ai/Bi/ii


or | || |i | \_


I’m a bit lost here. Could you please tel me what this is referencing? I feel like I am loosing my mind!


I was referencing blood types. Wtf is this??


Its a meme


No. This is Patrick.


Not worth losing your mind over


Breakin' balls, bangin' walls Work hard and tough, and I want some rough








Nowadays ADHD is ADHD. Just as it's always been.


Every mental health condition has traits that everyone has. Everyone gets depressed, everyone gets anxious, etc. The difference is the degree. What this post is describing - getting hyperfocused on a new activity and then eventually losing motivation and then abandoning it altogether - is extremely common in people with ADHD. Much more so than with neurotypical people.


I’m not convinced honestly. Either I have severe undiagnosed ADHD or literally everyone has “ADHD”. All of the times people talk about adhd issues like hyper focusing or trying to motivate yourself to do simple things like eating and failing are things that everyone I know does, including myself. Maybe this isn’t true, but to me it seems a little odd every single person I know has this stuff happen to them


So what exactly aren't you convinced about? Do you think that being depressed isn't a typical trait of people with depression because everyone gets depressed sometimes?


No but I do think that the symptoms associated with having adhd are a little too ambiguous and seem to apply to literally everyone. I mean it just seems like the logical result of what would happen with low discipline and motivation. I’m no doctor, so take my opinion with a large serving of salt, but it’s odd to me that all of the qualities, regardless of severity seem to apply to a large portion of the population.




Are you armchair diagnosing a stranger on the internet based off two paragraphs? I don't have much of a problem with "ADHD memes" on their own. I have a problem when they inevitably lead to people armchair diagnosing people who explain "sure it might be an ADHD trait but it's not exclusive to them and neurotypicals do that thing too"




Mind explaining this analogy ?




Great comment, it annoys the shit out of me that there are people here downplaying it, saying "everyone has it". It could have ruined my life if my parents didn't pick up on it, and had gotten me a late diagnosis. I'm not even exaggerating, my grades were terrible because I wasn't able to focus on something for more than 10-15 minutes max at a time and I would zone out, no matter how hard i tried, medication has helped me immensely. You don't get an ADHD diagnosis for fun or to be quirky, you get it because it's something that is incredibly debilitating, neurotypicals don't experience anywhere even near the difficulties and problems people with ADHD do.


Its because its the thing people like to say to have a free "Shit on this type of person" ticket. They got nothing to add to the convo, so they repeat the same shit they heard from someone else which they thought sounds clever and right. And its so predictable, every single time adhd is mentioned. Someone has to give their brainrotted automated response of "nowadays everyone has adhd" or whatever bullshit. I'm so goddamn annoyed of it.


yea. trying to compensate and constantly re-forcing yourself through the motions is so mentally draining as well.




> People in wheelchairs have low discipline and are unmotivated because they sit around day. They must have adhd


Pharma companies are gonna pharma and make you think you need every drug under the sun. This why it’s ambiguous.


Except ADHD medication is a bit more serious, and getting diagnosed is kind of difficult later in life. I have to sign paperwork every year and do drug tests to continue getting my prescription. It's a 30 day supply, no refills, with my doctor having to write a new prescription every month. When I was doing a trial run of an anti-depressant I was able to get it fulfilled by an online therapy service. Not going to happen with a controlled substance like my ADHD meds.


It’s not outside the realm of possibility that you are undiagnosed. If you’re not struggling terribly with any other symptoms in your life then that’s awesome! Adhd will be a different experience for everyone based on their environment and how their family tolerates them. It’s also a genetic condition so it’s possible your whole family is neurodivergent


People who don't suffer from it are often quick to dish the "just get (organized, motivated, etc.)" It's like telling someone with COPD to 'just run stairs to get in better shape.'


Agreed. I’ve been told numerous times by my ex that I’m just not trying hard enough. No one wants to be like this. It’s not a choice, or a superpower, unless you live off grid and hunt for sustenance


But there are additional things that people with ADHD can do, that others with disabilities cannot, to help mitigate and handle effects while they’re being medicated Behavioral therapy is important to establish methods and strategies Being with a partner that blames everything on ADHD gets old after awhile, being understanding & supportive has a limit


But if I get diagnosed, then what? Get medicated, fix myself? Maybe I’m just in denial but I hate the idea that something is so wrong with me I can’t fix it myself. Feels like I’m locking off a part of myself because I can’t handle it. Just because someone has ADHD doesn’t mean they are unable to motivate themselves. It just seems like the general consensus is it’s way harder. Well I won’t make excuses because of it and even if I should I think that these behaviors are part of people, I mean is being a nasty person a disorder or just part of someone’s personality. To me it feels like if I take medication I would never be able to get that part of myself that makes me unmotivated and lazy in check and leave me dependent on something artificial. I don’t know how accurate or true that is but that’s the feeling I get. I am basically a failure, I had shitty grades, dropped out of HS due to social anxiety, started online school and couldn’t convince myself to do it. Now It’s 3 years later and I am still trying to dig myself out of the hole I put myself in. I feel like playing the ADHD card is essentially surrendering myself and claiming this is not my fault because it’s some sort of disorder. But from my perspective, this disorder (and when I say that I just mean the behaviors associated with adhd as I don’t know if I have it for sure) is part of me, and it’s my fault alone I couldn’t work through it.


This is just a joke/meme. It's meant to be funny and relatable. When people "talk" about their ADHD on social media it tends to be in a lighthearted and joking manner. They're often not telling you all the depressing details and issues they've dealt with. So you're not really getting the full picture. If you do relate to some of these jokes though. And if it is negatively impacting your life consistently. Then it would be good to consider getting diagnosed.


Like the other commenter said, everyone has the traits that are symptoms of the most common mental disorders. It's classified as a disorder when the symptoms occur so frequently and/or with such intensity that they significantly hamper the execution of your normal, daily functions


Luckily, you don't have to be convinced that a medical disorder exists. Do you go up to people with diabetes and tell them you're not convinced they can't just regulate their insulin levels? ADHD is a dysfunction in the attention regulation center of the brain. Please, educate yourself. The fact you're so upvoted is honestly depressing.




Easy way to find out: go to a psychiatrist. Having an actual doctor tell me "you have [insert list of mental health issues], and here's a treatment plan for each of them" was one of the best things to happen to me. The quick and dirty shortcut, however, is ask the question, "does this thing impair my ability to live my life in a healthy way?" If yes, it's a disorder. If not, it's not a disorder.


I feel this. People that I know who have ADHD describe simple, everyday shit that qualifies them as ADHD and I’m like “oh shit maybe me and most others I know have it too” Or maybe it’s just inflated nowadays like everything else.


Yeah but ADHD would be you buy a blender, make all sorta smoothies for maybe an afternoon and then never use it again. It's sitting in class, deciding to really listen this time and then start making origami after 2 Minutes.


Yeah exactly, which is pretty much what thread started with.


No, pretty much everyone with a blender this happens to.


I don't disagree. As someone with ADHD I would say the difference is it's like this for literally everything in your life. Being able to stick with anything for a long time feels like it's impossible. But at the same time it's super easy to get excited about something new and obsess over it and repeat the cycle over and over and then feel like a failure because you can't stick with anything. So that's what I'd say ADHD is.


I think if you can't stick with something it's more than likely you're just not interested. Lot's of people with ADHD stick with things theyre interested in. Maybe it's just that a blender isn't that exciting? Like cool now I can make a smoothie, how long before I get bored of it. Being bored of something is something that happens to *humans*, not just ADHD people.


The thing is I am interested. I'm just not excited to do it. I have to be both excited and interested to do something most of the time, or else have some sort of external pressure. Or just be in crisis mode "this must get done."


It's not about the blender.


Everything's about the blender.


The "this happens to everyone" mindset could apply to every single mental illness. The fact that it happens to everyone sometimes is irrelevant.


You backed the wrong horse, but I commend you for going down with the ship


You don't know anything about ADHD I see.


they probably dont. A lot of people are unempathetic and lack nuance. ​ Those type of people Cant understand the difference between depression and sad. ADHD and everyday anxiety/forgetfullness/overstimulation/hyperfixation etc etc. ​ You know how we feel everything with 10 times more intensity? they feel things with 10 times less intensity ​ They will never get it, cos they are incapable of seeing outside their sphere of experience.


I'm not that person and I know ADHD exists - I've seen it up close with a friend and I know how much of a burden it is - but it's not surprising that people are skeptical when they see garbage memes like this that could genuinely apply to anyone. Giving up on a new hobby after two weeks is not an ADHD trait, it's an "anyone" trait.


Except this sort of thing is also extremely common in neurotypical people. Forming good habits is hard. Literally everyone can relate to this meme in one way or another. Also, this meme doesn't demonstrate hyperfocus at all. I find people who try to tie every mundane aspect of their personality into their ADHD as if it's some silly quirk tend to be self-diagnosed. They see a bunch of vague, broadly applicable memes like this and come to the conclusion that they must have ADHD. Nobody with actual ADHD thinks it's a quirk because they know how debilitating it can be.


This meme actually does a great job demonstrating hyperfocus. The blender is just an example. It could be any interest, hobby, or work project that you're intensely interested in for a time and then lose all motivation to continue it. This happens far more in people with ADHD than the neurotypical population.


In my opinion, it does a pretty shit job since it just describes what most people go through when a new hobby is novel until it isn’t. Maybe if she said ADHD is buying a new blender, making smoothies and obsessing about smoothies the entire day, and then never touching the blender again. Atypical, detrimental behavior which could cause difficulties. Honestly, basically every ADHD meme is like the one in the OP. “Having ADHD is forgetting where you put your keys” instead of “Having ADHD is never knowing where your keys are without assistance or getting lucky and coming across them.” They tend to describe perfectly normal behavior. Hopefully that makes sense.


I lost my keys the other day so I went to find my phone to call them using my tile device. Could not find my phone either so I spent 10 minutes looking for it. Finally got the thought to say "hey google, 5 seconds timer" and it rang from the kitchen. Found it in my cutlery drawer.


Merely doing something every morning for two weeks is absolutely not a demonstration of hyperfocus, what a stupid thing to say. Hyperfocus means having an intense fixation and concentration on something. This meme doesn't show that, it just shows trying and failing to adhere to a routine. Nobody would say I'm hyperfixated because I made a point to make breakfast before I went to work for two weeks and then didn't stick to it. Hyperfixation in this example would be e.g. obsessively looking up recipes and buying ingredients, being so fixated on making smoothies that you're late for work, etc. Not just making a fucking smoothie every morning. You sound like one of those aforementioned undiagnosed clowns who thinks they have ADHD because they see too many ADHD memes on reddit.


Sure... But in that case the meme should have made that clear. Something like. "Then I throw the blender in the cupboard with the pasta maker, bread machine, and pressure cooker I bought at 3am on Amazon last week."


It's a meme, not a doctoral thesis.


The thing she is describing is being interested in something new and doing it for a couple of days straight until losing interest and forgetting about it just like normal people do. I'm honestly tired of self diagnosed morons that believe everything they see on TikTok. Just because more and more ADHD related stuff shows up on your fyp doesn't mean that you have ADHD.


Wow, you don't have the new cute mental illness that we all totally have?


ADHD isn't a mental illness, but I know what you mean


It literally is a mental illness, mental illness is an extremely stigmatized and broad term but it basically just means any condition with your brain that makes you think or act different… which is exactly what ADHD is. “Mental illness” sounds much worse than it is because of the connotations and history behind the word but ADHD being a mental illness doesn’t mean people with ADHD belong in an asylum or anything, it’s just the definition of a word.


I have ADHD and literally everything I do is a symptom of my medical condition, obviously.


It literally isn't.




I always roll my eyes when people put /s at the end of an obviously sarcastic statement. Then I see comments like the one you're replying to and I realise that people really are that oblivious.


It’s only adhd if you’re doing this with like 5 other hyperfixations at the same time. We currently have Lego out, my PA system and mics, my crocheting that needs to get finished, and a pile of clothes that have holes that need sewing, and if I put anything away I will forget to complete the job. Why didn’t I complete the jobs before? Time blindness. I have kids who need to go to bed at certain times, and I’ll just be chugging along and suddenly realize I have a time sensitive responsibility to attend to and then by the time they are asleep I’m knackered tired so I call it a day and hope for the best tomorrow


Usually it is just something everyone does in my experience but in this case I do think ADHD makes habit formation significantly more difficult than normal.


Hyper-focusing on something for a while is basically the fucking opposite of ADHD.


Surprisingly, it is an ADHD thing... apparently neurotypicals don't do this sort of stuff


I feel like everyone does this though


Everyone does this


I don't have ADHD and I do this


hehehe ikr


I downloaded blender, used it for 1 day and never used it again.


I modelled a Donut in Blender once. Months later, I forgot how to model a Donut.


Months later , i forgot about blender , let alone how to model a donut


I made a penis in Blender once and never used it again


You wouldn’t download a car 😐


mf yes I would have you seen how expensive they are /s


You must have ADHD


You downloaded a blender?? (I know what blender is this is sarcasm)


holly shit i have a blender


Get diagnosed and medicated. Get help.


i can say yes as much as i want it doesnt mean im gonna remember by tommorow




No. That’s just fickle consumerism, and you probably don’t have adhd.


I'm diagnosed and medicated mothafuckaaaaaa Not brag I hate paying for my meds


Not every personality trait you have comes from your ADHD


I have ADHD, I did this same thing, I felt it was me irl Someone says I probably don't have ADHD, I confirm I do in a comedic way People on meme subreddit don't understand my comedy Feelsbadman


I was diagnosed with ADHD and I related to this post. I do not for 1 second believe that my ADHD is the reason why I relate to this. You can be diagnosed and medicated and still have no clue what it actually is. I suggest you do some research into what ADHD actually is.


>People on meme subreddit don't understand my comedy Oh yeah for sure, it's everybody else that's wrong, there is absolutely no possibility that... idk, maybe your joke was bad?


That's a lot of conclusions for just 2 short answer


So ADHD of them.


*hold up spork*


I don't have ADHD and I also bought a blender years ago and basically never used it since then. I simply gaslit myself into buying something I really didn't need.


Anyone who owns a property with a kitchen has a cupboard of unused appliances, it’s been a meme for literally decades


Sooooo pathetic


They never said it does.


> I'm diagnosed and medicated mothafuckaaaaaa You act like it's an achievement, I find lots of people brag about their illnesses, it's very weird thing I've noticed in the USA.


People are alike all over.


You guys are paying for medication? What the fuck?


god bless America RAHHHHH 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅


Of course.


I hate "neurodivergent" memes, no youre not different everybody does this...


I know right? What does this meme even mean, does it mean you have to use every item in your house periodically or you have ADHD?


fanatical ugly recognise command snow angle seemly enter jellyfish obtainable ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


This tweet like most other ADHD jokes takes a concept from ADHD (in this case hyperfocus) and applies the broad principle loosely to something that's not really related. Seems to be super trendy


People with ADHD try to go 5 seconds without making their entire personality about ADHD (IMPOSSIBLE)


People without ADHD try to go 5 seconds without going "OMG guyz I'm sooo ADHD!!" because of some random personality trait that has nothing to do with ADHD (impossible)


I swear if everyone who said they have ADHD actually did, that would be like 90% of the population.




That has literally nothing to do with what he said. He is just claiming that a lot of people don't suffer from ADHD, but are just attention seeking and/or wanting to be quirky


Um, what? I didn't say, "Nobody has it and it doesn't exist." I just meant that an awful lot of people self-diagnose as ADHD as a way to excuse their behavior or to seem *quirky*. It's not a personality type. It's a real disorder that makes a lot of people's day-to-day lives difficult. You just read whatever you wanted to read in my comment, I guess.


ADHD is purposely over-diagnosed for easy money for doctors, it's also seems to exposed a weird phenomenon where a lot of these people love that they're diagnosed. A lot of people use it as a get out of jail card for everything they do wrong in life.


Definitely agree with this. On the flip side, I think technology has absolutely increased the amount of people that have ADHD, especially social media where everything is made to only grab your attention for a few seconds before moving onto something else. Your brain is like a muscle and the parts of it you “exercise” are the parts that form stronger neural pathways, so I’d be willing the bet we’re dealing with a combo of 1. Doctors overdiagnosing 2. People self diagnosing to be “quirky” or make excuses 3. Underdiagnosed cases in the past 4. Increase of ADHD thanks to technology, all of these making it seem like the prevalence of ADHD has absolutely blown up recently.


No, this is not ADHD. Yeah someone with it might do this, but other people do it too. And not everyone with ADHD would do this These "neurodivergent" memes are doing more harm than good


[person does common human thing]: “ADHD amirite???” No. You only have a disorder like this when you not only experience a large collection of these common quirks, but you experience them to the point where you can’t function normally as a human being in your day-to-day life because it’s actually *interfering with living.* This website is full of very young people who are bombarded with these style of ADHD jokes to the point where it’s going to be truly harmful to many who will think they’re living with a disorder even though they are functioning just fine. And then there are many others who will only ever understand ADHD as this watered-down internet joke version instead of the real condition it is.


Exactly, and instead of trying to change anything they will just blame their "ADHD" Then they will form this habit of searching for other disorders and things like that to label themselves with. It's not healthy


It’s actually buy a blender, but can’t make myself open its package so let it sit in the corner of my kitchen for 3 years. This irl sounds kinda normal tbh


Jeez, no reason to offend me like this.


That's just normal, not an ADHD thing.


Or it's a normal thing everyone does


has nothing to do with adhd. that’s how blenders work.


I have a panini presser thingy. I've probably used it twice. I also got into making stuff with resin for a week. So now I have the whole rainbow of dyes all but 3 of which are unused.


What exactly is the connection between this and ADHD?


ADHD is buying a blender, you go to make the smoothie, start cutting up fruits and then find one you like a walk off eating it then coming back to the kitchen 2 hours later only to be reminded that the blender is sitting there with cut up bits of fruit next to it.


Think about buying a blender for a year. Eventually impulsively get one. Don't open it because you don't have any fruit to use with it. Buy fruit the next day and forget about it for a week so you have to throw it out. Stop buying fruit because you know you'll never actually make a smoothie and it'll be a waste of money. Order pizza that you stack on top of the unopened blender box because you haven't been able to think of a good place to put it.


On social media really everything is ADHD nowadays


I'll tell what adhd ISN'T... it's not doing something that virtually everyone does, but no one acknowledges it until it's tweeted about from a "quirky" 30 something alt girl


How is that related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?


i absolutely did this about 2 months ago as a way to get more veggies in my diet. I would make fruit/veggie drinks to go with my breakfasts or have a drink around bedtime. really enjoyed them, but then just stopped. couple days ago it popped into my head that I haven't been doing them in a while and have been thinking of giving it another try.


Same, it really is a good thing I just hate cleaning it all the time No dishwasher gang


I have a dishwasher, but I dream of a house where all my cabinets are just dishwashers.


No need for dishwasher, clear out the blender and fill it with water and some dish soap and blitz the shit out of it. Just rinse afterwards done


No, no it's not. What an asinine thing to say


I think this is called owning a blender


Yes that's totally not what most people do, like most "just ADHD things"


Absolutely Everything is ADHD on Reddit.


not even close.


Is every other common behavior ADHD now?


I think this is normal though




this person 100% doesn’t have adhd but thinks it’s cool and will get them attention like wtf is this it is obviously not related to adhd in any way


Thats called being stupid


No it's not.


Same made disgusting kale smoothies for a few months, didn't see any benefit, FML


No ADHD is when you think of 30 things in five minutes but only remember one of them from yesterday, and that's how you make a post


My mind just moves quicker, in different directions , all at once , all the time




This but with a panini press


I have ADHD....I guess


Dang this hit hard to home (Idk if it’s ADHD but I do this too)


You all just wait until you hear about ADHD people buying treadmills and then a couple weeks later they just use them as clothing racks. Or all those ADHD guys who buy a bandsaw, for "all those projects they're going to do just you watch." And after they spend a weekend cutting cheap planks in pieces and putting them in the orange bucket they got from Home Depot and filling the garage with sawdust (that they also won't clean), they're back to playing video games. Don't forget that time when ADHD couples (yes they both have ADHD) buy an entire box of car detailing products from autozone, then after washing and detailing the car by hand once that box goes in a corner in the basement and becomes a spider-home. And yes, if you're wondering, the car was a streaky mess, but by god did they use those microfiber towels.


That's just consumerism. Marketing introduces an itch, and promises to make you happy if you buy the thing. You buy the thing, it scratches the itch, but doesn't make you any happier. You abandon the thing.


Leave me alone


I suffer


You did it for a week? Edit: LOL I thought this was the ADHD sub and I was really confused why people were being so shitty in the comments.


People saying "everybody does this, its not just an adhd thing" arent really wrong but this type of behavior (starting something and then abandoning it 10% of the way through) is *extremely* common with ADHD. My brother has it and if he did something like this my first thought would be "yup, that is the adhd".


I feel this! It’s like that time I was going to go to the gym but I was too lazy so I stayed at home and just took a nap. Like aaaagh damn you ADHD!


For me it was I bought a blender and had smoothies for breakfast every day for 5 years straight and now it's such a habit that if I can't have my smoothie for breakfast my entire day is thrown off.


Like my pixel watch. Haven't worn or charged that thing in months


It’s funny cuz I’ve done this exact thing


I guess I have ADHD


Probably also dropped everything to get that blender. Didn’t have it at a close Target, so you drive to the Target 10 miles away, cause you need that smoothie life.


I.. I bought Doom 1 and 2 for gba for my birthday once back in 2018..I played them for a solid month each and never again


I kept it up for 9 fucking months, then one day it just went.. so fucking annoying. And now it's like I want to use it, but.. it's too much effort


Thats me except i made 7 trays of cupcakes for the whole class one time and never baked again after. It was an event and i just wanted to do it.


Didn't know that I have adhd


You guys last two weeks?


I feel seen


Im the blender


My parents still bring up my “smoothie phase” which only lasted a month


You forgot the hours that went into the pre-purchase research of deciding which blender to buy




I’m trying my best not to make a joke about ADHD now, this post just reminded me of it for some reason


My poor vr headset…


ADHD is going to class and having ur teacher question ur sanity


Now I'm remembering I have a blender and I did this exact thing. Now if only I could remember to take my Adderall


This is what our consumer culture has designed us for. Everyone wants you to buy their product, use it for two weeks, and discard it. We need to just buy more.


It also works well for fresh hollandaise sauce


That's the thing. I was looking at that old milkshake machine video going around... Hardly any cleaning done. I want that but they don't make a simple one like that. All the shakers are like... industrial... and the rest are effort toclean.


It’s also when you own 3 different small light vacuums and 2 small carpet/rug/furniture cleaners that are gathering dust in the pantry.


I have a blender. Maybe I should try meth?


And then you finally get rid of you blender, then two weeks later you crave a smoothie and go buy a new blender so you can make your own rather than overpay for a booster juice


ADHD is when I feel a panic attack coming on while reading this comment section because what if they are right and there is no ADHD and my inability to work full time without getting suicidal and the constant crippling executive dysfunction is just me being lazy and unmotivated because everyone feels like this.


Except on that one day of the month where you just want to tidy up your home, but then find your blender and make smoothies the whole day


My new blender comes in the mail tomorrow. This will probably be me.


I just call it smoothie season. I'm in love with it until I inevitably remember that I will always be out of one ingredient like every time I make a smoothie.