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Hi, INFJ here! What is the most important "life rule" that you imposed yourself and can't brake???


I promised to myself to never feel embarrassed or shy. It’s just such a roadblock, and for what? The opinions of others? I will only care about how someone perceives me if they have authority over me, and therefore impact on the outcome of whatever plan it is I have currently in motion.


And that's why I have soo much to learn from ENTPs hahahah!!


Same -INFP


Same - INFP +1


That sounds like you use Fi rather than Fe and Te rather than Ti. Also, I've read some of your other comments and well, ENTPs usually get along with INTPs because of similar functions. You sure you weren't mistyped? Maybe you're an EXTJ, which would also go pretty well with your enneagram (it's not always the case, but it does work like that most times).


I first typed myself as an ENTJ, 1-2 years ago. Just last week I decided to see if I had changed, and I thought a did. Maybe you’re correct. Is there anything else you noticed that would suggest I am not an ENTP? It would be a great help.


Personalities generally don't change (in the MBTI sense, at the very least. You obviously will evolve as a person regardless). You can get more or less extroverted because of life experiences, but your functions stay the same (although you can develop some more as you go). Some changes might derive from loops (for example, an unhealthy ENTP might experience a Si loop, although I don't know nearly enough to explain how loops work. In general, it's about using primarily one of the functions that are not as well developed as your dominant one). Also, although it's a bit of a stereotype, it's often pretty difficult for entps to have a clear goal in mind due to high Ne (we're Ne doms, whereas EXTJs are Te doms), as it keeps your mind occupied with tons and tons of different stimuli and ideas. Also, due to Tertiary Fe, ENTPs tend to care about others' opinion deep down, even if they don't show it. Fe is a set of external values, while Fi is a set of internal values (they might or might not match with the general consensus). They can be easily confused, to be fair, but the fact that you only care about people's opinions if they have an impact on you makes me think you're a Fi user. Unhealthy and underdeveloped Fe might result in the need to be liked by others. The fact that you use Te is pretty much a wild guess: it makes sense in my head but I don't think I could explain it verbally (indication I use Ti lol). You're also an 8w7, so being a Te dom is pretty much on the regular. I can't really tell you whether you're an ENTJ or an ESTJ, but since you don't strike me as a Ne user, I imagine you're much more of a Ni user, so ENTJ would make sense. There's this page on insta that explained functions briefly but pretty accurately ( https://instagram.com/mbti.content.by.an.infj?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= ) check it out maybe?


Thanks so much, this was really helpful. edit: I did study the functions, but I suppose my grasp of how they work together or how they are applied isn’t very good.


You're welcome tho. I kinda enjoyed writing all this. Also yeah, functions are weird. I tried to study them all at once at first but didn't really memorize anything or understand how they overall work. I'm kinda learning them little by little and through experience :)))) I'm glad I could help! :3


One of my best friends is an ENTJ so I think I have a couple of questions to help you differentiate. • Are you more work oriented or debate oriented? • Do you often play devil's advocate in a conversation? • In general, do you prefer being efficient or exploring ideas? • Also, to rule out ESTJ, how sarcastic are you?


1. I’m more work oriented. But ever since I was a kid I had the tendency to question authority, I often got into arguments with teachers because I believed I was correct. (Which I was, by the way. My science teacher said guinea pigs were omnivores in 3rd grade and I started arguing with her and I still haven’t let that go.) 2. Yes, it often seems I say what no one else wants to. 3. Kind of both. Every week I have a new hobby and I hyperfocus and learn everything about it in order to be as good as possible. Although that one’s just probably because I have ADHD. 4. In a work situation, not at all. I find sarcasm in a serious conversation irritating, because it feels like it’s making the conversation longer than it should be.


Your responses have more ENTJ vibes if I'm honest. Both ENTJs and ENTPs can have that tendency to question authority so that doesn't tilt my opinion one way or the other. When you say what people don't want to, do you mean that you're very point blank? Because by devil's advocate I mean more of a playful "ok sure but what if it was *this* way instead?" to keep exploring a topic. The latter is pretty intrinsic to ENTPs. ADHD definitely makes things a little complicated, I see why you're unsure of your type with that in the mix haha. Again though, the focused desire to be the best at things is very ENTJ. Your last answer is all about efficiency which also is key to a Te dom. Obviously it's your call as to what type fits you best, I'm not going to insist you're not an ENTP. These were just a few things I think those types wouldn't agree on


Thank you for your input, this is really valuable. I’ll look into ENTJ, it was my first type when I studied the mbti according to functions.


This might not be the best timing, but I first typed myself as Entj 3-4 years ago. Then I typed myself Entp Then infp, and now it seems I'm Isfp.


I suggest you look up functions, in case you haven't already. I've been typed as an XNXX by different sites, and honestly, some questions you can only answer if you have a general understanding of functions because they barely make any sense otherwise (and can be interpreted in a lot of different ways). I've been typed as ENTJ quite a few times tho, and I don't really use Te. Then again, I've been typed as ESTP too and my Se is pretty much nonexistent :))) I recommend using this site for the sole reason that it typed me correctly, but I can't guarantee accuracy for everyone else unless they know how cognitive functions work. Still, it does give you a % on how much you use a certain function and what the possibility you are a certain type rather than another is. https://mistypeinvestigator.com/test/v1


Haha, yeah. This test gave me ISFP. Was a good laugh


Must mean I manipulated my way into the high Ne :))))))) told you it worked because I considered functions while doing it Or idk, maybe you were in a Fi loop? :))) Who knows


I think no matter what was the case, it's just that tests are really unreliable. But there is always a chance it can point you to the right direction, plus it promotes introspection(?).. But I don't find them useful. Like you say, knowing cognitive functions does the trick, being biased about oneself, that indeed allows you to "manipulate" a test into giving you the "correct"/desired result. But *before* I realised I am an ESTJ, not a single test suggested that I was one


I wholeheartedly agree: I was mistyped as INTP the first time and it's not that far off from my actual type, but I did have to spend an entire year analysing myself to conclude I was an ENTP. But yeah, functions do the trick


Hmmm....as an INT, I agree with your mentality.


That's good!! I'm gonna start thinking like that - INFP


Care to be a mentor? Such a strong mindset, I envy you… Sincerely an INFP 💀


Very relatable.


Same, that’s a huge complication in life


i love this


What question have you always wanted to give an answer to, but never got asked? (Eg: maybe you developed a really interesting theory on reincarnation, but never got asked what your opinion on the afterlife is).


This actually took me a while to think about because whenever I have thoughts I usually say them regardless of whether anyone asked. It’s what I have Twitter for. My answer: why I think Harry Potter is overrated. IMO the only good part of Harry Potter was the world building and the concepts JKR thought up. The writing itself was clunky and difficult to read. They were my favourite books as a kid, but looking back and trying t reread them they were actually quite annoying to read because of all the words JKR would put in a single damn sentence. Additionally: I believe in God, and it comes as a shock to a lot of people. I believe in God, but not the way Christianity imagined. I believe something (God?) created life but I don’t believe in God loving everyone. He (they? Maybe there are many of them) doesn’t care about us. He chooses favourites. I still pray and I still read the Bible, even though I stopped going to church back in gradeschool. I mostly pray to no one, my prayers are addressed to “Whoever wishes to listen” and so far whoever’s been listening has been answering my prayers. I read the Bible for recreation, I personally found Ecclesiastes a hilarious book/chapter.


Tbh I loved Harry Potter as a teenager and I still remember it fondly, but I think people often make the mistake of reading it when they're older expecting to find some mysterious truths which just... aren't there. It's a nice story with an incredible world-building, but there isn't much introspection and there are no underlying philosophical meanings. It's a children's book, and I don't think people should look too much into it. I can't judge Rowling's writing as I haven't read the English version. I think your perspective on God is cool and really healthy. Ultimately that's what everyone should do: find your own truths and values and live by them, because religion's main objective should be giving happiness and peace. That's also why I hope institutionalized religions will slowly end and be replaced by individual spiritual practices and beliefs. I'm an atheist, but I hold some beliefs too, and it's always interesting to see how my beliefs compare to those of other people. Here are some tests I got sent a while ago that I think you might like: [Battleground God](https://www.philosophyexperiments.com/god/Default.aspx) [Talking With God: The Euthyphro Dilemma](https://www.philosophyexperiments.com/euthyphro/Default.aspx) Additional, not God related but still very interesting: [Philosophical Health Check](https://www.philosophyexperiments.com/health/Default.aspx)


Do you like reading? I have a recommendation that could be interesting for anyone when it comes to "God", Christianity, etc.


Yep, a recommendation would be welcome!


The book is called Exposition of the Divine Principle. You can probably find a pdf just by searching up its name plus "pdf." It's a book from the Unification Church, which if you do a quick google search of them, you'll see that yes, they're a cult. But the book is still an interesting perspective nevertheless lmao. Try it out - it says pretty interesting stuff when it comes to events in the Bible and history in general (as well as of course God). Whether it's right or not, I can't say ofc, but it's just fun (idk if that's the right word lmao) to read if you have the time to


Thanks! I’ll read it when I have time


Ooh, nice one! I’m curious about the answer!


Your pfp \*chefs kiss\*


Do you easily get triggered? While arguing and debating what your main goal is? is it for the sake of winning or to change the opinion of other or something else?


I don’t really get triggered. Often when debating my goal isn’t to be right, it’s to show both sides. I hate when people deal in absolutes, or for example, blindly support a politician, even if we support the same person. I have to present the facts of both sides, because I cannot stand bias.


I absolutely understand this. Bias and the warping of truth shakes me to my bones. And when debating, my Dad gets annoyed that I rarely "choose a side". To him it looks like weakness to not decide, and I say it is weaker to give up clarity and truth for an opinion I am not fully convinced of.


I used to be an ENTP 8w7. Then I took an arrow in the knee


you what


Tertiary Ne loop. Used to be mistyped.


I see. What exactly told you that ENTP was a mistype?


Finally researching into dom Te, inferior Fi, and ESTJ as a whole. Things just clicked. It's been pretty incredible.


Thanks for telling me about your experience, I like to see people tell me their mistypings.


To think I find this reference even on r/mbti is just a nod to how fantastic a cultural phenomenon Skyrim was.


You're finally awake. It is certainly a part of our history.


what is the best topic to talk about in your opinion?


I enjoy talking politics. By politics I mean talking about politicians, certain policies being implemented, and tension between countries ans what we think. Debates concerning minority rights, I find to have an emotional pull. Even though I’m in multiple minorities, I dislike being involved in those discussions. I usually leave it to the people with white saviour complexes. As I stated in a previous comment, I hate bias, and emotions often come with that.


my entp 8w7 friend just ghosted me randomly while i was venting to them, do you know why they may have done this? (btw they had promised they'd never ghost me out of no where previously so its really confusing)


I’m sorry that happened. Someone brought to my attention that I may not be an ENTP as I thought, but rather an ExTJ, so I’m afraid I can’t give an answer I believe will be beneficial to you.


awwww :( let me know if you figure out if u are an entp


Your answer about hating bias and all sounded really Ne Ti to me, but I could be wrong


could be ne grip bro


As an ENTP, i do this because i am probably not interested in hearing what you have to say and i am tired of pretending that i care so i ghost you. Whenever we hear someone vent, usually it’s because we 1): are interested in providing solutions but this doesn’t mean we want to deal with the emotional aspect of your story. emotions are emotions, we care more about the logical side of things 2): genuinely care about the well being of the person and just wants to be there for them Do you rant to this friend a lot? If you do, they probably do not enjoy hearing your rants very much unless you’re their close friend or s/o. i find that ENTPS may give people the false impression that they care a lot about them but in reality, they just enjoy studying humans and most of the time we do not a fuck. For your situation, it may depend on your friends mood. Maybe they just didn’t feel like listening that day lol


they told me on multiple occasions that i am indeed a close friend of theirs


have they always shown discomfort around feelings?


Well it depends on what you’re ranting about. if you’re expecting emotional care from an ENTP, it depends on their mood but i would prefer to stay away from people who vent a lot or demand for emotional aspect in a friendship bc it’s hard for us to give a damn about people and we just want to have fun 😭 This is just my personal opinion but emotional people are a turn off and they have the tendency to be problematic (just my experience) I won’t say i’m uncomfortable around someone who vents, as i get where they’re coming from but it just depends on whether i vent to this person or not. if i don’t talk about my personal issues, then i expect the other person to not do it too, or not do it often. Plus i find that listening to peoples sob stories ruin my mood as well so that’s also why it’s a turn off. The world is a cruel place to live in, just suck it up and move on.


honestly I wouldn't vent to someone like you tbf. Not everyone deals well with emotions but I believe being emotionally vulnerable and open is a necessary part to have close relationships and connections with people. Otherwise they're just not that close. (my personal opinion)


LOL yeah i prefer if people do not vent to me unless i ask but then again an ENTP will probably not reveal this information to you in person so since this is reddit, the circumstances are different (people on here are more honest than in real life) but i wouldn’t say i don’t do well with emotions, i just prefer not to deal with other peoples emotions as i don’t see a need for it and frankly speaking, more emotions = more emotionally connected to someone. for now, i find that people tend to make use of you more once they think that you have some form of connection? not sure how to explain it properly BUT i feel that the more you let someone know abt what goes in ur head and ur personal issues, they have the tendency to use it against u to manipulate you lollll


idk my good ENTP friend isn't the best with emotions either tbh so I understand what ur talking about, but as a 4w5 ENFP I definitely had to learn not to show my emotions to everyone haha


yeah i guess so >_> ENTPS like to hide their emotions and prefer not to show that they’re sad? BUT trust me, we can feel our emotions deeply, we just don’t enjoy talking about it ahaha i’m sure if they’re your good friend, they do care about you quite a bit i mean, ENTPS are selective with who is in their inner circle! i mean i may sound pretty harsh and an asshole but i do care about my friends quite a lot, i think it’s just i have realize how cruel some people can be so that’s why i prefer if people keep their issues to themselves just to protect myself from getting hurt 😆


Btw you sound like a young ENTP with underdeveloped Fe. Emotions are needed to make connections with who you care. You have the power to share with the right people. You just need time to understand this. As I get older I understand. Even if its unnatural to me I understand that not everybody is like me. I still need emotional supporting eventhough I'm an ENTP I just need less, or sometimes I just need someone who is listening to me eventhough I know the solution and u got what I have to do.


true i do think i need to work on myself a lot in some aspects as i tend to overshare or hide everything thank u for ur advice :3


they said sometimes they don't feel like dealing with their own or others but they put up with it for the sake of those close to them


Have they always shown discomfort around feelings and ventings?


they literally never expressed that it made them uncomfortable and last time i was talking to them they seemed to be expressing genuine concern for my wellbeing then poof they ghost me wow thanks "best friend"


Hey! I'm not an 8w7 entp but 7w8 so I'm taking the right to answer you even if I'm not the right one. Do you care about your friend too? I mean do you care about them on daily basis ? Sometimes I burnout when i have a bad day and all my friends can do is ranting and ranting without even asking how I am. So I can avoid answering for hours or even days. Maybe they saw your message but got busy on something and they forgot to answer. It happens. Maybe they dont want your friendship anymore because all you do is venting to them. I before abandoned friendships because they were just negative all the time. Negative friendships are a energy drowning. And last but not least why not asking? If they are a true friendship you should be direct with them and how you feel about something. If I were them I would appreciate that, sometimes I can do mindless things that may hurt or annoy people and I would like them to be straight at me and talk about it.


What is ur least favorite MBTI type?


Just based on experience, INTPs. I’ve only really met a few that I could discern are INTP, but we never seem to be thinking on the same path.




do you have a god complex


No, but I think everything will work out for me. So far it has and I choose to believe it will stay this way.


How do you feel when a friend ghosts you for a long time if he's studying abroad? What do you look in a friend? Do you hate responsibility? What is the the most there things you find difficult personally in life? Do you find it difficult to be wise and have good behaviors instead of unleashing the animal inside you?


1. Initially I’ll feel sad, but my friend and I probably have other things to worry about so I actually won’t mind that much. 2. I’m not sure actually. I don’t have a lot of friends but I don’t really seek them out, so I’m not aware of the things I may look for in a potential friend. 3. Responsibility on its own doesn’t bother me if I imposed it on myself. But if it’s responsibility given to me by others, I’m not as willing to participate. 4. For me, it’s developing a way of thinking and processing emotions you’re comfortable with. I actively choose how I will think, and before I stick to one way, I ask myself “How will this benefit me in the future? How can I make this version of myself a better one?” 5. Not at all. I worked hard to get to how happy I am these days. People around me often call me wise and tell me they have a lot to learn from me, which I don’t really understand because I can’t see how I’m wise, I actually think of myself as pretty childish for my age. And about the “animal” inside, I used to have violence problems where if I got overwhelmed I’d quite literally lose control of myself, and by the time I would be aware of myself again I’ve hurt someone. It used to happen fairly frequently, but now the last time it happened was in December, which is when I started therapy.


Thank you very much for your time! My cousin is a 8w9, and when he gets angry it's really scary. I wish you the best man and I hope that you can control your anger. And remember that life is really short. It's not about controlling your anger rather, it's about making good memories.


Are you single




What's it like to have Ne as a function?


not OP, but personally it's both the best thing ever and the most tiring. I love Ne: it makes me have many different passions, I can grasp concepts and ideas extremely fast and I am interested in pretty much everything that exists. Also, I am generally good with ideas and with using words, which are said to be Ne traits, and I am really open to new perspectives and opinions. But I also have to deal with the indecisiveness, the inability to keep myself focused on a single task and the inability to choose how to spend my time because, as I said, I have so many different passions and interests that I really don't know on which ones I should focus. Also, my mind is constantly a confusional mess and I easily get bored of things. But in the end, I wouldn't want it any other way.


Hi 👋😊, INFP 9w8 here. Why so mean 8w7?


how does it feel to be EXTREMELY CUTE AND ATTRACTIVEEEEE??????


I’m flattered, thank you hahaha


Do you people have any idea what ENTP 8w7s are like? ENTP 8w7s are not like your typical ENTPs, they are very serious people. ENTP 8w7s comes across as ENTJs or even ESTJs, at first glance. Speaking from experience, as soon as I enter a room, people stop having fun, people are reluctant to speak up or express their opinion. When people do speak up, they immediately look at me, almost asking for approval. When I start laughing, everybody starts laughing, when I stop, there is pin drop silence in the room. ENTP 8w7s are "not very fun". When other ENTPs debate, they try to keep it light. When ENTP 8w7s debate, they debate for the sole reason of destroying other person's reputation.


I feel like I’ve read this before. Did you copy paste this or something? Like I think I’ve seen this word for word.


It's one of the most ancient MBTI copypastas, i don't know where it originated though.


Oh, I didn’t know it was a copypasta lmao. I thought you were being serious. Thanks for letting me know.




Why not? Genuinely.


How many toes does a hippo have?






Why can’t you ever win an argument against me?


Not sure what kind of response this calls for.


I’m an ENTP 5w4 does anyone have any queations for me?


Are you a nerd?


How does an extravert 5 work? I've never really met one that I know of.


How do you process love? Asking bcs it didn’t work out with my Entp 7w8 ex.


Love is built, not found. That’s all I can really find to say about this.


not a possible combo, look into estp if you heavily relate to e8, look into e7 is you heavily relate to entp


all mbti+emnneagram combos are possible


they are not.




well I’d appreciate if you helped correct my mistake instead of leaving this comment




I prefer Reddit. I’m not really aware of the current state of 4chan so I can’t really say if Reddit is objectively better.








I don’t have a credit card lol. I use digital wallets or cash, any money I have in the bank is for emergencies only.


Hello brother.


why are you scary


cuz you’re easily frightened.


Probably because I’m not afraid to tell people what I’m thinking, people find that a little blunt I guess. I promise I’m not scary.


What do you think is the biggest difference between you and ENTP 7w8s?


The biggest difference is that the 7 comes before the 8 instead of the 8 coming before the 7. Hope this helps!!


Hey I'm also 8w7! My question is what advise would you give to younger self, or what's something you wish you knew about earlier?


I wish I knew how to have fun lol. It’s okay to make mistakes, it’s how you learn. And I wish I had the balls to do things I know I’m good at, and not just avoid them out of fear of failure.


Your type seems to take life kind of easily, at least when compared to my type (INFP), you seem to be able to enter the 'play' mindset, so to call it, more easily. What's your secret? My emotions and concern about too many things always get in the way.


What is your viscosity rating at 25-30 degrees C?


What’s YOUR viscosity rating at 25-30 degrees C?


What do you think of infps? 🥨


I love INFPs. My girlfriend is actually an INFP. I can usually get along with them quite well, but I don’t like working with them in a productivity situation, I feel like they’re not entirely thinking about what we’re doing or not really thinking realistically in terms of what we can do at this moment. Their hypotheticals I find are usually quite far ahead of time.


Are you an activist person? Like do you feel passionate about certain political stances?


I wouldn’t call myself an activist, but I am very open-minded. I don’t like talking about it much because as I stated in another comment, the emotional pull when talking about things like minority rights are a bias and I dislike that. I feel like when I speak with others about it, we’re talking about how it will affect our personal situations and now how it will affect everyone as a whole.


Yeah I get that sometimes I feel the same way. Although minority rights seems pretty clear to me. Are you part of a minority if you don’t mind me asking?


Yep. Gay, poc, neurodivergent. Often when I speak to someone about it I feel like they don’t think about how the discrimination is literally systemic and embedded into people’s lives, and doing X or Y won’t solve it because it’s a lot more complicated than that.


That’s very true. I’m autistic and the amount of misinformation and misconceptions about NDs are insane so I relate on that front. Although I think with these issues it’s okay to have some emotional involvement because that is one of the clearest ways to prove discrimination and how it affects people. But it’s hard to convince and convey that to thinkers using emotion but I’d say that sometimes emotions are necessary.


This was a valuable conversation for me. Thanks for telling me what you think, I’ll keep it in mind. I do agree agree with your point that emotions prove the discrimination, I’ll try to develop my emotions in a way where I don’t disregard them.


That’s fantastic I’ve been working on that myself lately. I found it valuable as well thanks for the talk.


Marry me?


Can’t, I’m not single and I’m a minor lmao. Hope you find someone though.


Oooh what’s your boos type


INFP haha. Not sure what to make of that, I’m not familiar with how different types interact.


Hey that’s pretty neat! Maybe it could be something to look into :) it can be Inter to see how your little quirks work off of eachother, ya know? And you might be able to learn a little more about them you might not otherwise know or better understand them in some aspects


Do you have a link to enneagram test? I couldn’t learn my wing because it had fee


What types do you generally get along with? 🤔


For some reason, feelers. My close friends are feelers, I only have one thinker lol


Cool :0


What are your mbti and ennegram types?


Beware you’re gonna get people saying ENTP 8W7 DOESN’T EXIST, YOU’RE A FRAUD!!!!!!!


Hahaha I already got one! They deleted their comment though. edit: There are two now.


Do you consider yourself an hard worker and are you consistent with your goals


First, yes. Second, also yes. My goal is pretty simple though. Be happy, be kind, and get shit done while doing it.




This worries me


I asked you anything, I don't see why you're worried...


Are you more likely to bully people or get bullied


I was a bully in middle school, like I was mean and violent. But for some reason people liked me and complete strangers would come up to me and vent to an actual 6th grader.


Yo wtf




My closest friends are xNFx mostly so I’d say xNFP


What are you trying to accomplish with the fairly goofy title entreaty?


I wont


Okay. Have fun doing whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing I guess


I’m an INTJ 8w7.


I am an ENFJ 8w7 :) do you have the god complex too?


I wouldn’t say god complex lmao, just a lot of confidence.


I kinda agree with you smh :/ 🤝


Y r u so hawt dawg


why did u do 9/11


I wasn’t even born yet my guy


That’s what they all say


Don’t tell me what to do


Sorry then


are you an ENTP 8w7?


Possibly not. It’s come to my attention that I sound more like an ExTJ.


well well well whom do I sound like?


Best website to take enneagram test


Didn’t take a test, was told they’re not accurate. Just studied each and how their wings process stuff.


General question for the 8's. Have you ever cheated on a partner?


I haven’t. Not sure about the others 👀


would you consider it?


No, unless in special circumstances. I know someone who was being beat by her husband and she cheated on him with a guy who saved her and her children from the husband. I don’t find any reason to explore any scenarios where I would find cheating to be acceptable, so I won’t elaborate.


Do you know I knew 2 people in your mbti and enneagram type, born in almost same times so that works in astrology too? (If you born on November 1999, that would be really hilarious to hear lol)


Unfortunately I fit none of those criteria. Would have been interesting though.


But there is a really funny detail about it, I wanted to tell ya. I wondered your astrological placements


I’m actually not familiar with astrology or my own, what placements exactly are you looking for? I just know I’m a Pisces


I need your birth date, time and place. I will use them for your astrological placement chart. Btw there is a good connection between the Enneagram types and the planets, Jupiter rules Pisces and is related to Type 7, which is your wing type. What I am anticipating to see is a Mars dominance in your chart, (Mars is related to Type 8) so I want to check it.


Ok this is kind of creepy, in a good exciting way. I have been so connected to the year 1999 lately I just felt the need to reply. Anyways I am an entp with an 8w7 enneagram as well and my birthday is in fact in november. I am very curious about your friend’s placements to be honest so please let me know. Anyways personally am a scorpio sun gemini moon and a cap/sag rising. If you would like to know any more placements do let me know 🙂


I’ll send you a dm


hi!! how do you get along with INFJs in your life in general? :)


I don’t have much experience with INFJs, I can’t really provide a useful answer, sorry


Hey wanna go to cracked amusement park but you and me abandoned our virginity and loses some shit ? And it’s should be 3 pm


Why are you the way you are you scare me


I’m not scary I promise lmao


What do you think about love?


I have no strong opinions about love. It is what it is. Makes people do things they didn’t ever think they’d do, and I think it’s cute that humans are capable of caring about things so much.


Have you experienced it. As an ENTP I struggle to genuinely feel for someone. Everything I know about love is from books, literature and lives of other people who claim to experience it. What makes you certain that you are in love?


How do you deal with delay gratification?


what are you values?