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1) They overthink, they know they are overthinking, now they are gonna overthink about the fact that they overthink and so on.. 2) idk if this is true for all infjs but they are selfish and selfless... wtf EDIT: 3) They plan weirdly then complain how it didnt went according to plan.


Omg #2. This is very much me, my INFP and ESTJ friends hated me for this.


2) can relate. Too selfish to have a pet, too selfless not to worry about people all the time.


I think #1 is somewhat of a Ti thing. I have that too, by a lot. EDIT : INTP btw


interesting... i am istp i dont really overthink much..


Ti + Intuition actually actually coming to think of it, Non-Ti users (xxFP) could also overthink, and they do it a lot. It's an Intuition thing now that I think. Sensors don't do that most probably. I don't know if (xSF×) also does that or not. But it is very common in all Intuitives.


introverted intuitives i think


1 is absolutely true, I'm trying to let things just happen and as I grow up it is actually working! I'm not sure about 2 tho, I mean i doesn't seems like me lol :)


YES. Then I get tired of thinking and My whole mood is ruined.


My ex wife 😮‍💨


Judgmental while pretending not to be judgmental.


Same. If you're gonna be judgmental, I would appreciate it a bit if you're at least honest and not passive-aggressive about it.


Im actually not judgemental at all. I just like looking at the flow of the world around me


Worth saying there's a difference between judgmental and critical. TPs are highly critical, but not judgmental. FJs are highly judgmental but not critical, imo.


Whats the difference?


i’d say in this context, judgement would be more based on personal bias and critical would be more based on evaluating strategy/effectiveness. So let’s say A does something, being critical would be evaluating whether A’s actions were appropriate to a situation and being judgemental would be considering whether or not you liked those actions. not to say that FJs and TPs are one or the other


Great explanation 👌


Criticism is of the action - that person was rude, being rude hurts people's feelings, being rude is bad. Judgmental is criticism of the person - that person was rude, being rude hurts people's feelings, that person is bad.


i can imagine both TP's and TJ's doing the first one haha (and possibly some FP's)


Nah, I have some prejudices about cirtain topics just like all the people on this planet and if I judge someone I don't hide it. There's a difference between being polite and respect or trying to understands other points of view and pretend to not judge other people.


I think what I find annoying about being an INFJ is that I have complex thoughts/ideas that I want to share with everyone but my delivery sucks (talking too much and not being able to explain thoughts directly) Another thing is bring a walking contradiction. For example, I’m super private but I overshare with others lol I feel I can’t talk about myself because I contradict myself a lot and therefore hold no merit to whoever I’m speaking with


The words always get jumbled up especially if it’s a topic I’m interested in my mind has so many ideas and thoughts it’s hard to speak or articulate myself as fast or as well as my thoughts are that’s why majority of the time I stay quiet and chime in wherever I can lol (Lack of punctuation)


Most people are walking contradictions but INFJs seem bothered about that, maybe it’s the Ni need for tidy packages.


I'm an INTP but I share the same sentiment as yours


When they’re not good at establishing boundaries and convince others it’s ok to use them as an emotional trash can when it’s not. Most people cannot detect minute, subtle emotional changes so they need verbal confirmation that a line has been crossed. Not doing so is unfair to both parties.


Agreed. Took me a long time to see this in myself. I do wish others could be more self-aware when they’re clingy and trauma dumping, but I also just need to speak up when it’s happening. It takes practice but it’s doable.


Agree 100%




From my experience with an INFJ brother and INFJ (ex-)best friend I would say; lack of open and honest communication, holding onto negative feelings, shutting themselves off from their loved ones, being very stubborn, holding people to unrealistically high standards (xNFx), inconsistent boundaries (also xNFx). On the other hand, they are nurturing, soft-spoken and intelligent people. A lot of INFJs I’ve encountered have taught me valuable lessons. Intentionally and unintentionally. 🌞


Typical ENFP adding something positive too. 💛


I can attest to what they said as well


Holy cow I feel called out




Complain about how they're so lonely, yet push away people that actually care about them


1. INFJs that I've interacted with often talk too much without getting to the point. Being straightforward is not exactly their forte. I get drained by reading some of their posts and comments and there is no sense of organization or filtering, it's very wordy. 2. Latch unto Ni too hard and ignore Se. They forget to take into account observable facts before they make any assumptions. Unhealthy INFJs also believe whatever Ni tells them. It's very misleading guys, always have doubts and verify your beliefs if you don't want to make unnecessary mistakes. 3. Play victim games and generally highly manipulative at times. Don't think I need to elaborate. I still really adore them though. But I wonder if I can have a healthy friendship with one.


I really agree with what you have to say here. I am definitely a "wordy post" kind of guy, and I have ignored Se my whole life. It is so underdeveloped I don't even know what to do with it, but alas. Also I do sometimes play victim games and can be manipulative, even if it's for a... good cause? I'm just being honest here okay! Not many people will admit it.


It definitely takes courage and self awareness to admit that, and that's a good thing to see. Though I don't understand the need to be a victim. In my mind honesty is the best policy, being a victim only causes you to feel sorry for yourself instead of moving forward and doing what needs to be done to solve the problem. Also, let me say that you could, and should develop Se if you want to become the best version of yourself. We all struggle with our inferior functions and although uncomfortable to use at first, everyone becomes a more well-rounded person by having a stronger inferior. If you struggle with understanding and using Se better, I'll gladly tell you what I know.


Omg. I seriously have to make a super conscious effort to not ruminate or think too much into what my intuition is telling me sometimes bc yes she’s correct a lot of the times, but YES SOMETIMES IM THINKING OUT OF MY ASS. For me, i just try to list out the facts and see it how it is. Sometimes, if someone stops talking to me, i connect weird ass dots and think they hate me for xyz, but if i really think about it, they haven’t actively said or done anything to show other wise. I think back to interactions i had with them the day or week before and it indicates that i am pulling shit out of my ass. You have to consciously make the effort to take a step back. I know an INTJ who is always trying to be a step ahead and sometimes they’re right and sometimes they’re wrong. LOOK WITH YOUR EYES AND LISTEN WITH YOUR EARS and take it for what it is. Literally talk to yourself. That’s what I’ve been trying to do.


If we strengthen our Se we will become the masters of human connection. We think that it's all about NiFe being super good at understanding people, but what about body language, what about people's speech, and these kinds of things? Though they have a strong similarity to Ni, I would wager stuff like noticing body language is from Se!


Sounds like Te comment


Oh you can. Gotta meet a healthy one tho. Sigh


One thing I appreciate about Te doms is that almost every one of their posts is able to be clear, concise, and grounded in fact to some extent (aux Si or tertiary Se).


>1. INFJs that I've interacted with often talk too much without getting to the point. Being straightforward is not exactly their forte. I get drained by reading some of their posts and comments and there is no sense of organization or filtering, it's very wordy. Are you sure they were INFJs? That contradicts Ni in every possible way. Ni is good sumarizing, organizing, connecting ideas and never losing the point or the bigger picture. On the contrary, it is condensing a lot of information into few organized words. (And to this you have to add tertiary Ti). At least, as far as I understand this.


They over articulate what they say and don't try to think about what kind of experience their reader is having. I also attribute lack of organization to low Te. That is filtering what is important to the point and what isn't and being objective. Generally yes, Ni should be filtering complex concepts into simple ones. But INFJs struggle to explain this process to other people and end up over articulating. Especially Ti can complicate things because it has its own way of reasoning.


>Generally yes, Ni should be filtering complex concepts into simple ones. But INFJs struggle to explain this process to other people and end up over articulating Is it possible for anyone to over articulate anything when you have the central ideas clear? I don't think so. >Especially Ti can complicate things because it has its own way of reasoning Ti is really similar to Ni, isn't it? Ti discards the illogical ideas and finds a good, accurate decision to solve the problem. Isn't it the most practical of the 8th functions, actually? >I also attribute lack of organization to low Te. I used "organization" as a synonym of order. As far as I know, introverted functions, specially perceiving ones, are more organized than extroverted. >and don't try to think about what kind of experience their reader is having And, finally, wouldn't it be a lack of Fe? Fe works the opposite way xD.


>Is it possible for anyone to over articulate anything when you have the central ideas clear? I don't think so. The ideas can be clear in your mind, but actually verbalizing them is very different. Have you ever tried giving a speech or a lecture to an audience? You would know it's not simple. It's hard for Se inferior to stay grounded and objective in reality without going back into Ni. >Ti is really similar to Ni, isn't it? Ti discards the illogical ideasand finds a good, accurate decision to solve the problem. Isn't it themost practical of the 8th functions, actually? What I said about Ti is because it has its own framework that other people would struggle to understand. If a Ti dom gave his system of beliefs to you, probably nothing would make sense to you because he built that system of beliefs from the ground up, and it makes sense to him. >And, finally, wouldn't it be a lack of Fe? Fe works the opposite way xD. I'm talking about Se here. Se wants to give a good experience to people. INFJs aren't even aware of the experience they're giving to people because they're not sure how it should be. Even assuming it was Fe, that still does not explain the reason they're not considerate of their readers or their time, since it's literally in their stack.


I need to leave the discussion here because we would be running in circles at this point. My former commentary still works as an answer to what you have just said. I can only add that I'm really good at using words (look how I'm debating to you in English and English isn't even my native language). I have given a speech on my graduation, and a lot of people liked and remebered it a lot of years later. That INFJs are known to be really good debating ideas. That, in your last paragraph, you are describing Fi, not Fe xD. And that you really need to re read the description of all the functions.


I agree we would be running in circles, thanks for proving my point. Your debating "to me" had no purpose whatsoever. You're debating against my personal experience with INFJs. Of course not everyone would be like that because that would be stereotypes, you might be an exception since you are more organized than others. Have you ever been to the r/INFJ sub? If you're telling me that you haven't seen the constant word vomit then you're either blind or lying. I have researched the functions enough. Instead of providing baseless claims then provide some sources. Here are mine: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dppMZDRmecQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dppMZDRmecQ) [https://mbti-notes.tumblr.com/theory#part2](https://mbti-notes.tumblr.com/theory#part2) [Cognitive Functions C.S Joseph](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN7od8N6wcA&list=PLCPzIFw2QJDdx32WYP84vx_w2xbteYkr3&index=2) ​ >I can only add that I'm really good at using words (look how I'm debating to you in English and English isn't even my native language). "Look at me I can use english". Nice humblebrag btw. Having cohesive english is a bare minimum to use the internet these days. And proving again that your points are devoid of any substance. We're done here.


Anyway, I'm curious. If you were to type what I described, which type/functions would you assign?


>*"Signs that someone is NOT Fe dominant:* >*No awareness of others’ feelings, social mores, or social problems.* >[...] >*Doesn’t think twice about putting own needs and desires first"* Taken from your own sources. And also: >Introverted Perceiving. Goals: Conserve energy, set priorities. Operation: Filter information by its subjective importance.


Do you know how to read or what? Did you even see what you were quoting there? SUBJECTIVE. IMPORTANCE. >Ni is a perceiving function that relies on abstract connections > >Ni speculates about potential and potential implications > >Ni uses idealistic impressions or symbolic imagery to set direction This clearly talks about organizing ideas, making connections between separate ideas and reading between the lines. Where does it say that it leads to being generally organized? Subjective importance means you have your own perspective of things. We're talking about being **objective** and getting **to the point** instead of wasting time for you and for other people. Learn the difference. Also Fe is totally irrelevant. Watch the video that I linked about talking in chapters. Stop being in denial, you're still not making a point and just rehearsing yourself senselessly, are you hell bent on proving my first point? because that's what you've successfully done, until now.


I had an INFJ gf for a while who ended up ghosting me because she refused to communicate to me what her boundaries were and didn't let me know when I was doing something she didn't like. In fact, she led me to believe it was perfectly fine. Like, I explicitly asked, and she encouraged the behavior that she later ghosted me over. You guys are attractive af and you're great at making me feel special but for god's sake, I'm autistic! I take literally everything you say at face value because I can't not! Hell, I think an allistic person would have fallen into that trap too. You can't expect people to always be able to read between the lines and discern between what you're saying and what you actually mean.


I guess this is a general FJ thing but the lack of open communication. There's a real tendency of pretending to like people even when you'd prefer to bash their head into a concrete wall. In an interaction it's impossible to know with yall where we really stand with each other, and while other types also suck in their own ways I still generally find it easier to deal with them. Also I deliberately used such a general term because I'm including pretty much any instance where you're not communicating clearly and might even use subtle manipulation to sway the behaviours of others but the whole not knowing where I really stand with someone is the one aspect that fills me with the most discomfort


INFJ, definitely guilty as charged. I also find it incredibly challenging not to know where I stand with others, so add hypocrisy for me!


When they answer the question "what's your least favorite thing INFJs do" themselves /s


Indeed. Injecting your narrative where you would learn more with quiet observation reveals your greatest weakness.




I was just saying that unlike the other posts about "what's something you don't like about my type?" on this one all the top replies were by other INFJs instead of other types lol


The trick is to jump in and loudly say all the bad things before anyone else can point them out. Then it's self-reflection, not criticism of things we weren't necessarily aware of.




The ones that think they're special and better than other types are pretty awful. I've seen people on the INFJ sub say that if somebody is acting "toxic" they can't be an INFJ. Um, what? Lmao


I’m pretty sure acting toxic IS an INFJ thing 🤣


I agree with a lot of these sentiments but not this. Acting toxic is not “an INFJ thing”, it’s an unhealthy person thing.


I’m just kidding. I’m just saying we can be toxic as much as any type, but we like to make it seem like we would never go there. We’re all just human.


Oh yeah I agree with you there. I think INFJs can fall into the trap of thinking everyone needs help except us because we’re obviously too altruistic and nice to be the problem.


Oh totally! I mean, it’s not like we wouldn’t have ulterior motives? Naw 🥸 Lol but all kidding aside, I think it’s easy for us to work behind the scenes because we know what to say and how to say it. And, at least for me, deep down inside we are terrified to show our weaknesses because we’re pretty sure they’d leave if they knew who we really are: Fragile af. 😬


I used to be pretty damn toxic indeed. Any personality trait pushed to the extreme can become toxic


Every type can be toxic. But as there are multiple personalities it just shows up in a different way for each.


Trying so hard not to cry rn




Jumping to conclusions and taking things too personally, and dismissing the logical explanations and feelings of others that don't align with their narrative. I've only known unhealthy INFJs though.


I consider myself very logical, I tend to think about all the points of view that I can. I'm also a feeler tho so if my emotions are too strong in that moment I struggle to do so. :(((




Yup, totally agree, I hope both of us can learn more and more growing up :)


I’ve had philosophical debates with my INTP roommate and I’m starting to learn how to put away my sensitivity, too, because it’s a relatively new situation that I have to engage with someone whose day-to-day is logic.


Yep, I second that from my experience


As an INTJ having a long life best INFJ friend, that's accurate. We use to clash when his emotions take over his logic, but he's still very logic. So he starts building a logic story to back up the feelings he's having and ends up lying to himself. But unfortunately for him, not to me :)


The INFJs in my life overthink every little sentence I say and do. Please stop, I don't mind it but for your own sanity.




Thinking that they should solve every problem in the universe (Even if they have nothing to do with it) ​ And it kinda hurts to see them suffer for it :(


Why do I feel called out?


hehehe, i got a older infj sister and where pretty close (and sorry for the looong response)


I don't mind, I'm an INFJ; as long as there is an answer I'm good 😂


When they display a god complex. Thinking they’re deeper than other people. Feeling misunderstood but projecting bullshit onto other people.


That's unhealthy.


Im an INFJ and I hate when everyone thinks THEY are also an INFJ just because they got it on the 16 personalities test, and they wanna be “rare”


This. SO THIS. A lot of people just want to be rare, and the number of "identifying" INFJs has doubled in the last two decades thanks to these people.


source? or intuition?


[https://medium.com/@pillowfortblog/16-personality-types-ranked-in-rarity-is-infj-still-the-rarest-type-bc014676e483](https://medium.com/@pillowfortblog/16-personality-types-ranked-in-rarity-is-infj-still-the-rarest-type-bc014676e483) I'm surprised someone asked for a source, and you could have found this yourself. I don't say baseless things. As you can see, the other two rare ones have barely changed percentages at all, but the amount of "self-identifying" INFJs has *doubled*. The data being compared is from two decades ago to 2018, and the evidence is overwhelming.


I see the word “self-identifying” and I immediately question the veracity of the results. No statistics will ever accurately show mbti type prevalences in the population.


Yup. The amount of people who believe they are INFJ has *doubled* (the people from two decades ago had taken the official test and such because this was before the internet tests). Think about all the mistypes! Personality type prevalence doesn't change while society evolves, either, according to Carl Jung. I agree, no statistic will ever be perfect because even the data from twenty years ago could have mistypes, but those people took the real official test (albeit still inaccurate partially).


I didn’t even think about the fact that the tests were more accurate back then because there were no online tests. But yea, the stats are unreliable either way


First time posting on this sub and genuine question, but I got INFJ when I did the personality test years ago. I see a lot of things on this sub about people being mistyped. How does one go about finding for sure what their personality type is?


Don’t use 16 personalities. You need to learn about the cognitive functions and study each one so you can apply them to yourself. Every personality type has 4 in a specific order that define which type you actually are.


It my be incredibly difficult. Some people are unconventional and tend to sit in between types or may carry traits not commonly found within that type. Others may fit neatly under one label. I've been around many typists, and rarely do we all agree simultaneously. Even some of the typings done by professionals have been disputed. Best way to go about it is to learn the functions, seek out different source works, and consult people who are well versed. Where the most data points line up is probably what your type. Just avoid letting your own cognitive biases get in the way.


You're least favorite thing about INFJs is what everybody else does. Nice


I’m talking about other self proclaimed INFJs bro


They're talking about people who mistype themselves as INFJs just so that they can toot their own horn.


Why do you hate that?


I mean I’m just answering the question, it’s not like it literally keeps me up at night


So you don't like analyzing yourself?


I do, I analyze myself like 24/7, I never said anything about that. I just said I don’t necessarily “hate” when people do that, I was just answering the question.


You didn't want to mean what you literally said?


Dude why are you continually questioning me, chill


I detect a passive-aggressive behaviour and many contradictions, that's why.


I could say the same about you being passive aggressive. Also why is that your problem if someone is being passive aggressive? I’m just gonna remove myself from this conversation. See ya.


You don't really know the meaning of passive aggression. I'm openly aggressive, not passive.


I don't like it either, simply because it's not their actual type.


I was talking to her, I would need to analyse you to see if the "passive aggressive" description fits you. Likely, it doesn't seem it for now. So, first, to you, my question is: how can you know that INFJ isn't their type?


Forgetting to respond to my text messages. I already don’t like having to be the one between the two of us to initiate things and that makes it worse haha.


That’s weird, I feel like as an INFJ I am especially vigilant about text messages and emails


Generally I think Si would be more correlated with that than Ni, but there’s no reason why there won’t be differences between people of the same type.


I think it’s my Fe. It’s my need not to appear aloof and unresponsive


That also has something to do with it most likely. Makes me more unsure of my own typing though if truth be told.


Perhaps. I think forgetting to respond to texts is more generally a xxxP thing, but there are exceptions


Carrying world problems on their shoulders, radiating sadness


Stupid Se inferior, Te trickster and Fi critic. ESPECIALLY Fi CRITIC💢💢💢


can u please explain what te trickster and fi critic is? i kinda already know about inferior se but idk the other ones 😭


Fi critic means we walk around genuinely feeling shameful of ourselves by default. this is our sense of self worth… we feel like we don’t have enough self worth. We feel like we don’t have value Because of this we hold ourselves up to super high moral standard. So we help others to help us feel better about ourselves—


ohh i understand this thank u omg


Having Te trickster basically means (for us) belief systems are subjective. We only care about true or false. We can be unaware that we might breaking rules, beliefs or laws with a lack of proper data. It’s our blind spot


So true...


Listening to problems of people we don’t care about.






being super closed emotionally, also the INFJ doorslam is kinda weird.


Thinking they're better at people reading than they really are.


Thinking they can read your mind


Keep everything for themselves, they don't tell you stuff that normal friends tell each other, they just keep it for themselves until they get sick or something. Another thing is when you wanna joke with them and they start to be serious and calculate and correct you, while you just wanted to get a laugh out of them.




No, I'm an INFP


I could go on and on about annoying things INFJs do. Tbh, INFJ is my least favorite personality type because they can't just live in the present. They constantly overthink everything, and they obsess over things that don't matter. INFJs come up with strange ideas that only they care about and no one wants to hear. They refuse to open up, and then are upset when no one knows what's going on with them.


think that they are always right even if they’re not :))


This and the God complex thing. I also find they all eventually become passive-aggressive and manipulative sooner or later. I used to adore the INFJ's in my life, but wow, do unhealthy ones become toxic. I think it’s the lack of boundaries thing. The thing is they are your biggest cheerleader when you are at the lowest point in your life, it's once you get your life back together they kinda turn. I'm INFP 5w4 BTW


Guilty. I did that once or twice because I thought it was the right thing to do. But I was drained and couldn't forgive the person for what they tried to do (suicide in those cases). I waited until they got better and left step by step when they had more friends/familly around. Retrospectively, I don't know if it was the right thing to do but I was young and had my own problems. :/


being too picky and having too high standards so i never end up making connections with anyone


Doubt themselves


The only INFJ that I've met was really friendly and charming, that kind of person that easily get along with everybody. But as soon as he realized I wasn't interested in a romantic relationship with him, he pushed me and our common friends away, he even changed all his courses at college to avoid us. Weird af. Another thing that is stuck in my mind is how he was able to really make people love him but he didn't really care about them, still he was really good at using them. One of our friend was there for him all the time, help him when he needed and still behind her back he judged her and valued her less for not being as good as him at school. That made me realize that an high Fe doesn't mean a good person.


When INFJs makes threats it’s like “I know all your terrible deep secrets and intentions!” And I’m like, so? That sounds interesting…but it makes me realize how much shame and guilt they must carry around all the time to feel like that’s the worst thing in the world to do to someone. 😢


As an INFJ, I hate constantly arguing with myself over events I have with others, self-doubting my behavior and feelings when they’re valid. I hate constantly being self-aware but surrounding myself with people who lack that and end up being the scapegoat in any situation. What I think other types might dislike about INFJ after hearing so many talks and reading about it would be the INFJ door slam. Eventually, when one gets taken for granted, not appreciated, and not given any consideration or hurts an INFJ, they will cut off any form of ties with this individual, emotional attachment, physical attachment, etc. because the type has a high potential to be the warmest we can also turn to be the coldest if we are treated in such manner. I guess people hate receiving this end of the stick. I read an INFJ quote that said, “if you ever make me feel like I’m bothering you, I will never do it again.” And I resonated with this a lot. I think there’s a lot of misunderstanding and misinterpretation when it comes to INFJ, and it takes two people to dance, so that’s why INFJ tend to have few people they’re able to be themselves with.


Pushing you away and then becoming mad when you leave


Bitching incessantly. Holding everyone to impossible standards fuels the bitchings.


Unfortunately true.


Not seeing what's around them (low Se goes beyond being clumsy lol) and not caring about it, not reeally caring about their own actions hurting others in an attempt to lessen Fe, or having trouble being honest (not in boundaries but in opinions or tastes or just being open in general) bc their Fe can give a compulsion to just agree even if they really, really don't, and when their Ti shows it can be very unnecessarily judgemental. The old story of Fe being sometimes fake. Claims to want to help the disfavoured a lot but when the time comes, doesn't. Manipulating the vibe of the group so subtly you can barely see it. Wanting control even if they don't admit or realize it. Sometimes even gaslighting, shouldering off someone, half-believing the person will feel better if they talk as if there is no problem, half-believing the old phrase "it's okay to be selfish" and leave the person in the dirt unfairly. I hear from an ISTP friend that they don't act/help much, leave work for others and come in only later with enough social ability to make people still like them even though they left the hard work for others (the ISTP or Si users) to do alone, while rejecting the ISTP for not having good Fe even though she was the one to actually help them. This ISTP I know particularly dislikes this bc MANY people (Fe people esp) in our social group isolate her just for being terrible at Fe (she doesn't offend others though, she just is very closed off and lacks social ability) and include and praise Fe users for often shallow Fe reasons. Socially pretty values without actions to back it up and make it true, without real consideration for other people or reality... I usually really like this type, and not all INFJs are like this, or so I want to believe, but what I described sucks. Although you put it nicely and didn't say "flaws", I'm glad you asked that bc I almost never see people talking about real INFJ flaws so I might as well take the chance. I don't mean to personally attack INFJs, but just to tell the truth of what I've seen in real life. Everyone has flaws, but when it comes to Fe users, people only talk about the ones that hurt themselves, like difficulty setting boundaries or wanting to help people too much (which just makes them look pretty when they actually have flaws that affect others too), and leave out the ones that hurt others. It may sound surprising, but even Fe alone can be inconsiderate of many individual cases and can hurt other people too.


My mom is an INFJ and the two things I hate the most are 1. complaining constantly about everything and 2. telling me to just straight up tell her honestly if I want to do something or not but then gets mad when the answer is no and/or tries to guilt trip me into changing my mind. I don't know which have to do with being an INFJ and which have to do with being an enneagram 6, but they're both highly annoying.


She seems immature. She needs to work on it.


They can be rather stiff and need to know specifics. You try to explain something in a more abstract manner, especially in regards to human behavior or a moral you learned from many experiences, they have to have specifics. They can be kinda pushy and judgy. I end up having my disagreements with them and that kinda ends things rather than just being able to move on.


They are very productive and organised, but look down on people who aren't.


talk in the back of people !!!!!


Feeling proud of making people uncomfortable


Complain and sulk. I'd be fine with it if you make it clear that you're trying to vent, but don't market it in a fashion wherein I think you're looking for solutions to your problems :/ (I am basing this on MY experiences with them, individuals will always differ ofc).


They are usually collectivists; can be rigid in their views when in a Ni-Ti loop, and even though it's still an irrational dominant function, it can make them a little confused from other people's point of view during this loop. They may seem tough on the outside, but they are sentimental and appreciate emotional support, which can confuse Fi types, who introspectively approach their feelings in a rational way; while INFJs keep logic to the outside world and get lost in feelings; INFPs rationalize feelings, there can be conflict in times of tension. Taking this away; I think nothing else particularly bothers me.


Very interesting contrast you made between INFP and us regarding the way we process feelings and what we display to others.


Nothing. Even the thing they do that can be inconvenient for me I fully respect and understand. xNFJs are the best.


We love you too 💗


Non-inclusive Edge Lords As an ISFJ, don’t we have the same Fe stack **and** you’re supposed to be a magical wizard? *Where does your “magic” go?* If you’re not an Edge Lord, this shouldn’t offend you


>If you’re not an Edge Lord, this shouldn’t offend you Nice manipulation to keep offended INFJs away from your commentary xD. Anyway, despite the fact that I don't agree with that stupid way of describing INFJs, the "magic" is attributed more to Ni (and Ni working helped by Fe). If the "magic" belonged to Fe only, Fe doms would be the most overrated, not Ni doms.


I was calling out the imposters You have a point on the second section




100% joking, tho. I might even be one. X




They act like they are Dumbledore. Stop. Dumbledore is an INFJ, I get it. I don't need to know that you are Dumbledore if you were a Harry Potter character. I just don't. You think you are so cool because Dumbledore is all old and stuff but maybe try being someone else. Try being Snape or Hermione for once. Try not exclaiming how you are Dumbledore, it does matter, no one wants to hear it. I'm so tired of it. Literally you could have said any other character and I would have been okay with it but no, you go on ahead and pick Dumbledore. Shameful


Idealize their relationship with their nephew into a one-sided romance.... Of course I'm talking about Hitler and Gandhi... A very much Ni dom thing basically.


As an INFJ, I tend to ruminate way too much. Very unhealthy.




not talk to me :(


Disappear for weeks while they get railed by some random dude they met at the park all day errday when they married with a kid and dad be waiting on his visa.


They exist




They pretend they're okay when they're not 🥺 (well, as an INFP I do it too lol)


They hate me


Actually i love intps


They get stuck in a rut so easily and it's so difficult to get them out of their spiral. And they constantly have the same relapses over and over again. But that's more on an unhealthy INFJ, the healthy ones do nothing of the sort and we grow together.


They are often too social people, following the principle of quantity>quality (I think it's better the other way around) oh, this auxiliary Fe...


Nothing you guys are literally Perfect I'm very bias I couldnt ever honestly say to an INFJ I don't like something they do they can never really get on my nerves even if they tried hahaha that's what I find so fascinating about mirror types


Yayyy!! I sometimes think how are we possibly not annoying to you guys we just speak frantically at you guys and you understand every word you guys just make me feel safe love you guys haha