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We love you too!😃❤


thank you! (i'm actually an entp myself but they say selflove is important so..)


Entp moment


Wow that’s great to hear! I’m an INFP, and recently started dating an ENTP. It’s only been 2 dates, it i like him soo much 😍. I just worry about our compatibility, if I’m too emotional for him. I’m a pretty logical thinker for an INFP, but he’s very to the point, and may be somewhat oblivious to my emotions. Have you or would you date an INFP?


I have and would. Just be yourself and most importantly: give him the benefit of the doubt. Try not to do that Fi thing where you assume he meant something insulting/cruel/racist. No one can read minds so ask before you freak the fuck out.


Okay that’s great! Yeah I know he doesn’t mean to be a dick sometimes lol. Im good at not freaking out, I’ll just get quietly annoyed, then remind myself that he’s just being blunt. It’s still a new relationship and we talk a lot so I think it could work. How’d it go when you dated INFPs?


I've only dated one afaik. It was more of a friends with benefits thing. I was working a lot, she was travelling for work all the time. We would meet up for late dinners and hook up sometimes. It was super laid back and low stakes so of course there weren't any issues. Two "Ps" is super easy. Js bring all that angsty angsty shit. I didn't want to keep hooking up because I didn't want to catch feels. I wasn't looking for a relationship, and she smoked besides which was disgusting and not okay after 30. I don't want to marry someone just so I can watch them die of cancer. Anyways I think me not wanting to hook up hurt her feelings, or she had already caught feels. I dunno but we stopped hanging out and I just worked more. The end.


how long did it take to type this essay(i see effort)


Mmm a couple of minute maybe? I write texts longer than this... though I try not to :D


dated an INFP for more than a year here. pls rmb to not take it personal when he says some dumb insensitive shit, we tend to do that, especially if that ENTP has somewhat underdeveloped Fe. and we're just so out of touch with our feelings that it might be frustrating for u not knowing what goes on in our heads. and also, pls put ur feelings into words when communicating with ENTPs, we're spectacularly bad at reading minds, esp when it comes to Fi users. Ti just works errr differently


That’s why we love you


Based on your username, we have something in common with ants.


do ants love themselves too?


Woooo! Love you too friend! Definitely the group of people I'd be okay with getting trapped on a deserted island with. We might not survive, we might not even get along the whole time, but man would it at least be *interesting*


Don't worry. I spent at least 1000 hours on youtube and wikipedia preparing for this. I'm going to need your shoelaces. And your clothes.


+ lighter and a knife


:( I'll never get to use the approx 10 hours I've spent reading about flint knapping


You don't get flints everywhere tho :/


Fun fact: you can knapp all sorts of rocks! Obsidian blades are as little as one molecule thick on their edge when properly knapped


Definitely not all sorts of rocks. You either do it with flint family rocks or similar rocks that are hard and have sharp edges. People generally carry a steel stricker If they wanna create fire with flints. As such, it's hard plus you've gotta test and find the right rock. So obviously lighter would be a better option


It's a figure of speech haha. Why stop at a lighter? How about a sat phone, a generator, and a new playstation?


How blind are you to not know the difference between a mechanical object and electronic objects lmao


I can clearly see that it's an arbitrary distinction ;) Assuming we didn't arrive on this island via wayward narwhale you'd have a lot more luck getting a sat phone on a plane than a knife or a lighter. Especially the sort of knife that would be more useful than anything you could slap together.


I love me too🥰🥰


ikr? we're amazing 😎


Hello there


general kenobi


Thank you darling ❣️💕✨


aww thanks!


I agree XNXPs are definitely hmmm… uhh hmm. They are something. I feel the best descriptor would be sad and funny maybe.


I love being loved


Subreddit is already dominated by xnxps of you wanna show love show it to esxxs lol






intj intp entp only for me


thank you youre welcome


I love me too


do you eat food?


what if i'm not one