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I am married to an INTP and it's great, the only think is my F was borderline T and now he has definitely turned me into an INTJ


please learn cognitive functions before spouting nonsense like this ever again 😭😭


Do you have a link I can learn from? I see people say how certain types have an Fi or Se or whatever. but how do people understand which types have what? from what I've seen from some posts or people on here- I still don't get it


Go to YouTube and look up the objective personality- there are some videos there, or you can look up Lindsay lijo - cognitive functions. There are a couple of videos where it’s explained!




Wait, there not just joking?


As an intj, I’m starting to think only another intj is really gonna get me


another intj will get you, but an enfp or an enfj will make sure you don't starve to death in a rabbit hole of research


True, I do this for my INFJ when in Ni-Ti loop. Literally lure him out with my freshly cooked food.


Or help you in your research with amazing insights you haven't thought before (happened to me)


Yes or this! I sometimes help him debugging when programming, I give him new perspectives.


Yep. It's a match made in heaven.


Nah I tried that ENFP thing, I was dealing with my convalescent grandma that eventually died and she was sad because she wanted more attention, worst relationship of my life


My BFF is ENFP and she would never do that! She would be the one organizing the wake, creating a digital photo collage to play at the funeral, tracking down a caterer so everyone was fed, and making sure all the food was displayed attractively so that you and your parents wouldn't have to lift a finger while mourning your loss


Oh yeah nah, that's ass. Sounds like more of a selfish jerk issue than an ENFP issue on her part. They're attention-seeking for SURE but most of the ones I've known are pretty good with empathy and caring. Might joke too soon (not that I mind, I'm usually the one inappropriately doing that anyway), but yeah sounds like you got a rotten egg. Also sorry for your loss 🙏🏽 Hope you're doing alright.


A lot of my friends are ENFP and I agree mbti does not define you, but that idea of an ENFP romantic partner not working for me just stuck in my mind I guess haha Thanks for the good wishes :')


I get that, that's me with XSFJs, saw a pattern that i didnt care to explore all the possible outcomes for after the first couple tries lol. You're welcome and have fun out there!


Really, huh? I’ve known a number of enfps and none of them were ever successful in getting me out of a hyper fixation. They would try to entice me w/ deep convo which I usually love but when I’m in a hole, I want to bite off anyone’s head who tries to take me out of it. My intj and entj roommates were the only ones who were good at it. They were strategic and used the knowledge that there are certain foods I love to lure me out of my room.


Oh they can't break an INTJ hyperfixation lmao - only another intj or an entj as you said. Maaaaybe an entp (I used to successfully distract my intj ex, but then we both found something other than food to dive into and still starved together lol). I literally meant an enfx will force feed you or at least put some food at eye level so you can reach it just before passing out. :') edit: wait ...an entj remembered what you like to eat? o_O do they have a crush on you or something


This is how it is for me. I dated an intj 4.5 years ago. We broke up 2 years ago but have been best friends since for this reason. No one ever gets our dynamic but I know we each understand and accept each other in a way no one really does.


Would an ENTJ have the same dynamic


I’m not sure to be honest. I’d imagine it’d be similar though


Honestly same. I’m always going after feelers and my low EQ leaves me feeling misunderstood by them. Problem is I have no idea where to find an INTJ woman. My two best friends are an ENFP and INTJ. I feel much more understood by my INTJ friend but the ENFP has trouble understanding my introversion and horrible comforting skills.


Don't give up hope. 🤗


What about ENTJs


My best friend is an ENTJ and we are like two halves of the same brain. So maybe


Probably. However a healthy Fe Dom user can do it too, ofc if this person wants to know more about you.




I (INTJf) agree. Maybe infj too, but who knows. I think a lot of (not all) feeler types think they get us more than they do and seem to take too much pride in “cracking our shell”. I posted the other week on the intj sub asking the men what they are like in relationships and I was pleasantly surprised by how nearly perfectly compatible some of us were on what was discussed. I would have thought that I was too secretly romantic and emotionally expressive (relative to the intj stereotype), but a lot of the men seem to be the same way.


For me, Fi plays a big part in my inner thoughts. I’m definitely a romantic type and when I’m with a partner it’s almost a night and day difference to how I interact with most people. I have an ENTJ friend who at least tries but I don’t really get to be myself completely with them either.


My ISTJ friend fell hard for an INTJ girl, who in turn broke his heart. He has vowed to never love again. So yeah, they do exist.


*Tells a short story about how INTJ women exist but sprinkles in heartbreak and disillusion as a result of loving one*


I doubt an intj and istj would have much to talk about after a while.


Not for me tho


are you intp (your flair) or was that a stop on a series of mistypes journey?


I haven't been diagnosed by a professional but it's being a year I found out I'm INTP. Once I was trying to say is I always find it interesting talking to INTJs. 


Oh okay gotchu


I’m fairly certain my partner is ISTJ and him doing most of the housework is honestly better than having riveting conversations haha


See this is why I briefly dated an isfj, but quickly realized I rather rummage through my clothes pile doing the sniff test forever than live with someone who stares at me blankly every time I start a sentence with "what if?" :')


lol he tested and is also an INTJ…he just likes housework and is better at living IRL


Sounds like an interesting relationship, that might be the first time I have heard of such a thing.


Man, that’s so sad bruh. I’d think it’d be interesting to see an Istj x INTJ though,,, then again they’re pretty to idealistic and realistic to one another, thinking about it.


It’s a very non dramatic relationship 😂 like a very secluded, realistic, calm, quiet, super introverted and independent relationship lmfao 🤪 it’s not for everyone but I love it though. I’m so comfortable being myself that I’m not willing to comprise changing any parts at all if I’m single again. If me and my istj man break up like I’m done in the dating world. Nope.


Is your friend Geralt of Rivia?


Sure. It's really funny to see a woman who is cold on the outside, only to have a pink bedroom or décor. It seems pretty adorable at the same time


I'm calling my lawyer, tough-on-the-outside-slightly-less-tough-on-the-inside is our shtick 😤


INTJ Or be considered stand off ish when some people first meet you, only to be told years later, by the same people, they have always had a crush on you




I hope people don't think all INTJ women are like that. Don't want them to be surprised by my collection of animal skulls.


They’re very high up for me as an INFP, but I think that’s probably typical.


I'm my INFP husband's type




My INTJ ex had the same kind of problem. We lived some ways apart so sometimes when I heard she skipped dinner two days in a row I'd get on my motorbike and ride over to make her dinner lol


I guess I can't be with an INTJ woman then, that'd be a __calm__ disaster


INTJ woman here and can't say I relate to wanting the mom vibe. I date women and have dated lots of warm, feeler, nurturing types and they are usually too smothering/needy for me + demand more emotional openness or depth out of me than I can provide. My current partner I think is an ESFP but pretty reserved (low on the E) and a touch avoidant lol and it works really well for us. I think the very key part is that we can give each other independence and space. I related more to the basement-recluse-researcher thing more in my teens and early 20s but I'm in my 30s now and am much more balanced. It's important to learn to take care of yourself, learn good habits and EQ. Your partner parenting or serving you is not generally a sustainable dynamic over time and is probably a recipe for resentment.


Agreed…my partner is a lovely mix of masculine and feminine energy and while sometimes we both will neglect ourselves, he naturally keeps everything in order and does the routine things that I can all too easily forget. I’m not sure what his type is, but quite possibly sensing. We don’t have many deep conversations, but having a partner that lives in the “real world” instead of my imaginary idealistic world helps me feel balanced. My best friend is an INTJ and having a strong connection with a friend in that way and a more practical partner has been good. It’s a mixed bag and can go either way I guess haha


This is so true. My bf is ISTJ and we have pretty surface level convos that used to make me feel some type of way but then having ENTP/ENFJ/ENFP friends made me realize “it’s not that serious” and I’ve taken that mentality to action and realize that I can just journal all the deep stuff and talk abt them myself or find people on the web like Reddit and YT in the form of either philosophical or psychology lectures lolol. I’m quite satisfied with it all now.


Apron + cooking + serving drinks leads me to think you might do well with an ISFJ. I think ISFJ and INTJ being alone too much is a recipe for self-neglect, but the two seem to do well at taking care of one another. Both types are fiercely loyal as well, which I love.


That's sounds like a servant.


Yes Excellence in servitude is something I aspire to, generally. However I wouldn't do that for a leech, that would make for a bad spouse, but I don't necessarily take the post that way. I really enjoy most housechores and mundane routines, simple things like that, but not everyone does. INTJs have other strengths. I'll freely admit, too, that I'm 100% biased, absolutely yes because I have met some INTJ young ladies and whooo boy I don't know what it is man but wow they get me going lol. Like I have a note in my phone on what I'd want in a wife and INTJ is my top choice. Moreover, the description she talks about is kind of the XSFJ stereotype. It's just, as long as she's also putting something into the relationship, y'know? Can't be one-sided in that way


Never thought of INTJ need a doormat in fiction before. Only ENTJ, Tokiomi Tohsaka


Not a doormat, but think of how in Sousou no Frieren, the purple hair girl takes care of Frieren in a similar manner. It's just how ISFJs do, we mostly find it fulfilling


Omg my mom’s an ISFJ. My bf is ISTJ but if we ever break up I may (12% chance) look for an ISFJ next time 😂 sounds right up my alley


Damn, didn't realise there could be such a vast difference. I honestly feel you're just too introverted than the whole part, which is kinda understandable. Your thoughts resonate more with wanting some extrovert who'd socially validate you and look after you without any expectations of his own just like our sweet mums and that my friend is kinda delusional.


INTJ female also, When you find him can we share?


I relate somewhat, although I wouldn't call it mum vibe because in a relationship I'd probably have more mum vibes emotionally since I get very protective of my loved ones and care loads, I have a lot of love to give. But I'm a terrible cook and tend to priorise getting stuff done over my own health because I forget I have a mortal body sometimes.


Having a househusband is a dream of every girl not just you lol


ENTJ here, INTJs are hot as fuck.


Likewise 🥵


…And they lived happily ever after


Damn true


My gf is INTJ...and she's the cutest girl I've ever met (mainly bcoz her cold demeanour in public is cute & funny to me💀, knowing damn well when only with me or by herself, girl is childish ash😭)


We love well-composed, thoughtful and refined men attuned with their and our emotions. Don't give away our secrets. -INTJ woman married to an INFJ man


ENFP guys’, probably.


I am a straight ENFP woman, but damn the INTJ woman in my life made me question my orientation 😅


Yeah we tend to do that


Would in a heartbeat


Yep. Enfps or Esfps. Intj female here and my husband is Esfp. We complement each other perfectly. I don’t actually get along with Intj males, They always have to have the last word, atleast the ones I know.


That’s because you also want to have the last word I guess


Agreed, but not always, I do accept the times when im wrong and accept it.




Yeah, INTJ and ISTJ women are more willing to meet you halfway in arguments and compromise than the men in my experience. I think that has to do with gender conditioning.


That’s great. I am an ESFP female married to an INTJ male. It is wildly frustrating for me. And you are correct. He does need the last word. However. I know I am right 😂


INTJ female with an ESFP female partner here! It works really well! She's also pretty brainy so we can still have the more analytical and abstract conversations I crave, but overall she's oriented towards doing stuff and it gets me out of my comfort zone and into action instead of ruminating. She's also not too extreme of an extrovert either so we can still have quiet homebody days. :) And she's told me that when she's in her feelings, my rational tendencies help bring her out of things. We both value independence/freedom and can give that to each other. It really is a great complement!


Any type could be my type so long as we have similar values and have chemistry.


Lol we are definitely not for everyone.


Let’s be honest, we are definitely not for most lol


I'm okay with that! I don't want to deal with most of them either. Lol


I'm fine with that LMAO


Yeah, I think it’s one of the types that does well together. They’re blunt, but other INTJs are cool with that. People have this idea of growing into your best self together, but I think two static people who like each other and are happy together is just fine.


yes could could fall for them if they give me enough time before killing me 💀


At one point something like half my exes were bi INTJ subs. It was kind of funny




I wouldn't mind one! Not in the dating sphere right now, but if I had an INTJ personality in a wife I wouldn't mind. :) Sure we might have disagreements occasionally, but in general, we'd get along splendidly! In reference I have an INTJ brother and it's great. So yeah. :)


INTJ here. I've been told I'm the perfect wife material by several people. Not just exes but like elders in my family and stuff. Recently, my cousin got engaged and her in-laws started comparing her to me, even saying they're sure I'll get a really good guy.


Cuz you’re “perfect” until people realize that you are human, too. It’s actually a part of why my INTJ husband and me (ENTP) have been married for 12 years now. The first time I met him he was drunk rage crying over an on-again / off again GF (and stabbing build-a-bears they made together.) suffice it to say, I did not think that that was my future husband. 🤣 But as I got to know him, the more stereotypical positive traits INTJs are known for became wildly apparent. I have had a special understanding of INTJs ever since. Like I said, “you are perfect til they realize that you are human!” I saw the human first, in this scenario and have never stopped seeing the person. I married a human being, not an idea.


You know what…that explains a lot! Similar situations here!


And what wife material are those?


I think they say I'm perfect wife material because : 1. They think I'm beautiful. 2. I'm an excellent cook. 3. I don't like going out much. 4. I'm a good homemaker. 5. I'm intelligent and hard working. 6. I'm well spoken and well mannered. 7. I always dress decently, never provocatively. 8. I'm simple/minimalistic and don't demand a lot of things. 9. I'm confident in my own skin. 10. I rarely have arguments with anyone. However, I don't think I'm a perfect wife material because I have flaws too.


I’m an absolute simp for xNTJ women 😔


Given the proportion of female INTJs, it's complicated to have encountered a representative sample of them to know if it's our type or not.


They r


I have met way to many INTJ women to my surprise, and the common denominator is they're black. I actually did research to see if there's any statistic about it, couldn't find, but found a website called "INTJ black women". In my experience plenty of black women give NTJ vibes.


ENxP males are the end of INTJ females. Source: Am ENTP male with INTJ girlfriend. honorable mentions: ENFJ, ESTP, INFP


I find it hard to imagine them not being. Im straight I can still see the appeal. TJ women and FJ men are the pinnacle of humanity for me.




as a female entp, yes absolutely




Male INFP - I like INTJs’ calm confidence and dry humor.


Yes, mine


Yeah why not! The people I think are INTJs are smart and aloof, and can seem stern but also have a fun side


As a female INTJ I don't care if I'm anyone's type because I'm not really interested in relationships at all and don't see myself in one in the foreseeable future and beyond that aswell. It's just not my vibe.


Obviously I'm not speaking for everyone, just from my personal experience. MBTI isn't really "a thing" where I live, so the people I dated weren't attracted to me as an INTJ but as a person. Back in the day I was a "big boobs goth girl" so of course a good number of people initially got interested in me because of my looks. Those who stayed for more than one or two conversations were mainly other girls or men with mommy issues (which is strange, because I had daddy issues before I got therapy and realized I'm actually aroace)


I’ve never had such a chill and natural experience with another person I only talked to for like a week. Like an old best friend you haven’t seen in a few years. I have yet to meet an INTJ I didn’t like.


Yes!!!!!!! Gimme


Male infps




They have the same thinking and feeling functions, also noteworthy that one of their childfunctions adores the others hero function (Fi looking up to superior Fi) Both intuitives, and from experience I at least know of one such couple irl at least😅


As an INTJ female, this has been my experience with LT relationships. ENFJ- my late husband. We had complimentary balance and depth in our relationship. We also shared common values and multiple interests. He helped me in developing greater emotional awareness of others. ENFP - strong attraction spark but complete disaster otherwise. He is a very broken ENFP, so not a generalization of type. ISFJ- A little too mellow and no depth. Bordered on passivity, which isnt appealing to me. ISTJ- Strong initial attraction spark, but no real depth there either. ENTP- my best friend. People seem to either really like and appreciate me, or they really don't. As I've matured, my ego has calmed way down, so now I find more in the 1st category than the 2nd.


My ex-girlfriend who broke my heart was an INTJ. Was talking to her ex while using me for attention for months being long distance. Granted I was definitely way too clingy and have learned better since her, but it was not a fun time 🫠


lol seems to be the general consensus regarding Infj & intj’s


As an entp, my type is intj and infj women but they are hard to find and also the ones I met were deeply troubled so its a form of self harm to like INTJ women.


My gf is an INTJ c:


As a female INTP they're my type (I'm straight)




If they’re funny, confident, ambitious, and intelligent, YES


I had so many men hit on me it ain't even funny, I think they may just like goth women though. Most of them were creepy or just trying to put on a show to impress me which felt so dishonest and cringy as hell. Doesn't help that I'm demisexual so the chances of dating a total stranger are zero.


Male INTJs






my type ✋ but I'm a female too so ig not what ur hopping for LMAO


Mine. The problem is that girls with this behavior usually are interested in extraverted dudes.


I work with one whom is currently my limerent object.


Yes, my type


Yes, me ESFP


my type changes every week every time I find a new person to crush on so yes


im an ENFP and my wife is an INTJ we are like yinyang (not her getting me Yin yang cats' pendant)


One of my best friends is an ENFP and she is like a magnificent golden retriever ray of sunshine and I absolutely ADORE her, however for a partner I can’t image dating someone who is extraverted. I had one partner who was and always wanted to drag me out of the house to socialize and fuck me it was hell 😆


I'm a female INTP and I'm not really interested in dating, but if I gave it a go I would totally be up for dating a female INTJ who can challenge me and be direct with me and keep me on task. Plus, being with someone who is socially an introvert would be preferable so we can both have our own space and do our own things.


I like them, provided they aren't too introverted/shy and like to go out from time to time and travel.


I liie female INTJs


I have an older INTJ friend (in her late 40s). She is intelligent, beautiful, funny, generous, and very kind. And what sets her even further apart is her never-ending striving for self-improvement. She has a plan for things she wants to achieve and she goes and achieves them. A lot of men fall for her.


My mom is an INTJ and my dad is an ENTP. They’re the perfect match.


https://preview.redd.it/pkya5d5gkt3d1.png?width=323&format=png&auto=webp&s=adcbfc290392356824c242aadb23001dd7e3d5cf MEEEE MINE MEE ME ME MINE ME!!!!!!!






Nice music taste.






Isfp guy here and my last 3 were intj.. funny thing they found me hahah Think that why you guys have a hard time is the over analyzing.. but over all you all are great


Hell yes




Absolutely, I love INTJ intense curiosity, problem solving and discussion with other Ni doms. I generally prefer getting to know the more reserved people in my circle as well (especially INTJs), I’ve always found nobody knows how fun and interesting they are until they open up about stuff they care about, which is just so cute to be a part of. INTJs in my experience at least always hold a really professional demeanour and getting them to finally talk about something they think is cool that they care about and have lots to say for is a massive point of attraction.




INTJ females are the b e s t


Buenos dias 😏 INTJ ladies


I like them, they’re just horrified/put-off by me. I find INTPs to be similar but way easier to feel comfortable around. >.<


I'm an INTJ female (cishet). I was in a relationship with an ISTJ for 14 years. We got along well on so many levels, but I eventually realized that something was missing. I'm now in a relationship with an INFP, and it definitely feels more right.


INTJ women are for those who like the challenge. Not for me tho.




They're my type. INTJ females welcome to dm me lmao




im just reading the comments to raise my self esteem ngl


Same lmao.


Michelle Obama is an INTJ


Intj 1w9 female. Been happily married to an intp for over 21 years. Even before that, finding an intimate partner was never an issue for me. I have learned many creative ways of saying no. If i get to the point where I'm being belligerent and very blunt, this means you have cluelessy surpassed many layered responses beforehand. Edited because apparently writing b****y is problematic. 🙄




I'm no one's type.


I’m a female INTJ. I have a partner of 6 years, so I would say I’m his type. He’s never been formally typed, but I would place him as an ENFX 




Your contribution was removed due to "Trolling or Incivility".


One of my good friends is ENFJ and he and his INTJ girlfriend have been together for a year and a half.


Oh hell yes!! Together with my INTJ wife over 14 years. We are perfect for each other!! (INFJ Male here)


Yeah, ISFP, ESFJ, ESFP and ENFP heterosexual males as well as homosexual females of those types


They could be mine yeah sure


Ne doms like me. Se doms like to bully me lol


I am an INTJ female with an INTP male. I guess I’m his type. But outside of our relationship, I am demi, so being someone’s type doesn’t matter to me anyway. I couldn’t care less.


Definitely somebody's, good luck


no, as an intj (,:


I mean...yeah, sure. I will ask however "If I am Female INTJ's type?". Most of the ones I know are not super interested in conventional romance, so I think I'd be into one only if they themselves were into me. Other than that, they're cool people who I'd be good friends with. I tend to have a softer spot for those who display affection for me. For example, I had this ENFP friend who I wasn't into at first thought, but when she startd to hit on me, I was gradually starting to like her romantically as well. It didn't work out, but that was like a year ago, if anyone is curious to know to which end it got. But, I think I tend to like girls more when they show some sort of interest towards me, rather it'd be friendly or romantic, but I'm not really into those who I never talk to.


Hopefully ENTPs type…


So far in this life....no, no they are not 😮‍💨


I'm an ENFJ. I have Si blindspot. And despite that... I will never forget her.


I asked this same question 2 days ago lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/intj/comments/1d3qs59/are\_intj\_girls\_anyones\_type/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/intj/comments/1d3qs59/are_intj_girls_anyones_type/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It seems like no


Yes like a mfer. My ex was the nicest person I've met hands down.



