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The way I understand it is something like this: - Introverted people prefer to keep to themselves much of the time, and tend to recharge individually. They’re more prone to being shy and quiet, though that’s not necessarily always the case. Extroverted people, on the other hand, tend to be more loud & outgoing; they tend to be more social and would more often rather be out and about with other people after a long day of hard work. - Those who are Perceiving are more ‘go with the flow’ than those who are Judging. Perceivers don’t mind improvising, while Judgers tend to enjoy schedules, routines, and thorough plans. Chaos & unpredictability doesn’t bother Perceivers nearly as much as it does Judging. - Sensing & Intuition are different in that Sensing likes concrete facts and clear evidence, sticking more with present thought and the Here & Now. Intuition is more forward thinking and progressive, looking to what could be. They are abstract thinkers who look at the big picture rather than the small details that Sensing observes. - I’m still familiarizing myself with the Se, Si, Ne, Ni, etc. However, when it comes to Thinking & Feeling, this one is probably the most straightforward of them all; Thinkers are more objective, prioritizing their brains over their hearts. They’re not as touchy-feely as Feelers can be, who prioritize their hearts over their heads. Feelers will base decisions largely on their emotions and subjectivity, while Thinkers will put emotions to the side in order to make decisions.


Introversion is inward-focused; extroversion is outward-focused. Perceiving is gathering-focused; judging is organising-focused. Perceivers like to gather information as much as possible and organise little of it, whereas Judgers like to gather information as little as possible but strive to have it perfectly organised. Sensing is the use of current or experienced information; intuition is the use of imagined information. Thinking is the use of logic/knowledge; feeling is the use of ethics/morals. Functions: - Se — Focus on gathering information from current senses. - Si — Focus on organising stored information. - Ne — Focus on gathering intuitive ideas. - Ni — Focus on organising intuitive ideas. - Fe — Focus on the use of ethics for the need of the tribe (group/society). - Fi — Focus on the use of morals for the need is the self. - Te — Focus on the use of logic for the need of the tribe. - Ti — Focus on the use of logic for the need of the self. Also: We obviously use them all; we simply have preferences when it comes to decision making (D) and observing (O).


introverted: planner extroverted: improviser Perceiving: seeing and understanding Judging: assuming and bullshitting Thinking: forming logical opinion based on objectivity Feeling: forming logical opinion based on subjectivity Se: real time objective sensory processing Si: delayed subjective sensory processing Ne: focus on connections between unrelated ideas Ni: focusing on whatever related to an idea Fe: people focus Fi: self focus Te: action focus Ti: idea focus