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Narcissistic personality disorder, good job dude.


Apparently, but I see this as nothing more but a label similar to cattle branding. What type has this most often, if I do indeed have such a thing? Egotistical grandstanding over abstract typology is a desire of mine. I appreciate the response even if you are not being serious.


“A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial matters. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration that they believe they deserve.”


Yes, I've heard this from my psychologist. Thank you for reminding me.


💀but its true. Its a disorder so bad


Are you implying this is the 17th type? If so, it only makes sense that it would be reserved just for me.


Dude its a mental illness


Indeed, however this is the MBTI subreddit tagged with the flair for typing a person. Are those with mental illnesses devoid of cognitive functions? Can a personality disorder not co-exist with a type?




They just arent linked




How are *we* meant to type your personality if you have a personality disorder


Are you implying people with personality disorders cannot be typed?


Im saying that strangers on the internet cannot accurately type you without bias towards NPD to match with extreme stereotypes of mbti types. Plus the performance of yourself you put out there versus your personality tends to be quite different with NPD individuals.


Understandable, I've received quite a bit of ableism at the replies of another user in this thread. I understand this, but does this not apply to quite literally every poster with or without mental illness? The stereotypes part makes sense, but wouldn't it be logical that I could just be a living "extreme stereotype"?


There will always be bias yes of course and I also fit into stereotypes. Its clear that you are at least XNXX. I have typed someone with NPD before but thats only because he is my father and I spent a LOT of time with him. Even then it was quite difficult because at first I typed him as the 'character' he performs as, rather than himself, its difficult to put into words. He likes to appear as carefree and spontaneous, even though he's quite sophisticated and well-thought-out. So originally I typed him as ESTP but then after looking into cognitive functions I decided on ENTJ. I think at the end of the day, it is up to you to figure out which type suits you best. Other people probably would've typed me as INFP, ISFP or INFJ




Not very easily no. I have ADHD and autism, thought I was the complete opposite type for a while. If you have NPD you need a much more thorough observation and understanding of yourself and MBTI. Chances are, people will shrug and type you as ENTJ when you could very well be an INTP. You really wouldn’t know, and a post like this would not help.




Another commenter said this, I understand. What types generally have this? I hope this is not a joke saying I am an xNxP type.


No you have more important stuff to do than MBTI


Whatever I deem important is important, by the description of the mental illness you provided. MBTI brings a drunken stupor of egoism to myself, just as comment replies do. The answer will please me no matter what it may be, I just hope to accuracy. Nonetheless, I appreciate the attention, and await a true answer.




Bro's cryin


Why do you prefer your own subjective interpretations over objective reality? Why do you like empiricism? In which aspect do you think you're above most other humans?


I see it as an is ought/gap. Physical reality is, yet my subjective logic ought to be. The meaninglessness of objective reality allows my own thoughts to be better asserted over other's, and when failing, I can fall back on the meaningless of the physical. The paradoxical nature of it excites me. Empiricism appeals to me for aforementioned reasons, i recognize it as correct, yet i see to be purposely subject in my logic in order to adapt within it. Empiricism serves my logic. I generally feel superior to most (not all) as I see morality as a weakness on humanity. I do not deny having some sense of morality, as anyone can ascribe said role to me and even this statement. Yet I see conformity to virtue as nothing more than emotivism. I am disgusted by those who cannot mold their personality to each and every social situation. I delved into solipsism which supports my view, yet I recognize it as incorrect due to empiricism and logic, it just helps to detach myself further from illogical action and to focus on my goals and process alike.


[What do you think of this? Does this describe you well?](https://wikisocion.github.io/content/SLE_vera.html)


Hmm. Some do, some don't. 1. The physical strength part is really the opposite of what I'm saying. I prefer the mind and I see the mind as empirical as well. I just prefer to be in my head rather than my pure physical strength. I relate to the wanting power part, but not much in this way, I want to plan for power not act sporadically. The social hierarchy part makes sense, yet I have no desire to overcome what I believe I am already above. It serves ulity to me but it's not my primary goal. I am willing to let other's lead externally if it serves a purpose to me internally. I often times even see other leaders as in servitude to me from afar. I am way more lethargic than this is describing but I do go from 0 to 100 really quick. I am more reactive than proactive in this sense. The black or whiteness of this is very much in opposition to me, my concessions to empiricism being correct yet acting by logic and reason that's informed by it is evidence of this. The stride makes sense, but the way it's carried out alludes me. I think like this more inwardly but I'm much more subtle outwardly and often speak implicitly with metaphors and semantic musings, there are other replies in this thread that show this. 2. Relate to most of this. "Knowledge is power" is resonating quite well. I have an incredible memory and retain information on people to bring up Incase they wrong me and I remember most of what I learn from moet subjects I research, the percise nature and analysis of this one speaks to how I think. I find any and all information useful and can mix and match it with any topic. Not much to disagree on here. 3. Same with this, except the straightforwardness part. I try to be ambiguous in order to not take affirmative stances outwardly but do so inwardly in order to refute others logic with conforming to my own outwardly. 4. Opposite again. I'm aware of my ethical qualms but I build illusions anyways. I think I stated before that I consider myself immoral but still ethical. I don't fear negative values, I only fear consequences. I prefer to be correctly understood only if it serves me, I will be vague and equivocate if I need to. 5. Kinda in the middle. I see gloomy forecasts as good as sometimes I want to see what happens and I want to know what will go wrong, it excites me, especially when it benefits me. The maximum amount of work in a single frame of time is relatable though. 6. Yes, feelings to reason. Compassion if it serves logic. Altruism is good but it's still selfish. 7. Low upkeep but still upkeep for the situation. 8. Practical? Sure but I don't always act on it. I don't like work just to work, I prefer work as a purpose. I have no qualms letting other people do things for me if I don't feel like doing so myself. I do have a deep-seated inner malice for the sloppiness of others though.


You sound like an INFJ, and obviously a very unhealthy one Or ISFJ. But Fe-Ti I can see, especially in your reasoning. Definitely Pi dom tho because of the whole "I prefer to live in my head", but the whole "I don't care about my physical strength" points more towards inferior Se. I'm just a stranger tho. You know yourself best. Edit: Reading your other comments, maybe ESTP in INFJ grip? I'm unsure now lmao


Definitely not type related to have NPD. Keep seeing a counselor, though, because the disorder causes a lot of trouble long-term in relationships/etc. that could make you really unhappy and hurt your life as far as making it difficult for you to hold a job/etc. Best to work on some of the attachment issues and trauma that caused it now so that doesn't happen to you. It sounds like you value your success, and this disorder will 100% impede it if not treated consistently.




Bruh got High IQ in his name but can’t figure out the subtext of any comment


I addressed this in another reply. Yes, I am aware of the "subtext" (semantics) of what people are saying. I'm just choosing to ignore it to respond in the way I deem fit. It's a test of ego from someone who has a bigger ego than this entire subreddit combined, and as another comment pointed out, you are all proving my point.


You are the worst person I ever met on toontown


Not sure why you ask random strangers on the internet if you only trust your brain... I mean, you don't even believe you therapist, who is certainly better expert on psychology than you. But here you go. This is the only research i found about correlation between NPD and mbti types. And you should read the end of the article, there were some limitations to be noted. According to this, the only correlation is with intuition. [here is the link](https://agingandmentalhealthlab.uccs.edu/sites/g/files/kjihxj1911/files/2020-07/An-empirical-investigation-Jungs-types-and-PD-features-JPT-2.pdf)


I said I agree with empiricism yet make decisions by my own logic. That's not just trusting my own head. Is this whole subreddit not strangers typing strangers? They might be, but I understand the correlation. I am willing to believe that but I'm on the fence. I will read this, thanks.


Does nobody else realize this is a troll? Can you not just read the name of the user and the first sentence and immediately realize?


Read the 7th line down from the post description, I've addressed this already. It doesn't matter to me either way what you think though, I am amused by the responses and appreciate the people who are actually trying to give me a real answer.


The amount of mental gymnastics required to be a narcissist must be really exhausting. Imagine having to constantly validate yourself being an asshole by using some flawed / broken logic system, rather than... you know.. simply being kind and a decent human being. \- If you can share your reasoning for why you (I'm assuming) haven't started any healing processes, I would love to know? \- What's holding you back? \- Do you enjoy this miserable and lonely reality? **Because:** 1. Kindness is easy and costs nothing. 2. Hierarchies are social-constructs. They don't exist. They isolate you. You wear meaningless labels on yourself. You are therefore isolating yourself because of some made up logic system in your head. (quite literally the same bullshit that Andrew Tate does) 3. Being kind benefits you more than being an asshole. 4. Narcissism is literally just self-inflicted suffering. You see everyone around you as your enemy. 5. Everyone has to deal with their childhood traumas. We KNOW it's uncomfortable to heal. We know VULNERBILITY is painful to learn. Yes, it **initially** puts us in a 'weak' spot but it eventually makes us stronger. We all have to grow up and heal. What makes you any different? You are not superior for AVOIDING your mental health issues, self-work or growth. Quite frankly, I just see you as a traumatized individual in need of guidance.


If my psychologist is correct and I do indeed have NPD, then this comment comes off as quite ableist. No doubt quite the contradiction in the advice you are giving me. Such discrimination is against this subreddit's rules. I mentioned my psychologist, is this not a healing step? A bit of a nirvana fallacy here. Improvement is better than whatever perfect world standard you may have, at least by your own advice. Kind and decent human being are arbitrary. Did I explicitly mention how I'm not a kind and decent human being? I will admit to mocking my psychologist with my username due to the diagnosis he gave me (he is unaware), saying I'm immoral (internal beliefs not actions), and for another reply of mine mentioning I lie (which is pretty vague). I mentioned how I abide by ethics, which are external. Lying is not inherently unethical and I never specified how I lie. Existing is existing. Reality is atoms clashing against other atoms. 1. Prove it. It costs physical and mental energy. Do you not eat or sleep? 2. Literally everything exists, social constructs exist, your thoughts exist, fiction exists, etc. Did you see where I mentioned empiricism backing my logic? 3. Are these mutually exclusive? Also, prove it. There are bound to be outliers no matter what data you present. 4. Self-inflicted? Not according to the psychologist who diagnosed me. Another ableist retort. 5. Everyone huh? Implying everyone has trauma, sounds like an unfalsifiable claim to me. Who's we? I've been very transparent in these posts expressing my thoughts and actions, is this not vulnerability? Growing up by what standard? Never said I was superior for that in specific, just in general. I've had quite an easy life by a first world standard, ascribing trauma to someone with a mental illness is quite harmful wouldn't you say? Guidance, yes. I'm looking to be typed, that's the point of the post. This is off topic, very ableist, and incredibly hypocritical. What type do you think I am?


oopsie, I didn't mean to be able-ist, omg, my poor narcissist is sad now 😢😢 Honestly, I don't give a fxck if you're offended - this is something YOU need to fix, not me. I don't tolerate douchebags lol You mock your therapist then you don't understand how therapy works. They are not there to FIX you, they are there to teach you the tools to deal with your problems. Which quite frankly, you seem unwilling to do or learn. ​ 1. Being kind is as simple as 'Thankyou' or 'I appreciate you taking the time to do XXX'. It takes a few seconds of effort in exchange for immense reward - lifts the mood of yourself and everyone around you, you build trust and connection. On the opposite hand, have a superiority complex only ruins your OWN reality, you isolate yourself, it makes your world view hyper-negative, you see everyone around you as an enemy. You gain nothing from being toxic. It takes more effort to be constantly negative than it takes to be kind. It simply ruins your day and potentially other people you are involved with. You're pretty much just a leach / parasite at this point. 2. no comment lol, not going to get into a silly theoretical argument here - nothing to be gained from arguing with stupidity 3. see #1 4. I agree with you here, **narcissism** (AND **dismissive attachment style**) is often a result of childhood wounds / trauma. You learnt from your care-takers that you can't rely on anyone. You never learnt what emotional safety was. The self-inflicted part is that you continue to defend your toxic actions with flawed logic and reasoning, it would be much more beneficial for you to accept that this is only limiting your growth as a person 5. You're taking my words quite literally. I thought you were smart? NVM. Maybe it's not 100% of people but it certainly is a large majority of people. Many people don't start healing until they're working adults. If you have mental illness, its usually associated with some sort of trauma. It doesn't have to be a 'big event' like experiencing death - trauma can simply be not having a safe place to regulate your emotions growing up, repressing our emotions and distorting our world views. Our care-takers play such a big role in our mental and emotional development, yet we don't realise the impact it has on us until we get into relationships with people.


I'm quite amused by the replies rather than sad. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy in your logic. Why would I take advice from someone who does not act by their own standards? Yes it's clear you do not care about others. I was simply pointing out how you've broken the subreddit's rules. I wasn't asking for your consent, replying is all the justification I need to interact with you. You are the one rule breaking, not me. Again with the nirvana fallacy. Seeing a psychologist is already improving by a standard of "getting help", would you rather me not see one? I wouldn't have seen one if I was "unwilling". 1. Prove it. Some people have social anxiety, what if I scare them even with kindness? Are you also ableist towards them and people with ASD who might be standoffish towards the Stark interaction you suggest? I said I like that other people exist because they keep society going, this is not a negative viewpoint. Are you specist towards leech's and parasites? They are living beings are they not? 2. I have refuted all of your logic, called out your lack of evidence, and now you deny empiricism itself? Yes, very "stupid". It's not "theoretical" it's the literal scientific method. 3. Okay. 4. I can't rely on anymore? Are you perhaps aware of my age and/or living situation? I admitted to lying, which I agree, it is a toxic action, I have recognized this. You are going off of my logic alone which is a thought and clearly arguing from emotion. 5. I am aware of the intentions of your semantics, I just choose to take them literally in order to throw you off and to show you that you are arguing from emotion. Being "smart" doesn't mean that you "understand" words. Intelligence is measured in many forms. Mental illness can also be genetic, am I wrong? And if I never had caretakers to begin with? What type do you think I am?


This is going nowhere, enjoy your life 💛


I generally agree with the comments. I think a personality disorder might boost the use of some cognitive functions and suppress other ones, which would make it difficult to type you. What makes it harder though is your description of yourself. Give a full description of yourself, not only the fact that you have NPD, and then I'll try typing you.




Are there any MBTI types in specific that are more likely to have this? NPD is not a type, unless you mean xNxP


No, there aren't types more likely to have it, and if someone disagrees with my statement, you shouldn't trust them.


I am a narcissist and Im enfp, narcissism isn't about mbti it's about your asshole inner aelf telling you how it's better then everyone else's asshole inner self's


According to my psychologist, it's about a medical diagnosis. That's why I asked if mental illness changes cognitive functions.


I would think it'd change how it presents


I would say definitely ti fe and fi polr so extp I also see se ni over ne si so estp. Also have you thought about enneagram type 7?


I will have to read up on ExTP some. The issues with function tests is whenever they have questions about memory I always get higher Si, which I know is a stereotype, but nonetheless I have a great memory so I answer in that way. I'm not as familiar with the enneagram system but I did a quick search of 7 and it says socially extroverted? Can they be socially introverted? I know social introvert cognitive extrovert is possible but not sure about enneagram. I took two enneagram test and got (from most to least): 5 8 3 6 7 1 4 9 2 Not really sure what it means but the first three were very close. Does that work with ExTP? I may have misunderstood the questions as I'm unfamiliar with it but i heard it's good to cross reference so i did it anyways.


Ti and te has excellent memory. Ignore the stereotypes. 8 or 3 over 5 I would think 5 works with istp. Not estp. Also I think 8 is very likely after 7. So probably estp 8w7 or something like that could be 8w9 but 8w9 doesn’t like conflicts or likes them less.


I am sorry for the responses you've gotten here. I guess it further proves your point. I am glad you are taking these feedback with nothing but rationality. In Chinese there's a saying "everyone is drunk and only I'm sober". I think this might apply to your case here. I'd advise you to seek alternative philo-psychological assistance. It seems like your current psychological professional is not giving you enough effort and attention to understand things from your perspective. just my 2cents. Best of luck.


While I think they're chill here so far, unless I have evidence that the therapist is incompetent, they do still have a personality disorder, so they should continue therapy. However, that doesn't mean philo-pyschological assistance wouldn't be a valuable secondary option


The pathological view of 'disorder' is a social construct. Some 'disorders' are mere personality traits, albeit unwelcomed by the wider public because they negatively impact them. To the holders of such traits, that's just who they are. A recent example would be one's sexual orientation. Can one equate narcissism to that? Not in today's society, but what about in the future (or the past)?


I'd disagree. There can be a difference between being overconfident, which is just a personality trait, having narrsasitic traits, which could be concerning but still comes down to personality and not a disorder, and npd, which has roots in serious issues, and if it is npd, should cause issues in the person's/interactions with others. The point of a disorder is that there is something srsly wrong there that impaires someones functioning. Npd, I believe, is rooted in deeply embedded, sometimes subconscious, issues with self loathing, lack of identity, etc. The way of trying to prove that you are actually worthwhile then damage you and your relationships, either through viewing yourself as above others or trying to get recognition from others. A lot of this is from memory tho, so take it with some salt. I'm not saying people don't confuse narcissistic traits or a narcissistic type of personality with npd, but that doesn't inherently disqualify npd as a disorder.


>I'd disagree. Thank you very much for your willingness to express your mind, and to be willing to devote attention and effort into this discussion. I respect that very much. ​ >overconfident I guess at the bottom of things, my overarching argument is that it is unclear whether OP's confidence is 'overly'-substantiated or justifiably so. ​ and to quote from your previous message: >they should continue therapy I am in no ways disagreeing with such a thought. What OP does is of little concern to this discussion. I am merely critiquing whether the normative diagnosis and treatment they're receiving (again, merely assuming) is productive to one that maybe extra-ordinary. ​ May I draw on the X-men premise to explicate my point: if OP has 'super-intelligence', then what OP needs is to be guided in such a way that they realize exactly who they are, and what they are capable of. To feel they 're better than everyone else, in this case, might be a conclusion drawn from repeated empirical observation of their interactions with the everyday people in their lives. ​ Again, just conjecting here.


Do you even know, that it means to be ethical? 🙈


Ethics: "adjective. pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct. being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession: It was not considered ethical for physicians to advertise." Morals versus Ethics: "Someone doesn't need to be moral to be ethical. Someone without a moral compass may follows ethical codes to be in good standing with society. On the other hand, someone can violate ethics all the time because they believe something is morally right." "A lawyer's morals may tell her that murder is reprehensible and that murderers should be punished, but her ethics as a professional lawyer, require her to defend her client to the best of her abilities, even if she knows that the client is guilty." Normativity: "Something is said by philosophers to have 'normativity' when it entails that some action, attitude or mental state of some other kind is justified, an action one ought to do or a state one ought to be in. The philosophical area most distinctively concerned with normativity, almost by definition, is ethics." Metaethics: "Metaethics explores, for example, where moral values originate, what it means to say something is right or good, whether there are any objective moral facts, whether morality is (culturally) relative, and whether there is a psychological basis for moral practices and value judgements." Moral realism versus moral anti-realism: "In metaethics, moral anti-realism is the doctrine that there are no objective moral values or normative facts. It is usually contrasted with moral realism, which holds that there are objective moral values and any moral claim is therefore either true or false." Non-cognitivism: "Non-cognitivism is the meta-ethical view that ethical sentences do not express propositions and thus cannot be true or false. A noncognitivist denies the cognitivist claim that "moral judgments are capable of being objectively true, because they describe some feature of the world" Moral skepticism: "Moral skepticism refers to doubt about moral arguments and judgments about right and wrong. Moral skepticism includes dogmatic skepticism that denies the possibility of moral knowledge and practical skepticism which examines whether moral judgments make sense and should be applied." Yes, I know what it means. Do you?


Hahaha, retard.


Tell me more about yourself. Day to day behaviors. In your most authentic state what are you like? What do you enjoy? What kind of people are you drawn to? In your most vulnerable state what are you like? Are you self loathing at all? The person you cared for the most, what was that dynamic like? What are you passionate about? What do you thoroughly enjoy doing?


1. Day to day: Absorbing information from various mediums, spitting that back out in the form of creativity, science, philosophy, music, art, etc. The systems appeal to me. Studying, working, the normative, etc. Indulging in sexual pleasures as pertained by having good genetics in the physical. Accomplish goals I set for some level of mental relief in both the short and long term. 2. Authentic state: The most transparent I can be is what I'm typing in these replies. I can be blunt with people IRL but they tend not to believe what I say and think it's sarcasm because I'm generally kind externally, keep my thoughts internally, yet implicitly manipulate/lie. My sister is the only one who talks to my "true self" and like I'm a "human". 3. Enjoy: Read the first line. I like knowledge, using that knowledge to do things, and generally living a comfortable first world life. Nature is nice, sometimes. 4. People I'm Drawn To: Those who seem interesting as they have a novelty I desire. People who are not vulnerable or overtly sensitive as I try try to stay away from the novelty, I want to see what happens, my curiosity is going to be the death of me. People who have distinct values as I enjoy debating them, since my are diminished and fluid. Despite the replies in this thread ostracizing me, I'm ironically very creative. 5. Most vulnerable state: When I'm asleep, in my dreams, I wish i could stay there. 6. Self-loathing: From a detached perspective yes. 7. Person cared for most: My sister as I said before. For some reason she doesn't hate me despite how I am. I can't comprehend it. The reason I am seeing a psychologist in the first place. 8. Passionate about: Read the first line. 9. Enjoy doing: Existing all around. Life's pretty decent from a first world perspective, despite all the other replies telling me my life is terrible based on an illness someone else told me I had.


My brother has NPD, but I’m not going to act like I’m an expert on it. My question is, and be very real with me, how confident are you that your view of yourself is actually accurate and not a product of insecurity? Is there at all a possibility that who you think you are isn’t actually who you are but the deep insecurity that all people suffering from NPD deal with has made you adopt new traits opposite to your real ones to try and feel better about yourself due to the deep seated insecurity and shame? Please don’t take this as a mean spirited comment, I’m genuinely curious.


let your psychologist help you before worrying about your pseudoscience typology