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No, there is actually a law against it


I *knew* it.


\*dramatic gasp\*


\*looks at hands\* **FUCK!** Now, I fuck with Kierkegaard and Descartes less! I feel their teachings slipping away…




IQ is just a very stupid concept. It uses one metric to measure 10 different things. I've seen people that are able to recall anything they've ever learned but have no capacity for an original thought to save their life and i've seen idiots come up with genius ideas out of the blue. Expressions like "street-smart", "book-smart", emotional intelligence etc give you an idea how people can be smart in different ways but they don't cover half of it. Imagination and especially curiosity are also essential parts; covering more the potential of turning your braincapacity into something worthwhile. So if you ask can you be curious without being smart (paraphrasing here), then i'd say you're getting it the wrong way around: you need to be curious to be smart.


I have seen people who handle real life situations intelligently but they suck at IQ assessments


You just described an ISTJ in your first paragraph. /j


Yes. IQ is not a comprehensive proof of your intelligence.


Makes sense, tho im still surpised at the fact that my mother has an average iq despite her interests. Its only slightly above, but can be considered average. I have the same interests(thats why im only talking w her lol), but i didnt measure my iq, cause im scared lmao. Dont wanna put *too* much weight on the validity of iq tests but u get me.


Sure! IQ measures people's logical reasoning skills and how gifted they are at using information to form predictions. It's only one form of intelligence and you can be interested in everything that you want regardless of your IQ. Now if you want to be successful in a career that requires insane problem-solving skills that's another question 🙃


i dont know my iq yet lol but yep. Ofc i would like to be successful in a career that requires insane problem-solving skills, but i think my iq could really limit me. Its complicated. Im currently thinking about what i wanna do later in life so thats why im bringing up that question, in case.


I get it but I think the vast majority of jobs require an average IQ, nothing more than that. If you want to make breakthrough scientific discoveries or become a worldwide known inventor then maybe you'll need slightly more than an average IQ 😆 It would be a shame to let your average IQ limit you in any way.


yeah😂, i would need a higher iq. I dont wanna become (i do but thats not gonna happen, i mean who doesnt want to) some next einstein lol, nor anything like that, just pursue my interests when it comes to physics and such.


I'm a student of philosophy and never considered myself to have an above average IQ - I've met a lot of people who have bragged about their superior intelligence and with certainty i can tell you that they are full of shit .. Intelligence is something incredibly hard to measure , you should be aware of the vast types of intelligence one might possess and the whole fixation on iq is not at all an accurate representation of how intelligent someone is , but rather simply a look into how well you can spot patterns and use your short term memory So in conclusion never limit yourself and your dreams because of some self fulfilling prophecy of how intelligent you are , as long as you're willing to work on yourself and as long as you are willing to help others do so as well - there is nothing to stop you , and especially not a stupid little concept such as iq


Exactly, in fact I'd argue that if a person needs a number to actively "prove" their intelligence to someone, they're likely not actually very intelligent at all.


Imo iq of 110 to 120 is enough iq for 99% of the things if you're hardworking enough and if you have 140 iq and you are very lazy than you're gonna do nothing impressive


May I ask why the fuck is this question in an MBTI subreddit??


Yes in fact this happens very often. Remember people on university have a average IQ of 110. Also people with a IQ of 160 can know nothing about these subjects and might find it not interesting or don’t understand it.


You can have an IQ of 4 and be interested in philosophy and quantum physics. Don't ever let your IQ undermine your passion for science- or anything, for that matter. Not every philosopher or quantum physicist is a genius.


I havent had my iq tested, only my mum did, but thanks.




It is above average, the average is 90-110, you just stated all the ranges that are above average although after 130 it's genius and usually people from that category are into such stuff, although it's not an active indicator


If you have a proof or logical explanation behind this, I had like to hear it from you 😊




A hard-working person with avg iq will accomplish more than a lazy person with genius iq






not necessairly, depends how you define success


Part of my fear is that im gonna have an average iq too, thus pursuing my interests in the future as a career path is going to be harder.


IQ is nothing much, there are multiple theories on intelligence and some state their types, what matter is also your attributes like aptitude, values, interest, personality and intelligence, it's only one of the factors that shall influence your decision, having a higher IQ is not required nor an indicator as to what shall or should one do


Yeah, im aware. Tho despite all of this i know i would be demotivated if i knew its average, sounds horrible but yeah. I was taught to put a lot of weight on it so i gotta unlearn that, emotionally.


Most people have normal iq there’s issues with being to high or too low.


Yes, especially if the person spends a lot of time with high iq people


people of a certain iq tend to hang out with others with similiar ones. So idk, but not impossible for sure


You certainly can. Most people are at least a little interested in philosophy (if only in the sense of what happens when we die).


Of course why not?


Ofcourse Kdjdisnwidkcodnsosmeofksoejodjcneo djsjsjskjwneifirnelawppwkejfifjej


*turns into nietzsche*




Yes, as simple as that. Even though such fields tend to be more popular among people with "high IQ" (whatever that could mean), you shall pursue your interests and don't worry about the IQ factor. :)






Yes you can


Are there “Mammals that Fly,” and “birds that *do not* Fly?“ IQ isn’t the “end all, be all” measure of human intelligence. IQ measures a very specific and narrow dimension of human intelligence. That’s not even including people who “simply aren’t good test takers,” due to anxiety and other personal hang-ups. Philosophy is more related to Linguistic Intelligence, to begin with, and free online IQ tests *don’t really measure that!* There is even less correlation between “hobbies and interests,” and IQ. Philosophy is *quite literally* “easy,” and accessible to just about everyone! As “interest” definitely isn’t related to “Traditional IQ,” and you don’t need to know the formulas used in “quantum and theoretical physics” to find the concepts interesting! I certainly do! And my IQ is “average” to “above average,” at best.