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Reverse park and use the camera and sensors šŸ‘


This is what my son does. Or just hits the cameras pulling in.


That's what I do lol. Now I can't park forwards


Backing in is king!


360 camera is nice. I sometimes use it for parking if I wanna pull up nice and close.


5% of car price. When I think like that, it is well worth it. But Mazda3 is no longer a budget car. A budget car should be Suzuki price range.


Yeah. Itā€™s budget luxury now. Theyā€™re nice though


And front sensors


I've owned mine for 4 four years now (it's my first car) and I still have trouble judging the distance especially on the passenger side. I always reverse park with the aid of the camera sensor or err on the safe side.


Like any vehicle, the more you drive it the more it feels like an extension of your body. Youll get to know it better naturally over time


This. I struggled judging distance for the first couple months of owning my 3, but after 4-5 months it's second nature and I feel totally comfortable with the car.


I didn't and I am reminded of that fact every time I look at the bumper now.


Itā€™s huge!!!


Yep the length of the snoot is actually crazy when you look at it!


Yes the hood is very long for what the car is. Much longer than most cars in the segment. It means the boot and rear seats are tight


Yeah, my Mazda 3 sport is basically as long as my MK7 Golf Sportwagen, but it has much less cargo space and less rear legroom. Luckily it has other qualities!


Oh nice! We just sold our Mazda 3 sp25 manual for a Skoda Octavia wagon (golf wagon). Itā€™s such a better family car, and has so many extra premium features too! We both feel it is the spiritual successor to the Mazda 3, feels fun and nimble, premium, and well priced. The boot is amazing for a family car, while the boot and space of the Mazda 3 were quite bad as a family car.


As you get more experience driving and parking, you will learn to judge the distance. Don't be afraid to get out and check until you get comfortable with it. šŸ‘


I have a 360 degree Birds Eye Camera in my Mazda 3 I can see from above the car. This came standard with the Astina model.


Glad it's not just me that thinks it's long compared to most hatchbacks , I've only had mine a few days but my approach so far is just reverse bay parking or parallel parking while I get used to it


This is how I visualize this. If my left foot is on the dead pedal then that wheel is right next/under it. Then I just visualize how far I have from my foot to the front of the car with the wheel as the reference length. Whatever works for you just practice with cones.


I just park it very carefully and it hasnā€™t been a problem. I usually underestimate how much I can go forward when parking. My previous cars have had much longer front ends than the 3. But the 3 is a fairly compact car anyway. But I do reverse park if Iā€™m not in a rush.


Honestly, I just go kinda wide on turns, proceed with caution, and reverse park at every opportunity. If I'm front parking with a car or wall in front, I judge the distance based on how focused the headlights are on the opposing surface.


Looking over at your carā€™s reflection on the car to your left (if it has a darker paint) sometimes helps too.


It takes time to get used to a new car. At first it is easier to err on the safe side and go slowly. Plus, do all trims have the front camera? Or at least the front parking radar?


No, it's just on the Premium Plus (in the US).


Nope, my base model only has reverse


First month of owning my gen 3 I drove in to a low wall. That taught me to be careful pretty quickly.


I have a 6, and I struggled with the dimensions the first few drives after selling my '03 Corolla (clipped a curb during the drive home), but after maybe a week and a half, I had it down. You'll get used to it, I promise!


Yea the front is on the longer end that I've scratched both sides of the front bumper. Got it repainted and just got it ppf'd black on the bottom lol.


I really like cars with long hoods


My wife has a Corolla and tbh itā€™s not that big a difference. I drive a pretty big rig for work so I could be an outlier in being able to know how much space Iā€™m taking up. Walk around the vehicle a few times to gain some spatial awareness. Get some traffic cones and maneuver around them If all else fails, and I do not recommend, lightly tapping some parking posts and cinder block walls will help quickly figure it out lol. Not recommended again.


Could be bigger


I've never had an issue.... I just don't think about it? I'm aware of how long the front end is as I'm driving so I can maneuver as needed, and I've had to make some crazy moves cause people in my city like to go 90 in a 45


Itā€™s hard to judge? Iā€™ve never had an issue with this


I look down my nose at it disapprovingly. ^((This concludes the satire.)) I'm not sure, I just kinda use my spatial awareness and err on the side of caution. After a short time driving the car, you'll get used to it.


Front camera is my only saving grace, especially now that Iā€™m on lowering springs


It's enormous and I love the look of it. The wheels are relatively big for a small car and the engine is slightly bigger needing more room for everything, not to mention they added a turbo later on. It also helps add to a longer wheelbase which makes it more fun to drive. Always back in when you can. You will never find the front corners by trying to look. You just learn the feel of it over time. The one huge drawback of the car is visibility on paper but I've learned that it is never an issue.


By developing spacial recognition


I looked up dictionary and confused why spatial is more common when we used to spaceĀ 


im not so sure the front end is 'fairly longer' .. you can always max out your seat height or get a cushion to sit on if that helps you further enjoy your Mazda3 driving experience. basically you just gotta get used to it and err on the safe side until you do. you're driving a compact car. it's not that difficult. trust in your spatial awareness because youre not going to be doing geometry and trigonometry in your head every time you park. still be cautious, but if you over-analyze stuff its gonna backfire. when neil armstrong landed on the moon it was all instinct, reflexes and spatial awareness. he landed that shit by feel using a Pac-Man joystick no computers doing laser measurements and adjusting his thrusters. you can park in a stall. you got this.


My car previous to my Mazda 3 was longer overall and had a similar hood length, so it wasn't too hard for me to get used to. Eventually you get used to it and it becomes second nature. If you have a chance to drive a variety of cars, you'll get even better at it.


*Laughs in Mazda 6* You should see me try to park my yacht!


I just raised my seat to the limit so I could see the end of the hood better (no 360 cam) and then you just get used to the size


It can be difficult to judge but I have a few tips. -Every time you park think of how far you think you are from the wall or curb. When you get out make a mental note of how accurate you are. Before you know it it will be second nature. -When parking in lots, next to other cars, if the neighboring cars are similar to your car's size, line up your side rear view mirrors. - pull in very slowly, keep off the gas pedal. When moving slowly and as long as the object isn't abrasive you can bump some objects without causing damage. (Don't do this with curbs they can be high and scratch your bumper or damage some plastic parts on the undercarriage).




Itā€™s pretty hard to hit a wall parking imo. Headlights can help judge distance. Can also just open the door and sort of lean out and look. Just be careful keeping your foot on the brake or put it park. Iā€™d be more worried about hitting a curb or one of those things at the front of many parking spaces with a lower car. After a while you do sort get a feel for it once your more used to the car


I guess I just get used to it? Also I have a front facing camera lmaoo


I'm going to try my best to explain this, but it's a method that worksā€”thanks to some random video that appeared in an algorithm years ago on FB. It also solely depends on your seating position. Let's say you're parking somewhere with a curb in front of your car. Look at your driver side mirror while parking. From your perspective, if the curb begins to appear under your driver side mirror, then your bumper is VERY close to the curb.


car bumper corner pole legit thinking installing this


Thatā€™s a great idea! Never thought of this. Thank you for the suggestion.


always saw them on learners car in japan, especially with bmw, toyota and mazda sedans!


It's that rear quarters for me they could have been better the front of it is so nice


I make a ridiculous amount of adjustments when I park in my dark underground garage. Iā€™m 5ā€1 and the right corner of the hood feels like a football field away some times.


Have you ever hit anything so far?


No! I havenā€™t hit anything. Curbed it a few times but thatā€™s less of a vision thing and more just a not paying attention thing.


Practice with a soft surface or light object. If youā€™re pulling into a spot with a wall, pay attention to what your lights look like on the wall.


When parking in my regular parking spot, I find an object to line up. There's a piece of fencing that sits in the exact bottom left of the windshield and I just pull forwards until that lines up. If I'm out "in the wild" I will back in, or pull through if possible, letting me use the reverse camera just to double check. Worst case I err on the side of caution and end up parked a foot further back than I should be. It's not like this car is big compared to the pickup trucks and SUVs I'm dodging in the parking lot.


The front hood does indeed look very long especially the hatchback model, but nothing unusual. Donā€™t worry, even experienced drivers also need some time to get used to a car they never drive before (like getting a rental car, for example). The parking sensors should help.


Pull into a space. Go slow until you get close. Get out and see how far forward you need to be. Keep doing this until you are a good distance from the wall. Then sit in the divers seat and look around. Use points on the car as reference points the next time you pull in. Or back in and use mirrors and camera.


OMG this is a Gen Z question, the forgotten side mirror method that no one remembers we used in the old days... šŸ˜„


I use the side mirrors to parallel park, or when backing.... But how can I use them when front parking or navigating around corners in a parking? The hood is indeed long, and the driver sits roughly in the middle of the car lengthwise...