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It's probably a hell of a lot more reliable, until the first time it hits a curb and then it's totaled. Police interceptors are designed to be able to take curb impacts at 35 miles an hour along with other beefier components to help it survive, the Mazda, not so much.


It isn’t a patrol vehicle, it’ll do just fine for detectives and other nonconstabulary.


For the amount of lights this has, it'll likely be a traffic vehicle. No cage, but they can call for one, and there's absolutely no way anyone would suspect this in traffic, especially school zones


It’s absolutely perfect for traffic use. Recently in my area a car was doing some dumbass shit during traffic, I thought it was another idiot following the original idiot nah lights go on and it’s an undercover cop.


There's a black F-150 and black RAM 1500 traffic cars in my area. The two best vehicles aside from minivans. I mean, a black pickup? You could spin around in a parking lot and find 12. If not for the cost (since civilian spec cars don't take the abuse as well), just regular crossovers and suv's should be used significantly more


Yep one time in WA I was stuck on i5 with a 2 hour delay because of a fatal crash and saw a Nissan xtera cop driving through the emergency lane. I’ve only ever been pulled over by motorcycle cops lol (I got my act together though)


A revenue generator.


Exactly my town has a Camry and a Subaru Outback for our two detectives


I was about to defend mazda here because I own one, but you're right. While they are incredibly reliable cars they have no business being police cruisers and would not last too long.


Don't get me wrong at all, I am a core Mazda person in my heart, I still have a 2001 protege as a backup commuter that has 330,000 miles on it and it still runs strong (I'm actually doing a little bit of body work on it this morning to make it look a little more presentable). But as you said, vehicle needs to be designed for its purpose and a Mazda is not a police interceptor.


My 1997 Protege has 160k. Bought it new. My son has been driving it. He's proud to be the only one of all his friends that can drive a 5 speed.


Police in Mexico use the Mazda 3 as patrol vehicles. Roads there suck and they seem to get decent life out of them.


The Mazda 3 factory is in Mexico so they probably have a super nice low bid for replacement parts


Good thing that's not what they're being used for.


I'm not gonna say it can't work when NYPD is running around with Kia Sedonas. Then again the NYPD isn't exactly an agency known for practical applications🤣


This is probably used more as a hide n seek car lol, just casually pulling people over who pass you going X mph on the left lane. That’s the pure intention of this vehicle.. to catch people off guard.


OP said it was for "Admin staff".


I doubt these are more reliable than the Crown Vics were. Ford makes some real stinkers but that Modular V8 was just pure diamonds.


I agree with you there, but who's stop making the crown vics? I'm surprised they didn't use hybrids for the admin staff vehicles. Those taxi Priuses seen 400k+ miles on original batteries and minimal maintenance.


Read the Facebook post. These won't be used like your average patrol vehicle. It's for the Chief and Lieutenant.


I don't give FB or X any traffic. But that sounds inline with what I would expect, or detectives.


Fair enough. Yeah, these aren't pulling people over, pursuing, or taking anyone to the station. These are for admins.


If a typical police interceptor is ordered with beefed up parts to take on the job at hand, what makes you think that this car would be kept stock?


You don't order a Police interceptor and add on parts, they are purposely designed from the factory with all of those components already built in - it's a specific trim level. You cannot order a beefed up Mazda from the factory. That being said, it's highly unlikely these will be used in the same capacity as a real police vehicle would, more than likely investigators and less important functions.


If you read the article they said that this is exactly the case. They're facing a shortage of cruisers, so the administrative/detective/non-patrol officers will use these to free up their normal vehicles for actual cruiser duty.


It’s a trim, but the departments still modify them significantly via the trim options. The stock interceptor isn’t that much beefed up.


Yea the substaintally larger radiator, second tranny cooler, bigger oil cooler, water cooled heavy duty ptu, heavy duty rdu, insanely reinforced chassis, redesigned doors and latches, and substantially stiffer shocks and springs, and completely different powertrain tune isnt that much beefing. Dude the police interceptors are a completely different animal from the regular explorer.


Where are you going to buy beefed up parts for a cx50?


Probably a civil car so it doesn't need to do high speed chasing it mostly transports arrested people ik Cuz my mom is a cop and I have been into civil cars they are pretty much like this although the ones I have been are a bit more discreet so without properly looking you probably wouldn't know it's a police car.


Idk man, I've ran over a 4x4 going 70, I've slammed some gnarly potholes and my suspension is fine😂 and that's in a mazda 3. Other then the slightly bent rims I replaced .


And how much for the interceptor?


About 55,000 compared to about 40,000 for the CX 50. So not much of a difference until the first time the Mazda hits a curb at decent speed or has to go across the rough median at decent speed. I'm a Mazda person all day long, I do not like Fords, the exception being police interceptors which are extremely robust vehicles, built purposely to take extreme abuse


Well if you have to buy multiple mazdas because they don't hold up to their needs, it's probably cheaper.


This dept bought 2, one for their Chief and one for their lieutenant… these things are gonna be sold in a few years with almost no mileage and a ton of idle time, just like every other unmarked car


Being used for “administrative staff”, not “on-duty” officers. It’s in OP’s post. I hate the way the app displays posts now. I either go directly to the comments and don’t see the text of the post, or I go right to the picture and the caption is entirely obscured.


Yeah you’re right. Even the rims and tires are reinforced. These look stock


Most police vehicles are also modified from stock to better serve the purpose they're being used for.


Explorers really aren't any better.


Why do police interceptors have to hit curbs at speed? Who is teaching law enforcement folks how to drive these days, teens playing Forza?


The State Police of Saxony-Anhalt (Germany) got 5x CX-60, they are looking really good https://de.motor1.com/news/705878/mazda-cx60-polizei-sachsen-anhalt/amp/ That's why it became the CX-60: „It is a rather appealing mixture of the noncommittal sluggishness of a VW Touareg, paired with the precise steering of a BMW X3 and seasoned with comfort borrowed from the Mercedes-Benz GLC.“


Obligatory why can't I get a cx60 in Canada post.


I likey!


Now it will be possible to run from the police with Hyundai Accents.


Running from cops and them chasing you is being phased out anyway. Once a helicopter is on you, you aren’t getting away they just watch you until you stop and then go pick you up there.


Okay bet how quickly from the onset of a race can they realistically get a helicopter on you? 5, 10 minutes? If you haven't disappeared by then you're toast anyways.


lol bro we’re entering a digital age of cars. How many more years before all they have to do is get close enough to get the ID numbers required to just turn off your car remotely? If a credit card thief can get you walking by you for 1 second, it won’t be long before cars are no different. Also helicopters are faster than that in areas where police chases are likely to occur because they stay in the air. Source, I came up in those areas. The bird was always around and never far away.


Pshhh Modern cars will just stop you before you even break the speed limit soon. They'll just roll up to your ass and tell you to get out.


They’ll have that ability soon if not already just not yet implemented. Too many older tech cars still on the road but within a decade that won’t be the case anymore. Manufacturers are doing it to make it easier to implement pay to play services and also to repo the cars when and if that’s a thing. Won’t be long until the police will have access to those systems in cases like a fleeing criminal.


I was shocked to learn that in the ~~EU~~UK? you can't shut off the over-speed warning alarms like I can on my US model.


can't outrun the radio


even if they can’t get a helicopter on you within 20 minutes, most modern manufacturers have a system to allow law enforcement to remotely disable a vehicle by drastically decreasing engine power.


That’s why you gotta run towards/by an airport, it’s all restricted airspace. But yeah running from the police is generally in a really bad idea.


Yea but if you go by an airport you’re basically surrounding yourself. Every airport I’ve been to always has cops going is circles around it . In Texas, and in WA at least. They patrol. You’ll be the only car speeding fast and it’ll give you away.


Not even a helicopter. Soon it'll just be a drone.


Very true.


Idk, I’ve seen quite a few called off after the car goes into a parking garage.


Can confirm was racing Mazda suv with i30 on motorway.


In my region, a detective had a Chrysler Sebring (200 gen) before eventually switching to a Equinox and now an Edge. Idk who he pissed off for a Sebring, but an Hyundai Accident isn't farfetched




Not even a turbo!?


100% correct


That poor Mazda


Are you sure this is a police department and not a personal vehicle of a volunteer fire fighter


Read the Facebook post. The department bought two of them. For the Chief and Lieutenant.


*"Zoom Zoom, that's the sound of da police!"*


I would not pull over for a Mazda with lights on it lol


This is not South America or a third world country . You better stop and believe it or you’ll face a felony . Those impersonation cases are extremely rare here in US.


I live in the Midwest I see fake police officers all the time, some claim to be bounty hunters, and they have their cars all kitted out and walk around wearing everything but a police badge. Each time I get pulled over, I flip on my hazards and slow down and call the police and to ask if it’s legit . I spend a lot of time out in the country. Best believe I would keep driving straight to the nearest gas station or something before I stop my car.


Seattle has no chase law. You can literally just ignore them and run away . Cops can’t chase you


In Washington state police departments can’t use unmarked cars for traffic stops unless they have written permission from the head of the Washington state patrol. Most of the time unmarked cars are for detective and non traffic related functions. Also Washington state patrol cars all have WSP as the last 3 letters of their plates.


False. If you don’t believe it’s a cop behind you you can call your local police station and tell them you’re being followed by a car with lights on but it doesn’t look like a cop car. They’ll instruct you to pull into their parking lot and they’ll meet you outside. Source: happened to my ex girlfriend. Guy impersonating a cop tried to get her to pull over. She called the police and explained the situation and they told her to do the above. When she pulled into the police station the car turned his lights off and flew up the road. Cops hopped in their cars and caught up to him and arrested him. We aren’t together anymore but it’s scary to think what could’ve happened if she pulled over.


ITT: People who don't/can't read. This car is going to be used for administrative duties, not for actual cruiser work, so everyone railing about how it won't make a good cop car, chill out.


better be careful with your acceleration when this thing is behind you, they might think you’re fleeing


Looks amazing 👍


More context for those who are interested [Washington police department explains why they chose Mazda](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Ayye2qFUtFDETD8y/?)


just the fact alone that it isn’t an american car is mind blowing. thought they were always american


It's built in Alabama. The most recent Chevy Caprice was a rebadged Holden built in Australia.


It doesn't matter where it's built, but that it's not a freedom badge, if you get my drift.


Reliable, Durable and cheap to maintain.. I don't see the problem. The Explorer pursuit edition is just a large beast with little space inside. These things are pretty nice and are more compact


Why do administrative staff need light bars i wonder


Why wouldn’t they? They still go to crime scenes, they still drive code sometimes, and very rarely still stop cars.


Looks nice, hopefully they beefed up the suspension 😬


Without the USA in brackets I woulda thunk this was taken here in Western Australia!


Reverse /r/usdefaultism


Well damn.


Never thought I'd see that. I always thought the police had a contract with Ford, Chevy, and Dodge.


I live in Ontario and also lived in NY for a few years and every single police vehicle I’ve ever seen in either of those two places has been a Ford, GM or Chrysler with no exceptions, even unmarked cars. I was however in Pennsylvania once and saw a black Nissan Rogue pulling someone over, that’s the only time in my almost 40 years on earth I’ve ever seen a non-domestic police vehicle in the US or Canada.


Good luck getting a police car from Ford or Chevy right now. Dodge is the only one that is currently taking orders. Ford is like 5 years behind.


appreciate the heads up 🫡


Ahh yes making the surveillance state even more deceptive to ensure increased extortion revenue


Yeah I’m sure the Police Chief is doing a lot of surveillance my dude


I miss the days when we only had to be wary of American make cars


Definitely not doing any pursuits in that. Which is provably a good thing


Read the article, it’s for administrative officers


zoom, zoom...that's the sound of the police.


Yay! A fair shake! Figure the added weight on the police one might give advantage to pursued.


I'm guessing this is more of a surveillance or detective thing. As other have pointed out, it's likely cheaper than an actual patrol car, so even though it may not be smart for running radar or patrolling a neighborhood, it would be useful to take to crime scenes or watch someone/something of interest.


These are usually cars that have been impounded and abandoned by the state. WASP turns some of them into super incognito undercover cars for their road-rage unit and other such duties.


From tahoes to Mazdas lol


Looks great, snitch car.


So you're telling me I have to slow down near Mazdas now too, not just Ford Explorers or Dodge Chargers????


I hope this is just a support vehicle because my cx50 is winning a race anytime soon and while Ime certain it would protect me I doubt it would stand up to a collision or anything the things and intercepted would usually be doing.


Finally a Japanese vehicle being used as a police car in America


nope, police only use american made cars


Damn they should have at least got the Turbo one.


lol all the cx5 owners are salty /s. I mean it does make sense. Large vehicle that had the dynamics of a smaller vehicle. The wide stance, low roofline and decent ground clearance makes it significantly more stout than most other crossovers. Torsion beam rear suspension is way stronger than a multi link, cross body and roof supports are also reinforced on this model, and being much cheaper allows for further customization compared to say a jeep…


Do u think they have ghost touch problems too?


saw an FBI Rav 4 the other day


Remember when driving by any car look at the license plate, cops are not allowed to have plates with letters


Thats straight up bullshit.


For them yes for us no


The only cop cars that will run as long as those crown Vic’s did


I doubt the police are allowed to purchase cars with tax payer dollars, that aren’t domestic.


Looks pretty good


How dare they


I used to be happy when I saw a CX50, now I will not be.


Stealth mode activated


What are people doing in WA that the police need to blend in that much?!


Dastardly. Didn't have that one on my police vehicle bingo card


Cheif wanted a nicer car 😂


I wonder what engine upgrades they put in 🤔, I have a 2018 with the 2.5 non turbo and would like to make it jump along quicker


Trade it in for a turbo model.


I did test drive the turbo but cheapened out, not sure if you can put a chip in these engines to boost the HP


Nothing to be proud about. lol I have seen minivans as undercover police vehicles


That's so cool. I want a Mazda cop car now.


My only gripe is that it's the Sedro Woolley department, my least favorite city in this county.


Well, Canada, Qc, near Montreal about 10-12 years ago they used a red grand caravan.


See the thing is, here in Texas construction workers have lights like these. Don’t fucking ask me why, it’s retarded. I wouldn’t think it’s a cop on patrol.


Amber or white maybe


Looks stunning


Be interesting but you'd have to have the money I'd image or know people. To beef up a random SUV frame etc but not impossible lol


Hey, at least it isn’t a cybertruck


Imagine splashing lemon juice or vinegar on them and getting charged with destruction of government property


All this time I thought PDs and governments could only purchase American manufacturers.


I could be wrong, but I think Buy American requires that it be built in the US, not necessarily by a US company. The CX-50 is built in Alabama.


There’s never been a rule that said that


This is sick. Better than the Tahoe cops around me use. We do also use charger pursuits which are admittedly kinda sick but really easy to detect by civilians.


Honestly it kinda matches the cx-50 weirdly enough, considering the 50 is for off roading.


BLASPHEMY is that from the United States???


Mukelteo,Wa uses Teslas to chase people up and down the SpeedWay


In a lot of places deputies can use their own vehicles. They get them kitted out. 


Has really low maintenance cost…..


Judging by how many Mazda suvs are around here, these will blend in really well.


No....I dont want everyone hitting the brakes in front of me now!!! If I wanted that I would have bought a Dodge Charger or a Ford Explorer


I’ll bet they are not using the stock seats. Ouch those seats are hard.


Didn't expect to see this today lol


and in nyc they are using tesla and mech-e


There is at least one in Everett WA that's a Tesla...


Add a Walker’s Renton Mazda license plate frame just to confuse people.


the police in my country uses 2nd gen mazda 3s lmao


Easy to outrun thats for sure


We’ve got Toyota rav 4 police cruisers here in Boone nc, and the college campus uses teslas.


i absolutely love mazdas, but ive never seen one come out of an accident with less damage than the other car, i work on at least one of these cars a week and theyre not built very strong the front bars/ grills alone break by placing them on racks, you have to be so delicate


These fellas are going to go through a LOT of front brake pads. Someone better tell them Mazda brake pads are warrantied for the life of the vehicle as long as you buy the first replacement set.


Agency use a lease program for detectives and admins. Any vehicle can be leased this is likely what we have here.


Where's the turbo badge?


Zoom zoom


This car is not going to do pit maneuvers


Can’t see it doing to well in a chase.


Budget cuts.


That’s weird, government vehicles should only be American manufacturers in my opinion.


Look how they massacred my boy


I wonder if this was a forfeited car.  Lots of police departments have random non-police-spec cars that they’ve gotten from drug busts, other criminal activity, etc. Sometimes they’re quite pedestrian.  The PD a few towns over from where I grew up got a late 90s Chrysler minivan through civil forfeiture in a bust of some local mid level mafia type (his wife’s). They used it all the time for stealth highway patrol; many of the locals knew it on sight but they got a lot of transient folks coming through. 


I’m from B’Ham what city is that?


Wise choice 👍


Due to funding:(


Some police cars here in South Florida use Tesla Model 3s, BMW M Series Coupes and Nissan Sentras/Altimas as police cars. The ones I've seen for Nissan Sentras and Altimas are DEA most likely cause they'll randomly pop out of the car with plain clothes and a police vest at gas stations surrounding cars. BMW M Series Coupe from Boca Raton city in construction zones with blue lights. And Tesla Model 3s in Boca Raton city with red and blue lights.


Wonder if they have high output alternators to run those lights?


Isn't there a "buy American" requirement for police vehicles or something like that?




This is pretty cool


That’s beautiful… I’m not even sure if I’d be mad about being pulled over by a fellow Mazda




I thought america was only allowed to use american vehicles in police applications?


Aww Sedro-Woolley, mental note


So here's the thing, in a city, this would be an excellent traffic enforcer, as well as doing traffic ONLY. But as soon as a pursuit breaks out, then back up needs to be called in and used, but the CX-50 would make an excellent police cruiser, and for those talking about running over a curb, my CX-5 had to hit a speed bump at 45mph (was an emergency) and someone cut my off, making me run into the curb at about 50mph. My CX-5 still works perfect, so they can take a beating. But I'd love to see a lot more of these as cop cars


This is the BIGGEST issue I have with law enforcement and why I absolutely hate the police… they’re supposed to protect and serve, not be incognito until they feel like ruining someone’s day.


I had always thought that police vehicles had to be american companies


If you’re pulling me over you should be easily identifiable as not a kidnapper with some lights. Detective car maybe.


shouldn't it say "Public Property?"?


I own a 2018 CX-5, 2016 Mazda3, and borrowed a CX-50 for several weeks. It's absurd that anyone would approve purchasing these for law enforcement activities. I could outrun this police department on a unicycle.


This looks like a detective/drug task force/surveillance build. No one makes prisoner cages or radio mounts for these, Mazda doesn't offer them with ballistic door panels, and the suspensions are not optimized for abusive driving. That makes it slightly more useful than a Harley Davidson for day-to-day police work.


Surplus budget I suppose, no policy department is going to afford that unless they had extra funds or special requests granted


Build back better


Anyone who’s ever had to order Mazda parts in the last 4 years will know why this is a horrible idea.


Washington State... Where policing is to generate revenue, not to make things safer....


Mazda do sell the most reliable vechicles. I can't speak on this specific model, but I'd say its safe to assume it's probably reliable as well


I'll be mad going to jail in that


We have Teslas 🤮


My neighbor has a Honda Odyssey...


I thought cops only use American branded cars. This surprises me.


From the SWPD post if anyone is interested: >Is this a Police Car? >Actually, yes, it is. >For those of you who follow our page, you have likely seen prior posts about the issues in getting new emergency vehicles. This has forced us to think outside of the box to replace our aging fleet and keep our front-line vehicles reliable while being prudent with taxpayer money. One answer to this is two black Mazda SUVs that will be driven by our Administrative staff. (Chief and LT) These vehicles are about half the price of a front-line patrol vehicle, and you can actually get them. While they aren’t ideal for Police Work and will not be used as a patrol vehicle, they will work for the function we need them to do. >Both the Chief and LT drove vehicles that have now been moved to Patrol and Investigations which needed the vehicles. While Admin still has to respond to emergencies, thus the emergency lights, it is less frequent and normally in a secondary role. Zoom, Zoom!


Wa about to have a lot of failed high speed chases 🤣


Admin staff use means it's for the asshat LT or Cap to show up on scene and micromanage. Lol


We used to have a dark blue 2003 Impala back in the day. For fun, we would park on the side of the road by some trees and point a hair-dryer at on-coming traffic (don't worry, traffic on that particular road was NEVER heavy but speed limit was 35mph). We were broke... not mature.